St. Philip Benizi Catholic Community


St. Philip Benizi Catholic Community
St. Philip Benizi Catholic Community
235 South Pine Drive, Fullerton, CA 92833-3294
Order of Friar Servants of Mary
Week of September 13, 2015
Twenty-Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time
The Lord God is my help,
therefore I am not disgraced.
— Isaiah 50:7
We, the Catholic Community of St Philip Benizi, enriched by our cultural diversity, recognize, accept, and
respond to the call to live the Gospel Message of Jesus
Christ. We are nourished through Word and Sacrament,
energized through participation in various ministries and
social gatherings, and compassionately serve our brothers and sisters in need.
Nosotros, la Comunidad Católica de San Felipe
Benizi, enriquecidos por nuestra diversidad cultural, reconocemos, aceptamos, y respondemos al llamado para vivir el Mensaje Evangélico de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Nos alimentamos
con la Palabra de Dios y los sacramentos, nos energizamos a
través de la participación en diversos ministerios y reuniones
sociales, y con compasión servimos a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en necesidad.
Mass Schedule Monday / Lunes – Saturday / Sábado: 8:30 a.m. (English) Tuesday & Thursday / Martes y Jueves: 6:30 p.m (Español) Sunday Eucharist Vigil Saturday / Sábado: 5:00 p.m. (English) Sunday/Domingo: 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. (English) 12:30 p.m. (Español) 4:30 p.m. (Indonesian) (2nd & 4th Sunday) 6:30 p.m. (Español) Confessions (Confesiones): Saturday – Sábado: 3:30 p.m. ‐ 4:30 p.m. Pastor: Rev. Donald Siple, O.S.M. Parochial Vicar: Rev. David Gallegos, O.S.M. Vicar for Faith Forma on ‐ In Residence: Rev. Gerald Horan, O.S.M. Deacon: Richard Glaudini Deacon: Richard Doubledee Deacon: Philip Hardjadinata Deacon: Jose Antonio Luna Contact Us Parish Office: (714) 871‐3610 Fax (714) 871‐5827 E‐Mail: [email protected] Website: Faith Forma on Office: (714) 870‐0561 St. Vincent de Paul Office (714) 871‐9317 NEW PARISH OFFICE HOURS (NUEVO HORARIO DE OFICINA): Monday—Thursday (Lunes—Thursday): 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Now open during lunch. Friday (Viernes) : 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday (Sábado): 9:00 am to 12:00 pm OFFICE IS CLOSED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. For your convenience we ask you to make an appointment when wishing to see one of the priests. Para su conveniencia le pedimos que haga una cita si desea ver a uno de los sacerdotes. September 13, 2015
Parish Calendar
St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community
Daily Readings
Date Time Ministry/Loca on Mon September 14 5:30pm— General Parent Mee ng (Spanish) ‐ Parish Hall 5:30pm— Faith Forma on Classes (Spanish) ‐ FF Room 7:00pm— Consejo Hispano—Room 1 7:00pm— Legion of Mary—Room 2 7:30pm— Grupo de Oracion—Library Tue September 15 9:00am— Agrupacion de Esposas Cris anas—Room 1 9:00am— English Bible Study— F.F. Room 7:00am— Grupo de Oracion (Planning) ‐ Library 7:00pm— Inquiry — F.F. Room 7:00pm— Jovenes Para Cristo—Room 1 7:00pm— Spanish Bible Study—Room 4 Wed September 16 9:30am— Overeaters Anonymous—Room 2 5:00pm— Madres Chris anas—Room 1 6:00pm— Faith Forma on Class (Junior High) ‐ Classroom 7:00pm— Youth Group—Youth Room 7:30pm— Grupo de Oracion—Library Thu September 17 9:00am— Small Faith Sharing Group—Room 2 5:30pm— RCIAC—St Luke Room 7:00pm— Jovenes Para Cristo—Youth Room 7:00pm— Adult Bible Study (English) ‐ Room 4 7:00pm— English Adult Sacrament—Faith Forma on Room 7:00pm— Spanish Adult Sacrament—St. Ma hews Room 7:00pm— Spanish Adult Choir—Church 7:00pm— Spanish Lector Mee ng—Room 1 7:00 pm—SECULAR SERVITE MEETING — Parish Hall Fri September 18 WOMEN’S COUNCIL SET‐UP—Parish Hall 7:00pm— Marriage in the Lord (English) —Faith Forma on Room 7:00pm— Alanon—Library 7:00pm— Siervos de Maria— Youth Room Sat September 19 12:00pm— Quinceañera—Church 1:00pm—Make It, Bake It—Fundraiser—P. Hall, Room 1 & 2
2:00pm— Wedding—Church
3:30pm— Confessions—Church 4:00pm— Talleres de Oracion y Vida— Room 1 5:00pm— Comunitarios—Faith Forma on Room Sun September 20 CATECHETICAL SUNDAY 9:00am— Faith Forma on Class (English) — Classroom 10:30am— Spanish Choir Prac ce—St Philip Benizi Room 3:00pm— Bap sm (English) ‐ Church 4:00pm— Marriage in the Lord (Spanish) ‐ Faith Forma on Room 5:30pm— Spanish Choir Prac ce—Room 5 Pray for the Sick
Ernes na Tapia, Sonia Elizabeth Miranda, Miriam Soria, P. Carlos San llan, Joseph McCarthy, Samia Kamel, Doug Schneider, S. Santos, Kath Zamudio, Gerry McInerna, Araceli Sayao Reyes, Na vidad Corral, Kathie Hernandez, Josefina Fernandez, Lidia Keenon, Paty Gu errez, Ann Turner, Frank Beigbeder, Mirna Edith Echeverria, Claudia Minerba Penilla, Estela Losa, Liem Losa, Ofelia Barre o, Miguel de Jesus Hinojosa, Alicia Zarate Hinojosa. If you would like to add your name, a family member or friend to our parish sick list please call the parish office at (714) 871‐3610. Names will be removed on a monthly basis. Thank you for your a en on in this ma er. Si le gustaría agregar su nombre, de un familiar enfermo, un amigo a nuestra lista de enfermos por favor de llamar a la oficina. Los nombre se borraran cada mes. Gracias por su atención. The Recently Deceased
+ Miriam Yolanda Trujillo Contreras + Shirlie Schumacher + Rosalinda Estrella + Moises Sandoval + James Karlinsky + Familia Landeros + Angie Zepeda + Edwin Quitain Monday:
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Nm 21:4b-9; Ps 78:1bc-2, 34-38;
Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17
1 Tm 3:1-13; Ps 101:1b-3ab, 5-6;
Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 2:33-35
1 Tm 3:14-16; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 7:31-35
1 Tm 4:12-16; Ps 111:7-10; Lk 7:36-50
1 Tm 6:2c-12; Ps 49:6-10, 17-20; Lk 8:1-3
1 Tm 6:13-16; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 8:4-15
Wis 2:12, 17-20; Ps 54:3-8; Jas 3:16 — 4:3;
Mk 9:30-37
Saints & Special Observances
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time;
Grandparents Day; Rosh Hashanah
(Jewish New Year 5776) begins at sunset
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Our Lady of Sorrows
Ss. Cornelius and Cyprian
St. Robert Bellarmine
St. Januarius; Blessed Virgin Mary
Holy Week Mass Schedules
Monday, September 14
8:30 a.m.
Intention of Joanna Nardulli
Tuesday, September 15
8:30 a.m.
Intention of Armando Raygoza
6:30 p.m.
+ Rafael Delgado
Wednesday, September 16
8:30 a.m.
+ Fr. Dominic Manzo, OSM
Thursday, September 17
8:30 a.m.
+ Charlotte Escobar
6:30 p.m.
Intention of Zusana Carmona
Friday, September 18
8:30 a.m.
+ Stephanie Baughman Gallegos
Saturday, September 19
8:30 a.m.
+ Luis Manuel Ramos
12:00 p.m.
Quinceañeras (Alexis Muñoz)
2:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
For SPB Parishioners
Sunday, September 20
8:30 a.m.
+ Maria Panzera
10:30 a.m.
+ Johnny & Intention of Diane Mellano
12:30 p.m.
+ Ramon Garcia
6:30 p.m.
+ Alberto Cristi
September 13, 2015
St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community
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From the time when groups of human beings formed themselves into families, clans and nations, they simultaneously created forms of government to ensure the proper functioning of
the group. Rules, laws, and social mores developed to ensure
unity within the group. Someone was the group’s leader and
others were followers. You and I belong to many groups which
are governed by rules and overseen by leaders of various kinds.
This extends to the Church as well.
Desde el momento en que grupos de seres humanos se constituyeron en familias, los clanes y naciones, y al mismo tiempo formas
de gobierno para garantizar el buen funcionamiento del grupo. Normas, leyes y costumbres sociales desarrollados para asegurar la
unidad dentro del grupo. Alguien era el líder del grupo y otros eran
seguidores. Usted y yo pertenecemos a muchos grupos que se rigen
por normas y supervisado por líderes de diversos tipos. Esto se
The rules of the Church are designed to help believers in practicing the faith as well as to preserve the holiness and dignity of
that which we hold sacred. The ministry of the church’s leadership is to assist us in growing deeply in our faith and to proclaim the power of God’s loves as we live our faith. Leadership, whether ecclesial, governmental or familial is important in
helping any organization or family grow together and fulfill its
purpose. As members of a religious order, we Friar Servants of
Mary (more commonly known as Servites) also have a governmental structure which guides our life as a community.
Las reglas de la Iglesia están diseñados para ayudar a los creyentes
en la práctica de la fe, así como para preservar la santidad y dignidad de lo que nosotros consideramos sagrado. El ministerio del
liderazgo de la iglesia es para ayudarnos a crecer profundamente en
nuestra fe y para proclamar el poder de los amores de Dios mientras
vivimos nuestra fe. Liderazgo, ya sea eclesial, gubernamental o
familiar es importante para ayudar a cualquier organización o familia crecer juntos y cumplir su propósito. Como miembros de una
orden religiosa, nosotros los Friales Siervos de María (más comúnmente conocido como Servitas) también tenemos una estructura
gubernamental que guía nuestra vida comocomunidad.
Gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus and under the inspiration of the Mother of God, we Servites are a community of men
dedicated to prayerfully seeking the Lord and serving Him
through our ministries. It is within the confines of community
that our lives are nurtured through shared prayer, meals in common and lives that depend upon the strengths of each other.
Like other organizations, our community is governed at various
levels by leaders whom we call priors (a name which means
“the first among the brothers”). Unlike monastic communities
(Benedicitines, Trappists, etc.) who are governed by an abbot
who has sole authority over the life of the community, our priors is a guide ensuring that each friar is attentive to his personal
spiritual life. Within our community the prior guides the life of
the community so that it may authentically witness Christ in all
things. Overseeing the entire, worldwide Servite Order is the
Prior General. This friar is elected by the General Chapter convened every six years. The Prior General’s role is to guide the
entire Order in its witness to Christ through the inspiration of
Mary. Part of the Prior General’s ministry is his visitation to
each community of the Order every six years. The visitation is
a formal, solemn meeting in which the friars and the Prior General share their life and ministry in an act of accountability
meant to strengthen the life of each friar and that of the community. It is a time of fraternity and friendship.
Reunidos en el nombre del Señor Jesús y bajo la inspiración de la
Madre de Dios, nosotros los Siervos de María somos una comunidad de hombres dedicados a la búsqueda de la oración del Señor y
servirle a través de nuestros ministerios. Es dentro de los límites de
la comunidad que nuestras vidas se nutren a través de la oración
compartida, comidas en común y las vidas que dependen de los
puntos fuertes de cada uno. Al igual que otras organizaciones, nuestra comunidad se rige en los distintos niveles de los líderes a quienes llamamos priores (un nombre que significa "el primero entre los
hermanos"). A diferencia de las comunidades monásticas
(Benedicitines, Trapenses, etc.) que se rigen por un abad que tiene
la autoridad exclusiva sobre la vida de la comunidad, nuestros priores es una guía asegurando que cada hermano está atenta a su vida
espiritual personal. Dentro de nuestra comunidad el prior guía la
vida de la comunidad para que auténticamente puede ser testigo de
Cristo en todas las cosas. Supervisar la totalidad, en todo el mundo
Orden de los Servitas es el Prior General. Este fraile es elegido por
el Capítulo General convocado cada seis años. El papel del prior
general es guiar a toda la Orden en su testimonio de Cristo a través
de la inspiración de María. Parte del ministerio del Prior General es
su visita a cada comunidad de la Orden cada seis años. La visita es
una reunión formal, solemne en que los frailes y el Prior General
compartir su vida y su ministerio en un acto de rendición de cuentas
destinado a fortalecer la vida de cada hermano y la de la comunidad.
Es un momento de fraternidad y amistad.
Fr. Gottfried M. Wolff, OSM, the Prior General of the Servite
Order, is presently making visitation of the priories of the USA
Province of Servites. Fr. Gottfried will be visiting with our
Servite Community of St. Philip Benizi on September 18. At
the 10:30 am Mass on September 20, Fr. Gottfried will be with
us as a parish community. He is a wonderful friar who truly
cares for the Order and the Church as did St. Philip Benizi and
Fr. Peregrine Graffius who were Fr. Gottfried’s predecessors as
Prior General.
El Padre Gottfried M. Wolff, OSM, el Prior General de la Orden de
los Siervos, actualmente está haciendo la visita de la Provincia de
EE.UU. Padre Gottfried visitará con nuestra Comunidad Siervos de
María de San Felipe Benizi el 18 de septiembre y en la Misa 10:30
am el 20 de septiembre, el P. Gottfried estará con nosotros como
comunidad parroquial. Él es un fraile maravilloso que realmente se
preocupa por la Orden y de la Iglesia como lo hizo San Felipe Benizi y el P. Peregrine Graffius que fueron predecesores de Gottfried
Have a blessed week in the Lord.
Fr. Don, OSM
Que tengan una
Padre Don, OSM
November 13,
2, 2014
St. Philip
St. Philip
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Treasures from our Tradition
It seems obvious to us that Jesus Christ is the Lord of second chances. We need look no further than Peter’s denial
and rehabilitation for proof. Yet early Christians were more tentative with the gift of forgiveness. For them, every Sunday was an experience of the Lord’s power to heal and forgive, yet there were three sins that placed persons at the margins of the community’s life. In some places, the rift caused by these sins was permanent. The sins were apostasy
(denial of the faith), adultery, and murder. They were particularly detested because of their power to divide and even
scatter the community gathered around the Lord’s table. Fragile and persecuted communities could crumble and disappear under the weight of a harm done by a public sinner. Sinners were excluded from the community in the hope that
“tough love” would help them come to their senses and experience deeper conversion. Inevitably, lists of grave sins
grew longer as various bishops added their personal pet peeves to the roster, and more people were required to do public penance. For them, reconciliation was a once in a lifetime experience. Many sinners accepted their condition
and hoped for a chance at a deathbed reconciliation by anointing. With more and more people permanently on the outs,
the church began to struggle toward the light of the Lord’s unfailing gift of reconciliation.
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Living God’s Word
The first line of today’s first reading from the prophet Isaiah seems
to pick up the themes from last
week’s readings. Isaiah tells us that
“the Lord GOD opens my ear that I
may hear.” As we open our hearts
to hear God’s word today, let us be
prepared to fashion an answer to
the question posed by Jesus to his
disciples: “Who do people say that
I am?” Each of us has experienced the presence of the Lord
Jesus in our lives. When did the Lord Jesus become your own
personal Lord and Savior? Too often we think this question is
appropriate only for evangelical Christians. As Catholics we
can be put off by such a question, yet that question—and its
answer—are at the core of who we are as followers of Christ.
Invite the Lord into your heart in new ways as the scriptures
are proclaimed today. Ponder the Lord’s question before Mass
and place yourself within the circle of Christ’s disciples as the
passage from Saint Mark’s Gospel is proclaimed.
I will walk before the Lord, in the land
of the living. — (Psalm 116)
Jesus ask his disciples, “Who do you
say that I am? ”
— (Mark 8:27-35)
If you hear the cross gladly, it will bear you.
— Thomas A. Kempis
From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, copyright © J. S. Paluch Company
Sometimes the hour and the person meet. Sometimes, when a task or
mission is set upon our shoulders, we know we must meet our responsibilities and we are ready. These are heady and invigorating times.
The first reading and the Gospel proclamation today are intimate
glimpses of a commencement, an inauguration of a challenging future.
In both readings, a sense of gravity prevails.
The first reading is from the mysterious Servant Songs from the
book of Isaiah. The person is steadfast and brave. His courage and
bravery are not located in his stout heart, but in God. We are reminded, “The Lord GOD opens my ear that I may hear” (Isaiah 50:4), so the
servant understands the mission. And twice, “The Lord GOD is my
help” (50:7, 9), so that the servant can endure the coming struggle.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
September 13, 2015
St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community
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Tradiciones de Nuestra Fe
En latinoamérica, a Satanás lo conocemos como Chamuco, Belcebú, Diablo, Cucu, Patillas, Pedro Botero, Lucifer, etcétera; aún
así, procuramos evitarlo. Según los evangelistas Mateo y Marcos, Jesús llama Satanás a Simón Pedro. Jesús le dice Satanás por ser un
obstáculo en el camino que Dios le ha designado y por no pensar según Dios, sino más bien, según sus criterios humanos.
Luego de que Jesús anuncia que debía sufrir, morir y resucitar, Pedro lo regaña diciendo: “Dios no lo permita” (Marcos 8:32). Pedro está actuando como Satanás, y Jesucristo lo reprende, diciendo: “¡Retírate, ve detrás de mí, Satanás! Porque tus pensamientos no
son los de Dios, sino los de los hombres” (Mateo 16:23).
Jesús nos está desafiando a nosotros, no sólo a Pedro. Hay que pensar como Dios, no como la humanidad. Cuando pecamos, muchas veces nos autojustificamos, diciendo: “Soy humano”, como si el hecho de pecar fuera el único aspecto que reflejara nuestra humanidad. María nunca pecó. Jesús es verdaderamente humano y tampoco pecó. Jesús mismo comparte plenamente nuestra humanidad para
hacernos partícipes de su divinidad. Por tal motivo, el pecado no define la humanidad. Jesús nos invita a pensar como Dios para apartar
a Satanás.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Vivamos la Palabra
El primer renglón de la primera
lectura de hoy del profeta Isaías
parece recoger los temas de las lecturas de la semana pasada. Isaías
dice: “El Señor Dios me ha hecho
oír sus palabras”. Al abrir nuestro
corazón para oír la palabra de Dios
hoy preparémonos para contestar la
pregunta que Jesús le hace a sus
discípulos: “¿Quién dice la gente
que soy yo?” Todos nosotros hemos experimentado la presencia del Señor Jesús en nuestra vida. ¿En qué momento el Señor
Jesús se convirtió para ti en tu Señor y Salvador? Muy a menudo pensamos que esta pregunta es apropiada sólo para los cristianos evangélicos y hasta nos sentimos incómodos con esa
clase de pregunta. Sin embargo, esa pregunta y su respuesta son
centrales para nosotros los discípulos de Cristo. Hazle una invitación al Señor para que entre en tu corazón de maneras nuevas,
según te inspiren las Escrituras que se proclaman hoy. Considera la pregunta del Señor antes de la Misa y sitúate dentro del
círculo de discípulos de Cristo mientras se proclama el pasaje
del Evangelio según san Marcos.
Caminare en la presencia del Señor.
—(Salmo 116 [115] )
Despues que Pedro profesa que Jesus es
el Mesias, Jesus lo reprende por tratar
equivocadamente de apartar a Jesus de su
misión. Para sequir a Cristo es necesario
que uno renuncie a si mismo y tome su
cruz. — (Marcos 8:27-35)
Si de buena voluntad llevas la cruz, ella te llevara, y guiara al
fin deseado.
— Tomas de Kempis
Mi pasado. Señor, lo confio a tu misericoria, mi presente a tu
amor, mi futuro a tu providencia.
— San Agustin
Traducido de Saint Margaret Sunday Missal derechos de autor © J. S. Paluch Company
A veces la persona y la hora se encuentran. A veces, cuando han puesto
en nuestros brazos una tarea o misión, sabemos que debemos cumplir esa
responsabilidad, y estamos listos. Esos son momentos de gran entusiasmo
y energía. La primera lectura y la proclamación del Evangelio de hoy nos
permiten vislumbrar íntimamente el comienzo, la inauguración de un futuro desafiante. Las dos lecturas mantienen un sentido de seriedad.
La primera lectura viene del misterioso Cántico del Siervo del libro
de Isaías. La persona es firme y valiente. Su valentía y fortaleza no se
fundan en su corazón sino en Dios. Se nos recuerda: “El Señor Dios me
ha hecho oír sus palabras” (Isaías 50:4), para que el siervo comprenda la
misión. Y dos veces: “El Señor es mi ayuda” (50:7, 9), para que el siervo
pueda sobrellevar el sufrimiento que se avecina.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
September 13, 2015
St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community
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St Philip Benizi Youth Ministry
OFFICE NUMBER: 714 870-0561
Faith Formation Office Summer Hours:
Monday & Wednesday: 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Tueday & Thursday: 11:30 AM– 7:00 PM
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Junta de Proclamadores de la Palabra
Dear Faith Formation Families,
Estimadas Familias de Formación en la Fe,
I look forward to welcoming all of our students and catechists to the beginning the new Faith Formation year at St. Philip Benizi in mid-August. Here
are the dates of when classes begin:
Espero darles la bienvenida a todos los estudiantes y catequista al Programa de Formación en la Fe que comenzara a mediados de agosto. Aquí les
comunico las fechas de cuando las clases comienzan:
First Day of Classes / Primer Día de Clases:
English Program
Sunday, September 13 at 9AM-10:15AM
Programa en Español
Lunes, Septiembre 14 a las 5:30PM-7:00PM
Jr. High-Grades 7-8
Wednesday, September 16 at 6PM-7:30PM
Adult Sacrament Preparation
Every Thursday (has already started) at 7PM-8:30PM
Children’s RCIA
Thursday, September 17 at 5:30PM-7PM
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd/ Catequesis del Buen Pastor
Level I –Español 5:30PM-7PM
Level II –Bilingual 5PM-6:30PM
Level I -English 5:30PM-7PM
Please note that as of Sunday, 9/13 the Faith Formation Office will have new
hours: Monday through Thursday: 12:00PM – 7:30PM and Friday and Saturday: Closed
Comenzando el domingo, 9/13 la Oficina de Formación en la Fe tendrá
nueva horas de oficina: Lunes a Jueves: 12:00PM – 7:30PM y Viernes y
Sábado: Cerrado
Today, 9/13 at the 10:30AM and 12:30PM Masses we will celebrate Catechetical Sunday. During these Masses our Catechists will be commissioned
and given a special blessing in their role as Catechists for the Parish.
Hoy, 9/13 durante las misas de 10:30MA y 12:30PM se celebrara Domingo
Catequético y nuestros catequistas serán comisionados y bendecidos por el
Padre en su rol como enseñantes de la Fe.
Thank you/ Muchas Gracias,
Bro. Arnaldo M. Sánchez, OSM
[email protected]
Jueves, 17 de septiembre, 2015
7:00 p.m.
Estará el Hmo. Bro Arnaldo Sánchez, OSM compartiendo con
nosotros en esta reunión. Los esperamos a todos en el Salon
#1. Cualquier pregunta por favor de llamar a Bertha Raygoza
al (714) 273-6099 o a Nelly Villalvazo (714) 310-4498.
The “Friends of the Poor” Walk/Run is a nation-wide
event that provides funding for the Society of St. Vincent
de Paul. Funds raised remain local, allowing SVDP Parish Conference and the Council in the diocese of Orange
to provide emergency assistance to those in need. Please
join the walk along Huntington State Beach, or donate to
help the works of the Society to help our parish neighbors
in need. Visit to register for the walk or
to make a donation (Council of Orange).
When: Sat, September 26, 2015
Time: 8:00 AM
Where: Huntington State Beach
21601 Pacific Coast Highway
Potluck People
The Potluck People will meet again on Friday, September 18,
from 11:30 - 2:00 pm at the home of Paula Carmody. We
invite all women of the parish who are at home during the day
to join us as we begin a new season of fellowship, fun and
yummy food! Please RSVP to Paula at 714-525-0918 by
Wednesday, September o let her know that you will be coming
and what you would like to bring. A main dish will be provided, and side dishes including salads, vegetables, rolls, desserts, etc. will be much appreciated. Hope to see you soon --Thank you!
Our Lady of Sorrow Lamp “2015”
This week the following lamps are dedicated to:
Angie Sepeda +
September 13, 2015
St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community
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St Philip Benizi Church
Women’s Council Bulletin
All Women of Our Parish are Members, Activate your Membership
By Attending Our Monthly Meeting and Fundraiser Events
1) Saturday, September 19, 2015,
The Make-It, Bake-It, Sew-It, Grow-It
- Auction is Back !!!
At 1:00 pm in the Parish Hall
$5.00 per person (Refreshment will be served)
All Parishioners and Friends are invited to share their talents And participate in this fundraising event.
All Proceeds to benefit Parish Office Needs
Please bring donated auction item to the Parish Office by Thursday, September 17, 2015
2) Sunday, November 15, 2015 — “Christmas Boutique”
Call Patty for any question ... @ (714) 992-1784
Diocesan Ministries Celebration - October 10, 2015 - Mater Dei High School
Catechists, lay ministers, parish leaders, Catholic School Educators,
and parishioners are welcome to attend the annul Diocesan Ministries
Celebration (DMC) at Mater Dei High School in Santa Ana, Saturday,
October 10, 2015. This educational and enriching experience is open
to all people interested in learning more about our faith. Workshops
will be offered in English, Spanish and Vietnamese for adults.
8:15 am - 9:30 am
9:45 am-11:00 am
11:15 am - 12:30 pm
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm
1:45 pm - 3:00 pm
3:15 pm - 4:30 pm
Workshop B
Workshop C
Workshop D
Cost: $30 Group Registration (15 or more) until September 21, 2015
$40 Individual over the phone or via email until September 21, 2015
$50 On-Site Registration - October 10, 2015.
Celebracion Diocesan de Ministerios - Octobre 10, 2015 - Mater Dei High School
Catequistas, ministros laicos, lideres parroquiales, y feligreses estan
bienvenidos a asistir al evento anual Celebracion Diocesana de Ministerios
(DMC) en la escuela secundaria Mater Dei en Santa Ana, Sabado, Octubre 10,
2015. Esta experiencia educacional y enriquecedora esta abierta a todas las
personas interesadas en conocer mas acerca de nuestra fe. Se ofreceran talleres en ingles, español, y vietnamita para adultos.
7:00 am - 8:00 am
Over the phone registration accepted with credit card payment (Visa, MasterCard,
American Express) at (714) 282-3078. Please have three choice for each workshop session ready before calling.
By mail: credit card and checks accepted. Make check payable to RCBO. Mail
to : IPM-DMC 2015, 13280 Chapman Ave., Garden Grove CA 92840
Registration will not be accepted in person or via mail after September 21, 2015
7:00 am - 8:00 am
8:15 am - 9:30 am
9:45 am-11:00 am
Conf. General
11:15 am - 12:30 pm
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm
1:45 pm - 3:00 pm
3:15 pm - 4:30 pm
Sesion General
Taller C
Taller D
Costo: $30 inscripcion por grupo (15 o mas) hasta el 21 de septiembre del 2015
$40 por telefono pagando con tarjeta de credito has el 21 de septienbre del 2015.
$50 El dia del evento—10 de Octubre del 2015.
Inscripciones por telefono: son acetadas pagando con tarjeta de credito (Visa,
MasterCard, American Express) llamando (714) 282-3078, Favor de seleccionar
tres talleres para cada session antes de hablar para inscribirse.
Inscripciones por correo: son acdeptadas con tarjeta de credito o cheques: Hacer
cheque a nombre de: RCBO. Envie su inscripcion y pago a; IPM-DMC 2015,
13280 Chapman Ave., Garden Grove CA 92840
Inscripciones no seran aceptadas en persona o por coreo despues del 21 de Septiembre del 2015
September 13, 2015
St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community
Baptism For The Month of September
Trinidad Uriel Mendoza
Jesse Alexander Valdez
Owen Aramis Valdez Galindo
Maximilian Noah Valdez
Christopher Santos
Natalia Danielle Brown
Weddings for the Month of September
Oscar Ibarra Sierra & Maribel Pimentel
Joseph Lim & Tracia Sibayan
Papal Trip
Parishioners are beginning to get excit‐
ed about the upcoming Papal trip this month of September and perhaps are beginning to discuss plans on how to observe this momentous event in your parish. Through our partnership with EWTN the Diocese has to have access to a live internet stream of the Papal events. All the steps on how to technically access the feed are shared below: Tenta ve Papal Trip Coverage – go to
papaltravels/america for the latest info. Sept 22: Arrival in Washington, DC Sept 23: Official welcome ceremony at White House Sept 23: Mass and Canoniza on of Junipero Serra at the Basilica of the Na onal Shrine of the Immaculate Con‐
cep on Sept 24: Arrival in New York, NY Sept 25: Papal address at the United Na ons Sept 25: Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral Sept 26: Arrival in Philadelphia, PA Sept 26: Prayer Vigil in downtown Philadelphia Sept 27: Closing Mass Sept 28: Pope Francis departs The live stream can be accessed at via a laptop or computer. Follow the following steps: Log on to Select “Television” at the top Download to “Mul media” Select “Live” Then choose either “EWTN United States” for the English feed or “EWTN EEUU” for Spanish. Page 8
All news request for publication to our bulletin must …
1. All be sent to //[email protected].
2. Be received before 11:00 am Tuesday (before Sunday).
3. Be precise (we have limited spaces).
Please use our bulletin to advertise your
business … Your advertisement will help
your business, our parish and possibly get
a colored bulletin in the future. For more
info call or email your bulletin editor.
Please DON’T drop the kneelers
during Mass time &
SILENCE your phone.
Sacred Heart of Jesus Retreat Center
Do you need service hours?
serve meals, help with crafts…?
Come and help the Sacred Heart Sisters as a
high school student, young adult or adult volunteer at
Sacred Heart Kids’ Club
(Training and Orientation on Sat, Sept. 26th)
OR help with retreats on the weekends 9-3pm.
For more information, please contact the Sisters at the
2927 S. Greenville St., Santa Ana, CA 92704
(714) 557-4538 [email protected]
Our Lady of Guadalupe Spiritual Journey
The Ministry of Our Lady of Guadalupe is bringing pilgrims to
the Holy Places for Spiritual Journey and Prayers for Healing
to Enhance our Catholic Faith.
You are invited to join Fr. Joseph Parathanal's Pilgrimages to:
Holy Land : (OCT. 2015),
Eastern Europe : (APRIL 2016),
Our Lady of Guadalupe : (JUNE 2016),
India : (SEPT. 2016)
Contact S. Bernadette - Volunteer Tour Coordinator
at [email protected]
or call 323-344-1548 & 323-547-6618
English Bible Study
The English Bible Study will Start on October 8th at the Faith
Formation Room after the 8:30 am mass with Bro. Arnold
Sanchez, OSM as our new moderator.
September 13, 2015
St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community
Pastoral Staff
Devotions & Sacraments
Pastor: Fr. Donald Siple, OSM
Parochial Vicar: Fr. David Gallegos, O.S.M.
Vicar for Faith Formation (Diocese of Orange) in residence Fr. Gerald Horan, O.S.M.
Deacon: Dick Glaudini
Deacon: Jose Antonio Luna
Deacon: Richard Doubledee Deacon: Philip Hardjadinata
Parish Business Manager: Marybell Bravo
Parish Church & Ministries Coordinator: Gloria Wheeler
Parish Office Receptionist: Maria Guevara
Parish Office Assistant: Melissa De la Torre
Parish Bulletin Editor: Marc Camba
Hall / Maintenance Coordinator: Benito Gonzalez
Faith Formation Director: Brother Arnaldo Sanchez, OSM
Faith Formation Office Secretary: Marivel Alvarado
Youth Minister: Martin Dinh
Confirmation Coordinator: Joan Patten
Stewardship: George & Debbie Kamer
Pastoral Council: Fr. Donald M. Siple, OSM
Finance Committee Chairperson: Ted Johnson
Indonesian Community : Deacon Philip Hardjadinata
Filipino Ministry President: Marc Camba
Presidente del Consejo Hispano: Felipe Segura
Parish Music Administrator (English Liturgies): James Post
Music Coordinators (Spanish Liturgies): Jose Luis Meza
Altar Server Ministry: Deacon Richard and Deacon Tony
Altar Server Schedules: Kyle Snyder and Eduardo Gonzales
Lector Coordinator: Jim Duncan & Bertha Briones-Raygoza
Wedding Coordinator: Lucy Aviña
Womens Council President: Patty Hallmeyer
Secular Order Servants of Mary: Paulette Martin, OSSM
Comunidad Nuestra Sra de los Dolores: Patricia Segura, OSSM
St. Vincent de Paul Society President: Ed Curry
Marthas Coordinator: Eileen Chauvin / Sharon Pugh
Jovenes Para Cristo: Gumaro Ledesma
Grupo de Oracion: Samuel Garcia
Attorney at Law
Personal Injury • Business Law
Email: [email protected]
of the month and every Eighth of Each Month (For Vocations)
after 8:30 a.m. Mass—6:00 p.m.
EXPOSICION DE SANTICIMO SACRAMENTO ~ El primer Viernes del Mes y cada Día Ocho del Mes (Por Vocaciones) después de la misa de 8:30 a.m. a 6:00p.m.
ST. PEREGRINE DEVOTION ~ First Saturday of the Month
at 8:30 am Mass
Mes a las 8:30 am.
3:30pm to 4:30pm
a 4:30pm
BAPTISM ~ Celebrated in English the 3rd Sunday of the
month at 3:00pm. Please call the Parish Office, a month before
you wish to schedule your child’s baptism. Parents and Godparents must attend a Baptismal Preparation Class on the First
Friday of the Month at 7:00 p.m.
BAUTISMO~ Se celebran en Español el 2do Domingo de
cada mes a las 2:00 p.m. Por favor de llamar la oficina parroquial, un mes antes del mes que le gustaría bautizar a su hijo/a.
Padres y Padrinos necesitan asistir a una clase pre-bautismal
el Primer Viernes del Mes a las 7:00 pm
MARRIAGE ~ Couples planning to be married should contact
a Priest or a Deacon at least six months before scheduling a
date for their wedding.
MATRIMONIO ~ Parejas planeando en casarse debe de contactar un Sacerdote o Diacono por lo menos 6 meses antes de
la fecha en cual le gustaría llevar acabo su boda.
Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner
with service providers who support your parish
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Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin
and all the sponsors who advertise.
Their contribution allows parish bulletin
communication to be free of charge
for your parish. Support them by taking
advantage of the services they provide.
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For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805