SPANISH ORAL LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT Jill Jegerski | Department of Modern Languages | April 8, 2011 INTRODUCTION Basic Spanish program at CSI • Three-course Gen. Ed. sequence: SPN 113, 114, 213 • Approximately 800 students total per semester • Most sections are taught by part-time faculty Jegerski Language Assessment 2 PRIOR ASSESSMENT METHOD: FORUMS Previously, we used threaded discussion boards • Students recorded answers using a separate program and posted them in the forum • Instructors downloaded individual answer files • Mean score for SPN 114 assessments was 86.1% • Higher than mean course grades for SPN 114 • We know oral proficiency is the last of the four language skills to develop • We questioned the validity of the assessment method Jegerski Language Assessment 3 PRIOR ASSESSMENT METHOD: FORUMS Validity may have been undermined by several factors: • No mechanism for timing students’ oral responses • Students could playback and record over their answers • Test items were the same and appeared in the same order for all students • Instructors used an external grading sheet Jegerski Language Assessment 4 PRIOR ASSESSMENT METHOD: FORUMS Other issues relevant to outcomes assessment: • No way to compile or analyze scores • No way to examine individual test items • No way to monitor the use of rubrics by instructors →New testing software acquired Fall 2010: OWL Jegerski Language Assessment 5 NEW ASSESSMENT METHOD: OWL OWL testing software: Validity • Professors specify time limits for oral responses • One attempt only for each item • Test items are randomly selected from banks of questions • Grading module (including our rubrics) is built in to the program Jegerski Language Assessment 6 OWL: STUDENT VIEW Jegerski Language Assessment 7 OWL: STUDENT VIEW VIDEO SCRIPT: Hola ¿Cómo está? Me llamo Teresa. Soy de Oaxaca, México. Mi estación preferida del año es el otoño. Durante los meses de otoño no hace mucho calor, hace fresco. Algunas veces llueve, pero no siempre. También me gusta el otoño porque en esta estación celebramos una de las fiestas más tradicionales de mi país: el día de muertos. El día de muertos se celebra el uno de noviembre. En esta fiesta celebramos a nuestros parientes muertos. Hay muchas decoraciones típicas de esta celebración, como el papel picado… o las calacas… y más importante: los altares. Los altares se montan en honor de los parientes muertos. En ellos ponemos decoraciones y también ofrendas de comida. Normalmente ponemos la comida favorita de nuestros parientes y también la comida típica de la celebración… Algunas de las comidas típicas de esta fiesta son: el pan de muerto… Y las calaveritas de azúcar. Si algún día viene usted a México durante el día de muertos, pida estas comidas típicas, cómalas y visite los altares. Estoy deseando conocerla. Escriba pronto. Hasta luego. Jegerski Language Assessment 8 OWL: INSTRUCTOR VIEW Jegerski Language Assessment 9 OWL: INSTRUCTOR VIEW Jegerski Language Assessment 10 NEW ASSESSMENT METHOD: OWL Owl testing software: Outcomes assessment • Test scores are easily compiled for analysis • Scores for individual test items are also available • The use of rubrics is easily monitored because the rubric is part of the score Jegerski Language Assessment 11 NEW ASSESSMENT METHOD: OWL Owl testing software: Results from pilot • Mean scores were 74.2% (vs. 86.1%) Jegerski Language Assessment 12 FUTURE DIRECTIONS 1. Goal: Achieve a minimum level of oral proficiency (ACTFL Intermediate Low) 2. Objectives: Specific language skills (e.g., talk about self, family, and daily activities; express personal preferences; ask questions) 3. Measurement: Assessment of oral proficiency 4. Evaluation: Compile and analyze results using OWL 5. Modifications: More emphasis on speaking in the curriculum, possibly modify expectations for oral proficiency Jegerski Language Assessment 13 THANK YOU! Jill Jegerski | Department of Modern Languages
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