the baptism of the lord
the baptism of the lord
The Cathedral of Saint Mary Catholic Church & School The Most Reverend Thomas G. Wenski, D.D. Archbishop of Miami Very Reverend Christopher B. Marino, Rector Reverend Esteker Elyse, S.M.M., Parochial Vicar Reverend Alvaro Pinzon, J.C.D., in Residence Reverend David Zirilli, Director of Vocations, in Residence Deacon Edgardo Farias MASS SCHEDULE ♦ CONFESSIONS DAILY MASS Monday through Saturday in the Chapel 8:15am & 5:30 pm English CONFESSIONS SUNDAY MASS 5:30 pm Saturday, English 8:00 am Sunday, Creole 10:00 am Sunday, English 12:00 noon Sunday, Spanish Sunday 7:30am 9:30am 11:30am Saturday 5.00pm STAFF Office Manager: Sr. Carmen M. Ors, SCTJM x105 Operation Manager/ Bookkeeper Ruben Jimenez x106 Music Director Gustavo Zayas x111 Organist Parish Assistant Stephen Kolarac Ofelia Vazquez x111 x101 Front Office Linda Felix x101 ST. MARY’S CATHEDRAL SCHOOL Sister Michelle Fernandez sctjm School Principal Office: 305-795-2000 Fax: 305-795-2013 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sister Kristi Bergman, sctjm Religious Education Director Office: 305-795-2016 [email protected] JANUARY 11, 2015 ** THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD ** 7525 NW 2 Avenue, Miami, Florida 33150 Office: (305) 759-4531 Fax: (305) 757.7456 2015 Archbishop’s Charity and Development Drive Begins As we begin the year 2015, we have so much to reflect upon and to be grateful for. We are called upon by God to be good stewards of the gifts He has given us by placing those gifts at His service. In the coming days, many of you will receive a letter from Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski regarding the 2015 Archbishop’s Charity and Development Drive (ABCD). Please read it and prayerfully consider supporting the Archdiocese of Miami and its many life-changing ministries. For more than fifty years, the Archdiocese of Miami has been building and sustaining the Catholic community in South Florida. That has been made possible because of people like you. Since its inception, the Archbishop’s Charities and Development Drive (ABCD) has always been a conduit to carrying out God’s Will. The good works that ABCD makes possible are a testimony to our faith, a faith that is very much alive and is a part of each and every one of us. Let us join together to be One in Faith, One in Hope, One in Charity. Thank you for your support of ABCD. Kanpay Charite ak Devlopman Achevèk lane 2015 lan Kòmanse Pandan n ap komanse ane 2015 lan, nou gen anpil bagay pou nou reflechi sou yo e pou nou di mesi. Bondye fe apel a nou pou n byen jere tout kado Li ba nou yo pandan n ap mete yo nan sevis Li. Nan jou ki pral vini yo, anpil nan nou pral resevwa yon let nan men Achevek Thomas G. Wenski konsenan Kanpay Charite ak Devlopman Achevek la (ABCD) pou lane 2015 lan. Tanpri pran yon ti tan pou nou byen li let sa a epi lapriye pou nou ka deside kijan nou pral sipote Acheveche Miami an ansanm ak ministe li yo ki la pou chanje lavi tout moun. Depi plis pase senkant (50) lane, Acheveche Miami an ap travay pou bati e sipote kominote Katolik nan Sid Florid la. Si sa kapab rive fet se gras a ou. Depi le yo te lanse Kanpay Charite ak Devlopman Achevek la, kanpay sa a te toujou sevi yon mwayen pou plan Bondye te kapab reyalize. Bon zev ABCD yo se temwayaj lafwa nou, yon lafwa ki byen vivan e ki nan nou chak e nou tout. An nou tout ansanm fe Yon Sel nan Lafwa, Yon Sel nan Lespwa, Yon Sel nan Lacharite. Mesi pou sipo w ap bay ABCD Comienza la Campaña de Caridades y Desarrollo del Arzobispo del 2015 Al comenzar el ano 2015, tenemos mucho sobre lo cual reflexionar y por lo cual estar agradecidos. Hemos sido llamados por Dios a ser buenos administradores de los dones que Él nos ha dado, empleando esos dones a Su servicio. Én los proximos días, muchos de ustedes recibiran una carta del Arzobispo Thomas G. Wenski con respecto a la Campana de Caridades y Desarrollo del Arzobispo (ABCD) del 2015. Por favor, leanla y, en oracion, consideren el dar su apoyo a la Arquidiocesis de Miami y a los ministerios que cambian tantas vidas. Durante mas de cincuenta anos, la Arquidiocesis de Miami ha estado edificando y sosteniendo a la comunidad catolica en el Sur de La Florida. Ésto ha sido posible gracias a personas como ustedes. Desde su creacion, la Campana de Caridades y Desarrollo del Arzobispo (ABCD) siempre ha sido un conducto para llevar a cabo la voluntad de Dios. Las buenas obras que el ABCD hace posible, son un testimonio de nuestra Fe, una Fe que esta muy viva y es una parte de todos y cada uno de nosotros. Mantengamonos Unidos en la Fe, Unidos en la Ésperanza y Unidos en la Caridad. Muchas gracias por su apoyo al ABCD. “The first day of the year is the feast day of the Mother of God, followed by the Epiphany, which recalls the visit of the Magi. The evangelist Matthew writes, 'And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him'. It was the Mother who, after having generated Him, who presents the Son to the world. She gives us Jesus, she shows Jesus to us”. With these words Pope Francis began the first catechesis of the Wednesday morning general audiences of 2015, which he dedicated to the figure of the mother, both in the family and in the Christian community. “Every human being owes his or her life to a mother, and almost always owes much of his or her subsequent existence, human and spiritual formation, to her”, affirmed the Pope. “However, although the mother is highly exalted from a symbolic point of view, she is listened to and helped very little in daily life, and her central role in society is not given much consideration. On the contrary, often the willingness of mothers to sacrifice themselves for their children is exploited in order to save on social expenditure”. Even in the Christian community, the mother is not always given due consideration. “Yet at the centre of the life of the Church there is the Mother of Jesus. … It is necessary to better understand their daily struggle to be efficient at work and attentive and affectionate at home; we must better understand what they aspire to in order to express the best and most authentic results of their emancipation”. Mothers are “the strongest antidote to individualism. … They are those who most hate war, which kills their children. They bear witness to the beauty of life. Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero said that mothers live a 'maternal martyrdom'. In his homily at the funeral of a priest killed by death squads, he said, echoing Vatican Council II, 'We must all be willing to die for our faith, even if the Lord does not grant us this honour... Giving life does not only mean being killed; giving life, having the spirit of martyrdom, is giving in duty, in silence, in prayer, in the honest fulfilment of one's duty; in that silence of everyday life, giving life a little at a time. Yes, as it is given by a mother, who without fear, with the simplicity of maternal martyrdom, conceives a child in her womb, gives him life, nurses him, nurtures him and cares for him with affection. It is giving life. It is martyrdom'. Yes, being a mother does not mean merely bringing a child into the world, but it is also a choice of life, the decision to give life”. Por que ser Catolico? 2da Fase Queridos hermanos se nos aproxima la 2da Etapa de “Por que ser catolico”? Despues de muchos meses de esfuerzo, tiempo y dedicacion los frutos se estan viviendo . Gracias al interes de cada uno de ustedes de seguir conociendo y creciendo en su Fe, la formacion de las Pequeñas comunidades Eclesiales son una realidad en La comunidad hispana de la Catedral Santa Maria. Les animamos a que todos seamos parte de este gran proyecto en nuestra Arquidiocesis. Para mayor informacion puede llamar a: Dora Calero 305 7216182 / [email protected] The office will be closed on Monday, January 20 In Observance of Martin Luther King Day. “A society without mothers would be an inhuman society, as mothers always know how to show tenderness, devotion and moral strength, even in the moments of greatest difficulty. Mothers often also transmit the deepest sense of religious practice. …It is a message that mothers who believe know how to transmit without much explanation; this arrives later, but the seed of faith is planted in those first precious moments. Without mothers … faith would lose a good part of its simple, profound warmth”. La Catedral Santa Maria les invita a una: “And the Church is a mother”, exclaimed the Pope. “We are not orphans; we are children, we have a mother – the Virgin, the mother Church and our mother. We are not orphans, we are children of the Church, we are the children of Mary and of our mother. Thank you, dear mothers, for what you are in the family and for what you give to the Church and to the world. And to you, our beloved Church, thank you for being a mother. And to you, Mary, mother of God, thank you for presenting us to Jesus”. Vigilia carismática con Exposición del Santísimo Following the catechesis, the Holy Father greeted, among others, a delegation of French imams engaged in dialogue between Islam and Christianity, and a group of Polish survivors of the Auschwitz concentration camp, freed seventy years ago. Pope Francis para orar por las intenciones y necesidades de nuestra parroquia y por los Discípulos Misioneros de nuestra comunidad. Sábado, Enero 17 Hora: de 8:00pm- 11:00pm Capilla de Santísimo Sacramento Información: Trinidad Calero 786-477-1698 READINGS FOR THE WEEK January 11-17 Sunday, THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD (Solemnity) Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7; Psalm 29:1-2, 3-4, 9-10; Acts 10: 3438; Mark 1:7-11 Monday Hebrews 1:1-6; Psalm 97:1, 2b, 6, 7c, 9; Mark 1:14-20 Tuesday - St. Hilary, Bishop & Doctor (memorial) Hebrews 2:5-12; Psalm 8:2ab, 5-9; Mark 1:21-28 Wednesday Hebrews 2:14-18; Psalm 105:1-4, 6-9; Mark 1:29-39 Thursday Hebrews 3:7-14; Psalm 95:6-7c, 8-11; Mark 1:40-45 Friday Hebrews 4:1-5, 11; Psalm 78:3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mark 2:1-12 Saturday - St. Anthony, Abbot (Memorial) Hebrews 4:12-16; Psalm 19:8-10, 15; Mark 2:13-17 Please register in the parish and use the parish envelopes. This is an important part of STEWARDSHIP. It helps to keep us accountable as well as having other concrete benefits. INTENTIONS OF THE MASS January 11-17 SUNDAY, JANUARY 11 8:00am Thanksgiving to God 10:00am + Mireille & Eddie Mercier 12.00pm + Edelmira Morales MONDAY, JANUARY 12 8:15am Linda Felix (intentions) 5.30pm + Manuel Rodriguez-Fleitas TUESDAY, JANUARY 13 8:15am Accion of Grace to the Virgin Mary 5.30pm + Angelita Rivera WEDNESDAY, JANAURY 14 8:15am Linda Felix (intentions) 5.30pm John Gibson (health) THURSDAY, JANUARY 15 8:15am Linda Felix (intentions) 5.30pm Daniel Lois (health) 7.00pm Parishioners FRIDAY, JANUARY 16 8:15am Andy Olea (health) 5.30pm Gigi Macias (health) SATURDAY, JANUARY 17 8:15am + Nubia Morales 5.30pm + Angelita Rivera Parish Registration forms are available in the Gift Shop after every Sunday Mass or in the Cathedral Office during the week. Por favor registrese en la Parroquia y use los sobres parroquiales. Esto es una parte importante de la MAYORDOMIA. Ayuda a mantenernos responsables y tener otros beneficios concretos. Las formas para registrarse estan disponibles en la Tienda y en las oficinas de la Catedral durante esta semana. CHAPEL OF OUR LADY OF THE CLERGY ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT First Friday. From 10am-12pm The Chapel is located inside the parish office building. Jesus is home, come and visit Him!