July 10 - St Margaret Mary Church
July 10 - St Margaret Mary Church
ST. MARGARET MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL 1314 Fair Ave., San Antonio, Texas 78223 — Parish Office: 532-6309 Fax: 532-6333 Church E-Mail: [email protected] — Website: www.stmmcc.org ST. CATHERINE CHAPEL, 2202 HICKS AVENUE Pastor: Rev. Jimmy D. Drennan Deacons: Gerardo Mechler, Zeke Moczygemba, Jose Almanza, Gabriel Rosas and Francisco Lafuente Faith Formation Director: Linda Rubio School: 534-6137 — Fax: 534-2225 School Principal: Dr. Christina L. Saavedra School E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.stmmcs.org Charitable Asst. - Tues., Thurs. - 532-6332 or 532-6426 Senior Center - 532-4777 Activity Center: 532-1975 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Sat. 5:00 PM NEW PARISHIONERS: Welcome! Please register at the church office. PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA: Tuesdays after Mass. BAPTISM: Interview with the deacons second Wednesday of each month by appointment only. Both parents must attend interview. Baptisms celebrated at Mass eleven days thereafter. Please call the office at 532-6309 for information for required documents & to schedule an appointment. MARRIAGE/QUINCEAÑERA: Arrangements should be made six months in advance with a Parish Priest. $25.00 Booking fee. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM Thursdays La Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento: 7:00 PM a 8:00 PM Jueves Page 2 St. Margaret Mary’s Catholic Church JULY 11—JULY 17, 2016 The Mass intention book is located in the Parish Administration Office. Intentions for person(s) may be entered once per month. Please PRINT CLEARLY! (Letra de imprenta) Intentions may have to be moved if it is necessary to change the Mass Schedule. Monday, July 11: 12Noon: John & Shannon Moy 18th Wedding Anniv. †Guadalupe Marin †William Alexander †Vivian C. Buckley Tuesday, July 12: 8AM: Communion Service Wednesday, July 13: 6PM: †Felix Morales Mary Morales Thursday, July 14: 8AM: Living & deceased Members of Catholic Life Ins Branch 202 †Joe Jarzombek Janice Terrill—Birthday †Lorenzo Palacios †Julia Cantu Willis Friday, July 15: 8AM: †Trinie Lopez †Mechler Family †Gonzalez Family †Arguelles Family †Villarreal Family Saturday, July 16: 6:00 PM: †William G. Brown †Jose Fancisco Hernandez †Ernesto G. Villagómez †Consuelo Zapién †Juan Perez †Maria Tomasa Guevara †Cesar Villagómez †Hector Villagómez †Jesse Dominguez †Agustin Villagómez †Guadalupe Villarreal †Refugio Salazar †Ines Dominguez Sunday, July 17: 8AM, 10AM (Spanish), 10AM (St. Catherine), 12:00Noon †Ramon Gavina †Luisa Cadena †Carolina Mata †Fred & Christine Winkler †Linda Ott †Yolanda Treviño Bob Jaeckle Sr. Fred Donecker Sr. Ada Sekula Leonard Olinick READINGS FOR THE WEEK JULY 11–JULY 17, 2016 Monday: Is 1:10-17; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Tuesday: Is 7:1-9; Ps 48:2-8; Mt 11:20-24 Wednesday: Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Ps 94:5-10, 14-15; Mt 11:25-27 Thursday: Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Ps 102:13-14ab, 15-21; Mt 11:28-30 Friday: Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10-12abcd, 16; Mt 12:1-8 Saturday: Mi 2:1-5; Ps 10:1-4, 7-8, 14; Mt 12:14-21 Sunday: Gen 18:1-10a; Ps 15:2-5; Col 1:24-28; Lk 10:38-42 FESTIVAL PROFIT $17,000 has been transferred to the Church General Fund. FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF OUR PARISHIONERS PLEASE MAKE NOTE OF THE SCHEDULE OF PRIESTS CELEBRATING MASS NEXT WEEKEND. Sat. July 16: Sat. July 16: Sun. July 17: Spanish Mass St. Catherine St. M.M. St. M.M. 5 PM Confessions 6:00 PM Mass 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 12 Noon 6:00 PM Fr. Bob Lindsey Fr. Bob Lindsey Fr. David Garcia Fr. Alfredo Basualco Fr. Jimmy Drennan Fr. Jimmy Drennan Fr. Jimmy Drennan July 10, 2016 NO SUNDAY COFFEE IN JULY. HAVE A FUN & SAFE SUMMER. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION The first “presbyters” were advisers to the bishops rather than what we would call “priests,” yet by the year 1000 our present-day understanding of the ordained priesthood is clearly in place. The Germanic influence was strong in those days, reflected in a series of questions posed to the candidate about his intentions. The priest’s role in the celebration of Mass had by then come to the fore, as the ritual notes that Mass vestments must be worn, the hands of the priest must be anointed with chrism, and a chalice with wine and water and a paten with a host must be given. Up to then, the ordination rite had stressed the presbyter as a collaborator with the bishop and a member of the order of presbyters. Then, in a not-so-subtle shift, the presbyter came to be seen as a “priest” designated to celebrate the Mass and, as the prayer suggests, to touch the chalice. By these days, remember, the cup had long vanished from Communion for the laity. A thousand years ago, today’s patterns were already in place. The priest no longer saw himself as a member of a council of elders, a presbytery, and in some dioceses he had little influence over the bishop. Instead, he was either a pastor, with relationship to the eucharistic community in the parish, or he was a priest monk, offering Mass for the salvation of the departed or the intentions of the living. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Collection July 2 & 3, 2016: $ 9,154.76 THANK YOU We thank St. Anthony de Padua Prayer Group for their donation to the church from their St. Anthony de Padua feast day celebration luncheon on June 12th. ALTAR FLOWERS Thank you for the generous monetary donation for Altar Flowers given in Thanksgiving of Mr. & Mrs. Vincent U. Kotzur’s (Evelyn) Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass. July 10, 2016 Parish News Page 3 Feasibility Study Update – Attend a town hall meeting or respond online! Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller is working to address several opportunities and needs facing our archdiocese. Over the next several weeks, the archbishop is asking every parishioner to fill out a feasibility study survey, which will gather YOUR feedback regarding the proposed Archdiocesan-wide needs. Please go online to www.archsa.org/campaignstudy to learn more and provide comments. The password is archsurvey. If it is more convenient, please consider attending one of these Town Hall meetings: 1. Tuesday, July 12, 6:00 pm, Holy Name Church, 3814 Nash Blvd., San Antonio 78223 2. Wednesday, July 13, 6:30 pm, Sacred Heart Church, 1009 Trail St., Floresville 78114 3. Thursday, July 14, 6:30 pm, St. Anthony de Padua Church, 102 Lorenz Rd., San Antonio 78209 4. Monday, July 18, 6:30 pm, St. John Berchmans Church, 1147 Cupples Rd., San Antonio 78226 5. Tuesday, July 19, 6:00 pm, St. Mark the Evangelist Church, 1602 Thousand Oaks Dr., S.A. 78232 6. Tuesday, July 26, 6:00 pm, St. Luke Church, 4603 Manitou, San Antonio 78228 7. Wednesday, July 27, 6:30 pm, St. Anthony Mary Claret Church, 6150 Roft Rd., San Antonio 78253 8. Thursday, July 28, 6:00 pm, St. Peter the Apostle Church, 202 W. Kronkosky St., Boerne 8006 9. Tuesday, August 2, 6:30 pm, Sts. Peter & Paul Church, 386 N. Castell, New Braunfels 78130 10. Wednesday, August 3, 6:30 pm, Sacred Heart Church, 307 E. Losoya St., Del Rio 78840 11. Thursday, August 4, 6:00 pm, St. Mary’s, 306 W. San Antonio St., Fredericksburg 78624 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Course 5 Course 6 Course 7 Course 8 Course 9 Course 10 All English Level 1 Lay Ecclesial Ministry Certification Classes/Catechist Certification Courses are on Saturday dates beginning at 8:30 until 3:00 pm. Classes will be $5 each to be paid on site St Margaret Mary 16-Jul Church Senyor Santo Nino de Cebu St Michael St Jerome Senyor Santo Nino de Cebu St Margaret Mary St Michael St Michael 23-Jul Evangelization & Catechesis 30-Jul 6-Aug Foundations in Catechesis Holy Trinity 13-Aug 20-Aug 27-Aug 10-Sep Methods for Catechesis Moral Life Sacraments Sacred Scripture St Michael 17-Sep For more info contact Linda Rubio 532-6309 Understanding the Mass JULY INFANT/CHILD BAPTISMS Parents must come for an interview at the church office on Wednesday, July 13, 2016. By appointment only. Please call the church office at 532-6309 for information on the documents needed before the interview. Parents may select for their children to be baptized Sunday, July 24, 2016 at the 10:00 AM Mass (Spanish) or the 12 Noon Mass (English). Page 4 Parish News July 10, 2016 JOIN US AT THE “COME AND SEE”, SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 11TH AFTER THE 12NOON MASS AT THE ACTIVITY CENTER TO LEARN ABOUT THE RCIA PROCESS THIS PROCESS IS FOR ADULTS WHO WANT TO BE BAPTIZED, RECEIVE COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION, AND CHILDREN OVER SEVEN YEARS OF AGE WHO NEED BAPTISM AND COMMUNION If interested, call the Church Office, (210) 532-6309 and leave your name and phone number. Is a process to TEEN ACTS RETREAT July 21 thru July 24, 2016 @ Cordi Marian School is out for summer. What better place to send your teen but to our ACTS RETREAT THIS SUMMER!!! All teenagers from our parish are invited to join our awesome ACTS Retreat at Cordi Marian. Make plans to join us and enjoy this spirit-filled weekend in July. The cost is $150 to cover transportation, meals, housing and retreat materials. But don’t let the cost of the retreat prevent you from attending. Contact Vanessa Elizondo at 633-4707 or Robert Lopez 771-2686. Interested in sharing, learning & growing in faith?!?!?!?! Our catechetical team needs your gifts and talents. We learn by teaching. Contact Linda Rubio to schedule an interview to become part of St Margaret Mary’s Catechetical Team (Background Checks will be conducted) 532-6309. and learn about and CCD Registration Tuesday –Friday from 10:00AM to 6:00PM in the church office: Ages 5 & up Fee—$50 1st child $20 Addt’l Children Deadline—September 1st, 2016 1st Communion preparation takes two years and begins when the child is seven years old by September 1st of that year. Confirmation preparation takes two years and begins when the child is fourteen years old by September 1st of that year. Items needed to Register. x Birth Certificate x Baptism Certificate (if applicable) If child is over the age of six and has NOT been baptized, a parent, guardian or godparent MUST attend ALL Sunday sessions with child. Inquiries please call or email Linda Rubio or Luis Garcia at 532-6309 or [email protected] July 10, 2016 Parish News Page 5 Capital Campaign Thank you to those of you who continue to give to the Capital Campaign. We have been collecting money for the Capital Campaign since 2009 when we did the big renovation and repairs project. This project caused us to have to get loans which totaled $1,325,228.00. The money you give to the Capital Campaign goes to paying off the loans. The loans are now down to $1,033,500.00. If you need more envelopes or would like to start giving to the Capital Campaign and would like envelopes, please contact the Rectory at (210) 532-6309. SAVE THE DATE! 15th Annual Catholic Women’s Conference “Come to Me” September 9-10, 2016 @ Henry B. González Convention Center San Antonio, TX Discover sisterhood, Experience healing, Celebrate true beauty Register today! CWCSanAntonio.com Price $65/Groups (10+) call (210)521-3377 For discount details. SPANISH BIBLE STUDY St Margaret Mary Parish offers a Bible study in Spanish on Mondays at 7:00pm in the meeting room of the Activity Center. These weeks, we will explore the Gospel of St Matthew. Everyone is welcome. Bring your Bible if you have one. For further info, contact Hugo Sapien at 210 922 1849 or by email at [email protected]. Be there! “The Gods of Atheism” Fullness of Truth Catholic Family Conference August 19-21, 2016 Hayatt Regency Hill Country Resort and Spa SPANISH PRAYER GROUP St. Catherine Chapel located at 2202 Hicks Ave. Tuesdays @ 7:00 PM. Everyone is welcome. For questions, contact Cristina Casiano at (210) 268 5466. We live in a culture gripped by atheism, humanism, and secularism and Catholics both young and old are being seduced and led astray. Atheism must be regarded as one of the most serious problems of our time. Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Dr. D’Ambrosio, Sr. Miriam, and Vatican endorsed demonologist, Adam Blai will help us plumb the depths of this all-important attack on faith and religion. We will learn how Catholics can remain entrenched in the fullness of truth and not reject the crucial bond between man and God. Enliven your Catholic faith and come enjoy the rustic oasis of the Hyatt resort. For tickets, hotel accommodations with discounted room rates and more details, visit, www.fulnesssoftruth.org or call 877-21-TRUTH. Page 6 Parish News MAY WE INCLUDE IN OUR PRAYERS Dorothy Brandeis Phillip Maldonado Helen Keller Ralph Montalvo Maria Longoria Yolanda Arguelles Ida Mechler Della Tarin Regina Caballero Oscar Montelongo Debbie Greenlaw Mary Moczygemba Arnie Francis Mary Esquivel Zenaida Gonzales Nathan Vitela Dahlia M. Martinez Sylvia Rodriguez Dora Hernandez Mason Leibham Ruben Garza Mary A. Flores Florence Pintor Sylvia Castillo Phillip Ledwig Mike Barragan Rosa Castillo Aurora Rubio Jason Adams Mary Gonzales Larry Cortez Raymond Cortez Dora Garcia JoAnne Hinojosa M/M Gabriel Soto Sylvia Hernandez Domingo Peña, Jr Domingo Peña Robert Jacinto Mary Flori Ella Hawkins Martha Monita Minnie Reyna Cindy Medellin Gregoria Preciado Esther Galindo Frank Preciado Eva Benavides Tom G. Hernandez Frances Burd Robert Martinez Valentina Garcia Mgrs Stuebben Lillian Stanush Edward Monita Petra Aguirre Elia Cardenas Adolfo Huizar Pete & Fran Martinez Kameron & Paris Spencer James Edward Markham Betty Fielden Olivia De La O Julio Peña Olga Garcia Mary Gamez Margarita Gonzales Graciela Reyes Draven Ethan Maldonado Baby Saoirse Mechler Sylvia Maldonado Pete Garansuay Andrew & Tillie Janowski Marvin & Marina Klaus James Oliva Tim & Brenda Treviño Evelyn Kotzur ErIca April Gutierrez Kristine Mason Baby Ellie Keen Kathy & Bea Zigmond Carmen Inman Rosalinda Beltran Angel Ramirez O’Leary & Janie Cortez Anthony (Jerry) Salsedo Rosemarie Elizondo Note: Names remain on the prayer list for two weeks. If you or your loved one need to remain for a longer time, please contact the church office, 532-6309. We extend sympathy to and hold in our hearts the families of our parishioners who died: Rose Menchaca, Ana Pop, Moses Sifuentes Olguin, Jr. Helen Torres and Alice Ortiz GEVERS HALL If anyone is interested in booking Gevers Hall for baby showers, birthday parties, etc., please contact the church office at 532-6309. REMINDER When you make a donation to the church, not using tithing envelopes with your account number, please remember to include your name and address on the envelope you are using. If you receive tithing envelopes in the mail please do not forget to use them. July 10, 2016 2016 Upcoming Events *Monday, 7/11/16 Altar Society Mtg (Activity Ctr.) Thurs-Sun, 7/21-24/16 Teen ACTS Retreat Thurs 8/4/16 Women of the Well Spiritual Gathering Thurs-Sun, 9/8-11/16 Men ACTS Retreat (English) 2:00pm 7:00pm Requested, clean unlabeled baby food jars. We use them at our monthly anointing service. Please bring them to the church office since our supply is short. 2016 ARCHBISHOP’S APPEAL Thank you to all who have contributed to the 2016 Archbishop’s Appeal. If you made a pledge but have not yet met it, please consider doing so soon. If you have not made a pledge yet, please reflect upon the importance of your charitable involvement and prayerfully consider making a gift to the Appeal to help our parish and the Archdiocese meet their goal and be able to fund the very important work carried out by the many ministries supported by the Appeal. To learn more about the impact of our support to the appeal, visit: www.archssa.org/archbishop-appeal. MEMORIAL DONATIONS Memorial donations are a lasting way to pay tribute to loved ones. Donor may specify which fund receives their contribution. All of the important events in our lives, including wedding anniversaries and quinceañeras may be honored with memorial donations. LEGION OF MARY: Looking for new members. If interested call 592-7527 or 419-1922. Meetings are held on Tuesdays, 4:00 PM at the Activity Center. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED PLEASE SUPPORT OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS! Express your Love & Support your Parish Memorial ads are available for your Church Bulletin. For all the details call your Church Office or your bulletin provider Howard Merritt at (210) 310-6932. St. Vincent De Paul office and clothing room needs additional volunteers. Office hours are 9:00 to 11:00 AM on Tuesday. Clothing room hours are 8:00 to 10:00 AM on Tuesday. For additional information call Joe Guerrero at 287-7309 or Ray Martinez at 716-4211. July 10, 2016 Parish News Actualización sobre el Estudio de Factibilidad – Asista a una reunión comunitaria o participe en línea! El Arzobispo Gustavo García-Siller trabaja para atender varias oportunidades y necesidades en nuestra Arquidiócesis. En las próximas semanas, el Arzobispo pide a cada parroquiano que complete la encuesta del estudio del estudio de factibilidad, el cual recopilará SU opinión acerca de las necesidades a nivel Arquidiocesano. Por favor visite en línea www.archsa.org y haga clic en el botón www.archsa.org/campaignstudy para mayor información y para compartir sus comentarios. La contraseña es archsurvey. Si le parece más conveniente, por favor considere asistir a una de las siguientes reuniones comunitarias: —Tuesday, July 12, 6:00 pm, Holy Name Church, 3814 Nash Blvd., San Antonio 78223 —Wednesday, July 13, 6:30 pm, Sacred Heart Church, 1009 Trail St., Floresville 78114 —Thursday, July 14, 6:30 pm, St. Anthony de Padua Church, 102 Lorenz Rd., San Antonio 78209 —Monday, July 18, 6:30 pm, St. John Berchmans Church, 1147 Cupples Rd., San Antonio 78226 —Tuesday, July 19, 6:00 pm, St. Mark the Evangelist Church, 1602 Thousand Oaks Dr., San Antonio 78232 —Tuesday, July 26, 6:00 pm, St. Luke Church, 4603 Manitou, San Antonio 78228 —Wednesday, July 27, 6:30 pm, St. Anthony Mary Claret Church, 6150 Roft Rd., San Antonio 78253 —Thursday, July 28, 6:00 pm, St. Peter the Apostle Church, 202 W. Kronkosky St., Boerne 78006 —Tuesday, August 2, 6:30 pm, Sts. Peter & Paul Church, 386 N. Castell, New Braunfels 78130 —Wednesday, August 3, 6:30 pm, Sacred Heart Church, 307 E. Losoya St., Del Rio 78840 —Thursday, August 4, 6:00 pm, St. Mary’s, 306 W. San Antonio St., Fredericksburg 78624 Page 7 Retiro: La misericordia de Dios para tu familia con el Padre Olivier Bagnoud— Sábado 23 de Julio, 9am - 7pm, St Michael’s Church, 418 Indiana Street. La donación es de $15. Pare más información comunicarse con Linda Rubio, 532-6309. Acompañanos el Miércoles 20 de Julio a las 6:00 PM — Misa de Sanación Aquí en Sta. Margarita María, Regresa Padre Olivier Bagnoud Para más información communicarse con Linda Rubio al 532-6309 o [email protected] ESTUDIO DE BIBLIA EN ESPAÑOL La Parroquia de Santa Margarita María ofrece un estudio de la biblia los lunes a las 7:00 pm en la sala de juntas del Centro de Actividades (Activity Center). Estas semanas estamos repasando el evangelio según San Mateo. Todos bienvenidos. Traigan su biblia si la tienen. Para mayores informes, comunicarse con Hugo Sapién al 210 922 1849 o a [email protected]. ¡Los esperamos! GRUPO DE ORACIÓN EN ESPAÑOL Capilla de Santa Catarina, 2202 Hicks Los martes a las 7:00PM BIENVENIDOS TODOS. Si requiere mayor información, comunicarse con Cristina Casiano al (210) 268-5466. Todas las clases de certificación son para todos que servin dentro de la Iglesia. Clases de Español se darán los Lunes y Miércoles de las 6 pm a las 9 pm. Cada Curso cuesta $5 Curso 1 St Philip of Jesus 11 y 13 de Julio Identidad Catolica Curso 2 St Philip of Jesus 18 y 20 de Julio Iglesia Curso 3 St Philip of Jesus 25 y 27 de Julio Evangelización y Catequesis Fundamentos en la CatequeCurso 4 St Philip of Jesus 1 y 3 de Agosto sis Curso 5 St Philip of Jesus 8 y 10 de Agosto Santa Trinidad Curso 6 St Philip of Jesus 15 y 17 de Agosto Metodos para la Catequesis Curso 7 St Philip of Jesus 22 y 24 Agosto Vida Moral Curso 8 St Philip of Jesus 29 y 31 Agosto Sacramentos Curso 9 St Philip of Jesus 12 y 14 de Septiembre Sagrada Escritura Curso 10 St Philip of Jesus 19 y 21 de Septembre Comprender la Misa Para más informes communicarse con Linda Rubio 532-6309