BULLETIN Aug.19 - Our Lady Queen of Peace


BULLETIN Aug.19 - Our Lady Queen of Peace
18 SAT 4 PM People of the Parish
19 SUN 8 AM † Ronald Schwerha
19 SUN 11 AM † Dolly Krieger
20 MON 9 AM † Rev. Frank Burger
21 TUES 9 AM † Rev. Frank Burger
22 WED 9 AM Special Intention of
Elizabeth McGough
23 THRS 9 AM † Velma Tio
24 FRI 9 AM † Rev. Frank Burger
25 SAT 9 AM † Tom Hanover
25 SAT 4 PM † Todd Jezisek
26 SUN 8 AM People of the Parish
26 SUN 11 AM Special Intention of
the Russell Family
Sanctuary Candle is illuminated at Our
Lady Queen of Peace parish the week of
Sunday, August 18, through Saturday,
August 25, 2012, in memory of Maria
Responsorial Psalm: “Taste and see the
goodness of the Lord.”
Offertory 08/12/12 Envelopes $2,103.50
Env. Req. 136
Env. Used 65
Please welcome to our parish family
through Baptism Eric Lawrence, the son
of Kevin & Michelle Kalchik.
Please also welcome Robert Shaw to our
parish family.
Please keep the deceased members of
our parish family in your prayers,
especially Velma Tio, who died last
week. May the Lord touch the grieving
hearts of her loved ones. Eternal rest
grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual
light shine upon her. May her soul and
the souls of all of the faithful departed
through the mercy of God rest in peace.
followed by a pot luck luncheon, and
finishing with a “drive out” movie. (Be
sure to bring your lawn chairs and/or a
blanket.) Please bring a dish to pass to
feed 10 people. Also, prizes needed for
the white elephant table; please drop
them off at the rectory office. There will
be games & prizes & a “bounce house”
for the children; bingo & prizes for the
adults; and family games & prizes for
all. Please sign up so TVB Catering
knows how many burgers, hot dogs &
brats to prepare. Sign up sheet is on the
table in back of the Church. ????, call
the parish office @465-6252.
- CCD News
- CCD Classes begin Sunday, Sept.
9, at 9:30 a.m.; students meet in the
Church and parents meet in the Hall.
- CCD Registration is ongoing.
Forms may be found in back of the
Church or call the parish office.
- Teacher Aide volunteers are
needed. Please call the parish office.
- 2013 Confirmation Class will
gratefully collect your clean empty
deposit bottles and cans before and after
all weekend Masses in front of the parish
garage during the month of August. All
money raised will be given to our Bread
of Life Food Pantry. Call Lia @3698310 with questions.
- Benton Harbor Soup Kitchen
We could provide this important
ministry without you. Volunteer sign up
sheet is on the table in back of the
church or call the office @465-6252.
Next date is August 22.
- 2012 Bishop’s Annual Appeal
A heart-felt “thank you” to everyone
who made a pledge or contribution. If
you have not yet made your pledge,
please prayerfully consider doing so.
Our parish goal is 100% participation
and with your help we can do it.
Remember, no gift is too large or too
small and any funds pledged over the
assessment will be returned to the parish.
PANTRY Need everything &
NEXT SUNDAY -AUGUST 26 Parish Picnic All
parishioners, young & old, summer,
winter & year round, are invited for
food, fun, games & prizes on the Queen
of Peace campus for the Parish Picnic
starting with outdoor Mass at 11 a.m.,
Tuesday volunteers.
Week 141: 26 families, 50 adults,
20 children, 13 dogs, 21 cats
10 a.m. to Noon Tuesday, 08/21/12
Phil Pavlic, Bert & Barb Shipley
6-7:30 p.m. Thursday, 08/23/12
Eva Merrick, Chickie Boyle
4:00 p.m., Saturday, August 25, 1012
Lector – John Hirmer
Servers-Jeffrey Staub & Dominic Milano
Communion – Clare Hirmer, Jeanne
Staub & Michael Mendus
Ushers-Ray Humes & William Wheeler
8 a.m., Sunday, August 26, 2012
Lector – Tom Adams
Servers- Daniel & Matthew Harazin
Communion - Ted Schreiber, Sue Adent
& Barbara Sobaski
Ushers - Jack Malsch & Chris Miller
11 a.m., Sunday, August 26, 2012
Lector - Lisa Kiewel
Servers - Megan & Justin Kiewel
Communion – Beth Jones, Gary Boyle &
Chickie Boyle
Ushers - Dennis Kiewel & G.Petsovich
- New website: http://www.olqop.org
-- The Pastor’s Corner -My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
During this past week I had the
powerfully productive experience of
meeting with our CCD teachers in
preparation for the upcoming school
year. It was awesome to hear the fervent
plea from these enthusiastic volunteers
that we, as a parish, must do all we can
to ensure and maintain a Catholic
identity. They acknowledged that every
adult who belongs to our community
must make the effort to be fully active
participants in this parish who
understand the obligation and
responsibility we have to bring up our
children in the practice of our faith.
I was most profoundly moved at the
meeting when it was suggested that we
should somehow include in our parish
schedule time for our younger members
to have a period of Eucharistic
Adoration, geared specifically for our
youth. The Holy Spirit then inspired me
to designate that starting this fall we will
have what I call a “Wing and Prayer
Evening of Eucharistic Adoration”. Each
month, our youth will be invited to
gather here at our Church hall, share
some buffalo wings and other treats, and
then move into the chapel for Eucharistic
Adoration, in other words, “a wing and a
prayer”. More specific details will
appear in the future bulletins.
I am pleased to report to you that my
repeated plea for individuals to serve on
the parish advisory board for both Our
Lady Queen of Peace and St. Gabriel
Mission finally has been heard and
individuals have stepped forward.
Please be aware that I asked for
volunteers and did not appoint members
for the advisory boards because these are
your parishes. Concern and love for
your parish must come from within. That
concern and love must be in the
individuals who belong to these
esteemed communities because I cannot
make you love the gift you have, I can
only set the standard by being the
example of the special union and love
which Christ shows for His Church and
which I show as your pastor. During the
next several days I will be consulting
with the new members of our advisory
boards and their names and the public
meeting dates will be announced in
future bulletins so that we may continue
the good work already begun in our
communities for the edification of our
church and the greater glory of God.
Now I’m sorry but I must take a moment
to, again, “preach to the choir”. Every
good teacher that I have known confirms
that repetition is a great tool for helping
students comprehend new ideas. The
same reality exists in Holy Mother
Church, and that is why during the
penitential act at Mass we each repeat
the admission that we have sinned. Then,
individually we confess that it is:
“through my fault, through my fault,
through my most grievous fault”. Other
portions of the Mass are repeated as well
to help ensure the message not only
passes our lips but also enters into our
very being. Realizing this, you should
understand the necessity for me to repeat
the message that conversations before
and after Mass should take place outside
of our Church where the Holy Spirit
dwells and where Christ Himself
remains present in the Holy of Holies,
His Tabernacle, 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week, 365 days a year. This weekly
repeated plea, although heard and
understood by 99% of our communities,
still seems to elude a group of
individuals who typically sit in the back
of the church. Beyond quoting the
general instruction of the Roman Missal,
out of respect and consideration for those
who desire to commune with God
Church Etiquette calls for silence as we
recall the prophet’s words: “The Lord is
in His Holy Temple, let all the earth be
silent before Him.”
Fr. Arthur
Sunday, August 19, 2012
9:30 a.m. † Frances Piggott
req. Paul & Barbara Sprung
1:00 p.m. People of the Parish
Thursday, August 23, 2012
6 p.m. † Clement & Leona Rodanhisler
Sunday, August 26, 2012
9:30 a.m. † Nathanael Pelkey req.
Richard & Deborah Frain
1:00 p.m. People of the Parish
9:30 a.m. Sunday, August 26, 2012
Lector - Dave Emerson
Communion-Kathy & Roger Kesterke
Ushers-Tim & Monica Langlois
Altar Servers - Kathleen & Michael
1:00 p.m. Sunday, August 19, 2012
Lector - Lucy Sanchez & Martha Infante
Last weekend’s Offertory
Ofertorio de la semana pasada
9:30 a.m.
- Parish Picnic Sunday, Aug. 26, at
12:30 p.m. @Tree-Mendus Fruit Farm in
Eau Claire. All are invited for food,
fellowship, games, prizes, wagon rides &
fruit picking. Please bring a dish to pass,
your table service & a white elephant
bingo prize. Call Pauline 473-2508 with
any questions.
- Jira Parroquial Domingo, 26 de
agosto, a las 12:30 pm en árbol-Mendus
Fruit Farm en Eau Claire. Todos están
invitados para la comida, el
compañerismo, juegos, premios, paseos
en carreta y la recolección de frutas. Por
favor traiga un platillo para compartir, el
servicio de mesa y un elefante blanco del
bingo premio. Llame al 473-2508
Paulina con cualquier pregunta.
- Food Pantry Next collection date
Sunday Sept. 9; need peanut butter &
jelly. Thank you for your continued
support of this outreach project.
- Despensa de alimentos Fecha de
la Colección domingo September 5;
Necesidad de mantequilla de maní y
mermelada. Gracias por su continuo
apoyo a este proyecto de extensión.
- 2012 Bishop’s Annual Appeal
A heart-felt “thank you” to everyone
who made a pledge or contribution. If
you have not made a promise, now is the
time. Your support will make a
difference not only in reaching our goal
of 100% participation, but more
important to ensure that the Catholic
Church in southwestern Michigan
continues to spread the Gospel and serve
the people of God. Envelopes are
available at the rear of the Church.
Thank you for your generous support.
- Anual 2012 el obispo de
Apelación Gracias de nuevo por el
apoyo a este importante esfuerzo. Si
usted no ha hecho una promesa, ahora es
el momento. Su apoyo hará una
diferencia importante, no sólo en
alcanzar nuestra meta de 100% de
participación, pero lo más importante
asegurarse de que la Iglesia Católica en
el suroeste de Michigan sigue la difusión
del Evangelio y atender al pueblo de
Dios como Jesucristo nos pidió que
hiciéramos. Los sobres se encuentran
disponibles en la parte trasera de la
Iglesia. Recuerde, los fondos prometidos
durante la evaluación será devuelta a la
parroquia. Gracias por su generoso
- Entrenamiento de VIRTUS
Hispanic a las 6 pm el viernes, 31 de
agosto en el Salón de la Iglesia de San
Gabriel. Esta formación diocesana y una
verificación de antecedentes penales es
requerido para todos los adultos que
tienen interacción con niños. Para asistir,
por favor regístrese en línea en
https://www.virtusonline.org/virtus/reg o
al teléfono 465-6252 para cualquier
- Retiro para la Preparación de
Quinceañeras Retiro bilingüe para la
preparación de quinceañeras. Este retiro
no reemplaza la formación
proporcionada en cada parroquia a las
quinceañeras. Temas incluyen: Origen
de la Fiesta de Quinceañeras, significado
de los símbolos y liturgia, los
sacramentos y mucho mas. Participantes:
Quinceañera y sus padres (Padrinos,
Damas y Chambelanes son bienvenidos
al retiro pero no es un requisito). Costo
$20 dólares por Quinceañera.
Escoja una de las siguientes fechas:
September 22, 2012 (9 am - 1 pm)
Location: St. Joseph Parish (St. Joseph
Room), 936 Lake Street, Kalamazoo, MI
49001 Tel: 269-343-6256
Sponsor of the Week:
Sammie’s Family Restaurant To
view the full advertisement, see the back
of our Bulletin. Please patronize all of
our sponsors because they make the
Bulletin possible.
Familia Restaurante de Sammie
Para ver el anuncio completo, vea la
parte posterior de nuestro Boletín. Por
favor, patrocinar a todos nuestros