TEW-815DAP Installation Manual
TEW-815DAP Installation Manual
TREflDnET • AC1750 Dual Band Wireless Access Point T E W -8 1 5 D A P • Q u ic k In sta lla tio n G uide (1) ENGLISH 1. Before You Start Package Contents • TEW-815DAP • Multi-Language Quick Installation Guide FRANQAIS • CD-ROM (User's Guide) • Network cable (1.5 m / 5 ft.) • Power adapter (12V DC, 2A) Installation Requirements • Computer with a network port and Web browser PyCCKMft ESPANOL I DEUTSCH • A network switch or router with an available network LAN port 1 1. Connect your com puter to the TEW-815DAP's LAN port. 3. Assign a Static IP address to your computer's network adapter in the subnet of 192.168.10.x (e.g. and a subnet mask of Please refer to the Appendix in the User's Guide for more information. 4. Open your web browser and enter “http://tew-815dap” . j NewTab G 0 http://tew-815dap N ote: You can also access the device using the default IP address ( 5. Select the desired language. 6. Enter the default user name and password. You can find the default username (admin) and password (admin) on the Iabels on the side and bottom of the access point. 2 ESPA&OL I DEUTSCH FRAN£AiS 2. Connect the power adapter to the access point and then to a power outlet. For EUNL versions, toggle the power switch to the on position. ENGLISH 2. Installation ENGLISH 7. Click Login. P reset W ireless Settings Wi-Fi Nam e/SSID [A C /N ] TRENDnetXXX_5GHz_XXXX [N /B /G ] TRENDnetXXX_2.4GHz_XXXX W i-F i Key FRANQAIS XX XX XX XX XX XX X M anagem ent Login h ttp ://te w -8 1 5 d a p u s e rn a m e : a d m in p a s s w o rd : a d m in PyCCKMft ESPANOL I DEUTSCH 8. The W izard should automatically appear. Click Next. 9. For added security it is recommended to update the access point's login password. Enter a new password. 10. Enter the password again. Then click Next. 11. Select Access Point Mode and then click Next. Se tu p W ire le s s S e tting s -< ^ 3 I I N ote: • Open a web browser and enter a web address (for example, www.trendnet.com ) to verify that you have internet connection. • For added security we have pre-encrypted each TEW-815DAP with a unique Wi-Fi Name (SSID) and Wi-Fi Key. You can find these pre-configured settings on the labels on the bottom and side of the TEW -815DAP You will use this information to connect wirelessly to the access point. To change the Wi-Fi Key, refer to the product manual. If the access point is reset, the Wi-Fi Key, Wi-Fi Name and M anagement Login setting will also reset to factory defaults. ESPAtoL 13. Install the access point in the desired location. DEUTSCH FRAhl^AIS ENGLISH 12. Click Apply. PyCCKMM P reset W irele ss S ettings M anagem ent Login http://tew -815dap username: admin password: admin 4 TREnDnET* Declaration of Conformity Com pany Information: C o m p a n y Nam e: T R E N D n e t, Inc. C o m p a n y A d d re s s : 2 0 6 7 5 M a n h a tta n Place T o rra n c e , CA 9 0 5 0 1 USA Product Information: P ro d u c t D e s c rip tio n : A C 1 7 5 0 D u a l B an d W ire le s s A c c e s s P o in t M o d e l N u m b e r: T E W -8 1 5 D A P C€® B ra n d N a m e : TRENDnet Technical Standards: EN 3 0 0 3 2 8 V 1 .7 .1 : 1 0 - 2 0 0 6 Class B EN 3 0 1 4 8 9 -1 V 1 .9 .2 : 0 9 -2 0 1 1 EN 3 0 1 4 8 9 -1 7 V 2 .1 .1 : 0 9 -2 0 1 2 EN55022 2 0 1 0 + A C :2 0 1 1 E N 6 1 0 0 0 -3 -2 2006 + A1 : 2009 + A 2 : 2009 E N 6 1 0 0 0 -3 -3 E N 55024 EN 3 0 1 8 9 3 EN 6 2 3 1 1 : EN 6 0 9 5 0 -1 : R e g u la tio n (EC) R e g u la tio n (EC) 2008 2010 V 1 .7 .1 : 0 6 -2 0 1 2 2008 2 0 0 6 + A 1 1 : 2 0 0 9 + A 1 : 2 0 1 0 + A 1 2 : 2 011 N o . 1 2 7 5 /2 0 0 8 N o . 2 7 8 /2 0 0 9 Declaration: This product is herewith confirmed to comply with the Directive o f 1999/5/EC, 2006/95/EC and 2009/125/EC. I hereby declare that the products and devices mentioned above are consistent with the standards and provisions o f the guidelines. S o n n y Su D ire c to r o f T e c h n o lo g y Nam e A p r il 2 4 , 2 0 1 4 D a te S ig n a ti G P L/LG PL G eneral In fo rm a tio n This TREND net product includes free softw are w ritten by third party developers. These codes are subject to the GNU General Public License ("GPL") or GNU Lesser General Public License ("LGPL"). These codes are distributed W ITH O U T W ARRANTY and are subject to the copyrights of the developers. TR EN D net does not provide technical support for these codes. The details of the GNU GPL and LGPL are included in the product CD-RO M. Please also go to (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) or (http://w w w .gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt) fo r specific terms o f each license. The source codes are available fo r download from TREND net's w eb site (http://trendnet.com /dow nloads/list_gpl.asp) for at least three years from the product shipping date. You could also request the source codes by contacting TRENDnet. 20675 M anhattan Place, Torrance, C a 90501, USA. Tel: +1 310-961-5500 Fax: +1-310-961-5511. In fo rm a tio n s generales GPL/LG PL Ce produit TR EN D net com prend un logiciel libre ecrit par des program m eurs tiers. Ces codes sont sujet a la GNU General Public License ("GPL" Licence publique generale G NU) ou a la GNU Lesser General Public License ("LGPL" Licence publique generale lim itee GNU). Ces codes sont distribues SANS G ARANTIE et sont sujets aux droits d'auteurs des program m eurs. TR EN D net ne fournit pas d'assistance technique pour ces codes. Les details concernant les GPL et LGPL GNU sont repris sur le CD-RO M du produit. Veuillez egalem ent vous rendre en (http://w w w .gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) ou en (http://w w w .gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt) pour les conditions specifiques de chaque licence. Les codes source sont disponibles au telechargem ent sur le site Internet de TREND net web site (http://trendnet.com /dow nloads/list_gpl.asp) durant au m oins 3 ans a partir de la date d'expedition du produit. Vous pouvez egalem ent dem ander les codes source en contactant TRENDnet. 20675 M anhattan Place, Torrance, C A 90501, USA. Tel: +1-310-961-5500 Fax: +1-310-961-5511. A llge m e in e In fo rm a tio ne n zu GPL/LG PL Dieses Produkt enthalt die freie Softw are "netfilter/iptables" (© 2000-2004 netfilter project http://www.netfilter.org) und die freie Softw are „Linux „m td“ (M em ory Technology D evices) Im plem entation (© 2000 David W oodhouse), erstm als integriert in Linux Version 2.4.0-test 3 v. 10.07.2000 (http://w w w .kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.4/old-test-kernels/linux-2.4.0-test3.tar.bz2), sowie w eitere freie Software. Sie haben durch den Erwerb dieses Produktes keinerlei Gewahrleistungsanspruche gegen die Berechtigten an der oben genannten Softw are erworben; weil diese die Softw are kostenfrei lizenzieren gewahren sie keine Haftung g e m a li unten abgedruckten Lizenzbedingungen. Die Softw are darf von jederm ann im Q uell-und O bjektcode unter Beachtung der Lizenzbedingungen der GNU General Public License Version 2, und GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) vervielfaltigt, verbreitet und verarbeitet werden. Die Lizenz ist unten im englischsprachigen O riginalwortlaut w iedergegeben. Eine nichtoffizielle U bersetzung in die deutsche Sprache finden Sie im Internet unter (http://w w w .gnu.de/docum ents/gpl-2.0.de.htm l). Eine allgem eine offentliche GNU Lizenz befindet sich auch au f der m itgelieferten CD-RO M. Sie konnen Q uell-und O bjektcode der Softw are fur m indestens drei Jahre auf unserer Homepage www.trendnet.com im Downloadbereich (http://trendnet.com /langen/dow nloads/list_gpl.asp) downloadend. Sofern Sie nicht uber die M oglichkeit des Downloads verfugen konnen Sie bei TRENDnet. 20675 M anhattan Place, Torrance, C A 90501 -U .S .A -, Tel.: +1-310-961-5500, Fax: +1-310-961-5511 die Softw are anfordern. In fo rm a cio n general s o b re la GPL/LG PL Este producto de TR EN D net incluye un program a gratuito desarrollado por terceros. Estos codigos estan sujetos a la Licencia publica general de GNU (“G PL”) o la Licencia publica general lim itada de GNU (“LG P L”). Estos codigos son distribuidos SIN G ARA NTIA y estan sujetos a las leyes de propiedad intelectual de sus desarrolladores. TREND net no ofrece servicio tecnico para estos codigos. Los detalles sobre las licencias GPL y LGPL de GNU se incluyen en el CD-RO M del producto. Consulte tambien el (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) o el (http://w w w .gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt) para ve r las clausulas especificas de cada licencia. Los codigos fuentes estan disponibles para ser descargados del sitio W eb de TREND net (http://trendnet.com /dow nloads/list_gpl.asp) durante por lo m enos tres anos a partir de la fecha de envio del producto. Tambien puede solicitar el codigo fuente llam ando a TREND net. 20675 M anhattan Place, Torrance, C A 90501, USA. Tel: +1 310-961-5500 Fax: +1-310-961-5511 Q6rnas MHAoPMa^Ma o flumeH3usx GPL/LG PL B cocTaB gaHHoro npogyKTa TR EN D net BxoguT 6ecnnaTHoe nporpaMMHoe o6ecneneHue, HanucaHHoe c to p o h h u m u pa3pa6oTHMKaMM. 3 t o n o pacnpocTpaHaeTca Ha ycnoBuax n u ^ H 3 u i/i GNU G eneral Public License ("GPL") unu GNU Lesser General Public License (''LGPL''). nporpaMMbi pacnpocTpaHaroTca BE3 rAPAHTMM u oxpaHaroTca aBTopcKuMu npaBaMu pa3pa6oTHMKoB. TR EN D net He oKa3biBaeT TexHunecKyro noggepwKy ^To^o nporpaMMHoro o6ecneneHua. nogpo6Hoe onucaHue n u ^ H 3 u i/i GNU GPL u LGPL m o w h o Hai/iTu Ha KoMnaKT-gucKe, npunaraeMoM k npogyKTy. B nyHKTax (http://w w w .gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) u (http://w w w .gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt) u3noweHbi KoHKpeTHbie ycnoBua Kawgoi/i u3 n u^H 3 u i/i. McxogHbii/i Kog nporpaMM gocTyneH Ana 3arpy3Ku c Be6-cai/iTa TREND net (http://trendnet.com /dow nloads/list_gpl.asp) b TeneHue, KaK MuHuMyM, Tpex neT co gHa nocTaBKu npogyKTa. KpoMe Toro, u cxo g H b / Kog m o w h o 3anpocuTb no agpecy TREND net. 20675 M anhattan Place, Torrance, C A 90501, USA. Tel: +1-310-961-5500 Fax: +1-310-961-5511. G P L/LG PL in fo rm a co e s G erais Este produto TREND net inclui software gratuito desenvolvido por terceiros. Estes codigos estao sujeitos ao GPL (GNU General Public License) ou ao LG PL (GNU Lesser General Public License). Estes codigos sao distribuidos SEM G ARANTIA e estao sujeitos aos direitos autorais dos desenvolvedores. TREND net nao presta suporte tecnico a estes codigos. Os detalhes do GNU GPL e do LG PL estao no CD-RO M do produto. Favor acessar http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt ou http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt para os termos e spe dficos de cada licenga. Os codigos fonte estao disponiveis para download no site da TR EN D net (http://trendnet.com /langen/dow nloads/list_gpl.asp) por pelo m enos tres anos da data de em barque do produto. Voce tam bem pode solicitar os codigos fonte contactando TRENDnet, 20675 M anhattan Place, Torrance, C A 90501, USA.Tel: +1-310-961-5500, Fax: +1-310-961-5511. G P L/LG PL u ld in fo rm a tsio o n See TRENDneti toode sisaldab vaba tarkvara, mis on kirjutatud kolm anda osapoole poolt. Koodid on allutatud GNU (General Public License) Uldise Avaliku Litsentsi (GPL) voi GNU (Lesser General Public License) ("LGPL") Vahem Uldine Avalik Litsentsiga. Koode vahendatakse ILM A G AR ANTIITA ja need on allutatud arendajate poolt. TR EN D net ei anna koodidele tehnilist tuge. D etailsem at infot GNU GPL ja LGPL kohta leiate toote CD-RO M il. Infot m olem a litsentsi spetsiifiliste terminite kohta leiate (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) voi (http://w w w .gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt). Infot molema litsentsi spetsiifiliste terminite kohta leiate (http://w w w .gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) voi (http://w w w .gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt). Lahtekoodi on voim alik alla laadida TRENDneti kodulehelt (http://trendnet.com /langen/dow nloads/list_gpl.asp) kolm e aasta jooksul alates toote kattesaam ise kuupaevast. Sam uti voite lahtekoodi paluda TRENDneti'lt, 20675 M anhattan Place, Torrance, C A 90501, USA. Tel: +1-310-961-5500, Fax: +1-310-961-5511. TREnDnET Lim ited W arranty T R E N D n e t w arrants its products against d efects in m aterial and w orkm anship, u nd er norm al use and service, fo r the follow ing length o f tim e from the date o f p urchase. W arranty: 3 ye a r lim ited w arranty (W hen A pplicable: 1 ye a r w arra n ty fo r p ow er adapter, power supply, and cooling fan com ponents.) V isit TR E N D net.com to review the full w arranty policy, rights, and restrictions fo r this product. G arantie Limitee T R E N D n e t garantit ses produits contre les d efauts m ateriels et de fabrication, dans des conditions n orm ales d’utilisation et de service, pour les durees suivantes, a co m p te r de la date de le u r achat. Lim itee: 3 ans de garantie lim itee (Si applicable: 1 an de garantie sur l’a da pta teu r secteur, l’a lim entation en energie et les com posants du ventilateur de refroidissem ent.) V isitez TR E N D net.com p our lire la politique c om plete de garantie, les droits et les restrictions s’appliquant a ce produit. Begrenzte G arantie T R E N D n e t garantiert, dass seine Produkte bei norm aler B enutzung und W artung wahrend d er n achfolgend genannten Zeit ab dem Kaufdatum keine M aterial- und V erarbeitungsschaden a ufweisen. G arantie: 3-Jahres-G arantie (S oweit zutreffend: 1 Ja hr G arantie fur Netzteil, S trom kabel und V entilator.) Alle G arantiebedingungen, Rechte und E inschrankungen fu r dieses Produkt finden Sie auf TR E N D net.com . G arantia Lim itada T R E N D n e t garantiza sus productos contra defectos en los m ateriales y mano de obra, bajo uso y servicio norm ales, durante el siguiente periodo de tiem po a partir de la fecha de com pra. G arantia: 3 anos (C uando proceda: 1 ano de garantia para com ponentes de a daptadores de corriente, fuente de alim entacion y ventiladores de refrigeracion.) Visite TR E N D net.com para revisa r la p olitica de garantia, derechos y restricciones para este producto. OrpaHMHeHHafl rapaHTUfl rapaHTus KoMnaHuu T R E N D n e t pacnpocTpaHseTcs Ha ge^eK Tbi, Bo3HuKwue no BuHe npou3BoguTens npu co6nrogeHuu ycnoBufi ^Kc^nyaTa^uu u o6cnywuBaHus b TeHeHue ycraHOBneHHoro nepuoga c MOMeHTa npuo6peTeHus (npogyKT: OrpaHuHeHHas rapaHTus: TpexneTHss orpaHuHeHHas rapaHTus (PacnpocTpaHseTcs: Ha npoTsweHuu 1 roga Ha cunoB be a ganT epb, u c to h h u k h nuTaHus u KoMnoHeHTb BeHTunsTopa oxnawgeHus. nonHyro Bepcuro rapaHTuMHbix o6s3aTenbCTB, a TaKwe npaBa nonb3oBaTens u orpaHuHeHus npu ^Kc^nyaTa^uu gaHHoro npogyKTa cMoTpuTe Ha Be6caMTe w w w .trendnetrussia.ru G arantia L im itada T R E N D n e t garante seus p rodutos contra d efeitos em m aterial e m ao de obra, sob condigoes n orm ais de uso e servigo, pelo seguinte tem po a partir da data da com pra. G arantia: G arantia lim itada de 3 anos. (Q uando aplicavel: 1 ano de garantia para ada pta do r de tensao, fon te e com ponentes de ventoinhas). V isite TR E N D net.com para co nh ece r a politica de garantia com pleta, direitos e restrigoes para este produto.) Piiratud garantii TR E N D n e ti tavatingim ustes kasutatavatel ja hooldatavatel toodetel on jarg m ise ajavahem iku jo oksu l (alates ostukuupaevast) tootm is-ja m aterjalidefektide garantii. garantii: 3-aastane piiratud garantii. (G arantii kohaldatakse: toiteadapteri, toiteallika ja ja hutusventilaatori osadel on 1-aastane g arantii.) Taisgarantii pohim otete, oiguste ja piirangute kohta leiate lisateavet saidilt TR E N D net.com . TREnDnET TREnDnET TEW -815DAP rapaHTin KOMnami raparnria KOMnaHiT T R E N D n e t nowMproeTbca Ha ge^eKTM, w,o bmhmkhm 3 bmhm BMpo6HMKa, npu goTpMMaHHi yMOB eK cnnyaTa^i Ta o6cnyroByBaHHfl npoTaroM BCTaHOBneHoro nepiogy 3 MOMemy npMg6aHHa. (npogyKT: 06M eweHa rapaHTia: 3 poku o6MeweHo'( rapaHTiT (nowMproeTbca: npoTaroM 1 poKy Ha cunoBi a ga nT epu gw epena wMBneHHa i KOMnoHeHTM BeHTMnaTopa oxonogweHHa) noBHy Bepciw rapaHTiMHMx 3o6oB'a3aHb, a TaKow npaBa KopMCTyBana Ta o6MeweHHa npu eK cnnyaTa^i gaHoro npogyKTy gMBiTbca Ha Be6caMTi TR E N D net.com . Certifications Th is device com plies w ith Part 15 o f the FCC Rules. O peration is subject to the follow ing tw o conditions: (1) This device may not cause harm ful interference. (2) This device m ust accept any interference received. Including interference that may cause undesired operation. re ce K EH[ W aste electrical an electronic products m ust not be disposed o f w ith household w aste. Please recycle w here facilities exist. Check w ith yo u r Local A uthority o r R etailer fo r recycling advice. Technical Support If you have any questions regarding the product installation, please contact our Technical Support. Toll free U S/Canada: 1 -8 6 6 -8 4 5 -3 6 7 3 Regional phone numbers available at www.trendnet.com/support Note The M a n ufacturer is not responsible fo r any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized m odifications to this equipm ent. Such m odifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipm ent. A dvertencia En tod o s n uestros e quipos se m e n cion a n cla ra m e nte las caracteristicas del ada pta do r de alim entacon necesario para su funcionam iento. El uso de un adapta do r distinto al m encionado puede p roducir danos fisicos y/o danos al equipo conectado. El adaptador de alim entacion debe o perar con voltaje y frecuencia de la energia electrica dom iciliaria exitente en el pais o zona de instalacion. Product W arranty Registration Please take a moment to register your product online. Go to TREND net’s website at: http://w w w .trendnet.com / register TRENDnet 20675 Manhattan Place, Torrance, CA 90501. USA Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved. TRENDnet. T E W -8 1 5 D A P (V 1 ) / 0 5 . 2 3 . 2 0 1 4 TR EnD nET
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