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Compact Readers: Crime Stories › Leader on the German Market › Languages: English, Spanish, Italian, French, German and Swedish › More than 140 titles available It was Murder my Lord Art.-No. 7734 › All titles are longsellers Morir de miedo Art.-No. 9489 › Levels A1–A2–B1–B2–C1 › 2 million copies sold More than 140 titles available 128–160 pages, 2c, Softcover, 12.5 x 19 cm Chianti di sangue Art.-No. 9488 Mort sous la Tour Eiffel Art.-No. 7786 parts of the puzzle that would ed. But nothing actually happen flash he saw something like a shadow Suddenly Hudson thought . picture the across tape!” the “Stop n. “There,” cried Hudso nt he it, because at that exact mome The technician had also noticed ian wound The picture froze. The technic pressed the ‘pause’ button. Both men frame. by frame d, forwar the tape back and then went could ized by what they saw. There bent towards the screen, hypnot g in the silhouette of a man was movin be no doubt about it; the in his object long a He was holding direction of the display case. hand. Possibly an iron bar. l speed again!” “Now! Play the tape at norma towards . The man took a few steps The technician pressed a button face, g black overalls and his whole the glass case. He was wearin d by a balaclava. except for his eyes, was covere ÜBUNG 15 ! n into, und setzen Sie die Präpositione Übung 15: Lesen Sie weiter of in die Lücken ein! after, at, by, without, on (2x), __ a _____ (1.) d he was being watche Whoever it was, he knew ___ first something else. (2.) _____ noticed also n Hudso . camera _______ the kind of disturbance (3.) he thought it was some second, he was absolutely a waiting ___ _____ screen, but, (4.) very slightHe dragged his left leg only sure; the man was limping. could not be ignored. ly, but once detected, the limp , but The limp was not a breakthrough Hudson made a mental note. the missing ant clue, one (5.) _______ perhaps a first and import On the monitor the man had help to find the culprit. now reached the showcase. He lifted the glass. _____ hesitating, smashed the iron bar and, (6.) _____ not be ape, the breaking glass could (7.) ___________ the videot lly ian watched as the man carefu heard. Hudson and the technic it away. The the glass box and carried of out y mumm the took case again. The next time the display camera swept through the hall and the mummy had man the both focus, came (8.) __________ disappeared. and I still thief red-handed on film – “Well, we’ve just caught the “Look, get said Hudson with a sigh. haven’t made any progress,” techniit with me to the Yard. The take I’ll and up packed this tape about our to find out something else cal department might be able mysterious visitor.” had the man to the door. How on earth Hudson stood up and went He turned t setting off any alarms? got into the building withou back to the technician. with all the there any such thing as a list “is said, he way”, the “By museum?” people who have a key to the sir. We don’t have keys here.” “Oh, you mean an access card, frustrated. rather n, Hudso “A what?” asked Only this A bit like a credit card, sir. “An electronic access card. re m. Normal keys are nowhe museu the to doors the all card opens you a list print to happy be I’d nt, mome near as safe. If you have a card holders.” with all the names of the access 27 26 Compact Verlag GmbH Baierbrunner Str. 27 · 81379 München Mr Giancarlo Russo · Tel. + 49 (0)89/74 51 61-92 · Fax +49 (0)89/75 60 95 · E-Mail: [email protected] Le a r n e a s i l y ! 3 3 Compact Crimes Stories: Audiobooks › Languages: English, Spanish, Italian and French › Audio run-time: 50 minutes › 21 titles available › Levels A2–B1–B2 Box (13.5 x 19 cm), book (12.5 x 18 cm, Softcover, two-colour, 64 pages), 1 CDs Una muerte trágica Art.-No. 9439 Bloody Revenge Art.-No. 8860 Música mortal Art.-No. 8861 Le suicide Art.-No. 8265 Compact Verlag GmbH Baierbrunner Str. 27 · 81379 München Mr Giancarlo Russo · Tel. + 49 (0)89/74 51 61-92 · Fax +49 (0)89/75 60 95 · E-Mail: [email protected] Corsa con ostacoli Art.-No. 8266 Le a r n e a s i l y ! 4 4 Compact Crime Stories: Quiz Block C LERNKRIMI RÄTSELBLOCK LERNKRIMI RÄTSELBLOCK I C M K RI K RI M RN I M C I C I LE M PAC PAC LE OM RN T LE LERNKRIMI RÄTSELBLOCK LERNKRIMI RÄTSELBLOCK K RI T LE T RN OM PAC PAC K RI T OM OM RN 13 titles available Mortenel nelparco parco Morte secretode delos losamantes amantes ElElsecreto Spanisch-Rätsel mit Comisario García Italienisch-Rätsel mit Commissario Nicoletti Italienisch-Rätsel mit Commissario Nicoletti Spanisch-Rätsel mit Comisario García guidare tío hijo ma ri do hermana M A G G I O M A G G I O M I S U R A M I S U R A M A N C I A M AAN NC I A MA UNS I C A M UUS SI C A M E T O D O S O D O M U E T M O T O R E M O T O R E hermana nuera ammirarescrivere nuera p rima prima sobrina giocare suonare abuela suegra sobrina bisnietos bisnietos nietos spegneretimbrare nietos padre m ujer m ujer A2 A2 10 Mini-Krimis über 90 Rätseln 10 mit Mini-Krimis mit über 90 Rätseln Empfohlen von A1: Una domenica mortale Art.-No. 9502 A2: Morte nel parco Art.-No. 9158 B1: La notte del mistero Art.-No. 8835 A1: Hasta la muerte Art.-No. 9503 A2: El secreto de los amantes Art.-No. 9157 B1: Sorpresa peligrosa Art.-No. 8834 German A1 Mörderische Reise Art.-No. 9561 ¦ ¨ 4. 5. 6. It’s three o’clock. › Different quiz types meant to test vocabulary and grammar - with increasing level of difficulty It’s ten o’clock. It’s twelve o’clock. It’s half past eleven. It’s twenty to two. It’s quarter to eight. › Solutions to be found on the back of the quizzes Schreiben Sie die Uhrzeiten auf! 1. 2. 3. ¦ ¨ It’s ____________________ o’clock. It’s ____________________ o’clock. 4. It’s ___________________________. 5. It’s ___________________________. The missing suitcase It’s ___________________________. 6. about call constable It’s ____________________ o’clock. next to sb. now o’clock hier: von; über Anruf Wachtmeister(in), Polizeibeamter/-beamtin neben jmd. hier: also; jetzt Uhr (beimissing Zeitangabe The suitcase von vollen Stunden) › Handy and compact - for easy use Wie heißen die Kleidungsstücke auf Englisch? Beschriften Sie? 5 coat 6 trousers coat dress shirt skirt tie blouse 2 1 1 trousers shirt 3 2 3 4 4 5 6 A1: Mort ou vif Art.-No. 9501 A2: Cliquot voit double Art.-No. 9156 B1: Jeux sans règles Art.-No. 8833 › Learning Languages by solving Crime Story Quizzes: each block contains 10 gripping mini-crime novels and 90 related quizzes (for level A1–B1) The mysterious call 2. a tennis Empfohlen von Empfohlen von 3. il biglieuttnoa cartolina A2 A2 10 Mini-Krimis über 90 Rätseln 10 mit Mini-Krimis mit über 90 Rätseln Empfohlen von 1. la macchiinl abiglietto una cartolinaatennis timbrare padre Constable Ann Watson sits next to me. “Now, Inspector Hudson,” she says, “tell me about the calls.” “There were two calls. Both were around 11 o’clock,” I answer. la stradlaa macchina suonarespegnere suegra primo The mysterious call la luceil pianoforte il pianoforltae strada scrivere giocare hermano abuela A1: Murderous Games Art.-No. 9500 A2: The Art of Crime Art.-No. 9155 B1: A Deadly Puzzle Art.-No. 8832 il panoramala luce attraversaarm e mirare maridobisabuelos bisabuelohsermano primo il panorama hijo guidaraettraversare tío P A T A T A P A T A T A P R O N T O P R O N T O P I N T O R P I IN NT O R PI UNE R T O P UUE ER T O P I C N I C P U I CE N I C P E N S A R P E N S A R 6 dress tie blouse skirt 5 › Target group: adults (self-learners), students, and all those who want to brush up on their foreign language skills › 13 titles available for: Spanish, English, Italian, French 7 7 7 8 192 pages, 2c, Softcover, 16.8 x 19.4 cm Compact Verlag GmbH Baierbrunner Str. 27 · 81379 München Mr Giancarlo Russo · Tel. + 49 (0)89/74 51 61-92 · Fax +49 (0)89/75 60 95 · E-Mail: [email protected] Le a r n e a s i l y ! 5 5 Compact Readers: Thrillers In Terror Art.-No. 8857 10 titles available: Enterrado Vivo Art.-No. 9318 Faceless Killer Art.-No. 9332 Il Mostro di Roma Art.-No. 8966 In Terror Art.-No. 8857 Marionetas de la Muerte Art.-No. 8859 Massacre United Art.-No. 9319 Sans Cœur Art.-No. 9441 Savoir Tuer Art.-No. 8858 Bone by Bone Art.-No. 9497 Vendetta al Vaticano Art.-No. 9498 Enterrado vivo Art.-No. 9318 160 pages, 2c, Softcover, 12.5 x 19 cm Sans cœur Art.-No. 9441 Il mostro di Roma Art.-No. 9488 1 Macabra sorpresa en el bosque n estiia mis brazos, que estaba [...] Al fin levanté con violenc a as. Chocaron con una materi rados, con las muñecas cruzad pulgami cuerpo a no más de seis sobre ía extend se que sólida, fin dentro de al ba reposa que de das de mi cara. Ya no dudaba metido enterrado como a un perro, un ataúd. [...] me habían para o bajo tierra, bajo tierra y en algún ataúd [...] y arrojad siempre. tantas veces Recuerda esas palabras, a él? Despuede haberle hecho eso de hace pués de la desesperación uido reunos momentos, ha conseg cuántas cuperar la calma. No sabe hambre sed, Tiene allí. horas lleva si grita y sobre todo miedo. Quizás oírlo: pueda n alguie de nuevo n alguie —¡Socorro! ¡Auxilio! ¡Que s su verdugo e tanta crueldad... Quizá siempre, que no es posibl pueda oírlo: por favor, pero s, ¡Haré lo que quiera —¡Por favor, sácame de aquí! no quiero morir! cristal. ese y so, nervio que lo pone tan Mira de nuevo esa luz roja ahí. Mira de , está quien lo ha encerrado Está seguro de que, detrás ada con mezcl tierra de sucia ve su cara, nuevo a la lente, en la que lágrimas, y le grita: yo? ¿Por qué? ¿Qué te he hecho —¿Por qué me haces esto? sin respuesier ser humano no dejaría Espera unos minutos, cualqu azo a la lente, y la puñet un pega o, ta una pregunta así. Furios mano. rompe, cortándose en la Bilden Sie die Partizipien Ejercicio 1: El participio. n Sie auch auf die folgender Verben! Achte unregelmäßigen Verben! 1. leídas, escuchadas. ¿Cómo recordar estirar ausstrecken 3. caer muñeca f hier: Handgelenk 4. hacer pulgada f Zoll (Maß) ataúd m Sarg arrojar werfen desesperación f Verzweiflung rhalten zurücke recuperar me ayude! nto, El muchacho espera un mome e está? intentando oír algo. ¿Dónd . Piensa que e, pero no oye ningún sonido Debe de ser en el bosqu esa caja para haber sido encerrado en no puede ser, que no puede 5 recordado 2. romper 5. salir 6. ser 7. intentar 8. decir paredes de la cólera. Decide golpear las El dolor le da fuerzas y s puede Tiene que hacer algo. Apena caja, pero no sirve de nada. sigue cayendo de madera, pero la tierra moverse dentro de esa caja no puede final, el hasta r espera puede por la grieta del techo. No hasta ahosigue llenándose de tierra, hacer nada mientras la caja . Tiene que ado a mucha profundidad garlo. Quizás no está enterr intentarlo... 6 Compact Verlag GmbH Baierbrunner Str. 27 · 81379 München Mr Giancarlo Russo · Tel. + 49 (0)89/74 51 61-92 · Fax +49 (0)89/75 60 95 · E-Mail: [email protected] Le a r n e a s i l y ! 6 6 Compact Readers: Learn Stories 7 titles available Lernlektüre Lernlektüre mit CD mit CD LERNSTORIES LERNSTORIES First First impressions impressions Lernlektüre Lernlektüre mit CD mit CD LERNSTORIES LERNSTORIES Momentos Momentos especiales especiales Tempi Tempi movimentati movimentati C’estla lavie vie C’est Spanisch Wortschatz Spanisch Wortschatz Kurzgeschichten Kurzgeschichten Empfohlen von Empfohlen von Empfohlen von Empfohlen von First Impressions Art.-No. 8375 Momentos especiales Art.-No. 8378 1 Exercice 1 : Conjuguez. Lesen Sie weiter und konjugieren Sie die Verben im Präsens! 1. se mettre ____________ à genoux pour se 5 glisser sous le plan de travail. Ses mains 2. avancer ____________ peu à peu : les planches 10 sont fixées avec des barres de fer. Les plus âgés 3. dire __________ toujours qu’un vrai bricoleur ne 4. pouvoir seul savait ce qu’il y avait dedans. Sa grand-mère est allée se reposer en début d’après-midi, comme chaque jour. Juste après les escalopes à la purée, Thomas est allé dans le vieux bureau de son grand-père pour chercher la petite clé. Il l’a enfin découverte cachée dans un tiroir, avec une collection d’anciens francs. Puisque sa grand-mère dort, il va pouvoir y jeter un coup d’œil en toute tranquillité. Il essaie de refermer la porte de l’atelier derrière lui sans faire trop de bruit et s’installe dans le vieux canapé. La boîte n’est pas facile à ouvrir : sans doute son grand-père ne l’a-t-il plus ouverte depuis des années. Ça y est, enfin ! 1. On y prépare les repas : a) la cuisine b) la salle à manger 1 5 10 Après plusieurs essais, il arrive enfin à retirer ce qui bloque la planche. C’est une petite boîte métallique. Au début, il n’a aucune idée de ce que c’est, puis… Il se souvient. Cela fait des années qu’on ne l’a pas plan m de travail Arbeitsfläche revue. Mais c’est bien elle ! bricoleur m Heimwerker Cela ne fait aucun doute. rouille f Rost Entre-temps, la rouille a reescalope f Schnitzel couvert la boîte. Quand il à la purée mit Püree était enfant, il voulait toutiroir m Schublade jours savoir ce qu’il y avait dedans ! Son grand-père n’a jamais parlé de la boîte en présence de sa grand-mère : ce devait plus ou moins être le secret du grand-père et de ses petits-enfants… Même si lui ❒ ❒ b) l’atelier ❒ ❒ 3. On y regarde la télévision : a) la salle de bain b) le salon ❒ ❒ b) la chambre de visiteurs 34 B1 B1 Französisch Wortschatz Französisch Wortschatz Kurzgeschichten Kurzgeschichten Empfohlen von Empfohlen von Tempi movimentati Art.-No. 8377 B1 B1 Empfohlen von Empfohlen von C'est la vie Art.-No. 8376 › Four inspirational amazing stories in each book 4. On y accueille des visiteurs : a) la chambre d’amis Italienisch Wortschatz Italienisch Wortschatz Kurzgeschichten Kurzgeschichten › Ideal for both self-learners or students in a class: Effective learning with more than 40 exercises and interpretive questions 2. On y travaille : a) la chambre à coucher B1 B1 › Literary enriching texts at the intermediate language level to improve your foreign language skills Exercice 2 : À la maison. Kreuzen Sie die richtige Antwort an! _____________ travailler que dans le désordre. Lernlektüre Lernlektüre mit CD mit CD LERNSTORIES LERNSTORIES B1 B1 Englisch Wortschatz Englisch Wortschatz Kurzgeschichten Kurzgeschichten Il Lernlektüre Lernlektüre mit CD mit CD LERNSTORIES LERNSTORIES ❒ ❒ › Words in the glossary are highlighted and line numbers provided for quick reference 35 › Extras: 1 Mini-CD with the first short story › Free Online Access: worksheets and 3 audio stories “Short stories are the optimal reading material for supporting language acquisition.” 128 pages, 2c, Softcover, 12.5 x 19 cm Compact Verlag GmbH Baierbrunner Str. 27 · 81379 München Mr Giancarlo Russo · Tel. + 49 (0)89/74 51 61-92 · Fax +49 (0)89/75 60 95 · E-Mail: [email protected] Le a r n e a s i l y ! 7 7 Compact Readers: Lovestories 4 Girls › Language Learning EXTRA for Girls › Exciting, romantic love stories in English › A total of 30 exercises in reading comprehension, grammar and vocabulary Flirt But Don’t Fall in Love Art.-No. 7824 › Explanation of difficult vocabulary directly on the page and extensive glossary in the appendix › School girls 12+ 10 titles available First Love on a Rainy Day Art.-No. 7845 Flirt But Don't Fall in Love Art.-No. 7824 Full Moon Kisses Art.-No. 7827 Heartbreak Summer Art.-No. 7844 Kick-off for Love Art.-No. 7883 Kisses in the Snow Art.-No. 7880 Last Chance for a First Date Art.-No. 7825 Love Changes All Art.-No. 7881 No Risk, No Love Art.-No. 7882 Trouble in Seventh Heaven Art.-No. 7826 128 pages, 2c, Softcover, 12.5 x 19 cm Compact Verlag GmbH Baierbrunner Str. 27 · 81379 München Mr Giancarlo Russo · Tel. + 49 (0)89/74 51 61-92 · Fax +49 (0)89/75 60 95 · E-Mail: [email protected] Le a r n e a s i l y ! 8 8