Pacing Schedule for Spanish 2Honors 1st Quarter: Chapters 2A and


Pacing Schedule for Spanish 2Honors 1st Quarter: Chapters 2A and
Pacing Schedule for Spanish 2Honors
1st Quarter: Chapters 2A and 2B
Unit Outcomes and Skill Set
A. Listening and Speaking: students will be able to
engage in 2 minute conversations and be able to:
1. Discuss getting ready for special events
2. Describe daily routines and personal care
3. Express possession
4. Describe clothing and fashion in detail
5. Describe the downtown area of their city
6. Give directions
7. Identify routines associated with weekdays and
8. Explain activities that they typically do on
weekdays and weekends
9. Discuss methods of payment for purchases
B. Writing Component: students will be able to write a
75-100 word composition
C. Reading Component: students will be able to read
short dialogs, passages related to family themes,
shopping and advertisements
D. Cultural Component: students will understand:
1. cultural perspectives about parties
2. appropriate clothing for all occasions
3. community interests in latino areas
4. El Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires
5. Hispanic designers and history of clothing in
different cultures
Grammar and Vocabulary
Use of personal adjectives
Reflexive verbs and their uses
Ser and estar
Possessive adjectives
Vocabulary for shopping, clothing and purchases
Preterite of regular verbs
Demonstrative adjectives
Using adjectives as nouns
III. Assessment: essay, project, quizzes and tests
A. Projects:
1. Revista de Moda
2. Evento Especial
B. Dialogues:
1. Día especial
2. Evento especial
3. Primera cita
4. La boda
C. Essays:
1. Birthday check
2. La peluquería
D. Quizzes and Tests
1. Frequent vocabulary and grammar quizzes
2. Chapter Tests
3. Formal Oral and Written assessment
Quarter 2: chapters 3A and 3B
I. Unit Outcomes and Skill Set
E. Listening and Speaking: students will be able to
engage in 2 minute conversations and be able to:
1. Discuss running errands around town
2. Discuss where people go to buy certain personal
3. Talk about things you did and where you did them
4. Explain why you weren’t able to do certain things
5. Discuss things you have bought
6. Describe open air markets
7. Interpret places in a city or town
8. Describe driving and transportation in cities
9. Give directions
10. Discuss good driving habits
11. Give commands to other people
B. Writing Component: students will be able to write and edit a
100 word composition, using the department rubric as a guideline
C. Reading Component: students will be able to read short
articles on defensive driving, neighborhoods in Spanish-speaking
countries, Sister Cities International programs, advertisements and
short dialogs.
D. Cultural Component: students will understand:
1. Open air markets and the role they play in Spanishspeaking countries
2. The concept of ‘barrio’ and its cultural importance
II. Grammar and vocabulary
Direct object pronouns
Irregular preterite verbs
The written accent and its uses
Irregular affirmative “tú” commands
Present progressive regular and irregular forms
IV. Assessment: Essays, projects and tests
A. Essays:
1. Ciudades Hermanas
2. El regalo perfecto
Los quehaceres en la ciudad
Ir de compras
El Mercado al aire libre
Cuento de tu nacimiento
Poema del pasado
La pesadilla
B. Projects:
1. Proyecto de biografía
2. Ciudades Hermanas: video project
C. Dialogs:
1. Cuidar a los niños
2. Voice mail message
3. Getting ready for a trip
4. New city exploration
5. Driving instructor
6. La policía
D. Quizzes and Tests
1. Frequent vocabulary and grammar quizzes
2. Chapter tests
3. Formal oral and written component for each
Common Final Exam will include listening component,
scantron, fill-in section, reading and essay.
Quarter 3: chapters 4A and 4B
Unit Outcomes and Skill set
A. Listening and speaking: students will be able to engage
in 3 minute conversations and role plays. They will be
able to:
1. Discuss their childhood toys and activities
2. Express to whom an action is done
3. Talk about how they were as a child
4. Discuss common etiquette and holiday
5. Communicate about social gatherings with
friends and family
6. Describe how people interact
B. Writing component: students will be able to write a
100-120 word composition
C. Reading Component: students will be able to read
short stories based on Spanish speaking culture,
historical short essay, advertisements, letters and short
creative legends with accompanying questions
D. Cultural Component: students will understand:
1. Popular children’s songs
2. Important cultural holidays
Grammar and vocabulary
Vocabulary for toys, games and playing with children
Vocabulary for special events, manners and customs
The imperfect tense for regular and irregular verbs
Indirect object pronouns
Different uses for the imperfect tense
Reciprocal verbs and actions
III. Assessment: Essays, projects, orals and tests
A. Essays:
1. Extreme make-over for your grammar school
2. Newspaper article about childhood
3. Grandparent story
B. Projects:
Fiestas de España
Recuerdos de mi nacimiento
Mini-Album de mi niñez
Álbum de Recortes- entire department will
include this in the 3rd quarter
C. Orals:
1. Un juguete favorito
2. Un famoso
3. Una mascota
4. Su niñez
5. Un día típico
6. Mini-Teatros
E. Quizzes and Tests
1. Frequent vocabulary and grammar quizzes
2. Chapter tests
3. Formal oral and written component for each
Quarter 4: chapters 5A and 5B
Unit Outcomes and Skill Set
A. Listening and speaking: students will be able to
engage in 4-5 minute dialogs and be able to:
1. Discuss natural disasters, emergencies, rescues
and heroes
2. Describe scenes in the past
3. Describe weather and time in the past
4. Interview a classmate about a disaster
5. Explain legends
6. Explain injuries and emergency room procedures
7. Describe what was taking place when something
else occurred
B. Writing Component: students will be able to write a
100-125 word composition.
C. Reading Component: students will be able to read
short stories, short original text stories from
newspapers, short plays, legends and advertisements.
D. Cultural Component: students will understand:
1. Natural disasters in Mexico and Chile
2. Mexican legends regarding volcanoes
3. Public medical services and their role in Spanishspeaking countries
4. Some information about Diego Rivera and other
Hispanic artists
II. Grammar and Vocabulary
Adequate vocabulary to discuss natural disasters, emergencies
and crisis situations
Adequate vocabulary to describe parts of the body and certain
Imperfect tense and other uses
Irregular preterite verbs; oír, leer, creer, destruir, venire, decir,
poner and traer
Imperfect progressive and preterite
III. Assessment: Essays, Orals, Projects and Tests
A. Essays:
1. Anuncio de servicio público
2. Un acto heroíco
3. Los bomberos
4. Tarjeta postal
B. Orals:
1. Teatro en 24 horas
2. Un acto heroíco-situaciones
C. Projects:
1. Cuba project
D. Quizzes and Tests
1. Frequent vocabulary and grammar quizzes
2. Chapter tests
3. Formal Oral and Written evaluation