1 ADMINISTRACIÓN: AV. PIO X 99 PLANTA INDUSTRIAL: COMPLEJO F.M.R.T. DIVISIÓN QUIMICA (5850) RIO TERCERO - PCIA. DE CORDOBA – TEL.: 03571-423532 Y ROT. e-mail: [email protected] SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR APORTE HEXA-K NFPA Classification Transport of dangerous materials – Agreement MERCOSUR Elements of Personal Protection Ref. UN 2506 control form N° 80 Eye protection: safety glasses. 0 1 Respiratory 0 protection: semi-mask with filter for ammonia (if entering in a tank) Hand protection: PVC gloves SECTION I - CHEMICAL PRODUCT – IDENTIFICATION OF THE COMPANY Name of the Product: AQUOEUS SOLUTION OF INORGANIC SALTS Comercial name: APORTE HEXA K SYNOMYM: aqueous solution of inorganic salts Chemical formula: Chemical Name: Chemical Family: Aqueous solution of inorganic Aqueous solution salts inorganic salts of Ammonium sulfate: (NH4)2SO4 Monoammonium phosphate (NH4)H2PO4 Potassium sulfate: K2SO4 Zinc sulfate: ZnSO4 Ammonium borate: (NH4)2B4O7 Manufacturer: BUFFON S.A. Distributor: Emergency Telephone: 54-3571-432100 Cel: 54-3571-15575107 Uses: Fertilizer Transport: DANGEROUS MATERIALS 2 ADMINISTRACIÓN: AV. PIO X 99 PLANTA INDUSTRIAL: COMPLEJO F.M.R.T. DIVISIÓN QUIMICA (5850) RIO TERCERO - PCIA. DE CORDOBA – TEL.: 03571-423532 Y ROT. e-mail: [email protected] Medical Attention: *FEDERAL CAPITAL TOXICOLOGICAL CENTERS *CORDOBA *CATAMARCA Hospital Pedro de Elizalde Montes de Oca 40 cap. Fed. Tel.011-4321-2115 Toxicología Tel.011-4321-2115 Toxicología Hospital de Niños Gallo 1130 Cap. Fed. Tel. 011-4962-6666/2247 Toxicología Hospital de Niños Corrientes 643 cba Tel.0351-423-3303 guardia 0351-4229961 conmutador Hospital de Urgencias Catamarca 411 Córdoba Tel. 0351-422-2039/21/0243 *BUENOS AIRES Hospital Municipal Infantil Lavalleja 3000 – Córdoba Tel. 0351-471-8785/8852/6492 Toxicología *LA RIOJA *SALTA *MENDOZA Hospital San Bernardo Tobías 69 – Salta Tel. 0387-422-4254/22 - 4316 Hospital Central Alem y Salta - Mendoza Hospital de Niños Sarmiento 629 – Salta Tel. 0387- 3954 Hospital Emilio Civil Parque Gral. San Martín – Mendoza Tel. 0361-4252476/4250476 Policlínico Posadas Pte. Arturo M.Illia y MARCONI Haedo Bs.As. Tel. 011-4658-7777 y 4654-6648 Toxicología 011-4658-3001 al 06 conmutador Hospital de Niños de La Plata Calle 14 entre 65 y 66 - La Plata Buenos. Aires. Tel.221-451-5555 *SANTA FE Centro de Toxicología Tucumán 1544 – Rosario Tel. 0341- 4242727 Conmutador Hospital de niños Av. Urquiza 1050 Cat. Tel.03833-425118 *JUJUY Centro de Toxicología San Martín y Alberdi San Salvador de Jujuy Tel. 03822-428310 Hospital Pte. La Plaza Av. San Nicolás de Bari 97 La Rioja Tel.03822-427814 SECTION II - TOXICOLOGOCAL COMPONENTS Toxicological Information on the components: its components are non-toxic. They are not edible products. 3 ADMINISTRACIÓN: AV. PIO X 99 PLANTA INDUSTRIAL: COMPLEJO F.M.R.T. DIVISIÓN QUIMICA (5850) RIO TERCERO - PCIA. DE CORDOBA – TEL.: 03571-423532 Y ROT. e-mail: [email protected] SECTION III - IDENTIFICATIÓN OF DANGERS Acute health effects None known Chronic effect potential None known SECTION IV - FIRST AID MEASURES Contact with the Light irrigation; wash with copious amounts of water for 15 eyes minutes. Minor skin contact Light irrigation; wash with copious amounts of water, remove clothing wet by the product. Prolonged skin Irrigation of persons affected; wash with copious amounts of contact water and seek medical attention. Minor inhalation Slight irritation; remove to welle ventilated area. Severe inhalation Irritation & inflamation of upper respiratory tract. Remove to well ventilated area and seek medical attention. Light ingestion Low toxicity. May cause nausea or diarreah by irritation. If the victim if conscience, drink copious amounts of water. Severe ingestion If the victim is conscience, drink copious amounts of water, but do not induce vomiting, sep medical help. Never administer liquids to unconscience victims, semi-conscience or fainting. SECCIÓN V - INFORMACIÓN SOBRE FUEGO Y EXPLOSIÓN Not applicable Flamability Auto-ignition temperature Not applicable Not applicable Flash point Not applicable Flamability limits Non-flamable, but decomposes into toxic and/or Combustión products inflamable gases (ammonia & nitrogen oxides) near high temperature sources. The solid residue after evaporation of water contains ammonium nitrate, an explosive propellant at high temperatures or in the presence of strong oxidizers. Not applicable Danger of fire in the presence of different substances Danger of explosion in the Not explosive presence of different sustances Not applicable Fire control Special observations in the Not applicable case of FIRE danger 4 ADMINISTRACIÓN: AV. PIO X 99 PLANTA INDUSTRIAL: COMPLEJO F.M.R.T. DIVISIÓN QUIMICA (5850) RIO TERCERO - PCIA. DE CORDOBA – TEL.: 03571-423532 Y ROT. e-mail: [email protected] Special observations in Not applicable case of danger of explsion SECTIÓN VI - MEASURES IN CASE OF ACCIDENTAL SPILLS Wash into sewers with excess water or deposit in compost Small spills piles. Collect contaminated soil and remove to authorized Large spills deposits, especially land fills or deposits where mateerials are recovered for use as plant nurients. Control water tables and surface water to to insure against contamination. SECTION VII - HANDLING AND STORAGE Use eye protection, impermeable gloves and proper Handling clothing to minimize coantact with the skin. The product is corrsive to yellow metals, bronz, copper Storage and tin. Do not use tools, valves or conduits made of tose materials. Proper materials include stainless steel, common iron and steel, plastics and porcelan. Caution: Do not weld tanks that have contained UAN without previously washing them out with large amounts of water. Do not allow tanks temperatures to exceed 100° C. Sep tanks isolated from imcompatible materials. SECTIÓN VIII – WORK CONDITIONS AND ELEMENTS OF PERSONAL PROTECTION Work in web ventilated areas. Work conditions Eye protection: safety glasses, PVC gloves, long sleeved Personal protection shirt, impermeable arpón or impermeable clothes when operating vlaves, and, where necessary, portable respirators with ammonia filtres when entering empty tanks. Impermeable boots and clothing, safety glasses, Personal protection in respiratory protection. emergencies Not applicable Exposure limits SECTIÓN IX - PHYSICAL STATE - ASPECT 3.8 pH Vapor pressure 100° C Boiling point Color S/D Colorless 5 ADMINISTRACIÓN: AV. PIO X 99 PLANTA INDUSTRIAL: COMPLEJO F.M.R.T. DIVISIÓN QUIMICA (5850) RIO TERCERO - PCIA. DE CORDOBA – TEL.: 03571-423532 Y ROT. e-mail: [email protected] -5° C Melting point Odor S/D Critical Water solubility Temperature Density 0° C, 1 atm 1.24 g/ ml Odorless Soluble in all proportions SECTIÓN X – INFORMATION ON STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stable Stability Decomposes above 100° C, avoid over Stability at elevated temperatures heating. Chlorine, hypochlorite, metallic powders Incompatibilty with other substances containing Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni, Co, Bi, Cr, Mg, Zn, Al. Corrodes bronze, copper, tin and similar Corrosivity materials. SECTIÓN XI – TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Ingestion, continuous skin contact, Significant routes of exposure splatters in the eyes, inhalation in closed environments and confined spaces. Does not exhibit toxcity in normal use Toxicity in animals None identified Other effects in humans Special observations on other chronic Not applicable effects in humans Special observations on other effects in None identified humans SECTIÓN XII – ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION No accumulative effect in normal use in agriculture. Ecotoxicity Aquatic toxicity: disperses and dissolves easily. In high concentrations promotes excessive algal growth and eutrophication. Degradation products may be toxic to fish, so its discharge in surface water should be avoided. Is not a marine contaminant. Nitrogen oxides, ammonia. Decomposition products Toxicity of decomsposition The product and its decomposition products are not in themselves dangerous under normal use conditions. products Spills into surface water should be avoided. Special observations on Algal growth may worsen water quality in terms of turbidity and flavor. decomposition products 6 ADMINISTRACIÓN: AV. PIO X 99 PLANTA INDUSTRIAL: COMPLEJO F.M.R.T. DIVISIÓN QUIMICA (5850) RIO TERCERO - PCIA. DE CORDOBA – TEL.: 03571-423532 Y ROT. e-mail: [email protected] SECTIÓN XIII - RESIDUES Residues in water and recylcling SECTIÓN XIV - TRANSPORT National Transport law 24.449 Special provisions for transport Recycle all residues possible to the farm soil. Comply with all national, provential and municipal ordanances with respect to effulients. General cargos Not applicable SECTIÓN XV – REGULATIONS AND SIGNS Not applicable NFPA Not applicable TDG Signs MERCOSUR References MERCOSUR Agrement on the Transport of Dangerous Materials National Transportation Law 24.449 Technical Resolution 195/97 Technical regulations Law 19.587/72 Security and Higeine In the Workplace Decree 351/79 Reglamentation of Law 19.587/72 NOTE TO READERS The purchaser assumes all risk related to the use of this material. The purchaser is responsible for the safe use of the product, adherence to applicable legislation with regard to the environment and safety and security in the work place. 7 ADMINISTRACIÓN: AV. PIO X 99 PLANTA INDUSTRIAL: COMPLEJO F.M.R.T. DIVISIÓN QUIMICA (5850) RIO TERCERO - PCIA. DE CORDOBA – TEL.: 03571-423532 Y ROT. e-mail: [email protected] GUIDE TOXIC AND CORROSIVE SUBSTANCES (NON-FLAMABLE) 154 POTENTIAL DANGERS TO HEALTH · Toxic; the inhalation, ingestión or contact of the material with the skin may cause severe lessions or death. · Contact with the meted material may cause severe burns to the skin and eyes. · Avoid all contact with the skin. · The effects of contact or inhalation may appear some time after contact. · Fire may produce irritating, corrosive and/or toxic gases. · Escapes resulting from the control of fires o dilution with water may be corrosive and/or toxic and cause contamination. _____________________________________________________________________________________ FIRE OR EXPLOSION · The non-combustible substances will not ignite alone. But may decompose when heated and produce corrosive and/or toxic gases. ·Some components are oxidizers and may ignite other combustible materials (wood, oils, clothing, etc.) · Contact with metals may give Of. Inflamable hydrogen gas. · Containers may explode when heated. PUBLIC SAFETY · First call the emergency response telephone number in the shipping documents. If the shipping document is not available or there is no answer, call the numbers naoted on the back of the container or technical literature. · Isolate the spill or escape area immediately for a radial distance of at least 25-30 meters (80-160feet). · Sep all unauthorized persons Hawai from the area. · Remain up wind of the spill. · Stay Hawai from low lying areas. · Ventilate enclosed areas. _____________________________________________________________________________________ PROTECTIVE CLOTHING · Use autonomous, ppositive pressure respiratory equipment ( SCBA). · Use protective clothing suitable for chemical products as recommended by the manufacturer. This may provide little or no termal protection. · The strandard fire fighter’s clothing provides limited protection ONLY in fire situations and is not effects in the case of spills. _____________________________________________________________________________________ EVACUATION Spills: · See initial isolation and protective action distance tables for the substances released. For other substances, increase the isolation distance given in “PUBLIC SAFETY” as necessary in the prevailing wind direction. Fire 8 ADMINISTRACIÓN: AV. PIO X 99 PLANTA INDUSTRIAL: COMPLEJO F.M.R.T. DIVISIÓN QUIMICA (5850) RIO TERCERO - PCIA. DE CORDOBA – TEL.: 03571-423532 Y ROT. e-mail: [email protected] · If a tank, railcar or car tank is involved in the FIRE, isolate the area to a radius of 800 meters (1/2 mile) as well, consider the initial evacuation radius to be 800 meters (1/2 mile) as well. GUIDE 154 TOXIC AND/OR CORROSIVE SUBSTANCES (NON-COMBUSTABLE) EMERGENCY RESPONSE FIRE Small fires · dry chemical, CO2 or spray with water. Large fires · Use dry chemical, CO2, water spray or alcohol resistant foam. ·Remove non-involved containers from the area of the FIRE if posible without risk. · Make a retention dam for the FIRE control water for later waste control; do not scatter the material. FIRE involving tanks railcars or trailers and their cargos Combate the FIRE from the maximum distance o utilize fixed supports to maintain the hoses and regulating valves (chiflones??). · Do not introduce water incide the containers. · Cool the contaiiners with streams of water until web after the FIRE has been extinguished. · Evacuate the area immediately if there is a growing sound coming from the security mechanism of the ventílelas (¿?) or if the tank beginf to discolor. · AÑWAYS remain well away from tanks involved in fire. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SPILL OR LEAK · Eleminate all posible sources of ignition (do not smoke, use flares,spaks or flames in the area of the danger. · Do not touch the damaged containers or spilled materials unless using adequate protective clothing. · Stop the leak, if it can be done without risk. · Prevent entry of the leaked or spilled materials into navegable waterways, drainage ditches, basements or other confined areas. · Absorb the spilled materials with dry dirt, sand or other non-flamable absorbent materials and transfer to suitable containers. · DO NOT INTRODUCE WATER INTO THE LEAKING CONTAINERS. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FIRST AID · Remove the victim to an open area where they can breath fresh air. · Call emergency medicalservices. · Apply artificial respiration if the victim is not breathing. · Do not use mouth-to-mputh respiration if the victim has ingested or inhaled the material; apply respiration with the help of a one way valve or other artificial apparatus for tmedical respiration. · Supply oxygen if respiration is difficult. · Remove and isolate contaminated clothing and shoes. · In case of contact with the substance, rinse the skin or eyes with a stream of water for 20 minutes. · For minor skin contact, avoid spreading the material on unaffected skin areas. · Maintain the victim lying down and at normal temperature. 9 ADMINISTRACIÓN: AV. PIO X 99 PLANTA INDUSTRIAL: COMPLEJO F.M.R.T. DIVISIÓN QUIMICA (5850) RIO TERCERO - PCIA. DE CORDOBA – TEL.: 03571-423532 Y ROT. e-mail: [email protected] · The effects of exposure to the substance (inhalation, ingestión or contact with the skin) may produce delayed symptoms. · Insure that medical personnel are aware of the nature of the materials involved and take precautions to protect them.