Operational Definition of Three Undercutting Fronts for The New Mine Level Project Antonio Madrid, Hugo Constanzo / Codelco Chile – División El Teniente Summary i. ii. iii. iv. Background Mining Geometries Undercut Front Final Comments Background New Mine Level Project Reservas : 2.023 Mt Área : 2.045.424 m2 Ley Cu media : 0,859% Ley Mo media : 0,023 % Cu Fino : 17,4Mt TTE 4 Sur Cota 2.372 TTE 8 FFCC Cota 1.980 Esmeralda Cota 2.210 Nuevo Nivel Mina Cota 1.880 Diablo Regimiento Cota 2.210 Background Productive Areas Teniente Mine Reservas Norte QT Pipa Norte Esmeralda 640m 660m Fortuna Puente 210m 150m Diablo Regimiento Ten 4 Sur 230m Background Productive Areas Teniente Mine Main Areas Collapsed in Primary Rock Mass Reservas Norte Esmeralda Diablo Regimiento Ten 4 Sur Background Productive Areas Teniente Mine & Footprint NMLP Reservas Norte Foot Print PNNM 550m Esmeralda Diablo Regimiento Ten 4 Sur Summary i. ii. iii. iv. Background Mining Geometries Undercut Front Final Comments Mine Geometries Ten 4 South, Year 1994 440m 660m Mine Geometries Ten 4 South, Year 2004 440m Panel I Panel III 280m 660m 240m Panel IV 380m Mine Geometries Ten 4 South, Year 1991 / Panel I Recovery Mine Geometries Ten 4 South, Undercut Front Width Year 1990 Year 1993 Year 1995 Year 1999 Mine Geometries Ten 4 South, Year 2007 to 2011 / Panel III Recovery Area: 9.000 m2 Tonnage Extracted 2013: 4.15 Mton Mine Geometries Ten 4 South, Undercut Front Width Year 2004 Year 2006 Year 2008 Year 2009 Mine Geometries Ten 4 South, Year 2008 to 2012 / Panel IV Recovery Area: 18.000 m2 Tonnage Extracted 2013: 7.2 Mton Tipo de Daño Fuerte Porcentaje de Daño 3% Moderado 7% Bueno 90% Mine Geometries Esmeralda Mine, Undercut Front Width Collapses Area 500m Mine Geometries Esmeralda Mine, Undercut Front Width Year 2000 Year 2003 Year 2009 Recovery Area Mine Geometries Esmeralda Mine, Undercut Front Width Year 2013 / Panel I ESM Panel IV Recorevy Mine Geometries Reservas Norte Mine, Undercut Front Width Year 2000 Year 2009 Year 2004 Year 2013 / Panel ReNo Recovery Summary i. ii. iii. iv. Background Mining Geometries Undercut Front Final Comments Damage Map Límite Daño Damage Index C-43 C-41 C-39 C-37 SOCAVON FW SOCAVON SLOT C-33 Studies C-35 Undercut Front Undercut Front Damage & Area Rate Rate of Damaged Area Damage Extensión (m) Incorporated Area Rate Undercut Front Width v/s Damage Undercut Front Width (m) Years Undercut Front Undercutted v/s Available Area Available Area and Monthly Production v/s Abierta Total Open Area Disponible y Producción Mensual v/s Area TotalArea , promedioaverage mensual por Familias yand Sectores entre 1987 al 2008 monthly by families DET DET, areas, between 1987-2008 80.000 y = 0,0347x + 56314 Area Disponible [metros]2 70.000 60.000 y = 0,4912x + 15328 50.000 y = 0,2192x + 27914 40.000 30.000 y = 0,8793x 20.000 10.000 Fam. I: 0 a 40.000 m2 de AA. Fam. II: 40.000 a 50.000 m2 de AA. Fam. III: 50.000 a 70.000 m2 de AA. Fam. IV: 70.000 a 100.000 m2 de AA. Area Abierta [metros]2 Familia I Familia II Familia III Familia IV FI FII FIII FIV 12 0. 00 0 11 0. 00 0 10 0. 00 0 90 .0 00 80 .0 00 70 .0 00 60 .0 00 50 .0 00 40 .0 00 30 .0 00 20 .0 00 10 .0 00 0 0 Undercut Front Geomechanics 3 Fronts 2 Fronts Year 2023 Year 2026 Summary i. ii. iii. iv. Background Mining Geometries Undercut Front Final Comments Final Comments • The mining activity developed in the Esmeralda and Reservas Norte mine was able to use undercut fronts of up to 420 m and 305 m respectively before suffering the first collapses. • The mining of the different areas in El Teniente has allowed the use of undercutting fronts in the range of 400-660 m, which have suffered some instabilities related to collapses mainly in the central area of them. This has translated in the definition of annex areas (West and East) that start to develop independent areas between them, with undercut fronts in the order of 180-250m to the West area and 140-240 m for the East area. These independent areas have not shown extraction problems or collapses and have solved the semi static undercut fronts, providing greater productive and incorporation indices. • The efficiency productive curve for El Teniente, shows that for an open area of 50,000 m2 or less, there should be a maximum of 40,000 m2 of available area, that would be associated to a maximum feasible productive area of 27,500 tpd. • Based on the lessons learned and the geotechnical conditions present in the New Mine Level area, a design criteria requires productive areas with high availability levels, that allows the use of decoupled undercut fronts of around 210 m, with a central pillar in a lower level. With this design and mine planning, it is hoped to assure the availability of the project and independent fronts that allow obtaining the required production and a more flexible mining. New Mine Level Project Materials Handling & Macrosequence CARGADOR LHD JUMBO EMPERNADOR JUMBO RADIAL JUMBO DE AVANCE PANEL ANDES CENTRAL PANEL ANDES SUR Hw JUMBO CARGADOR LHD MINI MARTILLO REDUCCION CARGADOR PICADOR Nv. HUNDIMIENTO. COTA 1880 PANEL ANDES SUR Fw 118.0 ESTACION DE VACIADO PANEL ANDES CENTRAL SUR Nv. PRODUCCION 1. COTA 1862 118.0 Nv. PRODUCCION 2 COTA 1844 CHIMENEA VENTILACION CHIMENEA VENTILACION PIQUE TRASPASO 118.0 SNV. INY. / EXT.. COTA 1826 VENTILADOR INYECTOR ESTACION DE VACIADO VENTILADOR EXTRACTOR 118.0 BUZON Nv. ACARREO. COTA 1808 CAMION 118.0 CHANCADOR GIRATORIO Nv. DRENAJE. COTA 1790 PLANTA COLON TOLVA 115.0 PORTAL CONFLUENCIA A SUPERFICIE ALIMENTADOR TUNEL CORREA TRANSPORTE PRINCIPAL COTA 1675 Operational Definition of Three Undercutting Fronts for The New Mine Level Project Antonio Madrid, Hugo Constanzo / Codelco Chile – División El Teniente