S407 F. Jehle Jarchas Representation of the moaxaja, with the
S407 F. Jehle Jarchas Representation of the moaxaja, with the
S407 F. Jehle Jarchas Representation of the moaxaja, with the jarcha at the end: ----------- ----------- A , estrofa ----------- ----------- A - introductoria (matla) ----------- ----------- B ----------- ----------- B ----------- ----------- B ----------- ----------- A ----------- ----------- A , / 1ª estrofa (bayt) , - vuelta (simt) ----------- ----------- B ----------- ----------- B ----------- ----------- B ----------- ----------- A ----------- ----------- A ... ----------- ----------- B ----------- ----------- B ----------- ----------- B ----------- ----------- A ----------- ----------- A , / 2ª estrofa (bayt) , - vuelta (simt) , última estrofa / (bayt 5 o 6) - , * * * * * * * / * * * * * * * * , - moaxaja (poema escrito en árabe o hebreo) jarcha (poesía/canción escrita muchas veces en mozárabe) [Note that this graphic representation is given as in English, e.g., from left to right, and that no attempt is made here to portray internal rhyme.]