curriculum vitae - School of International and Public Affairs


curriculum vitae - School of International and Public Affairs
John Henry Coatsworth
Office Address:
Office of the Provost
Columbia University
Low Memorial Library 205, MC 3328
53 West 116th Street
New York, New York 10027
Office Telephone: 212-854-2404
e-mail: [email protected]
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1972
M.A. University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1967
B.A. Wesleyan University, 1963
Academic Appointments:
Provost, Columbia University, 2011Dean, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, 2007-2012
Professor of History and International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, 2007Monroe Gutman Professor of Latin American Affairs, Harvard University, 1992-2007
Professor of History, The University of Chicago, 1980-1992
Associate Professor of History, The University of Chicago, 1977-80
Assistant Professor of History, The University of Chicago, 1969-77
Teaching -- Visiting Appointments:
Visiting Professor, Department of History and School for International and Public Affairs, Columbia
University, 2006-07
Visiting Scholar, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, 1992-93.
Visiting Professor, Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gassett, Madrid, 1993
Visiting Lecturer, Fulbright Senior Lecturer, Instituto Tecnológico Autónoma de México, 1992.
Visiting Professor, Fulbright Senior Lecturer, Instituto Torcuato di Tella, Buenos Aires, 1989.
Visiting Professor, Fulbright Senior Lecturer, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de
Buenos Aires, 1985.
Visiting Lecturer, División de Estudios Superiores, Escuela Nacional de Economía, Universidad Autónoma
de México, Summer, 1974.
Visiting Professor of Economics, El Colegio de México, 1974-75.
Visiting Lecturer, School of Education, University of Illinois, Chicago, Autumn, 1971.
Visiting Professor of History, El Colegio de México, Spring, 1968.
Global Connections: A History of the World with Juan Cole, Michael Hanagan, Peter Perdue, and Charles
Tilly (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming)
Living Standards in Latin American History: Height, Welfare and Development, 1750-2000, edited with
Amilcar Challu and Ricardo Salvatore (Cambridge, MA: David Rockefeller Center for Latin American
Studies, Harvard University, 2010).
Cambridge Economic History of Latin America, edited with Victor Bulmer Thomas and Roberto Cortes
Conde (2 vols., Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006).
John H. Coatsworth, page 2
Books (con’d)
Culturas Encontradas: Cuba y los Estados Unidos, edited with Rafael Hernandez (Havana: Centro de
Investigación y Desarrollo de la Cultura Cubana Juan Marinello and the David Rockefeller Center for
Latin American Studies, Harvard University, 2001).
Latin America and the World Economy Since 1800, edited with Alan M. Taylor (Cambridge: Harvard
University Press, 1998).
The United States and Central America: The Clients and the Colossus (New York: Twayne, 1994).
Los orígenes del atraso: Nueve ensayos de historia económica de Mexico, siglos XVIII y XIX (Mexico:
Alianza Editorial Mexicana, 1990).
Images of Mexico in the United States, edited with Carlos M. Rico (San Diego: Center for U.S.-Mexican
Studies, University of California, San Diego, 1989). Spanish edition: Imágenes de México en Estados
Unidos (Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1989).
Growth Against Development: The Economic Impact of Railroads in Porfirian Mexico (DeKalb: Northern
Illinois University Press, 1981); Spanish editions: Mexico, Sep Setentas, 1976; second edition, Mexico,
Ediciones Era, 1984.
Articles and Book Chapters
”Economic History,” in Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture (2nd edit., Charles Scribner’s
Sons, forthcoming).
“Economic History of Latin America,” with William Summerhill, in Handbook of Latin American History
edited by José C. Moya (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2010), pp. 407-23.
“The Cold War in Central America, 1975-1991” in The Cambridge History of the Cold War edited by Melvin
Leffler and Arne Westad (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2010), pp. 201-21.
“Inequality, Institutions, and Economic Growth in Latin America,” Journal of Latin American Studies, 40
(2008): 545-69; Spanish translation, “Desigualdad, instituciones y crecimiento económico en América
Latina,” Economía (Lima, Peru), 35:69 (Jan-Jun, 2012): 204-30.
“Lost Decades: Post Independence Performance in Latin American and Africa,” with Robert H. Bates and
Jeffrey G. Williamson Journal of Economic History, 67:4 (December 2007): 917-43.
“Lost Decades: Lessons from Post-Independence Latin America for Today’s Africa,” National Bureau of
Economic Research, Working Paper No. 12610, October 2006.
“Political Economy and Economic Organization,” chapter 7, volume 1 of Cambridge Economic History of
Latin America, edited by Victor Bulmer Thomas, John H. Coatsworth, and Roberto Cortes Conde (2
vols., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), pp. 237-73; 541-45.
“Structures, Endowments, and Institutions in the Economic History of Latin America,” Latin American
Research Review 40:3 (October 2005): 126-44; Spanish version in Desarrollo Económico, 46:182
(2006): 155-72.
John H. Coatsworth, page 3
Articles and Book Chapters (con’d)
“Always Protectionist? Latin American Tariffs from Independence to Great Depression,” with Jeffrey G.
Williamson, Journal of Latin American Studies, 36:2 (May 2004): 205-32.
“Globalization, Growth, and Welfare in History” in Marcelo Suarez Orozco and Desiré Baolian QinHilliard, eds., Globalization: Culture and Education in the New Millennium (Berkeley: University of
California Press, 2004), pp. 38-55.
“The Roots of Latin American Protectionism: Looking Before the Great Depression,” with Jeffrey G.
Williamson, National Bureau of Economic Research, Paper No. w8999, June 2002; revised version
published in Antoni Estevadeordal et al., eds., Integrating the Americas: FTAA and Beyond (Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 2004), pp. 37-73; to be reprinted in Kevin O’Rourke, ed., The International
Trading System, Globalization and History (forthcoming, 2007).
“Institutions and Long-Run Economic Performance in Mexico and Spain, 1800-2000, with Gabriel Tortella
Casares, Working Papers on Latin America, Paper No. 02/03-1 (David Rockefeller Center for Latin
American Studies, Harvard University, 2002); Spanish translation, “Crecimiento económico y atraso:
México y España,” Debate y Perspectivas (Madrid), 5 (2006): 39-58; republished in Desarrollo
Económico Comparado: España y México edited by Aurora Gomez Galvarriato (Mexico: Fondo de
Cultura Económica, 2008, forthcoming).
La independencia de Cuba en la historia de América Latina” in Espacios, silencios y los sentidos de la
libertad: Cuba entre 1878 y 1912 edited by Fernando Martínez Heredia, Rebecca J. Scott, and Orlando F.
García Martínez (Havana: Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba, 2001), pp. 346-55.
“El Estado y la actividad económica colonial,” in Procesos americanos de redefinición colonial, vol. 4 of
Historia general de América Latina, edited by Enrique Tandeter and Jorge Hidalgo Lehuedé (Paris:
UNESCO, 2000), pp. 301-23.
"Cycles of Globalization, Economic Growth, and Human Welfare in Latin America" in Globalization and the
Rural Environment edited by Otto T. Solbrig, Robert Paarlberg, and Francesco di Castri (Cambridge,
MA: David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies and Harvard University Press, 2001), pp. 2347.
“Crecimiento Económico en el Espacio Peruano 1681-1800: una visión a partir de la agricultura,” with
Carlos Newland, Revista de Historia Económica (Madrid), 18:2 (2000): 377-91.
“Introduction to the Harvard Edition” of Stephen Kinser and Stephen Schlesinger, Bitter Fruit: The Untold
Story of the American Coup in Guatemala (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999), pp. ix-xviii.
“The United States and Democracy in Mexico” in The United States and Latin America edited by James
Dunkerley and Victor Bulmer-Thomas (London: University of London, Institute for Latin American
Studies, forthcoming 1999), pp. 141-55.
“Economic and Institutional Trajectories in Nineteenth-Century Latin America” in Latin America and the
World Economy Since 1800, edited with Alan M. Taylor (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998),
pp. 23-54; published in Spanish as “Trayectorias económicas e institucionales en América Latina durante
el siglo xix,” Anuario IEHS, (trans. María Alejandra Irigoin, Tandil, Argentina: Facultad de Ciencias
Humanas, Instituto de Estudios Histórico-Sociales, Universidad Nacional del Centro), no. 14 (1999), pp.
John H. Coatsworth, page 4
Articles and Book Chapters (con’d)
“Introduction” (with Alan M. Taylor) in Latin America and the World Economy Since 1800, edited with Alan
M. Taylor (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998), pp. 1-17.
“Measuring Influence: The United States and the Mexican Peasantry,” in Rural Revolt in Mexico: U.S.
Intervention and the Domain of Subaltern Politics edited by Daniel Nugent (Durham: Duke University
Press, 1998), 64-71. Revised and updated version of "Comment on 'The United States and the Mexican
Peasantry'" in Rural Revolt in Mexico and U.S. Intervention edited by Daniel Nugent (San Diego: Center
for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego, Monograph Series, no. 27, 1988), 61-8.
"Presidential Address: Welfare," American Historical Review, 101:1 (February 1996): 1-12; Spanish edition,
“En torno de la historia del bienestar,” Desarrollo Económico: Revista de Ciencias Sociales (Buenos
Aires), 36:144 (Enero-Marzo, 1977): 991-1003.
"Trastornos de la transición: México otra vez," Meridiano CERI (Madrid), 3 (May 1995): 17-20.
"Pax (Norte)Americana: Latin America After the Cold War" in Past as Prelude: History in the Making of a
New World Order edited by Meredith Woo-Cumings and Michael Loriaux (Boulder: Westview Press,
1993), 159-77; Spanish edition, "Pax (Norte)Americana: América Latina despues de la guerra fría,"
Revista Mexicana de Sociología , 45:2 (abril-junio 1994): 293-314.
"La independencia latinoamericana: hipótesis sobre los costos y beneficios" in La independencia americana:
consecuencias económicas edited by Leandro Prados de la Escosura and Samuel Amaral, (Madrid:
Alianza, 1993), 17-27.
"Notes on the Comparative Economic History of Latin America and the United States" in Nord und Süd in
Amerika: Gegensätze, Gemeinsamkeiten, Europäischer Hintergrund edited by Wolfgang Reinhard and
Peter Waldmann (Berlin: Rombach Verlag, 1993), 595-612; reprinted in Development and
Underdevelopment in America: Contrasts of Economic Growth in North and Latin America in Historical
Perspective edited by W.L. Bernecker and H.W. Tobler (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1993), pp.10-30; German
trans. “Die Wirtschaftsgeschichte Lateinamerikas und der USA im Vergleich: Einige Anmerkungen” in
Die Vielen Amerikas: Die Neue Welt zwischen 1800 und 1930, edited by F. Edelmayer, B. Hausberger,
and H. W. Tobler (Frankfurt a.M., Germany: Brandes und Apsel and Vienna, Austria: Südwind, 2000),
pp. 35-52.
"Economic History and the History of Prices in Latin America" in Essays on Latin American Price History
edited by Lyman Johnson and Enrique Tandeter (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1990),
21-33; Spanish translation “Historia económica e historia de precios en la Latinoamérica colonial” en
Economías coloniales: Precios y salarios en América Latina, siglo xviii (Mexico: Fondo de Cultura
Económica, 1991), pp. 31-44.
"Images of Mexico in the United States: Introduction," (with coeditor Carlos M. Rico) in Images of Mexico
in the United States (San Diego: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego,
1989), 1-13.
"La historiografía económica de México," Revista de Historia Económica, 6:2 (1988): 277-91.
"Patterns of Rural Rebellion in Latin America: Mexico in Comparative Perspective" in Riot, Rebellion, and
Revolution: Rural Social Conflict in Mexico edited by Friedrich Katz (Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 1988), 21-62. Spanish edition (Mexico: Ediciones Era, 1990), volume 1, 27-61.
John H. Coatsworth, page 5
Articles and Book Chapters (con’d)
"The Decline of the Mexican Economy, 1800-1860" in La formación de las economías latinoamericanas y
los intereses económicos europeos en la época de Simón Bolívar edited by Reinhard Liehr (Berlin:
Colloquium Verlag, 1989), 27-53.
"The Mexican Mining Industry in the Eighteenth Century" in The Economies of Mexico and Peru During the
Late Colonial Period, 1760-1810 edited by Nils Jacobsen and Hans Jürgen Puhle (Berlin: Colloquium
Verlag, 1986), 26-45; reprinted in Mines of Silver and Gold in the Americas edited by Peter Bakewell
(Aldershot, UK: Variorum, 1997), 263-82.
"El Estado y el sector externo en México, 1810-1910," Secuencia: Revista Americana de Ciencias Sociales,
2 (1985): 40-54.
"Cliometrics and Mexican History," Historical Methods 18:1 (Winter, 1985): 31-37.
"The Limits of Colonial Absolutism: Mexico in the Eighteenth Century" in Essays in the Political, Economic
and Social History of Colonial Latin America edited by Karen Spalding (Newark, Delaware: University
of Delaware, Latin American Studies Program, Occasional Papers and Monographs No. 3, 1982), 25-51.
(Conference Prize, Conference on Latin American History).
“México: del atraso al subdesarrollo,” Dialogos: Artes, Letras, Ciencias Humanas, 108 (noviembrediciembre, 1982): 43-51.
"Themes in Search of Historians: The Nineteenth Century" in Labor and Laborers through Mexican History
edited by Else C. Frost, Michael C. Meyer and Josefina Z. Vázquez (Mexico: El Colegio de México,
1979): 870-4.
"The Emergence of the Modern State in Latin America" in The New Thrust of U.S. - Latin American
Relations: Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Quad Cities World Affairs Conference edited by Daniel E.
Lee (Rock Island, IL: Quad Cities World Affairs Council, 1979), 31-6.
"Indispensable Railroads in a Backward Economy," Journal of Economic History, 39:4 (December 1979):
939-60. (Honorable Mention, Conference Prize, Conference on Latin American History); reprinted in
Spanish in Enrique Cárdenas, ed., Historia económica de México, vol. 64 of Carlos Bazdresch P.,
director, Lecturas (Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1992), 201-29.
"Características generales de la economía mexicana en el siglo XIX" in Ensayos sobre el desarrollo
económico de México y América Latina, 1500-1975 edited by Enrique Florescano (Mexico: Fondo de
Cultura Económica, 1979): 171-86; reprinted in Spanish in Enrique Cárdenas, ed., Historia Económica
de México (Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1990), 13-26.
"Obstacles to Economic Growth in Nineteenth-Century Mexico," American Historical Review, 83:1
(February 1978): 80-100; reprinted in Modern Political Economy and Latin America: Theory and Policy
edited by Jeffry Frieden, Manuel Pastor, Jr., and Michael Tomz (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2000),
pp. 97-109; published in Spanish translation in Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía, e Informática
(INEGI), Estadísticas Históricas de México (2 vols., Mexico: INEGI, 1985), vol. 1, 299-307.
John H. Coatsworth, page 6
Articles and Book Chapters (con’d)
"Anotaciones sobre la producción de alimentos durante el Porfiriato," Historia Mexicana, 26:2 (OctubreDiciembre 1976): 167-76; reprinted in Carlos Marichal Salinas, ed., La economía mexicana: Siglos xix y
xx (vol. 4 of "Lecturas de Historia Mexicana," Mexico: Colegio de México, 1992), 136-56.
"Los orígenes del autoritarismo moderno en México," Foro Internacional, 16:2 (Octubre-Diciembre 1975):
205-32; reprinted in Leopoldo Allub, ed., Orígenes del autoritarismo en América Latina (Mexico:
Editorial Katun, 1983), 197-218.
"Railroads, Landholding and Agrarian Protest in the Early Porfiriato," Hispanic American Historical Review,
54:1 (February 1974): 48-71. (Honorable Mention, Robertson Memorial Prize, Conference on Latin
American History). Reprinted in W. Dirk Raat, ed., Mexico from Independence to Revolution (Durham:
Duke University Press, 1982), 260-72.
"American Trade with European Colonies in the Caribbean and South America, 1790-1815," William and
Mary Quarterly, 3d ser., 24:2, (April 1967): 243-66; reprinted in William Appleman Williams, ed., The
Shaping of American Diplomacy: Readings and Documents in American Foreign Relations (Chicago:
Rand McNally, 1970), 91-7.
Short Articles and Commentary:
“Democracia y contexto internacional,” Enfoque (Sunday magazine of Reforma, Mexico City daily
newspaper), May 13, 2007.
“Why is Brazil Underdeveloped and What Can Be Done About It? Overcoming Social Inequity,” Revista:
Harvard Review of Latin America, Spring 2007, pp. 7-8.
“Convertir la incertidumbre en oportunidad: Las empresas y el vuelco politico de América Latina hacia la
izquierda,” with James Austin, Harvard Business Review (Latin America Regional edition, February
2007), pp. 48-55.
“Foreword” to new edition of Hacienda and Market in Eighteenth Century Mexico: The Rural Economy of
the Guadalajara Region, 1675-1820 by Eric Van Young (Rowman & Littlefield, forthcoming 2006).
“Counterfactual Mexicos,” History Compass, 3 (2005): 1-5.
“Prologo” to anniversary edition of La fábula del tiburón y las sardinas by Juan José Arévalo (Guatemala:
FLACSO/SOROS 2005), pp. ix-xv.
“Preface” to The Cuban Economy at the Start of the Twenty-first Century edited by Jorge Dominguez, Omar
Everleny Perez Villanueva, and Lorena Barbería (Cambridge, MA: David Rockefeller Center for Latin
American Studies, dist. by Harvard University Press, 2004).
“Preface,” with Enrique Iglesias to Andres Velasco, et al., eds., Integrating the Americas: FTAA and Beyond
(Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004), pp. xix-xx.
“Mexico” and “Mexico City,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History edited by Joel Mokyr (New
York: Oxford University Press, 2003), pp. 501-09.
John H. Coatsworth, page 7
Short Articles and Commentary (con’d)
“The Roots of Violence in Colombia,” ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America, Spring 2003.
“Internationalizing Human Rights,” ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America, Fall 2003.
“America and Latin America: Time for a New Strategy,” Harvard Magazine,104:3 (January-February 2002):
“Commentary,” in Latinos Remaking America edited by Marcelo Suárez-Orozco and Mariela M. Páez
(Berkeley: University of California Press and the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies,
Harvard University, 2002): 94-6.
"Commentary on Sylvia Schmelkes, 'Education and Indian Peoples in Mexico: An Example of Policy
Failure'" in Unequal Schools, Unequal Chances: The Challenges of Equal Opportunity in the Americas
edited by Fernando Reimers (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University David Rockefeller Center for Latin
American Studies, 2001), pp. 335-8.
“Prologo” to Friedrich Katz, Ensayos mexicanos (Mexico: Alianza Editorial Mexicana, 1994).
"Comment," Hispanic American Historical Review, 69:3 (1989): 538-45.
"Comentario al ensayo de Enrique Cárdenas, 'Algunas cuestiones sobre la depresión de México en el siglo
XIX,'" HISLA, 3 (1984): 68-71.
"Central America," Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 40:1 (January 1984): 10-12.
Book Reviews:
Published in Americas, Business History Review, Economía y Demografía, Economic History Review,
Hispanic American Historical Review, Journal of Economic History, Journal of Economic Literature,
Journal of Latin American Studies, Latin American Research Review, Library Quarterly, American
Journal of Sociology.
Honors and Awards:
John H. Coatsworth Fellowships in Latin American History, Harvard University, created in 2006.
Harvard College Professorship, 2006-11 (recognition for undergraduate teaching)
Elected Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2005
Elected Corresponding Member, Academia Nacional de Historia, Argentina, 2005
Conference Prize, Conference on Latin American History, 1982
Honorable Mention, Conference Prize, Conference on Latin American History, 1979
American Council of Learned Societies Foreign Travel Grant, 1978
Honorable Mention, Robertson Memorial Prize, Conference on Latin American History, 1974
John H. Coatsworth, page 8
Grants and Fellowships:
Sabbatical Fellowship, Consejo Superior de Investigación Científica, Government of Spain, 1992-93
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship, 1986-87
Institutional grants from U.S. Department of Education (National Resource Center, Foreign Language and
Area Studies Fellowships) and Christopher Reynolds, Ford, Hewlett, Lampadia, MacArthur,
Mellon, Rockefeller, and Tinker Foundations
National Endowment for the Humanities grant to direct Summer Seminar for College Teachers on "The
Economic History of Latin America, 1750-1950." 1982, 1985
Lincoln Fellowship, Government of Mexico, 1968-69
Doherty Fellowship, 1968-69
Vilas Fellowship, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1968
Special Wilson Fellow, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1964-67
New York Regents Honorary Fellowship, 1963-64
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, 1963-64
Wesleyan Alumni Scholarship, 1958-63
Professional Associations:
ACLS/SSRC Joint Committee on Latin American Studies, 1984-90
Chair, 1985-90
Selection Committee, Dissertation Fellowships for Latin America, 1981-83
American Historical Association
Program Committee, 1983-84
AHA Council, 1994-96
President, 1995
Committee on International Historical Activities, 2001-07
National History Center Planning Committee, 2001-2
Friedrich Katz Prize Committee, 2013
Cliometrics Society
Conference on Latin American History
Chair, Program Committee, 1982-83
Nominated for President, 1983
Committee on Historical Statistics, 1983-84
Committee on the Distinguished Service Award, 1994
Council on Foreign Relations, Member, 2000Economic History Association
Dissertation and Nevins Prize Committee, 1983
International Congress of Mexican and United States Historians
Conference Coordinator, 1981; Joint Organizing Committee, 1979-85; Advisory Council, 1985Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association
Program Committee, 2006
Latin American Studies Association
President, 2009-10
Development Committee, 1994-96; Executive Council, 1976-77, 1990-93, 2008-12; Treasurer 1991-92
Nominations Committee, chair, 2003-04; Development Committee, 2012New England Council for Latin American Studies, 1993-2006
SSRC Program on International Peace and Security, Dissertation Screening Committee, 1990-91
John H. Coatsworth, page 9
Editorial Boards of Professional Journals:
American Historical Review
Editorial Board, 1987-90
Revista de Historia Económica (Madrid)
Editorial Board, 1983-2000
HISLA (Lima)
Editorial Board, 1983-88
Historia y Grafía (Mexico)
Editorial Board, 1993-2006
Journal of Latin American Studies
Advisory Board, 2000-03
Journal of Economic History
Editorial Board, 1982-85
Hispanic American Historical Review
Editorial Board, 1981-86
Advisory Editor, 1995Revista Mexicana de Sociología
Editorial Committee, 1996Historia Mexicana
Comité Externa, 1996Revista CEPAL, 2009-
Article referee for Agricultural History, American Historical Review, Economic History Review, Hispanic
American Historical Review, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Journal of the History of
Technology, The Historian, American Journal of Sociology, Journal of Economic History, Journal of
Interdisciplinary History, Journal of Latin American Studies, Latin American Research Review, HISLA
(Lima), Revista de Historia Económica (Madrid).
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Program on Peace and International Cooperation,
Screening and Selection Committees for Research and Writing Competition, 1988-91, 1993, 1997; U.S.Mexico Initiative, 1986-91; Sustainable Democracy Program, Central America/Mexico, 1993.
External review and evaluation: Graduate programs at El Colegio de México, 1977 (Ford Foundation);
University of Miami History Department, 1988; University of Texas, Austin, Institute for Latin American
Studies, 1989; Princeton University, Latin American Studies Program, 1989; Temple University,
Program on Latin American Studies, 1992; History Department, University of California, San Diego,
1996; Departamento de Historia, Facultad de Filosofía y Historia, Universidad Nacional de Buenos
Aires, 1996; International Studies programs, Northwestern University, 1997; Latin American Studies
Program, University of Illinois, Chicago, 2000; Center for Latin American Studies, University of Miami,
2002; Center for Latin American Studies, University of Iowa, 2002; Department of Latin American and
Latino Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2006; Kellogg Institute of International Studies,
University of Notre Dame, 2013.
Visiting Committee, Board of Overseers, Harbard Kennedy School, 2013-14.
Ford Foundation, Bilateral Commission on U.S.-Mexican Relations, Research Committee, 1986-88.
Grant proposal reviews for National Endowment for the Humanities; Tinker Foundation; Social Science
Research Council; Canada Council; John Simon Guggenheim Foundation; John D. and Catherine T.
MacArthur Foundation; Institute of International Education (Fulbright competition); Radcliffe Institute,
Harvard University; School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.
John H. Coatsworth, page 10
Consulting (con’d)
Manuscript referee for The University of Chicago Press, University of Texas Press, Stanford University
Press, Houghton Mifflin, Northern Illinois University Press, University of Wisconsin Press, University of
California Press, Princeton University Press, Harvard University Press.
Social Science Research Council: Task Force on International Studies, 1994; Evaluation of President's
Fund grants for transnational research planning activities, 1994.
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Review of the Program on United States-Latin American Relations,
Boards and Committees
Regional Migration Study Group, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and Migration Policy
Institute, 2011Jury, Principe de Asturias Prize for International Cooperation, 2010-11
Advisory Committee, Council of Foreign Relations, Special Report on Mexico
Board of Directors, Washington Office on Latin America, 2008-11
Board of Directors, The Tinker Foundation, 2006Advisory Council, Center for Latin American Studies, Princeton University, 1996-8
Advisory Committee, Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of Notre Dame, 1998-2005
Advisory Committee, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University, 2006-
Inaugural Lecture (“Conferencia magisterial”), Second Congress of Latin American and Caribbean Social
Sciences, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Mexico City, May 2010
Phi Beta Kappa Society Lecturer, 2009-10.
John Brooks Memorial Lecturer, Institute for the Study of the Americas, University of London, November