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 Installation Manual.
iHUD for rFactor . 1 MightyGate
MigthyGate Index 1. Step 1. Download the Plugin ............................................................................................................................ 3 2. Step 2. UnZip the file downloaded from ............................................................... 3 3. Step 3. Installing the Plugin .............................................................................................................................. 3 4. Step 4. Installing MSVCP100.dll ....................................................................................................................... 3 5. Step 5. !!Be sure rFactor is listed like an exception in Windows Firewall!!!! ........................................... 3 6. How to configure Windows Firewall ............................................................................................................... 4 6.1. Windows 7 ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 6.1.1. Setting a manual exception for a certain program. .......................................................................................... 4 6.2. Windows Vista ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 6.2.1. Setting a manual exception for a certain program. .......................................................................................... 7 6.3. Windows XP ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 6.3.1. Setting a manual exception for a certain program. ........................................................................................ 10 7. About Telemetry. ............................................................................................................................................ 11 8. FAQ. ................................................................................................................................................................... 14 2 MightyGate
MigthyGate 1. Step 1. Download the Plugin Go to:­‐productos/hud-­‐for-­‐rfactor/ and download the .zip (­‐content/uploads/2011/11/ ) . Keep in mind where is located the .zip downloaded 2. Step 2. UnZip the file downloaded from Inside the .zip you will find 1 file named HUDforRFactor.dll. 3. Step 3. Installing the Plugin It’s super-­‐easy to deploy an rFactor plugin. All you have to do is copy the file name HUDforRFactor.dll to plugin folder located in your rFactor’s install folder. 4. Step 4. Installing MSVCP100.dll You will need MSVCP100.dll to be installed in your computer. For install it you have to download and install it. A Tip for the people with 64Bit OS. Don't use Visual C++ x64, use the x86!!! exactly the same that in the link included in this step: 5. Step 5. !!Be sure rFactor is listed like an exception in Windows Firewall!!!! This step depends of your OS. •
If you have a Windows 7 go to chapter 6.1. If you have a Windows Vista go to chapter 6.2. If you have a Windows XP go to chapter 6.3. 3 MightyGate
MigthyGate 6. How to configure Windows Firewall 6.1. Windows 7 You can watch a video here:­‐US/windows7/Allow-­‐a-­‐program-­‐to-­‐communicate-­‐
through-­‐Windows-­‐Firewall 6.1.1. Setting a manual exception for a certain program. 1. Open the Control Panel. 2. Click on the Windows Firewall icon. 3. Click on the Allow a program through Windows Firewall link in the left blue pane. (See screenshot below) 4. Click on the Change Settings button. (see screenshot below) NOTE: If the Change Settings button is grayed out, then it has already been clicked on. You can proceed to either step 5, 6, or 7 for what you would like to do. 4 MightyGate
MigthyGate 5. To Allow an Existing Exception A) On the left side, check the rFactor exception Name box to allow, or uncheck to unallow through Windows Firewall. (see screenshot below) B) If you allowed the rFactor exception, then check (allow the box for each Private or Public network location you want the program to have access through Windows Firewall. (see screenshot below) 6. To Add a Program Exception 5 MightyGate
MigthyGate A) Click on the Allow another program button. (see screenshot below) B) If the Program is Listed -­‐ (see screenshot below step 6D) •
Click on the program to highlight it. •
Go to step 6D. C) If the Program is Not Listed -­‐ (see screenshot below step 6D) •
Click on the Browse button. •
Navigate to the program's exe file location, usually in a C:\Program Files folder, and click on the program's exe file to select (highlight) it and click on the Open button. D) Click on the Add button. (see screenshot below) 6 MightyGate
MigthyGate 6.2. Windows Vista 6.2.1. Setting a manual exception for a certain program. 1. Click Start and enter the Control Panel 2. Here, access the link called “Allow a program through Windows Firewall” (bellow the Security). 3. Go to the General Tab, and make sure that the option “On (recommended)” is selected. If not, enable it (this will enable the firewall). 4. Go to the Exceptions tab at the top. 5. To add a program you to your exception list click Add Program (near the bottom). 7 MightyGate
MigthyGate 6. A list with the programs on your computer is displayed. Locate the program (in this case rFactor), highlight it and click OK. 8 MightyGate
MigthyGate 7. Be sure that the check box besides your rfactor is checked, then click OK 9 MightyGate
MigthyGate 6.3. Windows XP 6.3.1. Setting a manual exception for a certain program. First, be sure you have Windows XP Service Pack 2 installed. The instructions below apply only to SP2. (You can verify this by right-­‐clicking the My Computer icon on your desktop.) 1. Click Start and then click Control Panel. 2. In the control panel, click Windows Security Center. 3. Click Windows Firewall. 4. In the General Tab, be sure that the option "On (recommended)" is selected. If not, click it. 5. Be sure the checkbox "Don't allow exceptions" is not checked. 6. Click the Exceptions tab at the top. 7. Click Add Program... (near the bottom). A list of programs on your computer is displayed. 8. Locate rFactor in the list of programs. Highlight it and click OK. 9. Click OK again to complete the Windows Firewall setup. 10 MightyGate
MigthyGate 7. About Telemetry. This is a briefly manual about how the telemetry screen works. Once you have bought the telemetry packet (via tapping on telemetry icon in the menu or via market in the categories scroll) you gain access to telemetry screen by tapping on telemetry icon in the bottom left menu. Once you get there you will see 4 panels in which you can see some sort of telemetry. The only thing you must do is tap on the Select Telemetry Button for selecting what type of telemetry do you want to use (you will notice that top left selector has two columns of telemetries to choose. We will explain it later). Once choosed you will see that a plot has been drawn. There you can see your car telemetry in real time. The x-­‐axis represents the percentage of the lap in which the sample was taken. So you are seeing a complete lap on the plot. In fact, we don’t erase the last lap samples until the new ones are reaching their position so you can easily compare the last two consecutive laps. 11 MightyGate
MigthyGate To the middle left of the screen you will see a button. From now on we will call it the Select Lap Button. It opens a screen where you can select some special behavior for the top left telemetry panel. But first we must explain better what kind of special behavior we are offering to you. The top left panel can compare telemetry of different laps (not need to be consecutive laps) so you can compare your actual lap with any of the laps recorded on the current session. Moreover, you can compare your selected real time telemetry with other telemetry type (for example real time speed with lap 2 rpm). For doing so you must first select the type of telemetry you want for comparing. Tap on the top left Select Telemetry Button and select the comparing telemetry type on the Compare column (to the right). Next, tap on the Select Lap Button and a screen with two pickers will appear. Forget for a moment the “Primary” picker. On the “Secondary” one, you can select any lap you want (up to 999) from your current session. Remember that if you selected a lap that has not being recorded by iHUD, your selection will not have any repercussion on the plot. Laps not recorded are laps that haven’t been driven yet or laps that have been driven before you connect the iHUD. If you have selected a valid lap, you will see the real time plot accompanied by another plot corresponding to the telemetry type and lap you selected. 12 MightyGate
MigthyGate Furthermore you can “disable” real time telemetry (always for top left plot) and compare two recorded laps. For doing so, tap on the Select Lap Button and change the “Primary” picker lap for the one you want. To “enable” real time telemetry, just select on the “Primary” picker the lap “0 0 0”. We have mentioned “current session” on the text above. Let’s explain it why is needed a current session and how it works. Imagine you have been driven in a qualifying session an iHUD recorded from lap 1 to 15. Then you start the race without turning off iHUD. This may imply that you are accessing qualifying telemetry when running a race, which is not desirable at all. We have made iHUD smart so it can detect these game states and change the current session so you can’t access telemetry not corresponding to the session. These are the triggers for a new session: • You are running a lap already recorded • You are running a lap not recorded but is previous to the first lap recorded * • You are in the rFactor menu screen for 5 seconds ** * This is a possible case. Imagine the case exposed above (where we explain the concept of current session) but instead of recording lap 1 to 15, you forget to connect iHUD and it starts recording when you are in lap 5. When you enter the race, you will be running lap 1 but the first lap recorded was 5. ** The boxes screen is not considered a menu screen. We are referring to main menu screen. 13 MightyGate
MigthyGate 8. FAQ. iHUD for rFactor shows the message “Unable to Connect to Server”. This error is given by iHUD for rFactor when App doesn’t receive the packets in the communication process: 1. Be sure that Windows Firewall has an exception for rFactor. Please go to Step 5. 2. Your Windows installation doesn’t have MSVCP100.dll installed. Please go to Step 4 and install the required Microsoft package. 3. Be sure you are using your LAN IP and not your Public IP. Usually your LAN IP is 192.168.X.X or 10.1.X.X. a. You can consult your IP with this simple steps: i. Go to Start Menu ii. Go to Run and insert CMD and press Enter. iii. It will appear a Window where you can type commands. Put next command: ipconfig and will appear something like this: iv. Please search IPv4 in the info given by ipconfig. This is the IP that you have to put in iHUD for rFactor. b. Please be aware that if you have a Dynamic IP instead a fixed IP it’s possible that you need to consult your IP each time you restart your computer. 4. All above are Ok, but iHUD for rFactor is showing the same message: a. Don’t worry, you can connect with MightyGate : [email protected] and we will help you in anything that you need get iHUD for rFactor running. 14 MightyGate