YOUR CIVIL RIGHTS Discrimination is against the law. Ohio protects
YOUR CIVIL RIGHTS Discrimination is against the law. Ohio protects
Discrimination is against the law. Ohio protects YOUR CIVIL RIGHTS If you believe that you have been denied or delayed services for which you are eligible because of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, or age, contact: Ohio Department of Job & Family Services Office of Employee and Business Services Bureau of Civil Rights 145 S. Front St., Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 644-2703 or toll free at 1-866-227-6353 FAX: (614) 752-6381 TTY hearing impaired: 1-866 221-6700 JFS 08048 ES (Rev. 2/2002) La Descriminaciòn es en contra de la ley Ohio protege SUS DERECHOS CIVILES Si usted cree que servicios para los cuales usted cualifica le han sid negados o demorados debido a su raza, color, religiòn, sexo/gènero, nacionalidad, incapacidad o por edad, comuníquese con el: Ohio Department of Job & Family Services (Departamento de Trabajo y Servicios de Familia) Office of Employee and Business Services 145 S. Front St., 1st Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215 Telèfono: (614) 644-2703 o llame gratis al 1-866-227-6353 Fax: (614) 752-6381 Para personas con problemas auditivos: 1-866-221-6700 JFS #08048-ES (Rev. 2/2002)