File - Saint Joseph`s RC Church
File - Saint Joseph`s RC Church
+ +SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE+ + Saint Joseph 5:00 PM (Saturday Vigil) Sunday - 8:30 - 10:30 - 12:00 PM Our Lady of Good Counsel 4:00 PM (Saturday Vigil) Sunday 9:30 AM (en Espanol) - 11:00 AM I am the vine, you are the branches. John 15:5 Saint Joachim Sunday - 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM The Parish of Saint Joseph 1346 Broadway Hewlett, New York 11557 Phone 516-374-0290 Fax 516-374-2598 ++++++++++ RECTORY OFFICE HOURS + WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE + Monday through Friday 9:00 AM - Noon 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM Saint Joseph - 8:30 AM Tuesday - Wednesday Thursday - Saturday Our Lady of Good Counsel - 8:00 AM Monday - Tuesday - Thursday Saint Joachim - 9:00 AM Monday - Wednesday - Friday Saturday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Sunday 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM ++++++++++ The Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel 68 Wanser Avenue Inwood, New York 11096 Phone: 516-239-0953 Fax: 516-239-0386 + + +CONFESSIONS+ + + Saint Joachim Friday - 9:30 AM Saint Joseph Saturday - 8:00 AM & 4:00 PM RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Our Lady of Good Counsel Saturday - 3:00 PM Monday through Friday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM ++++++++++ Monday through Thursday 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM + + +HOLY DAYS+ + + To Be Announced Saturday - 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM ++++++++++ Sunday - 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM + + +DEVOTIONS+ + + Saint Joseph Miraculous Medal Novena Saturday following 8:30 AM Mass Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday 9:00 AM through Thursday 9:00 AM Our Lady of Good Counsel Wednesday Prayer Service Wednesday - 6:15 PM Miraculous Medal Novena Immediately Following Fatima Devotions First Saturday 8:30 AM The Parish of Saint Joachim 614 Central Ave. Cedarhurst, New York 11516 Phone - 516-569-1845 Fax - 516-569-0117 RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00PM Rev. Thomas M. Moriarty, Jr. Pastor - The Parishes of the Five Towns - 516-374-0290 Ex 111 Rev. Msgr. Paul F. Rahilly Pastor Emeritus - Parish of Saint Joachim Rev. James F. Drew Associate Pastor - The Parishes of the Five Towns - 516-374-0290 Ex 116 Rev. Eric R. Fasano Assistant Judicial Vicar, Tribunal of Diocese of Rockville Center and Resident Associate - The Parishes of the Five Towns-516-239-0953 Ex. 120 Fr. Fernando Echeverri Associate for Spanish Ministry for Our Lady of Good Counsel and Holy Name of Mary Parish, 516-239-0953 In Residence Rev. Nobert D’Suoza OFM Cap Chaplain at Mercy Medical Center residing at St Joseph’s Rectory Deacons Rev. Mr. Thomas Costello - 516-374-0290 Ex 119 Rev. Mr. Daniel Otton - 516-374-0290 Ex. 120 Rev. Mr. Charles Goldburg - 516-569-1845 Rev. Mr. Frank Bono - 516-569-1845 NEW PARISHIONERS: Please register at the appropriate Rectory. If you are moving within or outside the Parish, please inform the appropriate Parish office. NUEVOS PARROQUIANOS: Los parroquianos, registran por favor en la parroquia que asiste. Si mueve a o lejos de su parroquia, llama por favor la oficina de su parroquia a decirlos. Muchas Gracias. BAPTISMS - BAUTISMO: Parents are advised to call the appropriate Rectory for a preliminary interview. Saint Joseph Parishioners must attend a preparation class on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 7:45 PM prior to the Baptism. Baptisms are held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 1:30 PM. Our Lady of Good Counsel Parishioners are required to attend a preparation class. To arrange a date call Lena Artusa. Baptisms are celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 12:30 PM. Saint Joachim Parishioners: All arrangements are to be made through parish. Baptism class will be organized at time of arrangements. Los padres necesitan llamar Padre Fernando por una fecha y por una clase. WEDDINGS - MATRIMONIO: The Sacrament of Marriage celebrates the union of a man and a woman within the Church Community. We encourage those planning a marriage to contact the appropriate Parish before booking the Reception Hall. All plans with the Parish should be made at least 6 months prior to anticipated date so proper preparations, including Pre-Cana and FOCCUS can be made. The bride or groom must be members of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish or St. Joseph’s Parish. Por favor, llama la oficina siete meses antes de hacer una fecha. Necesita tomar clases de “Pre-Cana.” y “FOCCUS”. Saint Joseph Parish Staff Phone: 516-374-0290 OLGC Parish Staff Phone 516-239-0953 Grace Coyne - Parish Secretary - Ex. 110 Vanessa Quiros - Joanne Mejia Parish Secretaries - Ex. 110 Jean Brophy - Director of Music - Ex. 112 Mr. Timothy Remsen - Director of Music Bob Ryan - Plant Manager Elizabeth McCaffrey - Director of Rel. Ed. Phone: 569-6080 Fax: 374-3664 Rae DeMarsico - Assistant to Religious Ed. Directors Saint Joseph's and OLGC Ryan Murphy Bookkeeper St. Joseph and OLGC-Ex. 113 Carol Poole St. Vincent DePaul Society 516-569-0834 Maureen O’Loughlin Director of Rel. Ed. 516-239-0662 Saint Joachim Parish Staff Phone: 516-569-1845 Mireya Jacobs - Parish Secretary Richard Jacobs - Sexton Timothy Remsen - Director of Music Eleanor Levy Assistant to Religious Ed. Director - 516-239-0662 Lena Artusa Pastoral Assistant / Outreach 516-239-7025 Sunday—November 8 8:30-Parishioners of the roman Catholic Parishes of the Five Towns 10:30-All Souls Novena, Desiree Gerardi, Beatrice Cullinane, Sebastiana Strada, Edward & Diane Smalling. 12:00-BETHANY MASS Tuesday– November 10 8:30-All Souls Novena Wednesday– November 11 8:30-All Souls Novena Thursday-November 12 8:30-Farelly, Cahn & LaBarbara Families Saturday—November 14 8:30-All Souls Novena, Edward J. Ritter, George Messick, Eric Sheflin, Thomas & Angela Cavaliere. 5:00-Nora & T. John Smith Sunday –November 15 8:30-Parishioners of the Roman Catholic Parishes of the Five Towns 10:30-All Souls Novena, Esterina Chiappetta, Vincent Lijoi, Severo Espino, Jr., Danny Brophy, Margaret & Anthony Biamonte. 12:00-Dec’d members of the L.I. Society of Italian Americans Sunday, November 1, 2015 5:00PM 178 8:30 AM 208 10:30AM 303 12:00 PM 237 Total 926 Collection $7225.00 SUNDAY - November 8th 9:30 AM - All Souls Day Novena 11:00 AM – All Souls Day Novena MONDAY - November 9th 8:00 AM - All Souls Day Novena TUESDAY - November 10th 8:00 AM - All Souls Day Novena THURSDAY - November 12th 8:00 AM - Tony Sarnelli SATURDAY - November 14th 4:00 PM - Antonio Oliviero / Armando Fusco / Alfredina Santillo SUNDAY - November 15th 9:30 AM - No Intentions 11:00 AM – Francesco Tavella & Maria Mazzitello / Antonio Mazzeo / Mother Cabrini / Francesco, Rosa, & Antoinette Romanello / Carmela Artusa Sunday, November 1, 2015 4:00 PM 127 9:30 AM 380 11:00 AM 181 Total 688 Collection $3075.00 Sunday - November 8th 8:00 AM Salvatore Monti 11:30 AM Elvira & Eugenio Frangella, Mary, John & Nancy LaRosa, Mary Smith, George Brazel, Peter Napolitano (1st Ann), Luigi & Ezio Benvin Monday - November 9th 9:00 AM Sr. Giovannia Benvin Wednesday - November 11th St. Martin of Tours; Veterans Day 9:00 AM Angelita Rosales, Gerry O’Reilly, Sr. Giovannia Benvin, Flavio Dessanti, Maria Cuigliari Friday - November 13th St. Frances Xavier Cabrini 9:00 AM Elvero Villacarlos Sunday - November 15th 8:00 AM Donato Marcini, Michael Feldhausen 11:30 AM Maria & Peter Musacchio, Mary Smyth, Sr. Mary McCarthy, Helen (Tootie) Duke, Madeleen Natiello, John Natiello Sunday, November 1, 2015 8:00 AM 115 11:30 AM 130 Total 245 Collection $3900.00 PRAY FOR THE SICK For the week of Altar Bread and November 8th - 14th Wine In memory of: Altar Candles, Bread Lucille & Marla Rocco & Wine, Sanctuary Requested by: Candles, & Blessed Marie & Joe Mother Candle Casavecchia In Memory of: Anne O’Harah Sanctuary Candles In memory of: Frank Chiachiere Eric Sheflin Requested by: Requested by: Roy Meserole Virginia Sheflin The Rose for Life this week: Jessica & Isabella St. Joseph’s Bob Cimino John Gesuale Emily Singh Loretta Stanisz Susan Hoch Bunnie Davi Anthony Sourras June Perby + + OLGC + + Matthew Mulherin Elizabeth Broderick Edward Broderick Darlene DiIorio Marie Super Robert Hicks Nunzio Olivieri Carmela Stamile Makenzie Grace Montgomery St. Joachim Willie Glowacki Mary Capolong Consuelo Marin Carol Kenney Mike Rizzo Jake Carpenter Robert Hicks Sr Jodie Maine Diane Barba Baby Natalia Rose Calluzzo Catherine Grace Christoff Sunday-November 8 BETHANY MASS @ 12 NOON CYO-GYM Monday-November 9 OA 7PM-CAFÉ RCIA 7-8PM-AH Children Choir/Pageant Rehearsal 5-5:45PM Tuesday-November 10 AA 12-1PM-CB Yoga 9-11AM-CB Cub Scouts 7-9PM-CAFÉ Wednesday-November 11 VETERAN’S DAY Thursday-November 12 AA 12-1PM-CB Yoga 7:30PM-CAFÉ CYO-GYM Friday-November 13 AA 7:30PM-CAFÉ Yoga 9-11AM-CB CYO-GYM Saturday-November 14 Altar Server Mtg. 10:30AM CYO-GYM Sunday-November 15 CYO-GYM Sunday November 8th Spanish Prayer Group Breakfast 7 am - 1pm Monday November 9th Rel. Ed. & RCIA 3:45 p.m. - 5 p.m. LOM 7:30 pm - 9 pm Tuesday November 10th Rel. Ed. & RCIA 3:45 p.m. - 5 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. - 8:15 p.m. ESL 7:00 p.m. - 8:15 p.m. Wednesday November 11th OFFICE CLOSED Thursday November 12th Charismatic Prayer Group 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM Friday November 13th Woman & Mens Emaus 7:30 PM Saturday November 14th Sunday November 15th Spanish Baptisms Mother Cabrini Mass 11 AM Refreshments to follow Saint Joachim Church Cedarhurst, NY Deacon Frank Bono is inviting you to the Scripture Reflection Group’s discussion of Sunday Scripture Readings on every Monday morning immediately following the 9:00 AM Mass. Come join us. I Christopher Gleason (Sacred Heart, N. Merrick) and Stephanie Fox (St Joseph, Hewlett) BAPTISMS - OLGC Daysi Judit Gonzalez Ramirez Fernando Rene Samayoa Hernandez BUS TRIP TO ATLANTIC CITY The Ancient Order of Hibernians Division 3 of the 5 Towns is sponsoring a bus trip to the Caesar's Casino in Atlantic City NJ on Saturday November 21, 2015. Tickets are avail. on a first come basis at $40.00 a person - $15 slot play. Please make checks payable to "AOH Div. 3" and mail to Mike O'Rourke 151 Alwin Ct Woodmere NY 11598. Bus will leave St. Joseph's Church 1346 Broadway Hewlett NY at 9:00 A.M. sharp. Please call Mike O'Rourke at 516-374-7473 for reservations and further information. La misa en español los domingos en Nuestra Señora del Buen Consejo A partir del domingo, 29 de Noviembre de 2015, la hora de la misa en español será a las 9:15. Más personas están asistiendo a todas las misas, y esto hará que el aparcamiento y la circulación de personas entre las misas más fácil. Gracias por su cooperación. Spanish Mass Time on Sundays at Our Lady of Good Counsel Beginning on Sunday, November 29, 2015, the time for the Sunday Spanish Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel will be 9:15 AM. More people are attending all of the Masses, and this will make parking and the movement of people between Masses easier. Thank you for your cooperation. In our continued mission toward unity as the Parishes of the Five Towns, Three Parishes, ONE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY, we will now share one weekly bulletin. This is another step taken to meet Bishop Murphy’s mandate to develop a unified Catholic Identity in the Five Towns. An identity shared by all three parishes, and the common leadership of priests, deacons, and staffs now serving in those parishes. If you would like to have something printed in the bulletin, please email your announcement to [email protected]. Please have your message to sent by Tuesday at Noon for the following Sunday. May God continue to bless us as we continue to bring the Love of Christ to our beloved Five Towns. The rectory offices of the Parishes of the Five Towns will be CLOSED WEDNESDAY, November 11th in observance of Veterans Day. ST JOSEPH’S MOTHERS’ CLUB TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY CHINESE AUCTION The Mothers’ Club Annual Chinese Auction will be held on Friday, November 20, 2015 in the school auditorium. Doors open at 6 p.m. We are requesting donations of new items so that we can make our TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY Chinese Auction a spectacular event. Donations can be brought to the Religious Ed Office during office hours. For more information call: Missy at 506-5949 or Lena at 280-0216. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. ++++++++ Oh Maria sin pecado concebida,ruega por Nosotros que recurrimos a Ti. DEANERY PRO-LIFE HOLY HOUR SAINT JOACHIM SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH 1:00 – 2:00PM ALL ARE WELCOME + + REST IN PEACE + + Saint Joseph Dolores Wescott Elsa Ulloa Vergara Cornelius Horgan Madalene Di Palma OLGC Jerry Giordonello Jr. Norma Petito Could you give one more dollar in the collection each week to keep our parishes fiscally sound??? OUR KIDS PLACE CHILD CARE CENTER Located in The St. Joseph’s School 1346 Broadway, Hewlett, NY 11557 516-569-5999 or 516-805-4202 7:00AM to 6:30PM Half day/full day programs. Before & after school care. NEWLY RENOVATED SMART CLASSROOMS Three Meals Served –All Vouchers Accepted Extra Activities: Piano, Ballet, Homework help. Transportation also available. For more information: or email:[email protected] Available in Saint Joseph's and Our Lady of Good Counsel !!!! Coming Soon to Saint Joachim's!!! For more information or to sign up just go to and use Parish codes: NY659 for Saint Joseph or NY660 for OLGC. O God of all the Nations, the One God who is and was and always will be, who in your providence willed that your Church be united to the suffering of your Son, look with mercy on your servants in Iraq who are persecuted for their faith in you. Grant them perseverance and courage to be worthy imitators of Christ. Bring your wisdom upon leaders of nations to work for peace among all peoples. May your Spirit open conversion for those who contradict your will that we live in harmony. And in all things may we be united in truth and freedom to seek your will in our lives. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Our Lady, Queen of Peace, Pray for us. Archbishop William Lori Archbishop of Baltimore 2016 DAILY MASS BOOK FOR FOR THE THREE PARISHES OF THE FIVE TOWNS. Masses for 2016 are now available in Saint Joseph’s, Saint Joachim’s and Our Lady of Good Counsel for anyone wishing to make Mass arrangements for their loved one. Please come to the Rectory DURING OFFICE HOURS ONLY. The offering for announced Masses remain at $20 and unannounced masses are still $10. St. Joseph Church Conference Angela’s House 569-0834 Hours: Wed 9:15-11:00 a.m. Wed 7:00-8:30 p.m. [email protected] Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time In today’s Gospel Jesus tells us: “I want you to observe that this poor widow contributed more than all the others who donated to the treasury. They gave from their surplus wealth, but she gave from her want, all that she had to live on.” Ask yourself “Am I only giving from my surplus wealth?” and then put your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul poor box so that those who are suffering will be able to know God’s love and care. Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive Continues Please help our families in need by making a donation by Sunday, November 15th. Turkeys and all the trimmings will be distributed on Wednesday, Nov 18th. Turkey gravy rice cranberries Jello/cake mix/frosting stuffing Canned Vegetables pasta/sauce oil Salad dressing Coffee/Tea Canned Fruit Supermarket Food Card JUST A REMINDER... We cannot accept Clothing, Toys or Household items at Angela House. Please DO NOT leave donations by the garage but place them in the St. Vincent de Paul Bins in the driveway by St. Joseph’s Gym The pantry needs donations of the following items: Canned/Dry Milk Apple Juice Cereal Canned Fruit Mac & Cheese 1lb. White Rice bag Canned Mixed Vegetable We cannot distribute any Item that has expired (check expiration date) Our Lady of Good Counsel Church Parish Outreach 516-239-0953 Hours Monday - Thursday 9:30 -11:30 Email: [email protected] Jesus, our guide, give us the generosity to give “from our want.” Jesus, our life, give us loving hearts. Jesus, our light, give us the grace to do “More.” Amen Jesus, nuestra guia,nos das la generosidad de dar”" “hasta lo que nos falta” Jesus, nuestra vida,danos corazones amorosos. Jesus, nuestra luz,danos la gracia de poder hacer “Mas” Amen FOOD PANTRY NEEDS: Mac & Cheese, Cereal, Soup, Canned Vegetables, Canned Fruit, Rice, Tuna, Peanut Butter, Grape Jelly We are very thankful for all the donations received throughout the year; it is very much appreciated. Estamos muy agradecidos por todas las donaciones recibidas durante este ano; son ustedes muy apreciados. God Bless Everyone Our Lady of Good Counsel’s The Society of St. Vincent de Paul & Outreach The weekend of November 22nd will begin our “Be an Angel” Program. You will see the two Christmas Trees at the back of the Church, please take an Angel card to help our Outreach clients. We are asking for gift card in the amount of $20.00 each. YOU MUST ACTIVATE THE CARDS AT THE REGISTER OF THE PARTICULAR STORE. We have had the embarrassing experience of giving cards to clients that had no value at all. We need to know the value of the cards (stores usually give receipt with the $ amount on the card). The gift cards requested are from the following stores: BURLINGTON COAT FACTORY, TARGET, CVS, MARSHALLS & OLD NAVY. Your gifts should be returned by SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13TH. Thank you again for your support. Mireya Jacobs TAKE ACTION: Help stop assisted suicide in NYS Several bills have been introduced in the New York State legislature to legalize doctor-assisted suicide. Send a message to the Governor and your elected representatives now to let them know that directly causing death is not an acceptable answer to terminal illness, aging or disability. To send a letter to your representatives easily and efficiently via e-mail, go to and click “Take Action!” Sample letter to local Sen.: New York State Senate Legislative Office Building Albany, NY 12247 Dear Senator: As your constituent I write to express my strong opposition to any legislation to legalize doctor-assisted suicide in New York State. Allowing people to kill themselves, with the assistance of the medical community, devalues human life and sends mixed messages in our state's efforts to prevent and combat suicide, by suggesting suicide is an act filled with "dignity." It suggests that some people - the very sick, disabled, frail elderly - might be better off dead. There is real potential for abuse in legalizing assisted suicide. Financial pressures from insurance companies and medical facilities, combined with pressures from those who might stand to gain from a patient's death, should raise alarms, especially in an environment of increasing abuse and neglect of people with disabilities and those who are aged. Patients with a terminal diagnosis may outlive the medical expectation by months or even years. Some patients may experience a full recovery. Some patients may receive an inaccurate diagnosis. Making a life-or-death decision with these unknowns is unacceptable. I urge you to focus on improving palliative care and hospice for the benefit of those who are terminally ill to ensure that they receive compassionate and comprehensive care and pain management. Please do not allow doctor-assisted suicide in our state. I look forward to hearing your position on this critical issue. Sincerely, TOMAR MEDIDAS: Ayudar a detener el suicidio asistido en el estado de Nueva York Se han introducido varios proyectos de ley en la legislatura del estado de Nueva York para legalizar el suicidio asistido por el médico. Enviar un mensaje al gobernador y sus representantes para hacerles saber que causar directamente la muerte no es una respuesta aceptable a la enfermedad terminal, envejecimiento o discapacidad. Para enviar una carta a sus representantes de forma fácil y eficiente vía correo electrónico, vaya a y haga clic en "¡ actúa!" Modelo de carta a senador local: Senado Estatal de Nueva York Edificio de oficinas legislativas Albany, NY 12247 Estimado senador: Como su componente escribo para expresar mi fuerte oposición a cualquier legislación para legalizar el suicidio asistido por médico en el estado de Nueva York. Permitir a las personas matar a ellos mismos, con la ayuda de la comunidad médica, devalúa la vida humana y envía mensajes contradictorios en los esfuerzos de nuestro estado para prevenir y combate suicidio, sugiriendo el suicidio es un acto llenado de «dignidad». Sugiere que algunas personas - ancianos muy enfermos, discapacitados, débiles - podrían ser mejor muerto. Hay un real potencial en legalizar el suicidio asistido. Las presiones financieras de las compañías de seguros y servicios médicos, combinados con las presiones de aquellos que podrían beneficiarse de la muerte de un paciente, deben levantar alarmas, especialmente en un entorno de creciente abuso y negligencia de las personas con discapacidad y aquellos que son de años. Pacientes con un diagnóstico terminal pueden sobrevivir a la expectativa de médica por meses o incluso años. Algunos pacientes pueden experimentar una recuperación completa. Algunos pacientes pueden recibir un diagnóstico inexacto. Tomar una decisión de vida o muerte con estas incógnitas es inaceptable. Le insto a enfocarse en mejorar el cuidado paliativo y hospicio en beneficio de los enfermos para que reciban atención compasiva y comprensiva y manejo del dolor. Por favor no permita el suicidio asistido por médico en nuestro estado. Estoy deseando escuchar su posición sobre esta cuestión fundamental. Atentamente, MEMORIALS AVAILABLE FOR THE LOURDES GROTTO Please fill out contract and send to Rectory with tax deductible donation 1. 2. 3. 4. 4”x8” 8”x8” 4”x8” 8”x8” engraved memorial brick engraved memorial brick duplicate brick for home duplicate brick for home $125.00 $250.00 $50.00 $75.00 Call the rectory or email [email protected] for contract The Life Center is in desperate need of the following items: • Clothes for girls and boys (Sizes 0-6 and 18-24 months especially needed) • Toiletries (i.e. wipes, baby soaps, shampoos, diaper rash creams, powders, etc.) • Crib sheets • Bottles • Hooded towels, Wash cloths • Diaper bags • Non Drop Side Cribs / Bassinets/ Pack n Plays • Car seats (both infant and toddler) • Strollers Thank you for any help that you can provide to help us support these women, especially those who are in crisis. Donations can be dropped off at our Deer Park location: 1767 Deer Park Ave Deer Park, NY 11729 (across the street from St. Cyril & Methodius Roman Catholic Church, and next door to Boyd-Carratozollo Funeral home. Any further questions can be answered at (631) 243-2373. MILITARY PRAYER LIST Please pray for the following members of the United States Military serving throughout the world. Saints are examples to imitate. Pope Francis November 1, 2015 -Feast of All Saints Ch. Col. Mark P. Rowan, Chaplain USAF, Ellen Gorman Porter, Air Nat’l Guard; PFC Peter Jon Sormilic Jennifer Gorman, USAF; Jeremy Cohen, US Army, Major Susan A. Romano, USAF, Airnan Brian N. Legrow USAF Lt. Christopher Healy, USMC; Frank Sabella, Jr. USAF; Sgt. Joseph Meyer, US Army; Alex Park, USMC Sgt 1st Class Jean E. Michaud, US Army; Trevor Nordin, USAF; Kevin Sanchez, USAF; Lcpl. Ryan Carriddi USMC, Cpl. William Andrejack, USMC; Michael Lembo; Cpl. Keith M Flick, USMC; Lcpl. Edward J. Vinogroski, USMC; John Burns: Christopher Vardaro, US Army; PFC Joshua Hernandez; Thomas Curran USMC; Adam J. Moreau, US Army SPL Ernie Mari, US Army; PO Robert McNeill, USN; Sgt. Jennifer Riddle, US Army; Bryan A. DiPrima USN; Gerald Acosto, US Army; Matthew Redden; William Kearney, USMC; PO Andrew L. DeMarsico, USN 2Lt. Paul S. Conrad, US Army; Lt. Matthew Lipsky, USN James Yeager, USMC Rct. ; Lcpl Anthony J. Martin, USMC; Sgt. Gerard Sweet, US Army; Lcpl Andrew Michels, USMC, Cpl. Francis J. LaBarbera US Army, Patrick Kelly, USMC PVT Richard Andersen US ARMY; 1st Lt. Daniel Vacchio USMC, 1st Lt. Josef Kaplan US Army, Anthony D. Boe, USAF Pvt, Michael J. Agunzo, US Army; PFC Ryan Burkett, USMC Shaun Cullen, USAF, SFC Frederick M. Haslett, US Army, Mark A. Geraldi LTC.-US Army; Airman John Daniel US Navy 1st Lt. Anthony Runco, Jr., USAF; 2nd Lt. John Runco, USAF L. Tom Acerno, US Army; PO Andrew DeMarsico US Navy Pvt. Kevin Doherty US Army - Sgt. Fausto Olivo - US Air Force Specialist Christopher Smith If you, or a loved one, would like to be included on this list, please E-mail Father Tom Moriarty at [email protected]. El Señor siempre es fiel a su palabra, y es quien hace justicia al oprimido; él proporciona pan a los hambrientos. — Salmo 146 (145):7 The LORD keeps faith forever, secures justice for the oppressed, gives food to the hungry. — Psalm 146:7 READINGS FOR THE WEEK LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Monday: Lunes: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Tuesday: Wis 2:23 — 3:9; Ps 34:2-3, 16-19; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Wis 6:1-11; Ps 82:3-4, 6-7; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Wis 7:22b — 8:1; Ps 119:89-91, 130, 135, 175; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: Wis 13:1-9; Ps 19:2-5ab; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: Wis 18:14-16; 19:6-9; Ps 105:2-3, 36-37, 42-43; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Dn 12:1-3; Ps 16:5, 8-11; Heb 10:11-14, 18; Mk 13:24-32 Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Sal 46 (45):2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Martes: Sab 2:23 — 3:9; Sal 34 (33):2-3, 16-19; Lc 17:7-10 Miércoles: Sab 6:1-11; Sal 82 (81):3-4, 6-7; Lc 17:1119 Jueves: Sab 7:22b — 8:1; Sal 119 (118):89-91, 130, 135, 175; Lc 17:20-25 Viernes: Sab 13:1-9; Sal 19 (18):2-5ab; Lc 17:26-37 Sábado: Sab 18:14-16; 19:6-9; Sal 105 (104):2-3, 36-37, 42-43; Lc 18:1-8 Domingo: Dn 12:1-3; Sal 16 (15):5, 8-11; Heb 10:11-14, 18; Mc 13:24-32 Saint Joseph - November 14 - 15 Time And Celebrant SAT 5:00 PM Celebrant Father Mike Carroll SUN 8:30 AM Celebrant Father Norbert D’Souza SUN 10:30 AM Celebrant Father Jim Drew SUN 12:00 NOON Celebrant Father Jim Drew EM’s / LECTORS Lector L.S. R.Breen EM Cup Cup Cup Cup Deacon M. Breen D. Otton R. Brunoni B. Kaufmann T.Costello D. Otton Lector L.S. EM Cup Cup Cup Cup Deacon M.Renna H.R./N.H. Team 3 Lector L.S. EM Cup Cup Cup Cup Deacon J. Brocavich Lector L.S. EM Cup Cup Cup Cup Deacon R.Doud C.Quaranto A. Hugues T. Molinaro C. Simmons J. Ostrin P.Doud T.Costello C.Faust M. Casavecchia E. Metz T. Costello M. Fontaine A.Giannotti O.Giannotti J. Mastanduono J. Mastanduono Good Counsel - November 14 - 15 EM’s / LECTORS SERVERS A. Ayala E. Laxton SAT 4:00 PM Celebrant - Father Eric Fasano S. Portillo K. Kite MINISTER LECTOR SERVERS Madaline Bishop Shannon Ehlers Marisol Garcia Jacqueline Por llo J. Caputo Celebrant - Father Fernando Echeverri Con-Celebrant - Father Tom Moriarty SUN 9:30 AM J. DeMarsico R. DeMarsico J. Cilento Max Bardales Kerin Guzman Valen na Jaco SUN 11:00 AM Celebrant - Father Eric Fasano LECTOR MINISTER F. Castro I.Meyer Brian Guevarra Chris an Guevarra Ethan Montalvo Brianna Vargas F. Yenna G. Yenna B. Yenna Saint Joachim - November 14 - 15 EM’s / LECTORS G. Preziosi L. Preziosi M. Preziosi N. Morgan SUN 8:00 AM SUN 11:30 AM SERVERS Celebrant - Father Tom Moriarty LECTOR MINISTER Chuck Shields Jece Abuan Perry Vacchio DEACON CHARLES Celebrant - Father Mike Carroll LECTOR MINISTER Lois Wolfteich DEACON FRANK Ashley Cifuentes Sydney Cifuentes Samantha Puzio Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time Trigésimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario TODAY’S READINGS - LECTURAS DE HOY GIVING ALL Trusting widows play a significant role in this weekend’s readings. At the point of poverty, when giving even the smallest amount of what they had could imperil their health and well-being, they trusted God and gave anyway. What is important about their giving is not what or how much they gave, but how they gave it. Without selfishness, they gave to help others. Their giving was from the heart, with little hope or intention of receiving any sort of reward or recognition for their generosity. The monetary values of the widows’ gifts were small, but their value measured in the Kingdom was priceless. There is a significant similarity between their gift and the gift Jesus gave each of us. The widows offered their lives for God. Jesus offered his life for us. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co ENTREGA TOTAL Las viudas confiadas juegan un importante papel en las lecturas de esta semana. Aunque eran pobres y el dar aún algo bien pequeño podría poner en peligro su salud y bienestar, confiaban en Dios y daban lo que podían. Lo que es importante sobre sus donativos no es la cantidad que daban, sino que daban algo. Sin egoísmo, daban para ayudar a otros. Su dar salía del corazón, con poca esperanza o intención de recibir algún premio o reconocimiento por su generosidad. El valor monetario de los dones de las viudas eran pequeños, pero su valor en la medida del Reino era inestimable. Hay una gran semejanza entre su regalo y el regalo que Jesús ha dado a cada uno de nosotros. Las viudas ofrecieron sus vidas a Dios. Jesús ofreció su vida por nosotros. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. In 1974, a revised ritual of penance was given to the Church, and at forty years distance, we still are discovering its treasures and tentative about some of its provisions. The rite reaches deep into our tradition for an early insight: when we turn to God, we are restored to life in the Church. There are three different forms of penance. The familiar individual confession is preserved, but with tremendous enrichment. It is less rushed, anchored by a reading from scripture, and the confession of sins is seen as an opportunity to proclaim faith in God’s power to save. In a sense, what is “confessed” is the penitent’s faith in God’s gift of forgiveness. The priest suggests a penance that may be directly connected to the virtue that the person seeks as a means of overcoming the fault. There are formulas for contrition suggested, but the penitent might even express sorrow for sin and desire for mercy in his or her own words. The prayer of absolution grounds the event in the life and ministry of the Church. Harking back to the joyful dance of bishops leading penitents into the church, the rite now ends with a prayer of thanksgiving for God’s mercy, and may include the gesture of laying on of hands. After forty years, we struggle to claim this rite forged of memory, tradition, and grace. History tells us to be patient; we do not always recognize a treasure at first. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Entre las comunidades hispanas aún existe el concepto de que a la Iglesia se le da limosna. Esta es una horrible costumbre, puesto que ni a Dios ni a la Iglesia se le debe la limosna, sino el diezmo y no necesariamente económico, esto es, también debemos considerar tiempo y talento. Este diezmo se le da a Dios por medio del mantenimiento de la Iglesia, la ayuda directa a los necesitados, la generosidad con agencias de caridad, etcétera. No importa a quién o cómo damos el diezmo que debemos a Dios, lo que importa es reconocer que no es limosna, es decir, dar de lo que nos sobra. Es dar desde el corazón, compartir, como la viuda del Evangelio, lo que tenemos para vivir. No obstante, muchos somos tacaños con el Señor. En lugar de dar con generosidad, damos poco o damos para hacernos notar. Damos de lo que nos sobra, si acaso damos. Tenemos mucho que aprender de la viuda que se nos presenta en Marcos 12:41-44. Ella, siendo pobre y necesitada, aún así quiso compartir con Dios de lo que tenía para vivir. Casi siempre los pobres son más generosos que los ricos o la clase media. Son ellos quienes nos muestran la generosidad de Dios y nos desafían a hacer lo mismo, a fin de erradicar la pobreza. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.