November 8, 2015 - St. Anthony of Padua Church


November 8, 2015 - St. Anthony of Padua Church
St. Anthony of Padua Church
November 8, 2015
by Dn. Gerald J. "Jerry" Martinez, J.D., M.Th.
“But she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood.” (Mark 12:44)
Like the widow from Zarephath, who baked a cake for Elijah with the small amount of flour and oil she had left
for herself and her son, the widow in the temple gave all that she had - her whole livelihood, to God. Such generosity springs from great faith in God’s love for us and sincere gratitude. It is important that we regularly reflect on who we are and whose we are. At our Baptism we are called “a child
of God, for so indeed we are.” Do we acknowledge and accept God as Father
and Creator? Are we grateful to God for all that He has given us? Is our
gratitude to God reflected in our generosity like the widow of Zarepath and
the widow in the temple? Jesus was not favorably impressed by large sums
that the wealthy contributed out of their surplus wealth. How much of what
we have is because of what we want, not what we need? How much of what
we claim to be mine is actually surplus that we could share with others in
need? How much to we give back to God out of all he has given to us?
Lay Liturgical Ministers:
In preparation for the Season of Advent, the
Office of Worship will hold a Morning of Reflection for Lay Liturgical Ministers. This time of prayer
and reflection will feature Eucharistic Exposition
and Benediction; time for personal prayer; special presentations on spirituality for Extraordinary
Ministers of Holy Communion, Readers, and Musicians; keynote address by Dn. Jesse Watley.
St. Ann Church, Metairie, December 5, 9:3012:30. Contact Office of Worship: 861-6300.
Altar Servers Needed:
Children and/or adults interested in becoming
Altar Servers may contact Michael Vance via
email at [email protected].
Gluten Allergies:
If you or a family member who attends church
here has a gluten allergy, please contact the
church office so we can make arrangements for
you to receive gluten-free hosts when receiving
Thanksgiving Donations
Holy Communion.
The St. Anthony of Padua Social Apostolate is
Dance Sponsored by the Hispanic Community:
for monetary donations to provide needy
All are invited to attend this dance on Sunday,
with food for Thanksgiving. Gift certifiDecember 6, 5pm to 10pm in the auditorium,
be purchased so that each family can
Music provided by “504 EN CLAVFE DEL SOL”;
meal suited to their own
$10 for entrance into the dance and a chance to
bring donations to the
win $100; Food and Drinks sold separately; Tickparish
donation off in the
ets can be purchased at the Parish office or after
sure to mark your
the 9:00 am Masses. Please note the change in date.
donation “Thanksgiving food.”
Healing Service with Alan Ames:
Thank you for your generosity!
Join Mater Dolorosa Church, 1230 Carrollton
Ave on November 9 at 7:pm for Holy Mass
followed by healing prayer with Catholic EvanSt. Michael the Archangel,
gelist, Alan Ames. See flyer in the rear of church.
defend us in battle.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults:
Be our defense against the wickIf you are interested in becoming Catholic, it’s not
edness and snares of the devil.
too late to join RCIA. Please call the parish office
May God rebuke him,
for information on how to register.
we humbly pray,
and do thou,
St. Francis of Assisi Celebrates 125 Years:
O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by
St. Francis of Assisi Church is pleased to present
the power of God,
The Piano Playing Priest Featuring Rev. Michael
thrust into hell Satan,
M. Burke, O.P., D. Min. as part of our Jubilee
Year celebrating 125 years in New Orleans on
and all the evil spirits,
The Solemnity of Christ the King, Sunday, Novemwho prowl about the world
ber 22, 2015, at 3:00 PM in the church.
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Pictures from the October Dance
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ XXXII Domingo Ordinario
Pensamientos Del Boletin
by Dn. Gerald J. "Jerry" Martinez, J.D., M.Th.
"Pero ella, desde su pobreza, ha contribuido todo lo que tenia, todo su sustento"
Como la viuda de Zarephath, quien hizo un pastel para Elijah con la poca harina y aceite que tenia para ella y
su hijo; la viuda en el Templo dio todo lo que tenia, todo su sustento a Dios. Tal generosidad nace de gran fe
por el amor de Dios hacia nosotros y sincera gratitud. Es importante que refleccionemos en quienes somos y de
quien somos. En nuestro bautizo somos llamados "un hijo de Dios; ciertamente los somos." Reconocemos y
aceptamos a Dios como Padre y Creador? Somos agradecidos a Dios por todo lo que nos ha dado? Esta nuestra
gratitud hacia Dios reflejada en nuestra generosidad como la viuda de Zarepath y la
viuda en el Templo? Jesus no estaba impresionado favorablemente por las grandes
sumas que los ricos contribuian de sus riquezas sobrantes. Lo que tenemos es
porque lo queremos, o porque lo que necesitamos? Cuanto de lo que tenemos es en
realidad sobrante que podriamos compartir con otros en necesidad? Cuanto le devolvemos a Dios por todo lo que nos ha dado?
Próximos eventos
Baile Celebrando 100 Años:
Patrocinado por la Comunidad Hispana de
San Antonio de Padua; 6 de Diciembre, 2015
de 5:00 pm a 10:00 pm, En el auditorio,
Musica provista por “504 EN CALVE DEL SOL”,
Entrada: $10 (entrada al evento y derecho a
rifa de $100), Comida y Bebidas a la venta,
Adquieralos en la oficina parroquial o despues
de misa, Informacion: contacte Ivan 251-1686.
Adultos que estan interesados en convertirse en
católico o que necesitan cualquiera de los sacramentos, incluyendo los que están casados civilmente y
quieren casarse en la iglesia, pueden llamar a la
oficina. El Apostolado Hispano invita a los musicos
para la Conferencia de Musica Liturgica el
Viernes 20 de Noviembre a las 7:00pm y Sabado 21 de Noviembre a las 9:30am. Para
mayor informacion (504) 467-2550
Se Necesitan Monaguillos:
Niños y adultos interesados en servir como monaguillos pueden contactar a Luis al 837-0646.
Alergias al Gluten:
Si usted o un miembro de su familia tiene alergia
al gluten, porfavor contacte la oficina parroquial
para hacer arreglos y que pueda recibir hostia
sin gluten durante la sagrada communion.
El Apostolado Hispano invita a los musicos para la
Conferencia de Musica Liturgica el Viernes 20 de
Noviembre a las 7:00pm y Sabado 21 de Noviembre a las 9:30am. (504) 467-2550.
Oración a San Miguel Arcángel
Oh Glorioso príncipe de la Hueste Celestial, San
Miguel Arcángel, defiéndenos en la batalla y en el
terrible combate que estamos librando contra los
principados y Potestades del aire, contra los Dominadores de este mundo tenebroso, en contra de todos
los Espíritus del Mal. Ven en ayuda del hombre, a
quien Dios Todopoderoso creó inmortal, hecho en
ayuda del hombre, a quien Dios Todopoderoso creó
inmortal, hecho a su imagen y semejanza, y redimido por un gran precio, de la tiranía de Satanás.
Pelea en este día la batalla del Señor, junto con los
santos ángeles, igual que combatiste al líder de los
orgullosos ángeles, Lucifer, y a su hueste apóstata,
quienes no tuvieron poder para resistirte y tampoco
hubo ya lugar para ellos en el cielo. Esa cruel serpiente antigua, llamada el diablo o Satanás, que seduce
al mundo entero, fue arrojada al abismo junto con
sus ángeles. Mira, este enemigo primitivo y asesino
del hombre ha tomado fuerza. Transformado en un
ángel de luz, anda alrededor del mundo con una
multitud de espíritus perversos, invadiendo la tierra
para borrar el nombre de Dios y de Jesucristo,
apoderarse, asesinar y arrojar a la eterna perdición de
las almas destinadas a la corona de la gloria eterna.
Este malvado dragón vierte, como la inundación
más impura, el veneno de su malicia en los hombres
de mente depravada y corrupto corazón; el espíritu
de mentira de impiedad, de blasfemia, y de aire pestilente de impureza, y de todo vicio e iniquidad.
Estos astutos enemigos han llenado y embriagado
con hiel y amargura esta Iglesia, la esposa del Inmaculado Cordero, y han puesto sus manos impías
en sus más sagradas posesiones. En el Santo Lugar,
en donde la sede de San Pedro y el asiento de la verdad han sido colocados como la luz del mundo, ellos
han levantado el trono de su abominable impiedad,
con el designio inicuo de que cuando el Pastor sea
herido, también las ovejas pueden ser heridas.
Entonces levántate, oh Príncipe invencible, dale
ayuda al pueblo de Dios en contra de los ataques de
los espíritus perdidos. Dale la victoria al pueblo de
Dios: Ellos te veneran como su protector y patrón;
en ti la gloriosa Iglesia se regocija con tu defensa
contra el maligno poder del infierno; a ti te ha confiado Dios las almas de los hombres para ser establecida en bienaventuranzas celestiales. Ora al Dios
de la paz, para que ponga a Satanás bajo nuestros
píes, derrotado para que no pueda más mantener al
hombre en cautiverio y lastimar a la Iglesia. Ofrece
nuestras oraciones a la vista del Altísimo, para que
pronto pueda encontrar misericordia a los ojos del
señor; y venciendo al dragón la antigua serpiente que
es el diablo y Satanás, tú nuevamente lo pongas
cautivo en al abismo, para que no pueda ya más
seducir a las naciones.
St. Anthony of Padua Church
Liturgy Intentions: Nov. 7 to Nov. 13
32nd Week in Ordinary Time
Blessed Virgin Mary
Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Lk 16:9-15
4:00 The Keith, Aubert, & Brotmeyer Families,
Mercedes West, Anthony, Brian, Brad,
Matthew, Austin, & Ainsley D’Alfonso,
Joyce & Jerry Kelly, Jack Pfeffer,
Dorothy Joy Sanders,
Edward & Odi Moises,
Dr. Charles & Raymond Wagner,
Charles Cresson, Edda Aleman,
Wanda Balestra, Junius Chauvin,
Edward Bopp, Barbara Danna
Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
1 Kgs 17:10-16; Heb 9:24-28; Mk 12:38-44
November 8, 2015
Nov. 15: Second Collection: More Dominican
Nov. 21/22: Second Collection: Campaign for Human Development
Nov. 26/27: Thanksgiving Holiday - Church Office Closed
Nov. 28/29: 1st Sunday of Advent
Dec. 5/6: Blessing of Expectant Mothers
Dec. 5/6: Monthly Food Drive/2nd Collection: Parish Improvement Fund
Dec. 6: Parish Dance Hosted by the Hispanic Community (Date changed)
Dec. 13: Second Collection: Retirement Fund for the Religious
Dec. 20: Fourth Sunday in Advent
Dec. 24/25: Christmas Holiday (Parish Office Closed)
Dec. 31/Jan. 1: Christmas Holiday (Parish Office Closed)
Jan. 2/3: Monthly Food Drive
7:30 Souls in Purgatory
Loving Father, through the intercession of St. André Bessette, heal
me when I am sick in my soul. Help me to be simple and accepting.
9:00 Edelmira Juarez de Chacon,
Parish Giving for November 1, 2015
Alfredo Billings, Rosa Basulto,
Domingo Martinez, Felipe Martinez,
Telmo Viteri, Lourdes Murciano,
Edilia Torres, Benito y Carmen Borges,
Benny Borges, Noemi de la Grana
11:00 The Parishioners of St. Anthony of Padua
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; 1Cor 3:9-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22
8:15 Edda Aleman
12:10 Peggy M. Jordan, O.P.,
Jeffrey T. & Dr. Dennis P. Jordan
Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church
Wis 2:23 - 3:9; Lk 17:7-10
8:15 Ellen Geheeb
12:10 Frank McGoey
Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop
Wis 6:1-11; Lk 17:11-19
8:15 Priests and Religious of the Archdiocese
12:10 Marie T. Blaum, Rita Danna,
Robert Henry, Jr., Arthur Davis,
Special Intention
First Collection ($6,500 needed weekly)
12:10 p.m. Weekday Mass
Votives (Candles)
St. Anthony of Padua Social Apostolate
All Souls’ Day
Next week’s Second Collection is for the
“More Dominican” Fund. Thank you!
A Dominican Friar meditating on the
Mysteries of the Holy Rosary
Artwork by Fr. John G. Restrepo, O.P.
A 12-pack of note cards
with this image are
now available in the Church office.
$10 for the 12-pack.
Mass cards with this
image are also available.
Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr
Wis 7:22b - 8:1; Lk 17:20-25
8:15 The Souls in Purgatory
12:10 George Cire Calongne
Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin
Wis 13:1-9; Ps 19; Lk 17:26-37
8:15 St. Anthony Society Members
12:10 Peggy M. Jordan, O.P.
Blessed Virgin Mary
Wis 18:14-16, 19:6-9; Lk 18:1-8
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dn 12:1-3; Ps 16; Heb 10:11-14, 18; Mk 13:24-32
Celebrating 100 Years!
Sunday, December 6, 2015 (Please note change of date.)
Dance sponsored by the Hispanic Community. See page 2 for details.
August 13, 2016, 4:00 pm
100th Year Celebration Closing Mass
St. Anthony of Padua Church
Congratulations to Angelle Flanagan,
Who won the drawing on November 2.
Our next drawing will be November 9.
Please pray for the Priests of our Archdiocese
Join us for this DVD series by
Fr. Robert E. Barron
Tuesday Evenings
October 20 to December 29, 2015
7:00 pm at St. Anthony’s Priory
(Parlors A & B)
For more information:
Contact Sandy Sanchez, O.P.
At [email protected]
November 8, 2015
Most Rev.
Rev. Msgr.
Todos estan invitados el Domingo
6 de Diciembre, 2015 de 5:00pm a 10:00pm
En el auditorio de San Antonio de Padua
Musica provista por “504 EN CLAVE DEL SOL”
Entrada: $10.00 (entrada al evento y derecho a rifa de $100.00)
Comida y Bebidas a la venta
Para mas informacion, contacte Ivan Henriquez al (504) 251-1686
Adquieralos en la oficina parroquial o despues de misa
PREACH MY PSALTER: A Dominican Rosary Apostolate
The Prayer and Study Group will begin on Wednesday, November 25; 6-8pm
Contact Fr. Mariano for details about location at the email below.
Email: [email protected]
Preach My Psalter
Offers the following on Saturday mornings:
5 am Holy Hour: Adoration, Rosary, & Benediction
Confessions available during Holy Hour
6:10 am Eucharistic Celebration
November 7 (First Saturday), 14, 21, & 28, 20015
December 5 (First Saturday), 12, 19, & 26, 2015
January 2 (First Saturday), 9, 16, 23, & 30, 2016
Please see flyers on the information desk in the back of church.
St. Alphonsus Liguori wrote:
“Of all devotions, that of adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the
greatest after the Sacraments, the one dearest to God and the one most
helpful to us”. The Eucharist is a priceless treasure: By not only
celebrating the Eucharist, but also by praying before It outside of Mass,
we are enabled to make contact with the very wellsprings of Grace ..."
You are invited to participate in Eucharistic Adoration each Friday
Adoration begins after 8:15 Mass; ends with Benediction at 11:50 am.
You can spend a few minutes, an hour or as much time as you desire.
Our Mission Statement
The mission of Saint Anthony of Padua Parish is to develop an atmosphere for the members
of our Faith Community to live out the four-fold goals of the Catholic Church:
Worship, Word, Service, & Community.
Bible Trivia:
The Lord keeps faith forever, secures
justice for the oppressed, gives food to
the poor, and “what does the Lord do?”
(Hint: look in today’s readings)
Last week’s answer:
“John” (See Revelation 7:2-4)
Celebrating the Dominican Order
800th Anniversary Jubilee
Dominican Gala
Honoring Archbishop Gregory Aymond
Thursday, November 12, 2015 beginning at 6:00 pm
Sheraton Hotel + 500 Canal Street
For information contact Paula at 837-2129 ext. 8