Dec 2012 - Jan 2013 - Alcoholics Anonymous
Dec 2012 - Jan 2013 - Alcoholics Anonymous
The Area 11 A.A. Newsletter Vol. 22 No. 1 December - January 2013 See last page for important info about Holiday Alkathons! -English Version- -Spanish Version- Have You Filled Out the Area 11 Event ¿Han llenado el cuestionario de evalu- Questionnaire? ación de eventos de la Área 11? If you are reading this Alki-Line issue, chances are you obtained it at a meeting that has a General Service Representative (GSR). GSR’s are responsible for bringing news from the districts and area back to group members. You may, then, have seen a questionnaire distributed by your GSR about Area 11 events - Soberfest, the Area 11 Convention, Round Up, CSCYPAA and Rompiendo Fronteras. The questionnaire was developed by an ad hoc committee of A.A. members charged with evaluating area events – do we have too many events? Not enough? Why does attendance appear to be dropping? Etc. When it has finished its work, the committee will make a recommendation - or state that there is no recommendation - to keep, discard, combine, or change certain area events. Si usted está leyendo esta copia de Alki-line, lo más probable es que lo obtuvo en una reunión que tiene un Representante General de Servicio (GSR). RSG es responsable de llevar noticias del área a los distritos y a los miembros del grupo. Puede, entonces, haber visto un cuestionario distribuido por su RSG que concierne a preguntas acerca de los eventos del Área 11 - Soberfest, la zona 11 Convención, Round-Up, CSCYPAA y Rompiendo Fronteras. El cuestionario fue desarrollado por un Comité ad hoc encargado de evaluar los eventos del Área – tenemos demasiados eventos, no los suficiente, por qué disminuye la asistencia en si sucesivamente. Cuando se haya terminado la investigación, el Comité hará una recomendación o un Estado que no existe ninguna recomendación para mantener, deseche o cambiar ciertos eventos del Área. In addition to creating the questionnaire, the committee has sought answers to the above questions in the last five years of reports from the area event committees as well as in the last five years of district meeting minutes. If you have not received the questionnaire or would like further information, please email the committee care of [email protected] and reference the “Area 11 Ad Hoc Committee” in the subject line. You may also download the questionnaire at Please help the committee complete this important research by filling out the questionnaires and giving them to your GSR’s. Thank you very much. - Katherine D., Chair, Ad Hoc Committee Evaluating Area 11 Events WWW.CT-AA.ORG Además de crear el cuestionario, el Comité ha buscado respuestas en los últimos cinco años de informes de los comités del evento de Área así como en los últimos cinco años de actas de la reunión del distrito. Si usted no ha recibido el cuestionario o desea más información, envíenos por correo electrónico el Comité encargado de Alki-línea en alki-line@ct-aa. org. También puede descargar el cuestionario en Por favor, ayudar al comité a completar su investigación al completar los cuestionarios y darles su RSG. Muchas gracias. - Katherine D., coordinadora del Comité ad hoc del Área 11 sobre evaluación del evento. WWW.AA.ORG Friends of Bill Share Their Experience, Strength & Hope So Much to Teach, So Much to Learn The Treasurer’s Job With all the things I can say, I am a teacher. I’m a student as well. In recovery, you are both. There’s just so much to learn, and so much to teach. With only 52 days sober, a man can say only so much, but then again he can say something that would mean a lot to someone else. And what someone else says can make that same man learn a great deal. The important part is that we help each other; we are all brothers and sisters in this fellowship. Along with God Himself, there’s just so much power that isn’t in our control. It’s an uncomfortable feeling putting all you have in a power higher than yourself. You get used to it, though, because sooner or later you find comfort in what people in the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous say and do, and what God does for you as well. I’ve learned so much since quitting alcohol, but I have a lot to learn, too. Along with that, I’ve helped quite a few people since I began going to meetings. It’s a beautiful, majestic thing to see other people progress in the program along with progressing yourself. I have been a treasurer for three different meetings over the years. I continue to do this job because it needs to get done and I like to give back what has been given so freely to me. -Jack D. The word from the districts and the area is that our donations do not parallel our needs. This is not a new story – we have known this for a while. The green card about the 7th tradition – the need to be self-supporting - states that we need to be donating more than we did in years past. We can choose to read this card at meetings or not. I believe it is important that each meeting’s treasurer shares his/her experience in keeping “the books;” i.e., writing checks for rent and donations to the district, the area and GSO. Sharing my experience with “the books” –not just providing a numbers report at the business meeting - enables the group, and me, to understand where our money goes. Some will be interested and give more and others will not. However, it is important to raise awareness. I know it took me a long time to understand the importance of our traditions - now that I do, I will continue to do my part to sustain and to spread A.A.’s message. Just sharing my experience, strength and hope. - Judi G. Submit Articles (250 words or less), Photos, Letters, Suggestions and Constructive Criticism 1. Email: [email protected] 2. Mail: Alki-Line, P.O. Box 261084, Hartford, CT 06126 3. Hand material to a GSR This newsletter is by and for alcoholics; however, we review submissions by all interested in the A.A. program of recovery. Material may be edited for clarity and length. This newsletter and earlier issues can be printed from the Area 11 website: WWW.CT-AA.ORG WWW.AA.ORG Friends of Bill Share Their Experience, Strength & Hope Profiles in Service Rob L. is the chairperson of the District 7 Hospitals, Institutions and Treatment Centers Committee (aka the HIT Squad). The HIT Squad brings meetings and speakers into treatment centers in the greater Hartford area. Each week the HIT Squad carries the message to the still sick and suffering at ADRC, Open Hearth, Honor Court, and many other locations. Anyone interested in speaking or chairing meetings can contact Rob at 203-506-2817. In addition to his work on the HIT Squad, Rob regularly attends his home group, the Mayflower Group, in West Hartford. Favorite Story In Big Book: “Acceptance Was The Answer,” p. 407 Favorite Step: Step 12 Favorite Saying: “It works if you work it.” Daily Quotes from the Grapevine Receive a daily quote emailed from the AA Grapevine, the international journal of Alcoholics Anonymous. Just visit and sign up. You can also sign up for a monthly Grapevine e-newsletter at the same time. Of course the best way to support the Grapevine is by subscribing to either a print or online version. Be sure to visit the Grapevine’s excellent website at www.aagrapevine. org for a range of interesting topics, including the “I Say” forum, which allows alcoholics to express their thoughts on a variety of A.A. topics. SAVE THE DATE! Most Difficult Step: Step 5 and Step 9 Favorite AA Memory: Seeing newcomers and sponsees improve. “When I see a sponsee work the steps, do service work, and grow, that is my biggest joy. The promises have come true for me. It is amazing seeing them come true for others.” Biggest Challenge AA Is Facing: Keeping the program simple in the face of an increasingly complex world. - Jason M., District 7 Alki-Line Rep 11th Annual A.A. Woman’s Day In Recovery Saturday, March 16, 2012 For more info: [email protected] ‘Tis The Season For Alkathons! See last page for a list of Christmas and New Years Alkathons in your area! For more information, visit: WWW.CT-AA.ORG WWW.AA.ORG Holiday Alkathons! District 1 Sacred Heart Church 56 Sacred Heart Drive Groton, CT 06340 Handicapped accessible Dec. 24, 5:30 p.m. through Dec. 25, 3:00 p.m. Two keynote speakers, food to follow Meetings, meetings, meetings! District 3 Sahara Club 165 North Main St. Ansonia, CT 06401 Dec. 24, 5:00 p.m. through Dec. 25, 5:00 p.m. Contact: Joe A., 203-565-7701 Milford 17th Annual Alkathon Mary Taylor Church (on the Green) 168 S. Broad St. Milford, CT 06460 Dec. 31, 7:00 p.m. to Jan. 1, 7:00 p.m. Round-the-clock meetings, Food, Fun, and Fellowship Contact Fred M. (203) 824-7898 [email protected] District 4 Branford Christmas Alkathon Branford Italian-American Club Hamre Lane Branford, CT Dec. 24 to Dec. 25, 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. [email protected] District 7 Windsor Recovery Club 118 Palisado Ave. Windsor, CT 06095 860-285-0016 Dec. 24, 6:00 p.m. through Dec. 25, 6:00 p.m. WWW.CT-AA.ORG District 8 Bristol Recovery Club 67 West St. Bristol CT 06010-0322 860-589-1066 Dec. 24, 5:30 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. Dec. 25, 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Dec. 31, 5:30 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. Jan. 1, 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Meetings will run 1 hour long with 1/2 hour in between. There will be a break from 1:00 to 2:30 pm for social hour and refreshments. Food donations welcome! Cheshire Grange 44 Wallingford Road Cheshire, CT 06410 Dec. 24, 12:00 p.m. to Dec. 25, 2:00 p.m. Dec. 31, 12:00 p.m. to Jan. 1, 2:00 p.m. District 9 Fellowship Center 18 Great Plain Road Danbury, CT 06811 Dec. 24, 4:00 p.m. to Dec. 25, 4:00 p.m. Dec. 31, 4:00 p.m. to Jan. 1, 4:00 p.m. Food donations accepted for the events. The District will provide coffee, creamers, sugar, all cups and paper products. Contact the Alkathon Committee at [email protected] or call Ralph J. (860) 324-1247 or Judy M. (203) 792-7669. For additional Holiday Alkathon details and information, please visit: WWW.AA.ORG