The Shakespearean Musem_A Love Collection Programme


The Shakespearean Musem_A Love Collection Programme
― Robert McKee –
experience, we go to the storyteller.”
or museums. When we want a meaningful emotional
“When we want mood experiences, we go to concerts
Free Entrance
A DALDAL-Drama Show
Carles Masó as Hammond and Hamlet
Sandra Fedelich as Olivia and Ophelia
Jèssica Balcells as Paula and Portia
Cristina Boros as Melissa and Nerissa
Iris Calderó as Leila Beth and Lady Macbeth
where the “Love Collection” is displayed. Surprisingly,
some visitors seem to be imbued with the spirit of some
of the portraits they admire… Prepare yourselves for an
amusing three-dimensional journey across time and space
in which you will find out to what extent Shakespearean
delighted to share with you. Enjoy it!
eight-week student-theatre workshop, which we are
relationships. This is the result of a short but intense
Acknowledgements Josep Maria Cots, Julián Garrido, Sònia Mas and Olga Rovira
Executive production:
production Departament d’Anglès i Lingüística with Vicerectorat
d’Activitats Culturals i Projecció Universitària de la Universitat de Lleida
Lighting, video and sound effects:
effects Òscar Sánchez H.
Design of Juliet’s balcony and Titania’s forest:
forest Ferran Farré
Arrangement and conduction of choral music:
music Jordi Cano
Dialect consultant for Shakespearean scenes:
scenes Graham Evans
Dramaturgist and director:
director Núria Casado
Researchers and assistantassistant-production team:
team Paula Boanda, Dominika Dankowska,
Olivia Nechita and Marta Solsona
AssistantAssistant-directors team:
team Isabel Ruiz and Raquel Morreres; Irati Diert and Alba
Pedrós; Olga Areny, Maribel Contreras and Marina Monturiol; Pau Grau and
Rebeca López; Ariadna Cañadas and Judit Foraster
Julia Danilov as “B.” and Bottom
Elisabet Cuadrat as “P.” and Puck
Lidia Potoroaca as Tina and Titania
Francesc Martí as Max and Macbeth
Tomás Labrador as Ronnie and Romeo
through the Shakespearean Museum up to the last room,
love talks about us and the complexity of our present-day
Diana Rodríguez as Julia and Juliet
A very special guide moves a whole group of tourists
David Poza as Billy the Guide and Oberon