Helpers of God`s Precious Infants Mass and R osary Procession


Helpers of God`s Precious Infants Mass and R osary Procession
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church
4545 E Anderson Road
Orlando, FL 32812-7397
Mass begins at 8:30 am
Join us after Mass to pray the rosary at
Orlando Women’s Center
1103 Lucerne Terrace, Orlando, FL
This is a prayerful witness. No signs please.
Upcoming Masses and Processions
November 7
Holy Family Catholic Church 8:30 am
5125 S Apopka Vineland
Orlando, FL 32819-3801
December 5
St. Mary Magdalen
8:00 am
With Bishop Noonan
861 Maitland Ave.
Altamonte Springs, FL 32701
January 2
Incarnation Catholic Church
1515 Edgewater Drive
Orlando, FL 32804
February 6
St. Augustine Catholic Church 9:00 am
375 Sunset Drive North
Casselberry, FL 32707
March 26
St. James Cathedral
With Bishop Noonan
*Prayer Service
215 N. Orange Ave.
Orlando, FL 32801
8:00 am
8:00 am
Helpers of God’s Precious Infants Mass and Rosary Procession
October 3, 2015
For more information contact the Of“Human life must always be defended from its beginning in the
fice of Advocacy and Justice
womb and must be recognized as a gift of God that guarantees
[email protected]
the future of humanity.” -Pope Francis
407-658-1818 x 1086
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church
4545 E. Anderson Road
Orlando, FL 32812-7397
Misa 8:30am
Luego de la misa iremos hasta la clínica de
abortos “All Women’s Center” localizada en
el 1103 Lucerne Terrace, Orlando para
rezar allí el santo rosario.
Este es un testimonio apacible, en oración.
No letreros, por favor.
Calendario de misas y procesiones
noviembre 7 Holy Family Catholic Church 8:30 am
5125 S Apopka Vineland Road
Orlando, FL 32819-3801
diciembre 5
St. Mary Magdalen
Con Monseñor Noonan
861 Maitland Ave.
Altamonte Springs, FL 32701
8:00 am
enero 2
Incarnation Catholic Church
1515 Edgewater Drive
Orlando, FL 32804
8:00 am
febrero 6
St. Augustine Catholic Church 9:00 am
375 Sunset Drive North
Casselberry, FL 32707
marzo 26
St. James Cathedral
Con Monseñor Noonan
*Servicio de oración
215 N. Orange Ave.
Orlando 32801
8:00 am
Este evento está patrocinado por la
Diócesis de Orlando
[email protected]
407-658-1818 x 1086
“La vida debe ser defendida siempre, ya desde
el vientre materno, reconociendo que es un don de
Dios y garantía del futuro de la humanidad.”
-Papa Francisco
Misas y procesiones de los auxiliadores de los amados niños de Dios
3 de octubre de 2015