PROS LA PROFILAXIS PREEXPOSICIÓN FRENTE A VIH Roger Paredes Unitat VIH i Institut de Recerca de la SIDA irsiCaixa Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol Las nuevas infecciones por VIH no han disminuido, e incluso aumentan en grupos vulnerables 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Figura 1.8. Evolució de la prevalença del VIH en dones treballadores del sexe segons país d'origen. Catalunya 2005-2011 1000 2001 2003 2005 2007 UDVP Home HTS Dona HTS TV 2009 2011 HSH SIVES 2015: 2013 30 27 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0 800 600 400 200 0 Global Taxa Home Taxa Global Taxa Dona Taxa casos per 100.000 habitants Figura 1.17. Evolució anual de la taxa de diagnòstics del VIH segons el sexe. Registre del VIH i sida de Catalunya, 20012013 Nombre de casos de VIH Nombre de casos de VIH Figura 1.20. Evolució dels diagnòstics de VIH segons els grups de transmissió. Registre de VIH i sida de Catalunya, 2001-2013 Con el preservativo no basta Estudi ÍTACA - BCN Checkpoint (2008-2011) Ús del preservatiu Sempre 714 56,3% Gairebé sempre 476 37,5% A vegades 34 2,7% Gairebé mai 15 1,2% Mai 17 1,3% No contesta 13 1,0% Total SIVES 2015: 1,269 93,8% Riesgo de transmisión VIH Acute “Early” HIV patients responsible for 8-43% of HIV transmission in serodiscordant couples (Pinkerton, AIDS Behavior, 2008) Source: Galvin/Cohen, 2004 6 La PrEP es eficaz La PrEP es eficaz Study name Target Drug / Dosing Country/Region % Protection iPrex (n=2499) HSH TDF/FTC QD vs placebo Peru, Ecuador, South Africa, Brazil, Thailand, and the United States • • 44% overall 92% if detectable drug levels TDF2 (n=1219) HTS men & women TDF/FTC QD vs placebo Botswana • 62% Partners PrEP (n=4758 couples) Men & women, serodiscordant couples TDF QD vs TDF/FTC QD vs placebo Kenya and Uganda • • 67% TDF 75% TDF/FTC (90% if detectable drug levels) Bangkok Tenofovir Study (n=2413) IVDU TDF Thailand • • 49% overall 74% if detectable drug levels FEM-PrEP (n=2120) HTS women TDF/FTC QD South Africa, Kenya, and Tanzania • • • No reduction <50% with drug levels Early stop: low power VOICE (n=5029) HTS women TDF/FTC QD vs topical vaginal TDF vs oral & topical placebos Southern Africa • • No reduction <30% with drug levels * In all cases, PrEP provided alongside condoms, individualised risk reduction, adherence counselling, etc 8 La PrEP es eficaz (si se toma…) 9 PrEP “on demand” funciona N=414, randomized 1:1 13 months follow-up 16 new HIV transmission: •2 in active arm (incidence 0.94 per 100 PY) •14 in placebo group (incidence 6.6 per 100 PY) 86% reduction in the incidence of HIV T NNT for one year to prevent an infection = 18 U S Pu b lic H ealth Población diana (CDC 2014) Servic e P R EE X P OS U RE F OR PRO P T HE PR H YL I NF E AX CT I O E V E N T I O N IN N O F IS STAT T HE ES - 2 U NI T HI V 0 14 A CL ED INIC AL PR AC T ICE G UID E LIN E BB ox efining ox3.3.DD efining“substantial “substantialrisk” risk” Substantial risk of HIV infection is provisionally defined as HIV incidence greater than 3 per 100 Substantial risk of HIV infection is provisionally defined as HIV incidence greater than 3 per 100 person–years in the absence of PrEP. HIV incidence greater than 3 per 100 person–years has person–years in the absence of PrEP. HIV incidence greater than 3 per 100 person–years has been identified among some groups of men who have sex with men, transgender women in been identified among some groups of men who have sex with men, transgender women in many settings and heterosexual men and women who have sexual partners with undiagnosed many settings and heterosexual men and women who have sexual partners with undiagnosed or untreated HIV infection. Individual risk varies within groups at substantial risk depending on or untreated HIV infection. Individual risk varies within groups at substantial risk depending on individual behaviour and the characteristics of sexual partners. Most of the PrEPtrials reviewed individual behaviour and the characteristics of sexual partners. Most of the PrEPtrials reviewed for this recommendation identified and recruited groups at substantial risk of acquiring HIV for this recommendation identified and recruited groups at substantial risk of acquiring HIV infection, as demonstrated by the HIV incidence rate among participants in control arms that infection, as demonstrated by the HIV incidence rate among participants in control arms that ranged between 3 to 9 per 100 person-years in most studies. Indeed, the HIV incidence in ranged between 3 to 9 per 100 person-years in most studies. Indeed, the HIV incidence in control arms of PrEPtrials was often higher than anticipated, suggesting that PrEPattracts control arms of PrEPtrials was often higher than anticipated, suggesting that PrEPattracts people at particularly high risk (187). In locations where the overall incidence of HIV infection is people at particularly high risk (187). In locations where the overall incidence of HIV infection is low, there may be individuals at substantial risk who would be attracted to PrEPservices. low, there may be individuals at substantial risk who would be attracted to PrEPservices. HIV incidence greater than 2 per 100 person–years was considered sufficient to warrant HIV incidence greater than 2 per 100 person–years was considered sufficient to warrant offering oral PrEPin the recommendations issued by the International Antiviral Society – USA offering oral PrEPin the recommendations issued by the International Antiviral Society – USA expert panel in 2014 (191). Thresholds for offering PrEPmay vary depending on a variety of expert panel in 2014 (191). Thresholds for offering PrEPmay vary depending on a variety of considerations, including available resources and the relative costs, feasibility and demand for considerations, including available resources and the relative costs, feasibility and demand for PrEPand other opportunities. PrEPand other opportunities. 12 La PrEP tiene una toxicidad leve / moderada y reversible Study name Target Drug / Dosing Toxicity iPrex (n=2499) HSH TDF/FTC QD vs placebo Nausea 9% vs 5% US-MSM Safety (n=400) HSH TDF vs Placebo Back pain BMD 1% TDF2 (n=1219) HTS men & women TDF/FTC QD vs placebo Nausea, vomiting, dizziness (1st month) Bangkok Tenofovir Study (n=2413) IVDU TDF Nausea, vomiting (1st 2 months) Ipergay ANRS (n=414) HSH On-demand TDF/FTC Nausea, vomiting (1st 2 months) 13 Ningún estudio ha demostrado incremento en toxicidad grado 3 o 4 Table 5: Evidence Summary— Safety and Toxicity Outcome Analyses Study Agent Control Grade 3/4 Adverse Clinical Eventsa iPrEx TDF2 West African Trial 52 events 9 events NR 59 events 10 events NR Grade 3/4 Adverse Laboratory Events a iPrEx TDF2 West African Trial 59 events 32 events 1 event 48 events 32 events 5 events Grade 3/4 Adverse Events (Clinical and Laboratory)a Partners PrEP TDF: 323 events TDF/FTC: 337 events FEM-PrEP NR US MSM Safety Trial 36 events VOICE NR BTS 175 events NR, not reported. 307 events NR 26 events NR 173 events 14 Las resistencias no justifican no realizar PrEP Table 6: Evidence Summary— HI V Resistance Findings (TDF or FTC Drug Resistant Virus Detected) Outcome Analyses Study iPrEx US MSM Safety Trial Partners PrEP TDF2 FEM-PrEP West African Trial VOICE BTS NR, not reported. Agent 2 resistant viruses among 2 persons infected at baseline 0 resistant viruses among 36 persons infected after baseline 0 resistant viruses among 3 persons infected after baseline (in delayed arm before starting drug) 2 resistant viruses among 5 persons infected at baseline and randomly assigned to TDF 1 resistant virus among 3 persons infected at baseline and randomly assigned to TDF/FTC 0 resistant viruses among 27 persons infected after baseline 1 resistant virus in 1 person infected at baseline 0 resistant viruses among 9 persons infected after baseline Control 1 resistant virus among 8 persons infected at baseline 0 resistant viruses among 64 persons infected after baseline 1 resistant virus among 1 person infected at baseline 0 resistant viruses among 3 persons infected after baseline 0 resistant viruses among 6 persons infected at baseline 0 resistant viruses among 51 persons infected after baseline 1 resistant virus in 1 person infected at baseline (very low frequency and transient detection) 0 resistant viruses among 24 persons infected after baseline 4 resistant viruses among 33 persons infected after baseline 1 resistant virus in 35 persons infected after baseline 0 resistant viruses among 2 persons infected while on TDF NR NR — 0 resistant viruses among 49 persons infected after baseline Las resistencias no justifican no realizar PrEP • La mayoría de infecciones a pesar de la PrEP son por virus susceptibles a los fármacos o tratables • Mayoría de casos, M184V/I a FTC (o 3TC) hipersusceptibilidad a TDF y ABC • Raramente K65R a TDF (potencialmente más problemático en África) • A menudo se trata de infecciones en fase hiperaguda no diagnosticadas • Se puede prevenir con tests de 4ª generación (ventana 4-10 días) y incluso CV Coste-efectividad • El coste es la limitación real • A precio actual y administración continuada Los costes de la PrEP son sustanciales • Es coste-efectiva en poblaciones de alto riesgo. Tasas incidencia • • 2-3/100.000 PY <100.000 US$/QALY • 0.8/100.000 PY >200.000 US$/QALY • Muy sensible a coste o efectividad • Llega TDF genérico 2017 • PrEP “on demand” menor coste • Es posible simplificar el seguimientoJA James Carville – Clinton 1992 Campaign aganst Bush Sr. Dr Vall Yo Counseling i Test del VIH Control de las ITS Condones Microbicidas Prevención integral Vacunas Anillos vaginales Circumcisión masculina Profilaxis basada en ARV TasP PEP PrEP La PrEP ya está en la calle… y en Tinder® ! Encuesta ACCEPT >600 HSH VIH•22% HSH VIH- conocían la PrEP, sobretodo mediante internet •60% aceptación, 25% NS/NC •75% la tomarían como inyección mensual o toma única pre-sexo •46% si causara efectos adversos •Sólo un 12% si costara 400€ •19% no utilizaría preservativo ante PrEP SIVES 2015: 19 Conclusiones • En VIH, tratar es prevenir • La PrEP funciona • La PrEP a demanda funciona • La toxicidad o resistencias no justifican no hacerla • La limitación real es el coste y la implementación • Y las ideas preconcebidas, incluídas las de índole moral / religiosa ¿por qué tengo que pagar yo para que “ellos” tengan relaciones sexuales? • La PrEP no evita embarazos ni otras ITS Con PrEP no basta • No existe evidencia sólida de compensación de riesgo • Vamos por detrás de muchos otros países