Public Comment
Public Comment
REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM This document is a public record, subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act This document may also be added to the meeting materials posted on the C_9unty website lf you wish to address the Board, Committee, or Commiss ion, please fill out this form_and place it in the container provided 1 DA For lssue AGEIIÍD A ITEM NO. I Against NAME (oPTloNAL): lssue eç n Neutral * X PLEASE ffi:ll: nlv n ir s I + ö11 dr PRINT C \l PLEASE PRI w Savq J,:S* ) Cfr the record only, and you do NOT wish to address the Board, Committee, or below: n CLEARLY aATt \¿ pl only Considered: 09/27/20 "lf you want to provide written Commission orally, please write Written comments for the record Decline to State ^ oRcANrzAï oN (oPTloNAL) ADDRESS (OPTIONAL) "?O REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM This document is a public record, subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act. This document maY also be added to the meeting materia ls posted on the CountY website provided lf you wish to address the Board, Committee, or Commission, please fill out this forrn and place it in the container DA For , lssue I Against NAME (OPTIONAL) oRGANTZATT ON (oPTloNAL lssue A .S..lC I Neutral J.. '"" * Written comments for Decline to State PLEAS the record only n NT CLEARLY Co rt^H H ñr PRINT C P ADDRESS (OPTIONAL) AGENDA ITEM NO. ï *lf you want to provide written com for the record only, and you do NOT wish to address the Board, Committee, or Commission orally, please write comments below: Ëss¿z R.rv r vrs f] z REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM This document is a public record, subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act. This document may also be added to the meeting materials posted on the County website. provided lf you wish to address the Board, Committee, or Commission, please fill out this form and place it in the container lel DATE For lssue NAME I IU Ag (oPTloNAL) AGENDA ITEM NO. lssu e nlv r vrs Decline to State U o *lf you want to provide written comments for Commission orally , please write comments ffiss.r.z mments for the record onlY \ oRcANrzATr oN (oPTlONAL): ADDRESS (OPTTONAL) n I ( Y ù rd only, and you do NOT wish to address the Board, Committee, or REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM This document is a public record, subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act. This document may also be added to the meeting materials posted on the County website. lf you wish to address the Board, Committee, or Commission, please fill out this iorm and place it in the container provided 11 DATE: For n Against (oPTloNAL) nn lssue NAME AGENDA trEM oRGANrzArON (oPTloNAL) lssue n Neutral tr * No. 2O Written comments for the record Decline to State only n E PRINT CLEARLY Qn ct( à H pa,r+ PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY ADDRESS (OPTTONAL): PRINT *lf you want to provide written cornments for the record only, and you do NOT wish to address the Board, Committee, or Commission orally, please writf,'comments below: ffissr: nrt' r vrs n SOLICITUD PARA HABLAR Este documento es un registro público, y sujeto a revelar bajo la Acta de Registros Pú Este documento puede ser incluído en los materiales de la junta publicada en el sitio web deposítela en el rec¡Piente Si desea dirig irse a la Mesa Directiva, comité o comisión, favor de llenar esta disponible. NO. DE AGENDA FECHA: A favor deltema \ NOMBRE fftoonu" eltema I Neutral !. escritos para los archivos solamente n J (oPcloNAL) POR FAVOR BA oRcAN rzActÓN (oPcloNAL): DOMTCtLtO (OPCIONAL): f ENTE -à ..1 BAC POR FAVOR POR Declinar a declarar VOR ESCRIBA p *Si desea propórcionar comentarios escritos sólo para los archivos, y usted deséa dirigirse a la Mesa abajo: comentarios sus Directiva, Comité o Comisión oralmente, por favor escriba Vui lòng xem phàn tiéng Viêt ö mãt sau ! tr O s