The Catholic Communities of St. Clare of Assisi/Sta
The Catholic Communities of St. Clare of Assisi/Sta
The Catholic Communities of St. Clare of Assisi/Sta. Clara de Asis & St. Mary’s/Sta. Maria August 23, 2015 St. Clare of Assisi St. Mary’s Church 31622 US Hwy.6 Edwards, CO 81632 P. O. Box 1390 Edwards, CO 81632 215 Capitol Street, Eagle, CO 81631 P. O. Box 1390 Edwards, CO 81632 Beaver Creek Chapel 33 Elk Track Beaver Creek, CO 81620 P. O. Box 1390 Edwards, CO 81632 WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY, AUGUST 22 8:00am Mass (Celebrated only on LOCATION Beaver Creek Chapel the First Saturday of the Month 4:30pm Mass 7:00pm Spanish Mass SUNDAY, AUGUST 23 8:30am Mass 8:30am Mass (Jake Kochera) 10:30am Bilingual Mass 12:30pm Spanish Mass 5:30pm Mass Beaver Creek Chapel St. Mary’s St. Clare’s St. Mary’s St. Mary’s St. Clare’s Beaver Creek Chapel WEEKDAY MASSES MONDAY, AUGUST 24 8:00am Mass TUESDAY, AUGUST 25 8:00am Mass 5:30pm Mass (James Fox) Pastor/Párroco Beaver Creek Chapel St. Mary’s Fr. James Baird [email protected] Parochial Vicar Rev. Jude Geilenkirchen 970-376-5260 [email protected] Rev. Gerardo Puga 720-404-3991 Rev. Tomasz Strzebonski 720-316-8262 PARISH & BUSINESS OFFICE/OFICINA P.O. 1390 Edwards, CO 81632 970-926-1070 Fax: 970-926-1089 Parish Business Mrs. Marilyn Brock 970-926-1085 [email protected] Development Director Mrs. Gina Demarest 970-376-3135 [email protected] Parish Office/Wedding Coordinator Ms. Kathy Fagan 970-926-1070 [email protected] ST. CLARE OF ASSISI CATHOLIC SCHOOL Principal Sr. Marirose Rudeck R.S.M. 970-926-8980 [email protected] Administrative Assistant Mrs. Ginny Cassano 970-926-8980 [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE/CENTRO DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA P.O. 792 Eagle, CO 81631 Fax: 970-328-6494 245 Capitol St. Eagle, CO 81631 Office: 970-328-1133 Religious Education/Hispanic Ministry Mr. Gelasio Velasco 970-328-3003 970-328-1133 [email protected] Hispanic Ministry/Ministerio Hispano Ms. Carmen Fragozo 970-688-1490 [email protected] St. Mary’s Preschool/Escolar Sta.Maria Mrs. Agnes Harakal-(Director) 970-328-5699 [email protected] Director of Music Ministry Mrs. Carleen Sweet 970-331-4211 [email protected] Catholic Charities Beaver Creek Chapel 970-949-0405 Megan McGee Bonta WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26 8:00am Mass Beaver Creek Chapel THURSDAY, AUGUST 27 8:00am Mass 5:30pm Mass 6:30pm Spanish Mass Beaver Creek Chapel St. Mary’s St. Mary’s FRIDAY, AUGUST 28 8:00am Mass Beaver Creek Chapel PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you live here full or part time or are visiting with us this weekend in our parish we welcome you and hope that you enjoy your time here with us. If you would like to receive information about becoming a full or part-time parishioner forms are on our website at Registration forms are also available at the parish office or email : [email protected]. If you have moved, changed your phone number, email or mailing address please update our office. August 23, 2015 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time As I write this, the bells are ringing, calling the pilgrims who have traveled to the Martyrs’ Shrine in Midland, Ontario to prayer. The Jesuits came here to New France in the 1630s, to freeze and starve, to paddle canoes over thousands of miles of treacherous waterways, and to live and die in the camps of the Hurons. Eight Jesuits-six priests and two donnes (lay helpers)---were martyred here and in upstate New York. We Americans know St. Isaac Jogues the best of the eight, because he was killed by an Iroquois tomahawk in New York and he left the most unbelievably vivid and brilliant journal of his life as a missionary and martyr. But here in Canada, St. John de Brebeuf is the most beloved of all the martyrs. He was a large, generous, extraordinarily loving man who lived with the Huron for nearly twenty years. It is his name that the native converts called when they were sick and dying. And when the village where he was giving a mission was raided by the Iroquois one terrible night in 1649, instead of fleeing from the fires they said, “Come, let us die with him.” And so they became eyewitnesses to the destruction, through hours of torture, of the body of the man who had baptized them, comforted them, nursed them through illness, and brought them to Jesus. Because of them we know that, in the end, his tormentors cut out his heart and consumed it, that they might have, in their own bodies, his strength and power. Unless you eat my Body and drink my Blood you shall not have life within you. I think I get it now. In what ways does your reception of the Eucharist give you Jesus’ strength and power? Kathy McGovern ©2015 ST. PATRICK NEWS UPDATES RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Religious Education Teachers Needed St. Patrick Parish needs teachers for Religious Ed this year - K-5th grade. Wednesdays from 4-5:15 pm Please contact Janet Mueller El-Bitar if you are interested in teaching this year. Thank you. (970) 827-9559. St. Patrick's registration for Religious Education Classes for K-8th grade will be held Sunday, August 23rd in the Spirit Center in Minturn following the 9:30 mass. St. Patrick Parish is following Restore to Order we will be moving our Confirmation Class down to 7th grade this year. Confirmation is a two year class starting with 6th grade. Please be sure to have your children enrolled in classes this year so as we move the Sacrament of Confirmation down towards 3rd grade your child will be prepared. If you have any question please call Janet. SILENT AUCTION ITEMS AVAILABLE Additionally on Sunday, August 23rd we will be selling a few of the silent auction items from our St. Patrick Garden Party after the 9:30 mass in Minurn. And we will be serving Hamburgers and Hot-dogs at 11:00 am. We hope you can join us. If you have any question please call Janet at (970) 827-9559. SHOP CITY MARKET AND HELP ST. MARY’S PRESCHOOL When you sign up for the Community Rewards program City Market donates to local businesses such as St. Mary’s Preschool at no cost to you. Enter your number and update your information at www.citymarketcommunityrew and put St. Mary’s name in as organization of choice. Supporters will earn rewards on most items they purchase. St. Mary’s will receive quarterly checks to support the preschool. Thank you. PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you are here with us this weekend, visiting our parish we welcome you and hope that you enjoy your time here with us. If you would like to receive infor mation about becoming a full or part-time parishioner forms are on our website at Registration forms are also available at the parish office or email : [email protected]. If you have moved, changed your phone number, email or mailing address please contact the parish office at 970-926-1070. OFFERTORY ENVELOPES If you would like to receive weekly offertory envelopes by mail please contact the parish office at 970-926-1070 or email [email protected]. You can return them in weekly Mass offertory basket or mail them to the parish office at PO 1390 Edwards, CO 81632 AUTOMATIC MONTHLY ELECTRONIC FUND TRANSFER Your donations will be automat ically deducted from your checking account on the 5th and or the 20th of the month when you join. Please contact Kathy at the parish office at 970 -926-1070 or email [email protected]. UPLIFT CONCERT Sunday, September 6th 5-8:30pm Ford Amphitheater An evening of Christian music featuring Jeremy Camp, Capital Kings, Dominic Balli and local musician Nick Carleton Middle & High school students may receive free tickets in advance by contacting Gelasio ([email protected]) or Kathy ([email protected]) Please Pray for all of those who are in need of and have requested our prayers especially: Those in our prayers: Amanda Painter, Louis Atencio, Ron Nolte, The Dodrill Family, Jack Nolte, Laura Castro, Juana Chavez, Joe Moschetto, Kay Nolte, Ethan Schwartz, Mary Hosa, Jerry Schmit, Mikayla Bergren, Dick & Barbara Heatherton, Kelly Herzog, Shari Ball, Julia Boggs, Tanner Haberman, Marguerite Fagan, Alice Cassidy, Dee Gleason, Kathy Lewis, Richard Downey, Karen Smith, Jodi Pals Please pray for the repose of the souls of our faithful departed: Sheila Smith To include names, for Mass Intentions or Mass Cards please call the parish office at 970-926-1070 or email [email protected]. St. Clare & St. Mary’s Parish Activities Sunday 8:00 am 8:30 am Rosary St. Mary's Coffee & Donuts St. Mary’s (second Sunday of the month after Mass) Coffee Social after Mass St. Clare’s 9:15am Monday 5:30-6:30pm Blessed Sacrament Adoration St. Mary’s Tuesday 6:00 pm Choir Practice for Sunday 8:30am Mass St. Mary’s 7:00pm St. Mary’s Parish Council St. Mary’s (meets second Tuesday of the Month) Wednesday 6:15am Men’s Prayer Group St. Mary’s 6:00pm Choir Practice for 10:30am Mass St. Mary’s 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus St. Mary’s (First Wed. of every Month) MONTHLY 2nd Tuesday 7pm 2nd Saturday 9am Parish Council St. Mary’s Baptismal Prep Class St. Mary’s THE ACTION PROGRAM FOR MOVING BEYOND DEATH, DIVORCE AND OTHER LOSSES This 9-week program will begin on Wednesday, September 2, 2015 ~ 6-8 PM Edwards Interfaith Chapel, 32138 US Hwy 6, Edwards Cost: $250.00 Celynn McClarrinon LSW, Certified Grief Recovery Specialist 970-376-8248 / [email protected] WEEKLY READINGS Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Rv 21:9b-14/Jn 1:45-51 1 Thes 2:1-8/Mt 23:23-26 1 Thes 2:9-13/Mt 23:27-32 1 Thes 3:7-13/Mt 24:42-51 1 Thes 4:1-8/Mt 25:1-13 1 Thes 4:9-11/Mk 6:17-29 Dt 4:1-2, 6-8/Jas 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27 Jesus then said to the Twelve, “Do you also want to leave?” Simon Peter answered him, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eter nal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.” - Jn 6:67-69 WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS for couples celebrating their 25th, 50th or 50+ anniversaries. Sunday, October 11, 2015 1:00 p.m. mass* reception follow ing mass. Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish 11385 Grant Dr, Northglenn.There is no cost for the event. Please R.S.V.P. by Friday, 9/18/15 at Saint Mary’s Feast Day Celebration Sunday, September 13, 2015 10:30 AM at the Eagle Count Fair Ground Exhibit Hall Following the Mass there will be a potluck brunch. Sign up for food will begin next weekend. We also need volunteers to head up the food serving. Contact Jim Himmes at 970-328-3090. This is an excellent opportunity to get some new people involved. Volunteer sign up will be at the back of the church. SEEKING MARRIAGE FACILITATORS FOR FOCCUS Foccus facilitators meet privately with engaged couples prior to marriage to celebrate their relationship strengths and communicate positively with each other on issues they might not have thoroughly addressed. In marriage prep the primary goal of facilitation is to help couples talk openly and respectfully to each other to enhance their future relationship as a married couple. If you would like to be trained or have been trained, we are seeking couples to help in this parish ministry. For more details contact Kathy in the parish office at 970-926-1070. or visit to learn more. Sacramental Information Anointing of the Sick If someone becomes hospitalized or ill please call 970-926-1070. Reconciliation Please contact the parish office at 970-926-1070 to set up an appointment. Baptism Parents and Godparents are required to attend preparation class before their child is born, usually during the last trimester of pregnancy. Class is held on the 2nd Saturday of the month at St. Mary’s at 9:00am. (NOTE NEW DAY OF CLASS) Pre-registration is required. Please contact the parish office to register at 970-9261070. Pre-registration and fully completed forms are mandatory. First Communion & Confirmation Please contact Gelasio Velasco at 970-328-1133. Marriage Preparation Couples need to contact the priest they would like to have witness their vows at least 8 months prior to the proposed wedding date or contact the parish office at 970-926-1070. PARISH SUPPORT WEEKEND OF August 16, 2015 Beaver Creek St. Mary’s St. Clare’s St. Mary’s St. Mary’s Beaver Creek St. Clare’s Sat. Sat. Sun. Sun. Sun. Sun. Sun. 4:30pm 7:00pm 8:30am 8:30am 10:30am 5:30pm 12:30pm 2664.00 1300.00 1872.00 2475.00 1198.00 1596.00 1399.00 $12,484.00 We are most grateful for your generous support towards all of our parish ministries. Any parishioners who wish to make their monthly offertory donations through electronic banking please contact the parish office at 970-926-1070. M inisterio H ispano PARROQUI AS Santa Clara y Santa M aría Domingo 23 de Agosto, 2015 M aestro, ¿a quién vamos a seguir si no t e seguimos a t i? Tú t ienes palabras Vicarios para las M isas en Español: Rev. Jude Geilenkirchen (P. Tadeo): (970)376-5260 de vida et erna. Rev. Gerardo Puga ………………: (720)404-3991 Juan , . 0- 9. BI ENVENI DOS A LAS COM UNI DADES DEL VALLE CON GRESO CATEQU ETI CO ARQU I D I OCESAN O Crowne Plaza Hotel, Chambers Rd. & I-70 FECHA: Sábado 29 de Agosto, 2015 Para información e inscripciones, comunicarse a los siguientes teléfonos: (970) 688-1490 / (970) 328-3003 Párroco: Rev. James Baird Vicario: Rev. Gerardo Puga Vicario: Rev. Tomasz Strzebonski Ent renamient o Para Cat equist as Our Sunday Visitor “Nuevos Libros” Viernes 11 de Septiembre a las 7:00 pm. En Santa Clara de Asís, Edwards Taller Para Cat equist as (Restauración de los Sacramentos) Sábado 12 de Septiembre En Santa Clara de Asís, Edwards ADORACI ON NOCTURNA Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento en el Altar en Sta. María, Eagle Hombres se reúnen en el segundo Sábado de cada mes después de la Misa de 7:00 p.m. Mujeres se reúnen el tercer Sábado de Cada mes, después de la Misa de 7:00 p.m. Para Información comunicarse con José Avilés: (970) 390-3583. ORACI ON CARI SM ATI CA GRUPO JUVENI L LOS ASI SI S REUNI ONES: Santa Clara de Asís, Edwards Los Miércoles a las 7:00 p.m. Coordinador: Juan Luna. Sub-Coordinadora: Socorrito Márquez. Santa María, Eagle Los Viernes a las 7:30 p.m. Coordinador: María Saldaña En Santa Clara de Asís, Edwards Viernes a las 7:00 p.m. Coordinadoras: Diany Marriaga Mayra Carrillo Gisela Carrillo Chuy Carrillo Doris García M OVI M I ENTO FAM I LI AR CRI STI ANO CATOLI CO. Contactar a: Antonio Pérez (970)401-0586 & Luz Bacca (970)401-2995 Presidentes del M.F.C.C. I NFORMC ACI O ON N FSOBRE E S I OLOS N EBAUTI S ZOS EN SANTA CLARA DE ASÍS, EDW ARDS Todos los Viernes `de 5:30 a 6:30 pm. PR O GRA M A DE EDUCACI ON RELI GI OSA STA. CLARA DE ASI SY STA. M ARI A. EN SANTA MARÍA, EAGLE Todos los Sábados de 6:00 a 7:00 pm . H EM OS FI NALI ZADO LAS I NSCRI PCI ONES PARA EL CATECI SM O… … PERO! ESTAREMOS INSCRIBIENDO NUEVAMENTE A LOS QUE HAN REGRESADO DE VACACIONES Y OTROS QUE POR ALGÚN MOTIVO NO PUDIERON INSCRIBIRSE FECH A: LUNES 24 H ASTA EL VI ERNES 28 DE AGOSTO. D E 3:00 P.M . H ASTA LAS 7:00 P.M . CONTACTAR POR FAVOR A: GELASIO V ELASCO : (970) 328-3003 CARMEN FRAGOZO : (970) 688-1490 LI TURGI A DE LA PALABRA DE H OY Lunes Maldi iones ont a es i as y fa iseos. Mateo , - . Martes Es i as y fa iseos hipó itas. Mateo , - . Miér oles Sepul os lan ueados. Mateo , - . Jueves ¡Estad en vela!. Mateo , - . Viernes Pa á ola de las diez ví genes. Mateo , - . “á ado Pa á ola de los talentos. Mateo , - . Exposición del Sant ísimo Sacrament o en el Alt ar. En Santa Clara de Asís, Edwards. Todos los miércoles A partir de las 12:00 meridiano Hasta las 3:00 p.m. PROXI M OS PLATI CAS PRE-BAUTI SM ALES: Lunes 35 de Sábado deAgosto Septiembre de 2015. de 2015. Hora:Hora: 6:00 pm. 6:00 pm. En Santa Clara de Asís, Edwards. N ota: Ll evar una pl uma, Bi bl i a, l i breta de apuntes; por favor paral l evar no poder a sus centrar ni ños, l a atenci para ónpoder en l a cl centrar ase. l a atenci ón en la cl ase. PROXI MOS BAU TI ZOS: EN SANTA M ARI A: TI ZOS: PROXI MOS BAU Sábado 8 de Agosto a l as 4:00 p.m. REFLEXI ON DEL EVANGELI O DE H OY : Juan 6, 55. 60-69. EN SANTA M ARI A: E N SANTA CLARA : Sábado 12 de Septi embre a l as 4:00 p.m. Domi ngo 23 de Agosto a l as 2:00 p.m. EN SANTA CLARA: La pregunta de Jesús, Pedro responde en nombre de los apóstoles: "Señor, ¿donde quién vamos a ir? Tú tienes palabras de vida eterna, y CONTACTO H ACER NA p.m. CI TA PARA Domi ngo 27 dePARA Septi embre a l asU 2:00 ENTREVI STA DE BAU TI ZO: nosotros creemos y sabemos que tú eres el Santo de Dios" . Queridos hermanos y hermanas: también nosotros podemos repetir la respuesta de Pedro, conscientes ciertamente de nuestra fragilidad humana, pero confiando en la potencia del Espíritu Santo, que se expresa y se manifiesta en la comunión con Jesús. La fe es don de Dios al hombre y es, al mismo tiempo, entrega libre y total del hombre a Dios; la fe es dócil escucha de la Palabra del Señor, que es " lámpara" para nuestros pasos y " luz" en nuestro camino. Si abrimos con confianza el corazón a Cristo, si nos dejamos conquistar por Él, podemos experimentar también nosotros, junto al santo cura de Ars, que " nuestra única felicidad en esta tierra consiste en amar a Dios y saber que Él nos ama. CONTACTO Carmen Edi th Fragozo 1490 PARA H ACER(970) U NA688CI TA PARA DI ALOGO CON CRI STO. Señor, tengo necesidad de ti, de tu gracia, de tu amor, de tu amistad, de tu protección y de tu perdón. No permitas que me separe de ti. Dame tu ayuda y tu gracia para vivir unido a ti en todo momento: que inicie mi día poniéndome humildemente ante tu presencia, que te recuerde y te visite durante la jornada y que no me duerma sin agradecerte tu amor. PROPOSI TO: Visitar al Santísimo sacramento para confirmar mi fe y mi fidelidad a Dios, además de agradecerle su amor. E- mai Karmenedi ENTREVI STAl : DE BAU TIth9@ ZO: hotmai l .com Carmen Edi th Fragozo (970) 688- 1490 REQUI SI TOS PARA PODER BAUTI ZAR: E- mai l : Karmenedi th9@ hotmai l .com 1. Ll evar a l a PARA entrevi sta fotocopiBAUTI a del Acta de N aci miento del ni ño. REQUI SI TOS PODER ZAR: 3. 1. Fotocopi Actasta defotocopi Matrimoni o Catól coNdeacil os padri nos si ño. son Ll evar a al adel entrevi a del Acta ide miento del ni casados. 3. 4. Fotocopi a del Acta de Matrimoni o Catól i co de l os padri nos si son Si l os padri nos son sol teros, presentar fotocopi a del casados. 4. 4. Si l os padri nos son sol teros, presentar Di recci ón y de tel éfono l os padres y padri nos. Certi fi cado Confide rmaci ón. Certi fi cado de Confi rmaci ón. fotocopi a del NOTA : Para bautide zar, padres como padri nos deben 4. Di recci ón ypoder tel éfono l os tanto padresl os y padri nos. parti ci par de cuatro Mi sas domi ni cal es antes de l a fecha del Para poder bauti zar, tanto l os padres como padri nos deben Bauti zo; (El Sacerdote l es entregara una tarj etita de asi stencia parti ci par de cuatro Mi sas domi ni cal es antes de l a fecha del después de cada Mi sa. Bauti zo; (El Sacerdote l es entregara una tarj etita de asi stencia NOTA: ST. CLARE OF ASSISI CATHOLIC SCHOOL August 16, 2015 “Celebrating 16 years of Catholic Education in the Vail Valley” Accredited by North Central Association through 2015 Our Mission At Saint Clare of Assisi Catholic School we live, spread, and celebrate the gospel values of respect, responsibility, and reverence in a Catholic Christian environment. We embrace a challenging, safe, and nurturing environment that enriches the heart, mind, and soul for life. * * * NOW ENROLLING FOR THE 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR * * * Call the school office to schedule a tour of the school (970) 926-8980 ************ St. Clare is an exceptional school and a blessing for our community. High academic and moral standards, professional and caring teachers and a Christ centered curriculum nurture each St. Clare student. We invite you to be a part of a tradition of excellence. Providing your child with a Catholic education is a gift that will last a lifetime. Supporting St. Clare’s fundraisers helps to keep Catholic education thriving in our community. Our children are our future. The future of our country and the future of our Catholic faith. Let us work together to strengthen our Catholic faith here and around the world! Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive World Meeting of Families * Philadelphia September 2015 * St. Clare of Assisi Catholic School Dates to Remember August 24 Opening Day for Students (noon dismissal) s: e Mom St Clar mark your ber to ight Remem r S.C.A.M. N fo s th r t e calenda 20th 6-8pm a t s lub. Augu Yacht C there! tt o lc o W you e to see We hop Non-Discrimination Statement St. Clare of Assisi School is under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Denver and the direction of the Secretariat of Schools for the Archdiocese of Denver. St. Clare does not discriminate on the basis of gender in its admission policy, treatment of students, or employment practices. St. Clare does not discriminate against students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin and admits everyone to the rights, privileges, programs and activities made available to all students. St. Clare does not discriminate in its education policies, its admission policies, its scholarship and loan programs or its athletic and other administered programs. St. Clare’s ‘Swing and a Prayer’ Charity Golf Tournament Monday September 21, 2015 Sonnenalp Golf Club for more information go to We hope you will join us! St. Clare’s Tuition Assistance Fund helps 40% of our St. Clare Families. Come have fun and support a great cause. fits bene ance t n e rnam on Assist to u o t The e’s Tuiti uld like wo ake a lar St. C d. If you ent or m lease Fun r the ev fund, p st so is spon tion to th a Demare dona ntact Gin 6-3135 om 37 co rish.c ) a 0 p 7 e 9 ( clar st@st e r a gdem Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service The Catholic communities of St. Clare of Assisi and St. Mary’s have been blessed with the establishment of two exceptional schools for the youth of our Catholic faith and greater community. St. Mary’s Preschool and St. Clare of Assisi Catholic School are integral parts of our Eagle Valley community. It is with your support that these two schools are able to continue to provide an exceptional Christ centered education for their students. The following list reflects the items our teachers would like to help them make the next school year challenging, fun and rewarding. We greatly appreciate your support with the purchase of these items. ********************* Science: supplies for science projects K-8th grades $1500.00 5th Grade: Kids Discovery Books: American History, Life Science, Earth Science $140.00 Classroom poster to reinforce lessons $105.00 Graph paper spiral notebooks $45.00 Classroom science experiments $116.88 Reading Specialist Program: leveled reading material $410.00 4th Grade: Fraction Tower Cubes $150.00 Typing Club (program to teach keyboarding) $50.00 Drop In Bucket Reading Level C&D $35.00 Spelling City $52.95 Middle School Science: Supplies to begin a school garden $500.00 P.E.: Recess pack including balls, frisbees, jump ropes $375.00 St. Mary’s Preschool: Tricycle $200 Magnetic Learning Letters $150 Magnetic Science Tins $80.00 Baby Strollers for dramatic play $80 Design and Build Engineering Center $119 Thank you! It is because of the generosity of our Catholic community that we are able to continue to provide a quality curriculum including extras such as music, art and technology while maintaining affordable tuition rates. We greatly appreciate a partial or full donation to any item. Please mail donation to: St. Clare of Assisi Catholic School c/o Development 31622 Hwy. 6 Edwards, Colorado 81632 or contact Gina Demarest at (970)376-3135 * [email protected] *********************