ELECTION INFORMATION - Town of Lake Clarke Shores
ELECTION INFORMATION - Town of Lake Clarke Shores
The Official Website Newsletter www.townoflakeclarkeshores.com JANUARY 2014 ELECTION INFORMATION A Municipal General Election will be held only if necessary on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. The following expiring seats are open for those who wish to qualify for the Town Council of the Town of Lake Clarke Shores: Group 3 Robert M.W. Shalhoub Group 4 Thomas C. Mayes, Jr Group 5 Valentin Rodriguez Qualifying for election of Council Members begins at noon, Tuesday, January 28, 2014 and closes at noon, February 11, 2014. Voter information: Prior to the election, residents should ascertain that their voter’s registration cards reflect their current address. Voters must be registered to vote and listed in the registration books at their correct polling place. At the polls on Election Day, all registered voters must provide a photo ID to the Election Clerk and/or Inspector. Residents may request absentee ballots for themselves or immediate family members from either the office of the Supervisor of Elections at 240 South Military Trail, WPB, telephone (561) 656-6200, by fax (561) 656-6220, or from their website: www.pbcelections.org. (Also for your information, election results will immediately be posted on their website.) The Town Clerk will be happy to answer any of your questions concerning the Municipal General Election process. She can be reached at 964-1515 ext. 10. Elecciones Generales Municipales se llevarán a cabo, solamente si son necesarias, el martes 11 de Marzo, 2014. Los siguientes escaños expirados quedan vacantes y están abiertos para aquellos que deseen calificar para el Consejo del Pueblo de Lake Clarke Shores: Grupo 3 Robert M.W. Shalhoub Grupo 4 Thomas C. Mayes, Jr Grupo 5 Valentin Rodriguez La calificación para la elección de los miembros del Consejo comenzará al mediodía del martes 28 de Enero y concluye el 11 de Febrero, 2014 al mediodía. Información para los votantes: Antes de las elecciones, los residentes deberian asegurar que sus tarjetas de votantes reflejan la dirección correcta de su domicilio. Los votantes deberian estar inscritos para poder votar y sus nombres inscritos en la lista de votantes del precinto que les corresponde. El día de las elecciones al llegar a las urnas electorales los votantes inscritos deberian presentar una identificación con foto al Secretario de Elecciones o/y al Inspector. Los Residentes pueden obtener boletas para votantes ausentes, individuales y para familiares immediatos, tanto en la oficina del Supervisor de Elecciones, 240 South Military Trail, West Palm Beach, teléfono 656-6200, o por fax (561) 656-6220, como en el sitio cibernético: www.pbcelections.org (También para su información, los resultados de la elecciones se pueden obtener de inmediato en este sitio) La Secretaria Oficial del Pueblo se complacerá en contestar cualquier pregunta concerniente al procesode las Elecciones Generales Municipales llamando al 964-1515 ext. # 10. TOWN COUNCIL MEETING DATES COUNCIL ACTIONS At The December 10th Town Council Meeting, The Following Action Was Taken: Tuesday January 14th 6:30 PM Tuesday February 11th 6:30 PM Approved the Minutes of the November 12, 2013 Town Council Meeting. Tuesday March 4th 6:30 PM Approved Resolution #13-41 – Authorizing budget transfers for fiscal year 2012/2013. Tuesday April 8th 6:30 PM Tuesday May 13th 6:30 PM Tuesday June 10th 6:30 PM Tuesday July 8th 6:30 PM Approved Resolution #13-42 – Approving the uniform method of collecting non-ad valorem taxes for nuisance abatement. Approved Resolution #13-43 – Approving the uniform method of collecting non-ad valorem taxes for the Forest Hill Boulevard sewer project. Approved Resolution #13-44 – Authorizing the Mayor to execute the agreements with the Property Appraiser’s office and Tax Collector for the collection of non-ad valorem taxes. Approved Resolution #13-45 – Appointing Terry Glenn as an Alternate Member to the Zoning Board of Adjustments. Approved a Proclamation proclaiming the month of January 2014 as “National Stalking Awareness Month”. Approved Land Use Permit – William Fallacaro, 7131 Pine Tree Lane – Repair dock and add boat lift. Approved Ordinance #13-04 – Updating the FiveYear Schedule of Capital Improvements for the Capital Improvements Element of the Town of Lake Clarke Shores Comprehensive Plan Pursuant to State Statute. SAVE THE DATE Town of Lake Clarke Shores 21st Annual Resident Barbecue Sunday, March 30, 2014 Town Hall Park DETAILS TO FOLLOW SOON! CODE ENFORCEMENT MEETING DATES Wednesday January 22nd 6:30 PM Wednesday February 26th 6:30 PM Wednesday March 26th 6:30 PM Wednesday April 23rd 6:30 PM Wednesday May 28th 6:30 PM Wednesday June 25th 6:30 PM Wednesday July 23rd 6:30 PM ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEETING DATES Thursday March 13th 6:30 PM Thursday May 8th 6:30 PM Thursday July 10th 6:30 PM HOUSE OF THE MONTH JANUARY 2014 1715 Laurel Lane NPDES The Town of Lake Clarke Shores cares about the stormwater management system and the quality of water entering and leaving our area. You can help us maintain quality standards by reporting illicit connections to the Town. Illicit connections are discharges of any pollutants into the stormwater system, including pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, sewage, chemicals, and oil. Stormwater runoff results when rain falls on surfaces that cannot absorb it, such as pavement or rooftops, or ground that is already saturated from rain. This rain flows over land toward stormwater inlets, swales, ditches, canals, lakes, wetlands, or coastal waters. Most of the unwanted pollutants that end up on our waterways come from human activities. Tips for Maintaining the Quality of our Water Use pesticides and fertilizers sparingly. When using these chemicals, use the recommended amounts and only when necessary. Use organic mulch or safest pest control methods whenever possible. Don’t leave compost or mulch yard waste in the street or sweep it into storm drains or waterways. Don’t over water your lawn. Consider using a soaker hose instead of a sprinkler. Cover piles of dirt or mulch being used for landscaping projects. Purchase biodegradable, nontoxic products. Use, store, and dispose of products as directed on the container. Sweep up and properly dispose of any construction debris. Use a commercial car wash or wash your car on a lawn or other unpaved surface. Check your vehicle regularly for leaks and/or spills. Clean up and properly dispose of materials used for spill cleanup. Always pick up after your pet…even in your own yard! Take the time to educate others on the negative impact of dumping into a stormwater system. REPORT ILLEGAL DUMPING TO THE LAKE CLARKE SHORES POLICE DEPARTMENT BY CALLING THE NON-EMERGENCY DISPATCH CENTER AT 964-1114. BOOKMOBILE SCHEDULE NEW SCHEDULE! Friday, March 28th Children’s Movie Night Wednesdays 3:00 –3:30 PM Town Hall Complex Sunday, March 30th 21st Annual Town Barbecue January 8th and 22nd Saturday, April 12th 9th Annual Waterway Cleanup February 5th and 19th Saturday, April 26th 7th Annual Bass Fishing Tournament April 2nd, 16th, and 30th March 5th and 19th Check out our Special Events Page on the Town’s website for updates on events. NOTICE Town Hall will be closed on January 20, 2014 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. After Hours Phone Numbers Important Contact Information Emergency....................................................................911 Police Dispatch....................................................964-1114 Town Hall/Police Office.......................................964-1515 Police Department Fax........................................439-6778 Code Enforcement...................................964-1515 ext. 23 Town Hall Fax.......................................................964-0685 LCS Water Department........................................642-7870 Police After 4:00 PM & Weekends......................964-1114 If you need to speak with an Officer after hours, please call 964-1114. This number is a recorded line with time and date, answered by dispatch. An Officer will call you back or be dispatched to you. ALL EMERGENCIES DIAL 911 TOWN OFFICIALS Valentin Rodriguez, Jr. Robert M. W. Shalhoub Gregory P. Freebold Malcolm K. Lewis Thomas C. Mayes, Jr. Daniel P. Clark Mary Pinkerman Wes Smith [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Mayor Vice Mayor President Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Town Administrator Town Clerk Chief of Police