Course Length
Course Length
Course Length The course length is 12 hours, There are three posible shifts, depending on the choice of the interested people: Full day ( 8:30h to 14:30h and from 15:30h to 21:30h) Two mornings ( 8:30h to 14:30h) Two afternoons ( 15:30h to 21:30h) Basic Life Support Training in the use of Semiautomatic External Defibrillator (AED) for Non-medical personnel Our interest as Faculty of Health Sciences is to educate in lifesaving the general population and certain professional. The training is done with the best available material and teaching resources. On 2nd of November, the Consell, by Decree 220/2007, regulated the use of semiautomatic external defibrillators (AED or AED) by nonmedical personnel. It was recommended the installation of AEDs in places with a lot of people passing or staying. Our team is constituted by instructors of Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) accredited by the American Heart Association (AHA) and the European Resuscitation Council (ERC), being the Faculty of Health Sciences, one of the few accredited schools in the Comunidad Valenciana for AED courses, as indicated in Article 6 of the mentioned decree. Objectives Recognize and prevent cardiac arrest. Understand the concept of cardiac arrest and the importance of the time component. Early recognition of the emergency and activation of the emergency medical services (EMS) Know basic life support in adults with CPR (ventilation and chest compressions). Use of automated external defibrillator. Language Spanish or english, according to the language of the intested people. Certification Individual accreditation certificate Where Faculty of Health Sciences’ facilities and/or companies or institutions requesting the trainning Places and price There will be a course whenever there approx. 20 students of a modality and will cost € 100 per person. Assessment System Mandatory attendance at 100% of the theoretical and practical clases. Examination with multiple choice questions and ongoing assessment of skills and abilities in the process of resuscitation and management of defibrillators. Pre-registration Pre-registration by web form, which will be open from the first business day of each month and will close on the 20th of each month. The admittes persons will be communicated by e-mail. Teachers Course Director: Professora Dr. Ángela Sanjuán Quiles Teachers: All of them accredited by the American Hearts Association (AHA) and the Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine (SEMES) Colabora Departamento de Enfermería. UA Contact Secretary of the Faculty of Health Sciencies. Phone: 965903512 Mornings: Monday to Friday from 9'00 h to 14'00 h Evenings: Monday and Thursday from 15'00 h to 17'00 h Basic Life Support Training in the use of Semiautomatic External Defibrillator (AED) for Non -medical personnel