Safe Water Committee Certification - the PUMP
Safe Water Committee Certification - the PUMP
Appendix 7 Fields highlighted in yellow are required by the PUMP Safe Water Committee Certification Prepared by WM staff member: [email protected] Project Name: VR Haya De La Torre - Cancate Project Number: 00.029.51 Department/District/Province: Huanchaco / Trujillo Date of Election: Jan 04 2016 SWC Members Details Name Position Contact Number Signature Chairman: Roberto Chirinos. Secretary: Erika Hernández Menis. Treasurer: Cesar Alvan Carranza 979805500 WASH Coordinator: Leydi Rodriguez 948752973 Systems Operator 1: José López Boado 044272567 Erika Cabrera Alfaro 971193829 (Non-voting member) Systems Operator 2: (Non-voting member) ________________: ________________: ________________: ________________: Jan 04 2016 VR Haya de La Torre are well awere of their This is to certify that on this day of ___________________ the people of_________________ need of a sustainable source of safe water inside their own community to help improve and maintain their wellbeing; hence have themselves elected a representative Safe Water Committee composed of the above individuals their wellbeing; hence have themselves elected a representative Safe Water Committee composed of the above individuals to look after all operations of the project from today and hereafter. Signature : Signature : Safe Water Committee Chairman ________________Community Community Development Officer Water Missions International Name of Witness For the Community Name of Witness For Water Missions International Total man-days spent by WM community development staff: Total man-days spent by WM technical staff: 1 2 Note:*AttachaphotooftheSafeWaterCommittee Fields highlighted in yellow are required by the PUMP Summary notes: (will be visible in the pump) El Cass se encuentra optimista, tienen un poco de temor por las actividades nuevas a las que no estan acostumbrados pero recibiran apoyo en todo momento de la ONG Amor en Acción y eso les da estabilidad en su trabajo. Se les indico que estaremos pendientes para absolver cualquier duda que tengan. Desarrollaremos los informes inicialmente en grupo así no se les hará tedioso. Task status: Complete Additional work Skipped Not applicable * EmailcopytotheSWCSecretary [email protected] Rev. 10 (28 May 15)