Expression of Interest


Expression of Interest
Expression of Interest
Contact Person/Scientist in Charge
Name and surname: José Ma. Fernández
Email: [email protected]
Department / Institute / Centre
Name: Instituto de Estructura de la Materia
Address: Calle de Serrano, 121, 28006
Province: Madrid
Research Area
Physics (PHY)
Brief description of the institution:
Brief description of the Centre/Research Group (including URL if applicable):
The Group of Molecular Fluid Dynamics is an experimental group
pioneer in quantitative gas dynamics at the molecular scale by Raman spectroscopy, a form of inelastic light
scattering. We study fluid flows at the interface between the microscopic description, essentially molecular
and quantum, and the macroscopic one, governed by the continuum fluid mechanics. Although both limits
are well developed as independent fields, their link is a sort of no-man's land lacking experimental data,
sufficiently rigorous theoretical models, and efficient calculation methods.
Other proposals could also be considered.
Project description:
The vibrational excitation/relaxation of CO2 plays a fundamental role in planetary atmospheres, like those
of Venus, Earth and Mars, and in most combustion processes. At the molecular scale, the interchange of
vibrational energy of CO2 with other molecules proceeds through inelastic collisions, involving different
vibrational states. One way of studying such vibrational relaxation in the laboratory is by setting the gas in
strong disequilibrium by means of an expanding supersonic flow. This break-down of thermal equilibrium is
governed by the state-to-state rate coefficients for the inelastic collisions. By expanding CO2 through
nozzles at high temperatures up to 1000 K (populating several vibrational excited states), and tracking the
evolution of the vibrational populations by Raman spectroscopy, it is possible to extract accurate quantitative
information about the kinetics of the vibrational energy exchange. The final objective is to measure the
state-to-state rate coefficients for the inelastic collisions of CO2 at high temperature.
Documents: CV, motivation letter, names and email address of at least 2 referees.
Deadline: preferably before 15th of June 2016