Las celebraciones


Las celebraciones
Nombre: ________________________________________ Clase: ____________________ Fecha: __________________
Las celebraciones
Escriban los nombres de los miembros del grupo:
You and your partner are investigative journalists that have been assigned the task of researching various holidays in different
Spanish-speaking countries. Fill in this sheet with the correct information in order to correctly complete your task.
Page C1 in your textbook. Read the paragraph under the header “Las celebraciones.” Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
Countries in the Spanish-speaking world often share the same ______________________ and
______________________. The celebrations are a result of a long history of ______________________ that reflect the
mix of primarily Spanish, ______________________, and ______________________ cultures. Holidays celebrating
______________________ events and beliefs are often similar between countries. Other holidays commemorate
______________________ or ______________________ that are important to a particular ______________________.
As you read the pages of Celebraciones, you will discover how the ______________________ world celebrates
important holidays and how they ______________________ to your own ______________________.
Page C2 in your textbook. Read the paragraph about La feria de Málaga.
1. When does this celebration take place and how long does it last?
Where does this celebration take place?
What is being celebrated?
Qué significa feria?
What happens in the Real?
Now it’s your turn! What kinds of ferias are there in Helena or Shelby County? What about Birmingham?
Page C4 in your textbook. Read the paragraph about El día de la independencia.
1. When do these Independence Day celebrations usually take place?
How does México celebrate el día de la independencia?
In Guatemala, during el recorrido de la antorcha, runners carry a flaming _______________________. They start in
Guatemala and end in ______________________.
On what day did many countries in Central America declare their independence from Spain?
Nombre: ________________________________________ Clase: ____________________ Fecha: __________________
Page C6 in your textbook. Read the paragraph about El 12 de octubre.
1. El 12 de octubre is celebrated for different reasons by different people. The book calls this day three different things. List
the three different days and give a short description of how each one is celebrated
a. el día de ______________________ :
el día de la ____________________ :
el día de la ____________________ :
Page C8 in your textbook. Read the paragraph about Día de los Muertos.
1. When is Día de los Muertos celebrated?
What happens on Día de los Muertos?
The traditions have come from an old religious holiday called ________________________________.
What three things mixed together to result in the celebration Día de los Muertos?
Describe el pan de muertos made in Ecuador.
Page C10 in your textbook. Read the paragraph about Las Navidades.
1. When is this holiday celebrated?
What is la Nochebuena? What event does this compare to in The United States?
List some food that is served in different Spanish-speaking countries during las Navidades.
¿Qué significan los Reyes Magos?
When and where do they celebrate the arrival of los Reyes Magos?
Below, write down words, phrases, or images that come to mind
of when you think of Christmas.
Now, pretend you are in the Southern Hemisphere where it is
summer during Christmas. How might what you wrote on the
left be different? (ex. instead of bonfires, you go to the beach)
Page C12 in your textbook. Read the paragraph about El Año Nuevo.
1. ¿Cómo se dice “Happy New Year!”?
2. What do Peruvians believe will bring them good luck?
Nombre: ________________________________________ Clase: ____________________ Fecha: __________________
El año viejo means old year. In some Spanish-speaking countries, people create little statues or masks or other things that
represent the past year and then burn them at midnight to bid the past year farewell. If you were to build an año viejo
representing the past year, what figure or event would you portray? Explain your choice.
Page C14 in your textbook. Read the paragraph about Carnaval.
1. When is Carnaval usually celebrated?
In the past, Carnaval was the last chance to eat what?
What is Encarnación?
What are cascarones? What do people in México do with them?
Carnaval is similar to what celebration in The United States?
Page C16 in your textbook. Read the paragraph about Las Fallas.
1. When and where does Las Fallas take place?
Fireworks are a big part of Las Fallas. When do you typically see fireworks in The United States?
Describe the ninots. What happens to them at La Cremà?
If your community celebrated Las Fallas, which figures (in
politics, sports, entertainment, recent events, etc.) would
you choose for ninots? These can be mega superstars or
just people from your community. Do a rough sketch of
your ninot in the box to the right.
Page C18 in your textbook. Read the paragraph about Semana Santa.
1. ¿Qué significa Semana Santa?
When does Semana Santa take place?
3. What do people ususally do during Semana Santa?
Page C20 in your textbook. Read the paragraph about Cinco de Mayo.
Nombre: ________________________________________ Clase: ____________________ Fecha: __________________
Brainstorm and write down what comes to mind when you think of Cinco de Mayo.
What happened on May 5 in 1862?
The town Puebla de los Ángeles was renamed Puebla de Zaragoza in whose honor?
Page C22 in your textbook. Read the paragraph about Inti Raymi.
1. Inti Raymi is not Spanish, but instead comes from what language?
¿Qué significa Inti Raymi?
The largest festival takes place in Cuzco, Peru. What is special about that city?
What is the difference between the winter solstice and the summer solstice? (Hint: one is the longest day of the year and
one is the shortest day of the year. Which is which?)
When is the winter solstice and when is the summer solstice in North America? (Hint: look under comparación cultural.)
Page C24 in your textbook. Read the paragraph about El Día de Simón Bolívar.
Simón Bolívar (A.K.A. ___________________________) was very important in obtaining South America’s independence
from which country?
In which countries is his birthday a national holiday?
¿Cuál es la fecha del cumpleaños de Simón Bolívar? el ________________ de __________________
The Battle of Boyacá took place in which country?
Where is the statue of Simón Bolívar found in Venezuela?
There are several leaders in the United States that are remembered each year with their own holiday (i.e. Martin Luther
King, Jr.). You should come up with a person that you all think deserves to have a day named after them. This person can be
a political figure, a sports superstar, a scientist, a person in history, etc. Come up with one person and explain why you think
they deserve to be remembered one day out of the year in our country.