Early Voting: Election Day: May 7, 2016 Dia de


Early Voting: Election Day: May 7, 2016 Dia de
A quarterly news magazine since 1982 for residents of the East Central Independent School District
Message from Roland Toscano,
ECISD Superintendent of Schools
Dear East Central Community,
The Board of Trustees has called for a bond election on
May 7th for renovations and additions to existing facilities
as well as the construction of a new elementary/intermediate campus and community performing arts center. This
referendum was developed through a bond advisory committee with board and community collaboration, with goals of accommodating
increased enrollment and completing capital improvements targeting enhanced
safety and energy efficiency. Information has and will continue to be presented
at PTA meetings, city council meetings, booster meetings, faculty meetings, and
town hall meetings. I encourage every citizen to become familiar with the details
of the bond proposal by attending one of the upcoming presentations listed within
this issue. You can also find information by visiting the district website at www.
This edition of the School Bell Times is designed to provide citizens with the
details necessary to make an informed decision about the bond. Enclosed, you
will find voting information, bond facts, costs and tax impact, as well as commonly
asked questions. The East Central community is experiencing unprecedented
growth in the north sector of the district and several campuses are between 30-55
years of age.
It is important to note that there are more than 30,000 citizens eligible to vote
in the East Central community but less than 10% typically participate in any given
election. Due to the long-term impact this issue will have, I encourage every
citizen to cast a vote and make certain their voice is heard. For those who are not
registered to vote, registration is available online at www.voterregistration.org.
Be sure to mark your calendars for early voting from April 25th through May 3rd
and Election Day on May 7th.
Roland Toscano
Energy Management Savings
Spring 2016
FALL 2009
Early Voting:
April 25 – May 3, 2016
at ECISD Administration
Office, East Central High
School and other Bexar
County early voting
Election Day:
May 7, 2016
Votación Temprana:
25 de abril-3 de mayo de
2016en la Ofician
Administrativa de ECISD,
East Central High School y
otros lugares de
votación temprana del
Condado de Bexar
Dia de elección:
7 de mayo de 2016
In March 2013, the East Central ISD partnered with Cenergistic, an energy conservation consulting company, to assist in developing an energy management program.
Since the inception of the program, ECISD has reached a milestone in savings of
$1,154,000.00 in cost avoidance.
The District has been able to quickly reach this savings level due to the support and
great leadership of the administration and the cooperative efforts of all staff members.
Teachers, staff, and students shut down their computers, monitors, laptops, and all
other energy-using devices at the end of each day. Kitchen personnel only turn on the
kitchen equipment that is needed and back off as soon as possible. The Maintenance
Department repairs water leaks and addresses other energy-wasting electrical issues in
a timely manner. The EC Police Department, the Warehouse Department, the Technology Department and the Transportation Department have been raising their manual
thermostats to a higher set point when they leave for the day. Lastly, the Custodial staff
has been making sure all the lights are off before they leave each night.
The combined efforts of leadership and all staff have made ECISD’s energy management program very successful, and the cost avoidance savings will continue to increase
in the future.
2016 Bond
Facts at a Glance
For more information visit www.ecisd.net or call 210.648.7861
The 2016 ECISD Bond package was developed
through a bond advisory committee with
community and school collaboration toward:
Responding to increased enrollment
with new construction and renovation of
existing schools.
Providing new or renovated facilities and
campus offerings throughout the district.
Creating safe and energy-efcient
environments that support student
New District Performing Arts Center.......$13,500,000
• 990-seat auditorium
• Drama, Band, and Choir Renovations
Additions & Renovations.........................$48,450,000
• Harmony Elementary
• Pecan Valley Elementary
• Sinclair Elementary
• Salado Intermediate
New Elem/Intermediate School..............$24,150,000
• Pre-K through 5th Grade
• 850 student capacity
• Accommodates growth in north part of district
• New PK-5 Elementary School
• New PK & K Classrooms at Harmony,
Pecan Valley, & Sinclair
• Classroom Improvements
• Increase Overall Student Capacity by 1000
• New Performing Arts Center
• Interior Renovations at Older Schools
• American Disabilities Act Compliance
• Connectivity
• Safer Parent Pick-up/Drop-Off Areas
• Building Code Compliance
• Air-conditioned Elementary & Intermediate
• Sustainable and Energy-Efcient
• Lighting & HVAC Improvements
Bond Election............................................May 7, 2016
New Elementary School & Performing Arts Center
Construction Starts..............................Mar 2017
Move In................................................July 2018
Elementary and Intermediate Schools Renovations
Construction Starts.............................Sept 2018
Move In..............................................June 2019
Appraised Value Annual Increase Cost/Month
$160 - $170
$13.34 - $14.17
Early Voting: April 25 - May 3, 2016
at ECISD Administration Ofce and
other Bexar County early voting locations
Election Day: May 7, 2016
(Tax rate increase of .16 - .17 per $100 taxable value)
Homeowners who have qualied for and received the “Over
65 Homestead Exemption” will not see a tax increase as
a result of the proposed bond program unless signicant
improvements are made to the home.
ECISD Administration Ofce • 6634 New Sulphur Springs Rd., San Antonio, TX
BONO 2016
Datos a simple vista
Para obtener más información, visite www.ecisd.net o llame al 210.648.7861
El paquete del bono de ECISD 2016 fue
desarrollado a través de un comité asesor de bonos
con la colaboración escolar y de la comunidad
y En respuesta al incremento de la inscripción
con la nueva construcción y la renovación de las
escuelas existentes.
y Proporcionando instalaciones nuevas o
renovadas y ofreciendo nuevos servicios en las
escuelas en todo el distrito.
y Creando ambientes seguros y eficientes
energéticamente que apoyen el compromiso del
Respuesta al Incremento de la Inscripción
- Escuela Primaria Nueva de Pre-Kinder hasta 5to grado
Nuevo Centro de Bellas Artes en el distrito…….....$13,500,000
• auditorio de 990 asientos
• renovaciones de los sitios de Teatro, Banda y Coro
-Aumentar la capacidad hasta 1,000 estudiantes más
-Nuevo Centro de Bellas Artes
-Renovación interior en las escuelas más antiguas
-Cumplimiento de la Ley sobre Estadounidenses con
Escuelas seguras y energéticamente eficientes
• -Áreas más seguras para que los padres dejen/recojan a los niños
Ampliaciones y Renovaciones......................$48,450,000
¿Cómo se gastarán los ingresos del bono?
• Escuela Primaria Harmony
Escuela Primaria Pecan Valley
Escuela Primaria Sinclair
Escuela Intermedia Salado
-Construcción de acuerdo al Código de Ejecución
-Aire acondicionado en los gimnasios de las escuelas
primarias e intermedias
-Sostenibles y eficientes de energía
-Mejoras en iluminación y aires acondicionados
Escuela Primaria/Intermedia Nueva...................$24,150,000
Elección del bono............................7 de mayo de 2016
De Pre-Kinder hasta 5º grado
Con capacidad para 850 estudiantes
Escuela Primaria y Centro de Bellas Artes nuevos
La construcción iniciará......................marzo del 2017
Estará lista para ocuparla
.................julio de 2018
Alojar el crecimiento en la parte norte del distrito
Renovaciones de las escuelas primarias e intermedias
La construcción iniciará...............Septiembre de 2018
Estará lista para ocuparla .....................Junio de 2019
¿Cómo afectará el bono los impuestos de la propiedad?
Valor de tasación
- Mejoras en los salones de clase
Instalaciones nuevas o renovadas para todos los
¿Cuánto costará el bono?
- Salones nuevos para Pre-Kinder y Kinder en las
escuelas: Harmony, Pecan Valley & Sinclair
Incremento anual Costo/Mensual
$160 - $170
$13.34 - $14.17
• Votación Temprana: 25 de abril – 3 de mayo de 2016
en la Oficina Administrativa de ECISD y otros lugares de
votación temprana del Condado de Bexar
Aumento de la tasa de impuestos .16 - .17 (por cada $100 del valor fiscal)
Los propietarios de viviendas que han calificado para y se acogieron a
"Exención para propietarios de 65 años o más” no verán un aumento de
impuestos como resultado de la propuesta de programa de bono a
menos que se hagan mejoras significativas en el hogar.
Día de elección: 7 de mayo de 2016
Oficina de Administración de ECISD• 6634 New Sulphur Springs Rd., San Antonio, TX
Commonly Asked Questions
Why a performing arts center?
We are proposing adding a District Performing Arts Center to address the size of our growing band, drama and choir programs. At this time, there is no place for the
District to hold large assemblies other than school cafeterias and the space, visibility, and sound is not adequate. High School One Act Play practice must be held at
a neighboring school District so the students can get an actual experience prior to contest. It is important to note that this Performing Arts Center will be used by all
schools and programs in our district not just those at the High School.
Why is dance/cheer not located in the new Performing Arts Center at the High School?
The South Annex of the High School (former Oak Crest Intermediate School) has been used by the High School since the last bond issue. That campus has a gymnasium and locker complex that are suited for dance and cheer. These spaces will be utilized by the District to accommodate for these programs. These
improvements would be funded out of the district fund balance, not the bond.
Where is the new elementary school going to be constructed?
The District owns property north of US 87 in the St. Hedwig area, and this site is currently being considered as the location of the new school. The most recent demographic study indicates that the district population is growing substantially on the north end of the District along the IH 10 corridor. There are no ECISD schools
north of US 87, thereby causing long commutes and extended bus routes.
What is going to happen with John Glenn Elementary School?
The usable parts of this campus will be repurposed into a High School Supplemental Learning Annex that will allow the district to expand its growing career and
technology offerings and other special use classrooms. This will increase capacity for an additional 500 students, to accommodate projected growth
at the High School for the next 7-­10 years. These improvements would be funded out of the district fund balance, not the bond.
Why is most of the bond issue being spent on the older schools?
Sinclair Elementary School was built in 1978, Pecan Valley Elementary School in 1972, Harmony Elementary School in 1984, Salado Intermediate School in 1963.
Many of these schools have not had major renovations since they were constructed. Teaching styles and programs have changed; classroom standards are different, and student enrollment has increased. These schools all have sound and solid structures, but the interiors are not reflective of current teaching methods or code
Why are Pre K and Kindergarten classrooms being added?
Studies demonstrate the significant impact that a quality early childhood education has on a child’s future. This is especially true for students of poverty or who are
primarily Spanish speaking. The District made the decision to move our pre-­‐kinder program from a centralized location at East Central Development Center to the
student’s home campus to improve access and minimize transition. We have started this process at John Glenn ES and Pecan Valley ES. Harmony and Sinclair
Elementary Schools do not have capacity for the pre-­‐kinder students that would move to these campus. These campuses plus Pecan Valley ES are not designed
to adequately support early childhood education. Current design standards recommend more space and a restroom that is accessible from within the classroom.
What is going to happen with ECDC?
It is one of the oldest campuses in the District and our consultants recommend against investing in certain parts of the school. Usable portions of ECDC will be repurposed into a District Staff Development Center that will provide a place for every classification of employee to train and become familiar with ECISD performance
standards. It may also be utilized for additional offce space and Adult Continuing Education classes. These improvements would be funded out of the district fund
balance, not the bond.
Why are the Middle Schools not being added on to?
The Middle Schools with portables have capacity for the next 5 years. The District will continue to monitor residential development and student enrollment growth to
determine when construction of additional facilities is appropriate.
Oak Crest Intermediate, Heritage and Legacy Middle Schools don’t have any bond work scheduled, why not?
These are the newer schools in the district and require the least amount of renovation work. They are not in immediate need of additional classrooms. The new
PK-­‐5 campus will help alleviate the rising student enrollment at Oak Crest. The District is planning on using a portion of fund balance (not bond dollars) to address
some conditions and continue to maintain these schools. The district will continue to monitor residential development and student enrollment growth to determine
when additional facilities may be necessary.
If I have a special needs student, is there anything in the bond issue that will help my child?
On every campus that is being improved, special needs classrooms are being impacted, as well. ADA accessibility and compliance will also be addressed at every
How can we be sure that we will not have cost overruns like other districts have experienced?
We can look to the most recently completed bond issue from 2008 to verify the performance of the management team. That bond issue was able to add $3.5 million
dollars of additional projects not initially planned due to the effcient management of funds. We may not be able to promise that type of windfall, but the team has a
great track record for managing taxpayer funds. Similar to 2008, we are planning for unforeseen conditions with the inclusion of a contingency and escalation fund
within the bond issue amount indicated. If we are fortunate to experience cost savings, the District will once again be able to complete additional projects.
When will the bond improvements be completed?
The High School Additions and New Elementary school will be ready to occupy August 2018 and the Renovations and Additions at the Elementary Schools/Salado
Intermediate will be completed by August 2019.
What happens if the bond does not pass?
We will continue to rely on portable classrooms to meet the capacity needs of the District. Portables can be effective in the short term but cost additional tax dollars
to maintain and operate. The facilities inventory will continue to age.
How does our tax rate compare to our neighbors?
As of 2015 East Central ISD is currently the second lowest tax rate in Bexar County. If East Central voters approve the bond, the tax rate will increase between $.16
and $.17.
How much will my property taxes be affected by this bond issue?
Property taxes on a house valued at $100,000 will increase $160.00 to $170.00 per year or $13.34 to $14.17 per month depending on how much the taxable value of
the property grows from year to year. If you are over 65 and have the homestead exemption, your tax rate is frozen unless significant improvements are made to the
How will the District address the new PK-5 elementary school’s impact on traffic at FM 1518 and FM 1346?
The District will have a traffic impact analysis done for this purpose. The District will also work with TXDOT to determine the best way to design access in and out of
the new school to allow for optimum flow of traffic.
Preguntas comunes
¿Por qué un Centro de Bellas Artes?
Estamos añadiendo un Centro de Bellas Artes al distrito debido al crecimiento de nuestros programas de banda, teatro y coro. En este momento, no hay ningún lugar en
el distrito para reuniones grandes aparte de las cafeterías escolares y el espacio, visibilidad y sonido no son adecuados. La práctica de una obra de un solo acto de la
escuela preparatoria debe realizarse en un distrito vecino para que los estudiantes puedan tener una experiencia real antes de su concurso. Es importante señalar que
este Centro de Bellas Artes podrá ser utilizado por todas las escuelas y programas de nuestro distrito no solo los de la escuela preparatoria. Es importante tener en cuenta
que este Centro de Bellas Artes será utilizado por todas las escuelas y programas en nuestro distrito no sólo a aquellos en la escuela secundaria.
¿Por qué los grupos de baile / porristas no están localizados en el nuevo Centro de Bellas Artes en la escuela preparatoria?
El Anexo del Sur de la Escuela Preparatoria (Anteriormente Escuela Intermedia Oak Crest) ha sido utilizado por la escuela preparatoria desde la última emisión de bonos. La escuela tiene un gimnasio y un casillero que funciona para los equipos de baile/porristas. Estos espacios serán equipados por el distrito para dar cabida a estos
programas. Estas mejoras serían financiadas con los fondos del distrito existentes no con los del bono.
¿Dónde será construida la nueva escuela primaria?
El distrito posee la propiedad al norte de la carretera US 87 en el área de St. Hedwig y este sitio está siendo considerado actualmente como el lugar para construir la nueva
escuela. El estudio demográfico más reciente indica que la población del distrito está creciendo sustancialmente en el extremo norte del distrito a lo largo de la carretera
IH 10. No hay escuelas en ECISD al norte de la carretera US 87 haciendo con ello que las rutas de autobús sean de largos desplazamientos y extendidas.
¿Qué va a ocurrir con la Escuela Primaria John Glenn?
Las partes utilizables de esta escuela serán reutilizadas en una Escuela Preparatoria Anexa de Aprendizaje Complementario permitiéndole al distrito ampliar sus crecientes carreras y tecnología y otros usos especiales para los salones de clases. Esto aumentará la capacidad para otros 500 estudiantes adicionales, para acomodar el crecimiento proyectado en la escuela preparatoria por los próximos 7 a 10 años. Estas mejoras serían financiadas con los fondos del distrito existentes no con los del bono.
¿Por qué la mayoría del bono será gastado en las escuelas antiguas?
La Escuela Primaria Sinclair fue construida en 1978, la Escuela Primaria Pecan Valley en 1972, la Escuela Primaria Harmony en 1984, Escuela Intermedia Salado en
1963. Muchas de estas escuelas no han tenido grandes renovaciones desde que fueron construidas. Los estilos de enseñanza y programas han cambiado; las normas
son diferentes en el salón de clase, y se ha aumentado la inscripción estudiantil. Todas estas escuelas tienen estructuras sanas y sólidas, pero los interiores no son reflejo
de los métodos actuales de enseñanza o de los códigos requeridos.
¿Por qué se están agregando salones de clase para Pre Kínder & Kínder?
Los estudios demuestran el impacto significativo que una educación de calidad durante la infancia tiene en el futuro de un niño. Esto es especialmente cierto para los
estudiantes de bajos recursos o que son principalmente de habla hispana. El distrito tomó la decisión de mover nuestro programa de pre-kínder desde una ubicación
centralizada en el Centro de Desarrollo de East Central (ECDC) a la escuela que le corresponde al estudiante para mejorar el acceso y minimizar la transición. Hemos
iniciado este proceso en las escuelas primarias John Glenn y Pecan Valley. Las escuelas primarias Harmony y Sinclair no tienen la capacidad para mover los estudiantes
de pre - kínder a estas escuelas. Estas escuelas, además la escuela Pecan Valley no están diseñadas para soportar adecuadamente la educación infantil. Los estándares
de diseño actuales recomiendan tener más espacio y un baño que este accesible desde el interior del salón de clase.
¿Qué va a pasar con la escuela ECDC?
ECDC es una de las escuelas más antiguas del distrito y nuestros consultores recomendaron en contra de invertir en ciertas partes de la escuela. Las partes que están
en buen estado de ECDC serán reutilizadas en un Centro de Desarrollo para el Personal del Distrito para proporcionar un lugar para cada clasificación de los empleados
para entrenar y familiarizarse con las reglas de rendimiento del distrito. También se puede utilizar como un espacio adicional para oficinas y para las clases de educación
continua para adultos. Estas mejoras serían financiadas con los fondos del distrito existentes, no con los del bono.
¿Por qué no se harán ampliaciones en las escuelas intermedias (grados 6-8)?
Las escuelas intermedias (grados 6-8) con portátiles tienen capacidad para los próximos 5 años. El Distrito continuará monitoreando el desarrollo residencial y el crecimiento de la inscripción de estudiantes para determinar cuándo sería apropiado construir instalaciones adicionales.
Las escuelas Oak Crest, Heritage y Legacy no tienen ningún trabajo de bono programado, ¿por qué no?
Estas son las escuelas más nuevas en el distrito y requieren muy poco trabajo de renovación. Estas escuelas no necesitan salones de clases adicionales inmediatamente. La nueva escuela de Pre-Kínder hasta 5 grado ayudará a disminuir el crecimiento de inscripción de estudiantes en Oak Crest. El Distrito está planeando utilizar
una parte del fondo existente (no del bono) para abordar algunas condiciones y seguir manteniendo estas escuelas. El distrito continuará monitoreando el desarrollo
residencial y el crecimiento de la inscripción de estudiantes para determinar cuándo pueden ser necesarias instalaciones adicionales.
Si tengo un estudiante con necesidades especiales, ¿existe algo en la emisión del bono que ayudará a mi hijo/a?
En cada escuela que está siendo renovada también los salones de clases para estudiantes con necesidades especiales serán renovados. Así como también la accesibilidad y el cumplimiento de la Ley sobre Estadounidenses con Discapacidades (ADA).
¿Cómo podemos estar seguros de que no tendremos excesos de costo al igual que otros distritos los han tenido?
Podemos revisar la emisión del bono del 2008 para verificar el funcionamiento del equipo de supervisores. Esa emisión de bono fue capaz de agregar $3.5 millones de
dólares a los proyectos adicionales no previstas inicialmente gracias a la eficiente supervisión de los fondos. No podemos prometer otro resultado así, pero el equipo
tienen buenos antecedentes en la supervisión de fondos de los contribuyentes. Al igual que en el 2008, tenemos calculado para gastos imprevistos incluyendo un fondo
de contingencia e incremento en la emisión de bono de la cantidad indicada. Si tenemos la suerte de experimentar un ahorro de costos, el distrito será capaz una vez
más de completar los proyectos adicionales.
¿Cuándo terminarán las renovaciones que se harán con los fondos del bono?
Las ampliaciones de la escuela preparatoria y la escuela primaria nueva estarán listas para ocuparse en agosto del 2018 y las renovaciones y ampliaciones a las escuelas
primarias y la escuela intermedia Salado se terminarán en agosto del 2019.
¿Qué sucede si el bono no pasa?
Seguiremos utilizando los salones de clase portátiles para satisfacer las necesidades de capacidad del distrito. Los salones de clase portátiles pueden ser eficaces a
corto plazo, pero cuestan dinero adicional de los impuestos para mantenerlos y operarlos. Las instalaciones que ya tenemos continuarán haciéndose viejas.
¿Cómo nuestra tasa de impuestos se compara con la de nuestros vecinos?
A partir del 2015 el Distrito Escolar Independiente de East Central tiene actualmente la segunda tasa de impuestos más baja en el condado de Bexar. Si los votantes de
East Central aprueban el bono, la tasa de impuestos aumentará entre $.16 y $.17.
¿Cuánto de mis impuestos de propiedad se verán afectados por esta emisión del bono?
Los impuestos a la propiedad de una casa valuada en $ 100,000 aumentarán de $160.00 a $170.00 por año o $13.34 a $ 14.17 por mes, dependiendo de la cantidad del
valor fiscal de la propiedad aumenta cada año. Si eres mayor de 65 años y calificaste para la exención de propietarios su tasa de impuestos está congelada a menos que
se hagan renovaciones significativas en el hogar.
¿Cómo enfrentará el distrito el impacto en el tráfico de la carretera del FM1518 y el FM 1346 para la nueva escuela primaria de K-5 grado?
El distrito realizará un análisis de tráfico con este propósito. El Distrito también trabajará con el Departamento de Transporte del estado de Texas (TXDOT) para determinar la mejor forma de diseñar el acceso de entrada y salida a la nueva escuela para un óptimo flujo de tráfico.
Message from School
President Steve Bryant
On May 7th you will have the opportunity to play a significant role in the academic opportunities afforded to our students. The Community Facilities Committee on January 21st recommended that the Board of Trustees place a Bond
Referendum on the election ballot. First I would like to thank the committee for
their diligence in studying the needs of the district, both in terms of anticipated
student growth and the adequacy of our existing facilities. They spent three
months reviewing demographic information as well as detailed structural data
from our architectural firm and presented a comprehensive list of proposed
expansions and improvements to existing campuses as well as a recommendation for a new campus. If approved 84% of the construction effort will be
performed at our primary campuses. This would be a significant investment in
foundational learning for the students of the district. Over the next two months
we will be presenting detailed information about the proposal at many school
functions and community events. If you are a member of an organization and
would like to have a presentation please call the district office, 210-648-7861,
and ask to speak to Jim Selby or Roland Toscano or call any member of the
Board. If you know one of the committee members you might also want to ask
them about the process or their decision. The district has prepared literature
about the proposal that is available in printed or electronic form. If the bond
proposal is approved seven of the eleven district campuses will undergo extensive renovations or expansion or both and a new campus would be constructed
in the northern part of the district to serve this rapidly growing area. I would
urge you to seek more information about the bond proposal and participate in
this important decision. Early voting begins on April 25th and ends on May 3rd.
2016 East Central ISD April Bond Presentations
Town Hall meeting (Open
Salado Intermediate
School Library 6:30pm
China Grove City Council
7300 Triple Elm
School Wide Family Night
John Glenn Elementary
Pecan Valley Neighborhood
Pecan Valley Elem Cafe
Elmendorf City Hall City Hall
8304 FM 327
Harmony Faculty Meeting
Harmony Elementary
Pecan Valley PTA Meeting
Pecan Valley Elem Cafe
Reading Night Salado
All Level Academic Fiesta
Harmony Elementary
You’re invited to attend a presentation of you choice to learn about the proposed
projects and ask questions.
Oak Crest Students participate in the Heroes 4 Health
Community Event.
East Central ISD
Back to School Events & Dates
Monday, August 8th
All Schools
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Tuesday, August 9th
EC Development Center (ECDC)
11:00 am – 7:00 pm
East Central High School
8:00 am – 7:00 pm
*All NEW STUDENTS will be seen by appointment only after these dates.
Prep Days for All ECHS Students
Please call the campus to schedule.
*Families with multiple students do not need to attend both days. Choose one.
Monday, August 8th
Senior Pictures Only
8:00 am – 3:30 pm
Tuesday, August 9th
East Central HS (11th – 12th)
8:00 am – 1:00 pm & 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Wednesday, August 10th
East Central HS (9th - 10th)
8:00 am – 1:00 pm & 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Orientations & Meet the Teacher Nights:
Tuesday, August 16th
Intermediate Schools, Meet the Teacher
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Wednesday, August 17th
Middle Schools, Student Orientation
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Wednesday, August 17th
ECDC Meet the Teacher
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday, August 18th
Elementary Schools, Meet the Teacher
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Thursday, August 18th
Freshman Orientation, ECHS
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Host Form Approval at EC Police Department
M - F, August 1st – 5th By Appointment Only
Monday, August 8th
No Appointment Needed, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
No Appointment Needed, 8:00 am - 7:00 pm
Tuesday, August 9
Wednesday, August 10th By Appointment Only
Thursday, August 11th
Friday, August 12th
By Appointment Only
All other dates by APPOINTMENT ONLY
Call ECPD to schedule an appointment at: 210-649-2201, ECPD is located at: 7382 FM 1628, SATX, 78263
Both parties must be present and all drivers’ licenses must match CPS bill/proof of residence.
All Host applications are subject to investigation at the time of approval and at any time during the year.
Host families are guests in the District and are expected to abide by the Student Handbook and Student Code of Conduct. Host
approval may be revoked by ECISD if the information provided to ECPD is falsified in any way.
ECISD and UHS are offering an opportunity to schedule health care in the
district on 5 different dates. Services provided: Immunizations, minor acute
care, physicals and more. See flyer for more information. All children entering
7th grade require updated vaccines (Tdap and meningococcal).
Employee Recognitions
October Employee Recognition
Awards: Darlene Hicks - Persistence
Award, Salado Child Nutrition - Adaptability Award;
February Recognitions: Margaret
Zotz - Customer Service Award, Mary
Hierholzer - Personal Accountability
April 21 & May 27 2pm-6pm
Legacy Middle School
5903 Southeast Loop 410 78222
April 1, 19 & May 20 2pm-6pm
Heritage Middle School
New Sulpher Springs Rd 78263
Immunizations, Minor Acute Care, Physicals,
and Sports Physicals
Call 210-358-7020 for an appointment or
more information
March29,2016 Mathematics
March29,2016 May9,2016*
March30,2016 May10,2016*
March29,2016 Mathematics
March29,2016 May9,2016*
March30,2016 May10,2016*
March29,2016 HS
March31,2016 8th&HS AlgebraI
The East Central Independent School District offers career and
technology education programs in Agriculture, Food & Natural
Resources; Architecture and Construction; Arts, A/V Technology
and Communications; Business, Management & Administration;
Education and Training; Finance; Health Science; Hospitality
and Tourism; Human Services; Information Technology; Law,
Public Safety, Corrections and Security; Manufacturing; Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics; and Transportation,
Distribution and Logistics. Admission to these programs is based
on interest and aptitude, grade level, class space availability, and
course prerequisites where applicable.
It is the policy of East Central ISD not to discriminate on the
basis of race, color, or national origin; sex, religion, age, disability
or genetic information in its vocational programs, services or
activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,
as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.
It is the policy of East Central ISD not to discriminate on the
basis of race, color, or national origin; sex, religion, age, disability
or genetic information in its employment practices as required by
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the
Education Amendments of 1972; the Age Discrimination Act of
1975, as amended; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973, as amended.
The East Central ISD will take steps to assure that lack of
English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and
participation in all educational and vocational programs.
For information about your rights or grievance procedures,
contact the Title IX Coordinator, Stevie Gonzales, at 6674 New
Sulphur Springs Road, San Antonio, Texas, (210) 648-7861 and/
or the Section 504 Coordinator, Mary Eitniear, 6674 New Sulphur
Springs Road, San Antonio, Texas 78263, (210) 648-7861.
Update in July 2015
El Distrito Escolar Independiente de East Central ofrece programas educativos, vocacionales, profesionales y de tecnológica
en Agricultura, Alimentos y Recursos Naturales, Arquitectura
y Construcción, Arte, Tecnología Audio Visual y Medios de
Comunicación, Negocios, Manejo y Administración de Empresas,
Educación y Entrenamiento, Finanzas, Ciencias de la Salud,
Hospitalidad y Turismo, Recursos Humanos, Tecnología de Información, Derecho, Seguridad Pública, Correcciones y Seguridad,
Manufactura, Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas, y
Transportación, Distribución y Logística. La admisión a estos programas se basa en interés y habilidad, grado, la disponibilidad de
espacio de clases y requisitos previos del curso cuando aplican.
El Distrito Escolar Independiente de East Central no discrimina
por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, sexo, religión, edad, discapacidad o información genética, en sus programas vocacionales servicios o actividades tal como lo requieren el Título VI de la
Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, según la enmienda; el Título IX
de las Enmiendas en la Educación de 1972, la Ley de Discriminación por Edad de 1975, según la enmienda y la Sección 504 de
la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973, según la enmienda.
El Distrito Escolar Independiente de East Central no discrimina
por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, sexo, religión, edad,
discapacidad o información genética, en sus procedimientos
de contratación tal como lo requieren el Título VI de la Ley de
Derechos Civiles de 1964, según la enmienda; el Título IX de las
Enmiendas en la Educación de 1972, la Ley de Discriminación
por Edad de 1975, según la enmienda y la Sección 504 de la Ley
de Rehabilitación de 1973, según la enmienda.
El Distrito Escolar Independiente de East Central tomará las
medidas necesarias para asegurar que la falta de conocimientos
del idioma inglés no sea una barrera para la admisión y participación en todos los programas educativos y vocacionales.
Para información sobre sus derechos o procedimientos para
quejas, comuníquese con la Coordinadora del Título IX, la Sra.
Stevie Gonzales en 6674 New Sulphur Springs Road, San Antonio, Texas 78263 Tel. (210) 648-7861 y/o con la Coordinadora
de la Sección 504 la Sra. Mary Eitniear en 6674 New Sulphur
Springs Road, San Antonio, Texas 78263 Tel. (210) 648-7861.
Actualizado en Julio, 2015
Service Awards
Reception, May 19th, 5:00 pm, at
ECHS Cafetorium. Awards Ceremony
@ 6:00 pm, followed by the
Board Meeting at 6:30 pm.
June 4
Federal Title Programs
ECISD will be participating in the following NCLB (No Child Left
Behind Act) Federal Title Program for the 2016-2017 school year:
Title I, Part A (Improving Basic Programs); Title I, Part C, Education
of Migrant Children), Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 (Prevention and Intervention for Children and Youth who are Neglected, Delinquent, or
At-Risk); Title II, Part A (Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting Fund); Title III, Part A, Subpart I (English Language Acquisition
and Language Enhancement). Eligible private, non-profit schools in
the district wishing to participate should contact ECISD’s Director of
Federal Programs Meredith Rokas, 648-7861, before June 1, 2016.
No Child Left Behind
Application 2016-2017
The District’s No Child Left Behind Consolidated Grant Application
will be open for public review and comments from June 16 to June
25, 2016 at the ECISD Central Office from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please
contact ECISD’s Director of Federal Programs and Grants, Meredith
Rokas, 648-7861, if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment for viewing purposes. Submission deadline for the
district’s application to the Texas Education Agency is July 1, 2016.
Put someone's name
on the walk of fame!
Peachjar IS HERE!
Great gift - an engraved paver brick on the Walk of Fame at
East Central High School or Heritage Middle School
The Electronic Flyer Delivery System
The schools of East Central ISD have launched a new communication
tool called “Peachjar.” School-approved flyers can now be sent to
you electronically and posted on our schools webpages. Sign up for
free and you can simply click the flyers you receive via email or click
the Peachjar button on your school webpage or EC App.
An opportunity sponsored by
the East Central School Foundation, Inc.
to raise funds for educational programs
above and beyond the basics
for the students of East Central ISD
$35 for each brick
call for info 649-1519 x 112
This “green” initiative will save our school tons of
paper and reduce copy costs by thousands of dollars.
On top of that, posting school flyers removes
significant administrative time from teachers, office
staff, and volunteers that can be given to our
students instead!
up to 14 characters each row
Each 4 inch x 8 inch brick will be engraved with 5/8 inch letters on 2 lines (maximum 14 letters including
spaces on each line). Fill in each box below exactly as you want it engraved. Soon after you mail the form
below, you will receive an order confirmation that you can present as a gift. Bricks will be engraved and
installed on the Walk of Fame at the High School (between the Anthony B. Constanzo Math/Science Building
and the football stadium) or at Heritage Middle School (bus loading/cafeteria entrance).
Please clip and send with check to the East Central School Foundation, 6634 New Sulphur Springs Rd., San Antonio, TX 78263
Person ordering the brick is:
This system is used exclusively for distribution of school-approved
flyers. Your email address will not be shared or used for any other
purpose. Thank you for supporting our efforts to ensure parents
are well informed about school programs, activities, and events.
New ACE (Architecture, Construction
Engineering) program at ECHS
Street, City, State, Zip__________________________________________________________________
Thank you for supporting
the East Central School Foundation
Highland Forest
Students at the high school in the ACE (Architecture, Construction, and Engineering) program have been very busy working with their mentors to create a mock-up of a
football/soccer stadium. They have been working on detailing the needed infrastructure
to create the locker rooms, the box suites, and the closeable roof. They will be making
a presentation on their progress in late April to a group of Project Engineers. They went
to the Alamo Dome on Friday, February 12th to tour the construction there and see how
the real thing looks when it is all put together. These students are working hard and
learning a lot about what they may be involved with in their careers. We would like to
thank Turner Construction, CFZ Group, LLC, LPA, Inc., Munoz & Co., SEA, and Joeris
General Contractors for allowing their people to come and give our students hands-on
practice and understanding of the world of building.
East Central Independent School District
Pre-Kindergarten Enrollment Information
Pre-Kindergarten Information
Children must live in East Central ISD and meet specific criteria to qualify for the program.
***All Children who qualify will be admitted into the program. There is no space limitation.
Pre-K Program Sites
East Central Development Center (ECDC), on Donop Rd., serves as the Pre-K attendance site for Harmony, Sinclair, and
Highland Forest Elementary Schools’ programs.
John Glenn and Pecan Valley Elementary Schools service their own Pre-K programs on campus.
The ECISD Pre-Kindergarten Program is for qualified children who are 4 years of age on September 1st of the current school year and meet one of the following federal requirements:
1. The child is evaluated by ECISD staff and found to be unable to speak and understand the English language; or
2. The child’s family is eligible for SNAP (food stamps) and/or the National School Lunch Program; or
3. The child is homeless; or
4. One of the child’s parents is an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state
military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces, who is ordered to active duty by proper authority; or
5. One of the child’s parents is a member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces
or a reserve component of the armed forces, who was injured or killed while serving on active duty; or
6. The child has ever been in the conservatorship of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (foster
care) following an adversary hearing.
Campuses will host a Pre-K Information Session for all parents in the District who are interested in learning more
about the Pre-K qualification process on: Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016, from 5:00 – 6:00 pm. Parents should attend the
information night at the campus their student will attend.
*ECISD also services children with disabilities, who are from 3 to 5 years of age, through the Preschool Program
for Children with Disabilities (PPCD). Children are evaluated and if a disability is identified, services are determined based on educational need. For more information about the evaluation/ qualification process for PPCD,
contact Rebecca Melton at 210-581-1188; during the summer months, contact Sandra Lopez at 210-648-7861.
At the end of January TAFE (Texas Association of Future Educators) held their state conference and convention in Houston, TX. East Central High School had 9 students participating in a variety of events. Jocelyn
Navarro and Cindy Coreas took 2nd place in two events; Bulletin Board and Teacher Created Materials. Mercedalia Garcia Ocampo and Wendy Garcia took 2nd place in another division of the Bulletin Board competitive event. The ECHS Impromptu Teaching Team won 1st in preliminaries and 3rd overall! They are headed
to Nationals to compete this summer in Boston, MA! The team is made up of Dominique Maldonado, Gloria
Imming, Marissa Munoz, and Amberleigh Davis. This is a very intense event, each team is given a scenario
upon entry and they have 20 minutes to plan a 15 minute lesson. After planning they have 15 minutes to teach
the lesson to the judges and field questions.
Salado student Veronica Vasquez was presented a
bike by Mayor Ivy Taylor at a Press Conference for
Veg Out SA.
2015-16 ECISD
Teachers of
the Year
Each of the twelve East Central ISD campuses recently selected its outstanding
teacher for the 2015-2016 school year. A
panel of educators from outside the District interviewed each honoree and selected threeteachers: One to be the District’s Teacher of the Year and nominee
for the Trinity University Prize for Excellence in Teaching, one to the Secondary
Teacher of the Year representing the district for the Region 20 Teacher of the Year
Award and one for the Elementary Teacher of the Year representing the district for
the HEB Excellence in Education Award.
Congratulations to the following teachers for being selected as their Campus
Teacher of the Year. These teachers are
representative of the District’s outstanding staff members. Thank you all for representing the teaching profession with pride
and integrity: ECDC - Kim Carpenter, East
Central HS - Mary Hierholzer, Pecan Valley - Bea Canchola, Highland Forest Joy Cansino, Sinclair - Cynthia Johnson,
BCLC - Frances Kotzur, Harmony - Janette Chall, Heritage - Cari Garcie, Legacy - Kathleen Hoskins, Oak Crest - Glorimar Cardona-Martinez, Salado - Janet
Swanson, John Glenn - Stephanie Grun
Congratulations to District Teacher of the
Year, Janette Chall - Harmony. (Representing the District for the Trinity Prize for Excellence in Education.)
Congratulations to Secondary Teacher
of the Year, Kathleen Hoskins - Legacy.
(Representing the District for the Region 20
Teacher of the Year Award.)
Congratulations to our Elementary Teacher of the Year, Cynthia Johnson - Sinclair.
(Representing the District for the HEB Excellence in Education Award.)
Superintendent’s Students of the Month
Each month one student from each campus is recognized as Superintendent’s Student
of the Month. Criteria for selection are academic performance, attendance, citizenship
and community and school service. Students selected to be Superintendent’s Student of
the Month for October are: East Central Development Center - Graciela Ortiz, Harmony
Elementary - Andrew Shay, Highland Forest Elementary - Brianna Lopez, John Glenn
Elementary - Caili Dougherty, Pecan Valley Elementary - Braelynn Radziski, Sinclair
Elementary- Miracle Scott, Oak Crest Intermediate - Carissa Ramones, Salado Intermediate - Jaime Calderon, E.C. Heritage Middle School - Jordyn Lopez, E.C. Legacy Middle
School - Daniel Perez, East Central High School - Jose Lara Arevalo;
Students selected to be Superintendent’s Student of the Month for November are: East
Central Development Center - Sasha Jackson, Harmony Elementary - Matthew Wilke,
Highland Forest Elementary - Hailey Rodriguez, John Glenn Elementary - Sienna Roescher, Pecan Valley Elementary - Lexie McBride, Sinclair Elementary - Ariah Leal, Oak
Crest Intermediate - Jocelynn Shay, Salado Intermediate - Destiny Placido, E.C. Heritage
Middle School - Corbin Lubianski, E.C. Legacy Middle School - The Van Vo, East Central
High School - Jeremy Spencer;
Students selected to be Superintendent’s Student of the Month for December are: East
Central Development Center - Jaiden Osborn, Harmony Elementary - Katelyne Hernandez, Highland Forest Elementary - Amethyst Ortega, John Glenn Elementary - Gabriel
Tajonar, Pecan Valley Elementary - Addison Gonzales, Sinclair Elementary - Trevor Smith,
Oak Crest Intermediate - Desiree Beverley, Salado Intermediate - Valery Arevalo, E.C.
Heritage Middle School - May-Gway Tao, E.C. Legacy Middle School - Gabrielle Cruz,
East Central High School - Christion Kaufman;
Students selected to be Superintendent’s Student of the Month for January are: East
Central Development Center - Connor Marshall, Harmony Elementary - Lauren Martinez,
Highland Forest Elementary - Noble Jolley, John Glenn Elementary - Carolina Hopper,
Pecan Valley Elementary - Jack Matlock, Sinclair Elementary - Natalie Casas, Oak Crest
Intermediate - Joy James, Salado Intermediate - Derynise Maddox, E.C. Heritage Middle
School - Matthew Santos, E.C. Legacy Middle School - Raul Dominguez, East Central
High School - Liliana Briseno;
Students selected to be Superintendent’s Student of the Month for February are: East
Central Development Center - Mateo Martinez-Fernandez, Harmony Elementary - Sophia
Perez, Highland Forest Elementary - Melek Hernandez, John Glenn Elementary - Gonzalo Martinez, Pecan Valley Elementary - Xavier Villanueva, Sinclair Elementary - Jesus
Alvarez, Oak Crest Intermediate - Sydney Wyrwich, SaladoIntermediate - Alexis Gonza- Kahlil
les, E.C. Heritage Middle School - Chloe Canales, E.C. Legacy Middle School
Davis - East Central High School - Brandon Jennings.
Early Start to Learning Development Assessment
Are you concerned about your child’s development or suspect a problem in any of
these areas: Speech and Language, Behavior, Motor Skills, Problem Solving, and/or Vision or Hearing?
If so, ECISD conducts developmental assessments for residents of this district throughout the year. Call the Special Education Department at 648-7861 to schedule an appointment.
2016 Examinación para niños con problemas en el
¿Está preocupado con el desarrollo de su niño en el lenguage, comportamiento, movimientos, habilidad de resolver problemas, visión, o oído?
El Distrito Escolar examina grátis a los niños del distrito. Llame al Departmento de
Educación Especial, 648-7861, para hacer una cita.
2015-16 Attendance Winners
Congratulations to the following campuses and East Central High School grade level
with the highest attendance rating for the first six weeks of the 2015-16 school year:
Members of the boys varsity basketball team volun- Highland Forest Elementary 97.86%, Salado Intermediate 96.95%, Legacy Middle School
teered at the San Antonio Food Bank on January 6th. 96.63% and 10th grade at East Central High School 94.34%; second six weeks of the
They sorted food for distribution to low income fami2015-16 school year: Highland Forest Elementary 96.27%, Salado Intermediate 96.53%,
lies and individuals.
Legacy Middle School 95.37% and 10th grade at East Central High School 93.84%;
third six weeks of the 2015-16 school year: Highland Forest Elementary 95.5%, Salado
Intermediate 96.38%, Legacy Middle School 95.22% and 9th grade at East Central High
School 94.21%
EC School Foundation
Contributions from
September 1, 2016 to
February 29, 2016
Contributors $1,000 or above
AFP Alarm & Detection - Alan Hertz
Rose Marie Albert
Allied Fire Protection - Alan Hertz
Alpha Consulting Engineers, Inc
Boral Materials Technologies
Civil Design Services
CPS Energy
James Davis
Dixie Starnes Wenger Foundation
Field Construction
Mary Beth Fisk
Frost Bank
Joseph Irizarry
Kaufman & Killen, Inc.
LPA, Inc.
Massengale Armature
John and Robin Massengale
Anthony Mihalski
Republic Services
Joe Ritterhouse
Barry Stevens
United Way
Walsh Gallegos Trevino Russo & Kyle P.C.
Royce Wells
Contributors $100 to $999
AG’s Tax Service
Eva Aguilar
Don Barnett
Bartlett Cocke General Contractors
Jennifer Bartlett
Shaun Bartlett
Bill’s Tractor & Equipment
Dr. Patti Birney
Brace Integrated
Steve Bryant
Douglas Cascella
Katie Chain
Jackie Christenson
Jason Clark
Juan Contreras
Jacoby Cole Cornelius
Cosper & Associates
Elaine Crutcher
DBR Engineering Consultants
Denton Navarro Rocha Bernal Hyde & Zech, P.C.
Diamondback Crossfit
Tina Dietrich
Maureen Doebbler
George Dranowsky
East Central High School Staff
ECDC Staff
ECISD Curriculum Department
Ecumenical Center
John Finegan
Sharon Foreman
Garza, Bomberger & Associates
Rosie Gomez
Greatest Gifts Daycare Center
Heritage Middle School Staff
Sabrina Hernandez
Taffi Hertz
Highland Forest Elementary Staff
Holt Texas, Ltd
Bryan and Teri Kellner
Gloria Lamascus
Legacy Middle School Staff
Susan Loveland
David Marquez
Sal Martinez
Mass Group Marketing
Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP
Oak Crest Interemediate Staff
Sabrina Olivia
Omega International Group, Inc.
Kenneth Painter
Adrian and Deann Pieniazek
Carolyn Pollock
Sandra Preinenger
Monique Presas
River City Pump & Supply
Natashia Robles
Ken Rothe
Salado PTA
Jim and Dawn Selby
Sinclair Elementary Staff
David & Donna Solarczyk
Southern Computer Warehouse
Gretchen Stepke
Stephanie Theiss
Roland and Bonnie Toscano
Damon and Kerri Trainer
Reed Trosper
Harold and Sharon Waddell
Christopher Ware
Wells Fargo
Lloyd & Amy Welty
Zachry Industrial
Margaret Zotz
Contributors up to $99
Gloria Aguilar
James Alston
Mark and Gayle Anderson
Jerry and Clara Beauchamp
Mark Blankinship
Cameron, RC
Jorge Canavati
Kenneth and Sharyn Caudell
Mary Chain
Ashley Chohlis
Vicki Collins
Armando Delbosque
Sherrie Delgado
Robert and Diann Dieckow
Mary Jo Dylla
Fred and Brenda Eddie
Patreace Eddie
Redell Ervin
Ronda Field
Maria Gamboa
Tyra Gonzales
Maria Gonzalez
Darlene Gorhum
Graylyne Griffin
Nicole Gutierrez
Thomas Hamer
Adam Harding
Mary Hierholzer
Kandi Householder
IBC Bank
JK Group/Lawrence Livermore
Cynthia Johnson
Kelsey Johnson
Cynthia Jupe
Jason Kindschuh
Darlene Lavelle
Nicole Lewis
Freddie Longoria
Lynette Lopez
Joseph Maciel
Joyce Mainz
Sandi Martin
Gloria Martinez
Suzie Martinez
Marie Michels
Matt Morgan
Mike and Jane Morgan
Mike and Susan Nufer
Ludiwina Olivarez Wittman
Irma Pacheco
John Passano - Heros Ice & Feed
Gail Pieniazek
Melodye Pieniazek
Oletha Pigford
Dorothy Pippin
John Posey
Meridel Prentiss
Ginette Ramirez
Immo and Kathleen Redeker
Katie Reed
Laurie Rexrode
Meredith Rokas
Lisa Rothe
Steve and Yvette Sanders
Tommy Lee Sanders
Maria Segovia
Maria Solberg
Diana Sosa
Stephanie Sosa
Janet Swanson
Zoe Tarin
Tri-City Baseball
Scottie True
Kelly Wiatrek
Henry Yzaguirre
Cathy Zotz
In Memory of Virginia Barnhill
Mark and Gayle Anderson
Jackie Christenson
Barry Stevens
In Honor of Ellie Factor
Jackie Chrstenson
In Honor of Willie Gaines
Jerry & Clara Beauchamp
In Memory of Jason Jeremy Kelley
Robert and Diann Dieckow
In Honor of Wayne & Joan Milner
Jackie Chrstenson
In Memory of Greg Olivia
Douglas Cascella
Kenneth & Sharyn Caudell
Diann & Robert Dieckow
Mike and Jane Morgan
Sabrina Olivia
Immo & Kathleen Redeker
Joe Ritterhouse
Jim & Dawn Selby
Maria Solberg
Tri-City Baseball
Harold & Sharon Waddell
In Memory of Ron Wilburn
Jim & Dawn Selby
Alumni on the Move
Captain Angelica F. Cornejo- US Air Force, is a
2003 graduate from ECHS. Currently, Cornejo is a
C-130J co-pilot and Tactics officer, 39th Airlift Squadron, Dyess AFB, TX. As a co-pilot, she is responsible
for the safe and efficient operation of the aircraft and
safety of the crew and passengers. As a Flight commander, she is responsible for providing personal and
career counseling for the officers appointed under her.
Mayor’s Fitness Council Healthy Schools Veg Out
campaign - John Glenn.
The East Central School Foundation
would like to THANK all who supported
the East Central School Foundation
Golden Legacy Gala.
Golden Legacy Gala
Saturday, February 27, 2016
at the Floresville Event Center
Thank you for supporting the important mission
of the East Central School Foundation:
$5000 DistinguishedBenefactor
CDS Muery
LPA, Inc
Massengale Armature Works
Ritterhouse & Associates
/ Dental Select
Barry Stevens
Bartlett Cocke General Contractors
Bill's Tractor and Equipment, Ltd
BRACE Integrated Services
DBR Engineering Consultants
Denton, Navarro, Rocha, & Bernal,
Hyde & Zech, P.C.
The Ecumenical Center
Garza Bomberger and Associates
Holt CAT
Norton Rose Fulbright & Jaworski, LLP
Terracon Consultants, Inc
Wells Fargo Bank
Zachry Industrial, Inc
Alpha Consulting Engineers
Boral Material Technologies
CPS Energy
Frost Bank
Republic Services
Walsh, Anderson, Gallegos,
Green & Trevino, P.C.
Visit an EC Library this summer
and be a
Monday, June 13
Daily: Storytime, library check-out,
engineering and problem solving centers
Adult must accompany students under age of 12.
1 - 6 pm
Tuesday, June 14
Highland Forest
Monday, June 20
Tuesday, June 21
Wednesday, June 22
Highland Forest
Monday, June 27
Tuesday, June 28
Wednesday, June 29
Thursday, June 30
Highland Forest
John Glenn
Tuesday, July 12
Highland Forest
Thursday, July 14
St Hedwig Am.
Legion Hall
1-4 pm
Tuesday, July 19
Highland Forest
1 - 6 pm
Thursday, July 21
Community Library
Wednesday, June 15
Thursday, June 16
Thursday, June 23
Monday, July11
Wednesday, July 13
Monday, July 18
Wednesday, July 20
Sinclair Elem.
6126 Sinclair Rd
SA, TX 78222
(210) 648-4620
John Glenn
John Glenn
1 - 6 pm
Special Guest
Performance Times
4:30 pm Reptile Man - Includes up close and personal
viewing and learning about snakes, lizards, & turtles
4:30 pm: Urban 15 Group – Program includes a drummers
showcase and celebration dances
1 - 6 pm 4:30 pm: Magik Theatre Children’s production
9 am-2 pm 1:00 pm: Tim Tingle – Native American storyteller
4:30 pm: Magik Theatre Children’s production
4:00 pm: Magik Theatre Children’s production
4:30 pm: Lucas Miller, the Singing zoologist
1:00 pm Dinosaur George – Traveling museum and
9 am-2 pm
1 - 6 pm
1 - 6 pm
1 - 6 pm
1 - 6 pm
1 - 6 pm
1 - 6 pm
9 am-2 pm
1 - 6 pm
1 - 6 pm
1 - 6 pm
1 - 6 pm
1 - 6 pm
1 – 8 pm
Highland Forest Elem.
3736 SE Military Dr
SA, TX 78223
4:30 pm:
4:30 pm:
4:30 pm:
1:00 pm:
4:30 pm: Urban 15 Group – Program includes a
drummers showcase and celebration dances
4:30 pm: Hideout Theatre – An interactive improv show
4:30 pm: Urban 15 Group – Program includes a
drummers showcase and celebration dances
2:00 pm Tim Tingle – Native American storyteller
4:30 pm: Tim Tingle – Native American storyteller
4:30 pm: Decee Cornish – Fun program about folklore,
stories and cultures of people from around the globe.
4:30 pm: Decee Cornish – Fun program about folklore,
stories and cultures of people from around the globe.
Please make sure that your children
attend school every day unless they
are sick. It is critical students keep
up with the rigor of academics every
day so they are successful in their
coursework and assessments. It is
also important that the District receive the state funding that is based
on average daily attendance.
History Fair
Congratulations to the following students
for placing in the Regional History Fair. The
2nd place - Jr. Division Group Documentary will move on to the State History Competition in Austin.
State Qualifiers/2nd Place - Jr. Division
Group Documentary - Chancellor Aikins
and Kathryn Britz (Heritage MS); Honorable Mention/4th Place - Jr. Division Group
Performance - Ariana Alon-Alon, Kaylie
Plate, and Mady Stuart (Heritage MS) *The
Jane McCallum Women in Texas History
Award*; Honorable Mention/4th Place - Jr.
Division Group Website - Tanna Rutherford and Krista St. Cyr (Heritage MS);
Honorable Mention/4th Place - Jr. Division
Group Documentary - Isabel Aguilar and
Haley Rosales (Heritage MS); Honorable
Mention/4th Place - Sr. Division Group
Performance - Soumia Abdallah and Remy
Levy (East Central HS).
6 pm: Lucas Miller, the Singing Zoologist
St Hedwig American Legion Hall, Post 539
14410 FM 1346
St Hedwig, TX 78152
(210) 559-4278
Parent involvement is essential
to a child’s success in school.
In Mrs. Gutierrez’s class at Harmony Elementary, this 1st grade
parent got into the Seuss spirit
by dressing up as “The Fish in
the Pot” and reading The Cat in
the Hat to her child’s class.
Lucas Miller, the Singing zoologist
Tim Tingle – Native American storyteller
Tim Tingle – Native American storyteller
Magik Theatre Children’s production
Keep Attendance Up
Harmony Elem.
10625 Green Lake
SA, TX 78223
(210) 633-00231
John Glenn Elem.
7284 FM 1628
SA, TX 78263
(210) 649-2021
Elmendorf Community Library
203 Bexar Avenue
Elmendorf, TX 7811
(210) 465-7580
Rodeo day at ECDC. Maestra Ortiz with her students
Mariana (left) and Erika (right)
ECHS 2015 AP Scholars
Presidential Scholars Program
Congratulations to senior Johnna Pieniazek who was named
a Career and Technical Education candidate as part of the 2016
U.S. Presidential Scholars Program. All Scholars are honored for
their accomplishments during the National Recognition Program,
held in June in Washington, D.C.
Oak Crest PTA hosted a
Spelling Bee following rules from
The 1st Place Winner, Alexis
Keller will participate in the next
round hosted by Express News.
The Advanced Placement (AP) Program
of the College Board annually recognizes
students who have demonstrated collegelevel achievement with AP Scholar Awards.
Students receive certificates for their accomplishment and are recognized at three
award levels. The AP Scholar Award is
granted to students who receive scores of
3 or higher on three or more AP Exams.
East Central students recognized as AP
Scholars include Soumia Abdallah, Teresa
Baistra, Brenna Barborka, Julia Botello,
Haydi Bugarin, Tyler Cagle, Teal’c Davis,
Erik Deanda, Roger Flores, Travis Hamilton, Ciara Hernandez, David Hernandez,
Dane Hons, Jessica Kosub, Jose LaraArevalo, Stephanie Lara-Arevalo, Anthony
Lazzeroni, Isaac Ledesma, Remy Levy,
Jordan Lukasik, Christopher Maldonado,
Samantha Mann, Eduardo Martinez, Matthew Martinez, Oscar Nava, Emmer Palaming, Lilliana Ramirez, Erick Razo-Robledo, Deseree Rios, Alma Rivera, Mary
Rodriguez, Alma Rojas-Martinez, Madison
Simon, Lauren Slattery, David Solis, Isabelle Soto, Colin Trainer, Chloe Villalpando,
Brittany Watson and Brittany Woodbury.
The AP Scholar with Honor Award is
granted to students who receive an average score of at least a 3.25 on all AP
Exams taken and scores of 3 or higher
on four or more of these exams. East
Central students recognized as AP
Scholars with Honor include Tyler Bryant, Brianna Delgado and Brenda Rojas.
The AP Scholar with Distinction Award
is granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores 3 or higher on
five or more of these exams. East Central students recognized as AP Scholars
with Distinction include Olivia Corona,
Abigail Jendrusch and Johnna Pieniazek.
Students are expected to take AP exams at the culmination of AP courses
in mid-May each year. Colleges then
may grant college credit for each exam
in which a student earns a passing
score (3 or higher). For more information on AP courses and exams, please
contact Gail Pieniazek, Academic Dean
or Kami Zigmond, Lead Counselor at
East Central High School at 649-2951.
Follow East
Foundation on
East Central Independent School District
6634 New Sulphur Springs Rd.
San Antonio, TX 78263-7861
San Antonio, TX
Permit No. 244
Board of Trustees
Steve Bryant
Monique Presas
Vice President
Claudia Barrientos
Dell Braziel
Victor Garza
John Massengale
James T. Mulkey
Superintendent of Schools
Roland Toscano
School Board Meeting Dates - April 21,
May 19, June 16, July 1, August 18,
September 15, October 20
School Bond Election May 7
Early Voting April 25 - May 3
The School Bell Times is published by East Central ISD
Editor and Desktop: Cathy Zotz and Terri Real
Printer: San Antonio Press
Mailing House: PC Mailing Services
Non-Discrimination Statement:
The East Central Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability,
military status, genetic i nformation, o r any o ther basis prohibited by l aw i n its p rograms and activities. The f ollowing persons have been
designated t o answer i nquiries regarding t he non-discrimination policies: S tevie Gonzales, Title IX Coordinator and/or Donna O wen, 504
Coordinator, at telephone 210-648-7861 or address 6637 New Sulphur Springs Road, San Antonio, TX 78263.
Noticia de No Discriminación:
El Distrito Escolar de East Central no discrimina por motivo de raza, color, religión, género, nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad, posición militar,
información genética, o por enalquier otra razón que sea prohibido por la ley. en sus programas y actividades. Las siguientes personas han
sido designados para contestar preguntas acerca de las normas de no-discriminación: Stevie Gonzales, la coordinadora de Título IX y/o
Donna Owen, la coordinadora de la Sección 504, por teléfono 210-648-7861 o dirección 6637 New Sulphur Springs Road, San Antonio, TX