1 AMERICAN ENERGY MINERAL PLC ASAMBLEA GENERAL DE ACCIONISTAS DEL 4 DE AGOSTO DE 2016 Carta del Presidente Estimado accionista, Es un placer para mí presentarles la Asamblea General Anual de socios de la sociedad American Energy Mineral PLC (AEM) para la aprobación de las cuentas financieras del año 2015. Dicha Asamblea es convocada con 21 días de antelación y se realiza de acuerdo a las leyes Irlandesas una vez que los estados financieros de la compañía han aprobados por los Directores. Al igual que año anterior las cuentas no han sido aún aprobadas por los auditores con lo que se realizará de nuevo una Asamblea Extraordinaria cuando esto ocurra. Les envío un cordial saludo. Víctor Sánchez España: Pº de castellana, 135 – 7º planta – 28046 Madrid – España Ireland: 6 Northbrook Road – Dublin 6 - Ireland Colombia: Cra. 14, nº 76-26 Ofic. 201 – Bogotá - Colombia 2 Agenda de la Asamblea American Energy Mineral Plc Madrid 5 de Julio de 2016. Por medio de la presente me permito convocar, según los estatutos, la Asamblea General Anual de Accionistas de American Energy Mineral PLC, para el día 4 de agosto del 2016 a las 10 a.m. hora Colombia, 16 p.m. hora Irlanda y 17 p.m. hora España, en las oficinas de la compañía de Madrid, España, en el Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7º planta, 28046 Madrid o a través de conexión telefónica. El orden del día será el siguiente: 1. Verificación del Quórum. 2. Elección del presidente y Secretario de la Asamblea General Anual de Accionistas. 3. Aprobación de los Estados Financieros 2015 de la sociedad American Energy Mineral Plc y consolidado del grupo. (Resolución 3) dichos estados financieros son adjuntados a la convocatoria. Asimismo, se adjuntan los estados financieros consolidados del grupo. Cualquier duda o consulta sobre los estados financieros podrá ser realizada con anterioridad a la Asamblea a la dirección de e-mail [email protected] y será debidamente respondida. 4. Declaración de dividendos. (Resolución 4) la compañía no presenta dividendos para su reparto. 5. Autorización a los Directores a aprobar la remuneración de los Auditores. (resolución 5) España: Pº de castellana, 135 – 7º planta – 28046 Madrid – España Ireland: 6 Northbrook Road – Dublin 6 - Ireland Colombia: Cra. 14, nº 76-26 Ofic. 201 – Bogotá - Colombia 3 Notas del secretario: Asistencia a la Asamblea: Sólo los accionistas que sean titulares de Acciones tendrán derecho a asistir y votar en la Asamblea General de Accionistas. Asistencia en persona (se ruega confirmación con anterioridad a la Asamblea): La Asamblea General de Accionistas se celebrará a las 17:00 horas (hora de Madrid) el 4 de agosto de 2016. Si desea asistir a la Asamblea General de Accionistas en persona, se recomienda asistir por lo menos 15 minutos antes de la hora señalada para que haya tiempo para su registro. Asistencia telefónica: Los accionistas podrán participar en la Asamblea General de Accionistas de manera telefónica a través del sistema Loopup ( Se detalla a continuación los números de teléfono locales para conectarse: o Código de participación: Será comunicado por e-mail en los próximos días. o Colombia (Local): +57 2 620 5199 o España (Local): +34 914141961 Para otros teléfonos locales, solicitar información. Derecho de voto: Cualquier persona física o persona jurídica, accionista de la compañía podrá votar, siendo su voto igual al % de participación en la compañía. Nombramiento de representantes (Poder Proxy): Un Accionista que tenga derecho a asistir, intervenir y votar en la Asamblea General Anual tendrá derecho a designar un representante para intervenir y votar en lugar de él. Un accionista no podrá nombrar más de un representante. Para que los documentos de representación sean válidos y cualquier poder u otra autoridad bajo la cual se ejecute (o una copia debidamente certificada de dicho poder o autoridad) deberán ser enviados por correo electrónico a [email protected] no más tarde de 24 horas antes de la celebración de la Asamblea General de accionistas o presentarlo en mano el día de la Junta General Anual en el Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7 ª Planta, 28046 Madrid, España. España: Pº de castellana, 135 – 7º planta – 28046 Madrid – España Ireland: 6 Northbrook Road – Dublin 6 - Ireland Colombia: Cra. 14, nº 76-26 Ofic. 201 – Bogotá - Colombia 4 Notice of Annual General Meeting 2015 AMERICAN ENERGY MINERAL PLC Madrid, 5th July 2015 This document is important and requires your immediate attention If you are doubt about the action you should take, you are recommended immediately to obtain your own personal financial advice from your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountant or other independent professional adviser, who if you are taking advice in Ireland, is authorised or exempted pursuant to the European Communities (Markets in Financial Instruments) Regulations (Nos. 1 to 3) 2007 of Ireland or the Investment Intermediaries Act, 1995 of Ireland (as amended), or, if you are taking advice in the United Kingdom, is authorized under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 of the United Kingdom. If you have sold or transferred all your American Energy Mineral Plc shares, please send this document, together with the accompanying Form of Proxy to the purchaser or transferee, or to the person through whom the sale or transfer was effected for transmission to the purchaser or transferee. THIS DOCUMENT AND THE ACCOMPANYING MAY NOT BE DISTRIBUTED, FORWARDED TO OR TRANSMITTED IN OR INTO ANY JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE DISTRIBUTION OR RELEASE OF THIS CIRCULAR AND THE ACCOMPANYING FORM OF PROXY WOULD BE UNLAWFUL. España: Pº de castellana, 135 – 7º planta – 28046 Madrid – España Ireland: 6 Northbrook Road – Dublin 6 - Ireland Colombia: Cra. 14, nº 76-26 Ofic. 201 – Bogotá - Colombia 5 Annual General Meeting (AGM) American Energy Mineral 5th July 2015. The Annual General Meeting, which is being held at Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th floor, 28046 Madrid, Spain, at 10.00 hours (Colombia time), 16.00 hours (Irish time), 17.00 hours (Spain time), on Thursday 4th August 2016, or by conference call. Ordinary resolutions: 1) Verification of Quorum. 2) Appointment of the Chairman and Secretary of the Board. 3) Approval Financial statements for year ended 31 December 2015 (Resolution 3). Approval of the Financial Statements of the company American Energy Mineral Plc for the year ended at 31/12/2015. The Financial statement are attached to this notice. It is equally attached the Financial statements consolidated for the group. Any query about the financials statements can be addressed before the AGM to the e-mail address [email protected] and will be answered. 4) Approval Dividends. (Resolution 4): the company does not present dividends for the period for share. 5) Appointment of re-appointment of the Auditors. Authorize the board to fix the Auditors remuneration (Resolution 5). España: Pº de castellana, 135 – 7º planta – 28046 Madrid – España Ireland: 6 Northbrook Road – Dublin 6 - Ireland Colombia: Cra. 14, nº 76-26 Ofic. 201 – Bogotá - Colombia 6 Notes of the Secretary: Entitlement to attend and vote: Only those Shareholders who are holders of fully paid units of Ordinary Shares shall be entitled to attend and vote at the AGM. Attending in person (Please, confirm attendance): The AGM will be held at 10.00 hours (Colombia time), 16.00 hours (Irish time), 17.00 hours (Spain time) on 4th August 2016. If you wish to attend the Annual General Meeting in person, you are recommended to attend at least 15 minutes before the time appointed for holding of the Annual General Meeting to allow time for registration. Conference Call Participation: Shareholders will be given the opportunity to attend the Annual General Meeting by conference call. Shareholders can use Loopup ( Following it show the local phone numbers: o o o Participation code: will be communicated in the next days by e-mail. Colombia (Local): +57 2 620 5199 España (Local): +34 914141961 Voting by Corporate Representatives: Any corporation sole or body corporate which is a member of the Company may, by a document executed by or on behalf of such corporation sole or resolution of its directors or other governing body of such body corporate, authorise such individual as it thinks fit to act as its representative at the Annual General Meeting of the Company. Any individual so authorised shall not be entitled to appoint a proxy but shall otherwise be entitled to exercise the same powers on behalf of the corporation sole or body corporate which he represents as that representative could exercise if he were an individual member of the Company present in person. Appointment of proxies: A Shareholder who is entitled to attend, speak and vote at the AGM is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend, speak and vote instead of him. A Shareholder cannot appoint more than one proxy to attend, and vote at the AGM in respect of shares held in different securities accounts. A Shareholder acting as an intermediary on behalf of one or more shareholders may grant a proxy to each of its shareholders or their nominees provided each proxy is appointed to exercise rights attached to different Shares held by that Shareholder. A Form of Proxy for use by Ordinary Shareholders is enclosed with this Notice of the Annual General Meeting (or is otherwise being delivered to Shareholders). Completion of a Form of Proxy (or submission of proxy instructions electronically) will not prevent a Shareholder from attending the Annual General Meeting and voting in person should they wish to do so. To be valid, Forms of Proxy and any power or other authority under which it is executed (or a duly certified copy of any such power or authority) must be sent electronically to [email protected] not later than 24 hours before the Annual General Meeting or be lodged by hand the same day of the AGM at Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th Floor, 28046 Madrid. España: Pº de castellana, 135 – 7º planta – 28046 Madrid – España Ireland: 6 Northbrook Road – Dublin 6 - Ireland Colombia: Cra. 14, nº 76-26 Ofic. 201 – Bogotá - Colombia 7 Proxi AGM AEM 2016 Form of Proxy Poder para voto American Energy Mineral Public Limited Company American Energy Mineral Public Limited Company I/We ______________________________________________ Nombre ________________________________________________ On behalf of _________________________________________ En representación de _____________________________________ Being (a) member(s) of the above Company HEREBY APPOINT: Siendo accionista de la Sociedad arriba mencionada designo a : ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ or failing him, o en su defecto, the Chairman of the meeting, to be my/our proxy to vote for me/us and on my/our behalf at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company convened for the day of 21th January 2016 and at any adjournment thereof. el Presidente de la asamblea, para que actúe con pleno derecho de poder, para votar en mi nombre en la asamblea General Extraordinaria que la Sociedad ha convocado para el día de 21 de enero de 2016 y en cualquier aplazamiento de la misma. I/We direct the proxy to vote for the Resolutions as follows* Mi decisión sobre los temas propuestos son los siguientes*: RESOLUTIONS 3. 4. 5. For Vote Against Withheld RESOLUCIONES Approval of the financial statements ended at 31 December 2015 of the company American Energy Mineral PLC and consolidated. Approval Dividends. 3. Approval of remuneration 5. Auditor’s 4. A favor En contra En blanco Aprobación de los estados financieros a 31 de diciembre de 2015 de la sociedad American Energy Mineral PLC y consolidado Aprobación del reparto de dividendos (si los hubiera) Aprobación remuneración auditores de de la los Fecha, _______________________, _________,_________,201__. Dated this ______________day of _____________________ 201__. Firma ______________________ Signature ______________________ This instrument of proxy to be valid, and any power or authority under which it is executed (or a duly certified copy of any such power or authority), must be sent electronically to [email protected] or be lodged by hand or by post with the Company at Pº Castellana, 135 – 7º 28046 Madrid (POM) to arrive no later than 17:00 hours (Madrid time) on 3 August 2016 . In the case of a corporation this instrument may be either under common seal or under the hand of an officer or attorney authorised in that behalf. Este instrumento de representación y cualquier poder o autoridad bajo la que se ejecuta (o una copia debidamente certificada de cualquier poder o autoridad), debe ser enviada electrónicamente a [email protected] o presentarse en mano o por correo a la dirección P º Castellana, 135-7 º 28046 Madrid (POM). Dicho documento debe llegar antes de las 17:00 horas (hora de Madrid), del 3 de agosto de 2016. En el caso de una compañía de este documento puede ser enviado directamente a través de un tercero con poderes. * Táchese a favor o en contra sobre cada cuestión según proceda. Si no lo hace, el representante votará o se abstendrá como lo crea conveniente. * Strike out for or against and fill in the resolution numbers as appropriate. If you do not do so, the proxy will vote or abstain as he thinks fit. España: Pº de castellana, 135 – 7º planta – 28046 Madrid – España Ireland: 6 Northbrook Road – Dublin 6 - Ireland Colombia: Cra. 14, nº 76-26 Ofic. 201 – Bogotá - Colombia