Eurytemora americana Williams, 1906, not Eurytemora affinis


Eurytemora americana Williams, 1906, not Eurytemora affinis
SCI. MAR., 64 (1): 111-113
Eurytemora americana Williams, 1906, not
Eurytemora affinis (Poppe, 1880), inhabits the Bahía
Blanca estuary, Argentina*
Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía, CONICET-UNS, Casilla de Correo 804, (8000) Bahía Blanca, Argentina.
School of Oceanography, Box 357940, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA.
SUMMARY: The aim of this report is to clarify the taxonomical identity of the species of Eurytemora (Copepoda, Calanoida) present in the Bahía Blanca estuary, Argentina. Observations of taxonomical details were performed and the results led
us to conclude that this species is Eurytemora americana Williams, 1906 and not Eurytemora affinis (Poppe, 1880), as previously identified. E. americana is a recent invader in this estuary and could have been accidentally introduced with ballast
water of ships.
Key words: Eurytemora americana, Eurytemora affinis, Bahía Blanca estuary, Argentina.:
The aim of this note is to clarify the correct identity of the calanoid copepod from the Bahía Blanca
estuary reported as Eurytemora affinis (Poppe,
1880) in several previous papers. This clarification
is necessary to avoid misunderstanding the identity
of the species in Argentine coastal waters. In addition, since the genus Eurytemora was previously
known in the Northern Hemisphere, we suggest also
a possible origin for the population of E. americana
Williams, 1906 from the Bahía Blanca estuary.
E. affinis was first mentioned in the Bahía Blanca
estuary by Hoffmeyer (1993). Subsequently it was
reported and discussed by Hoffmeyer (1994) who
described the seasonal succession of copepods and
*Received January 28, 1999. Accepted July 8, 1999.
other zooplankters in the Bahía Blanca estuary during
1990-1991. E.affinis was covered in two additional
papers: (a) its oral field chaetotaxy was compared
with that of the copepod Acartia tonsa (Hoffmeyer
and Prado Figueroa, 1997); and (b) in a study devoted to the egg production and egg viability in different
species of copepods feeding on high concentrations
of diatoms (Ban et al., 1997). E. affinis was also mentioned in various unpublished progress reports during
1993-1998 (Hoffmeyer, 1997; IADO, 1997). The
species identification there was based on Rose (1970)
and Bush and Brenning (1992), but a direct comparison with specimens of E. affinis was not made.
Specimens of Eurytemora from Bahía Blanca
estuary were recently observed by one of us (BWF)
and tentatively identified as E. americana, not E.
affinis. We carried out a taxonomic study of this
species to corroborate this tentative assignment.
A taxonomic study following Heron’s (1964)
redescription of E. americana was performed in
order to corroborate the identity of the species from
the Bahía Blanca. Details of taxonomic significance
were checked under stereoscopic microscopy in five
adult females and males, including total body length
(front of cephalon to end of caudal rami), body proportions, morphology of the fifth leg of both sexes,
and morphology of lateral wings of the last female
pedigerous somite. The individuals were extracted
at random from a 4% formalin fixed zooplankton
sample obtained on September 30, 1998 from Port
Cuatreros, in the inner area of Bahía Blanca estuary.
In addition, the total body length of 15 adult females
selected from a preserved zooplankton sample
obtained on September 11, 1992 in the inner zone of
the estuary were also measured.
The average total length of 15 adult females was
1.26 mm (range 1.16-1.42 mm). In contrast, Heron
(op. cit.) gave an average total length of 1.43 mm for
23 females from Washington (range 1.35-1.58 mm).
Good agreement was found with the following characteristics mentioned as diagnostic by Heron (1964:
p. 206-209 and Fig. 19-26) for E. americana
obtained from San Juan Island, Washington (collected in July and August 1958 and 1960): (1) the
female fifth leg with the second basal segment with
fine setae longer than segment, exopod 1 elongated
with two lateral plumose setae and between them a
short fine hair, inner margin with fine hairs, inner
process curved, pointed with its distal half setose;
exopod 2 with two long flexible, plumose setae and
fine hairs on inner margin; (2) the male fifth leg with
swelling on inner right second basal segment, exopod 1 long and slender, exopod 2 falcate, with small
spines; second basal segment of left leg with proximal swelling, exopod 1 slender; apical part of exopod 2 dilated (like a foot), with two small spines and
covered by fine hairs; (3) wings of last pedigerous
somite with inner rounded lobe and acutely pointed
tip, wing angle and size slightly variable between
individuals, extending middle of genital somite;
males without wings; and (4) dorsal surface of caudal rami and anal somite spinulose, except in the
medial zone. However, the total body length of our
specimens was slightly smaller than that reported by
Heron (1964) for specimens from Washington. This
112 M.S. HOFFMEYER et al.
led us to corroborate that the species of genus Eurytemora in Bahía Blanca estuary was certainly E.
E. americana inhabits the upper reaches of the
Bahía Blanca estuary (Villarino Viejo to approximately buoy 24) (De Aracama, 1987). It occurs in
the plankton from July to October every year
(Hoffmeyer, 1994; Hoffmeyer and Prado Figueroa,
1997), reaching maximum numbers in August-September. Like other congeners (Uye, 1985; Ban and
Minoda, 1991; 1994), it persists during the rest of
the year as diapause eggs in the sediment (Marcus,
1984; Næss, 1991).
The presence of E. americana in Bahía Blanca
estuary is recent, dating from little more than ten
years ago. Possibly it was accidentally introduced in
the estuary with ballast water of ships coming to the
harbour zone from northern hemisphere locations.
Given the broad geographical distribution of E.
americana in the northern hemisphere (Kos, 1977),
the population in Bahía Blanca estuary could have
its origin in northeast Asia (Japan or Russia), North
America (east or west coast), or even southern England. According to our knowledge, this is the first
report of the species from the southern hemisphere.
The scant knowledge of the biology and ecology
of E. americana at present compared to other congeners such as E. affinis and E. herdmani Thompson
and Scott, 1897, and its apparent important ecological role in a number of estuaries and coasts where it
occurs (Deevey, 1960; Jeffries, 1967; Frolander et
al., 1973; Tremblay, 1942 in Bousfield et al., 1975;
Miller, 1983; Marcus, 1984; De Aracama, 1987;
Næss, 1991; Hoffmeyer, 1993; 1994; Hoffmeyer
and Prado Figueroa, 1997; Ban et al, 1997; Avent,
unpubl. result.), justifies continued research on this
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Scient. ed.: M. Alcaraz