St. Columbkille Parish March 13, 2016


St. Columbkille Parish March 13, 2016
March 13, 2016
St. Columbkille Parish
Brighton, MA
St. Columbkille Parish
321 Market Street, Brighton, Massachusetts 02135
617-782-5774;; email: [email protected]
School: 617-254-3110
“We are Saint Columbkille Parish, a community of faith celebrating Christ’s presence in us through the Eucharist,
the other sacraments and the preaching of the word of God. To be true to the Gospel we must live our faith every day,
responding to our call to holiness by caring for, encouraging and strengthening each other.”
Rev. Richard W. Fitzgerald
Rev. Succès Jeanty
Deacon Tom Olson
Deacon Francisco Javier Diaz, S. J.
William Healey—Business Manager
Joseph R. Policelli - Director of Music
Michael McNeil – R. E. Assistant (English)
Roberto Mendez – R. E. Assistant (Spanish)
Patricia McShane - Parish Secretary
Daily Masses:
Sunday Masses:
7:00 and 9:00 AM
Adoración 6:00 PM; Misa 7:00 PM (Español)
Vigil-Saturday 4:00 P.M. Sunday 7:30, 9:30, 11:15 AM, 12:45 (Spanish) and 5:00 PM
Saturdays from 3:00 to 3:45 PM;
Every First Friday after the 9:00 AM Mass until 11:00 AM
For children under 7- first Sunday of the month (English)- second Sunday (Spanish) at
2:30 PM. Instruction for parents and godparents is required. Call the rectory.
BAPTISM/CONFIRMATION: Adults and children 7 and older who would like to receive these sacraments or
be received into the Church should email [email protected] or call the rectory.
Couples planning marriage should make arrangements SIX MONTHS
prior to wedding date.
Fifth Sunday of Lent
March 13, 2016
Masses for the Week
Sunday, March 13—5th Sunday of Lent
(Sat.) 4:00 pm Tony & Mary Baia, Mem.
7:30 am Joaquin & Cecilia Gutierrez, Mem.
9:30 am Tomasso & Antoinette Randolfi, Mem.
11:15 am Pro Multis Intentionibus
12:45 pm Missa pro Populo
5:00 pm Joseph, Sr. & Joseph, Jr. Pacitto, Ann. &
Mario Pacitto, Month’s Mind
Mon. 7:00 am William Came, Jr., 1st Ann.
Wed. 7:00 am Domenico, Lucia &
Maria Cirigliano, Mem.
Thu. 9:00 am Kathleen Long, 6 Month Ann.
Fri. 9:00 am Neil Duffy, Mem.
Sat. 7:00 am Angelo & Julia DiMattia &
Frances Maguire, Mem.
9:00 am Special Intention—Healing
Sunday, March 20—Palm Sunday
(Sat.) 4:00 pm Leo F. Buckley, 1st Ann.
7:30 am Agnes & Hugh McShane &
David Dickerson, Sr., Mem.
9:30 am Thomas Conroy, 21st Ann.
11:15 am Pro Multis Intentionibus
12:45 pm Agustin Buñuel, Mem.
5:00 pm Missa pro Populo
Fifth Sunday of Lent
St. Columbkille Parish
Brighton, MA
Pro Multis Intentionibus: This week for Michael
Healy, 2nd Ann
Next week for Sar a Yor k Tr acy, 20th Ann.; John
McGloin, 1st Ann.; William Francis Came, Jr., 1st
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Prayers Are Requested for those who ar e ill; for
vocations to the Priesthood and to the Consecrated
Life; for married couples and for families; for those
serving in the military especially STAFF SGT. Aaron
Souza (USAF), L/CPL Will Haughey (USMC), PFC1
Kyle Humphreys (USA), SP4 Rory Hanlon (USA),
EN2 (SW) Matthew Kenney (USN), PFC Timothy C.
Barry (USA), 2nd LT Megan Monteiro (USAF), LT
Alex DiBiasie (USA Rangers), Paratrooper Anthony
Liberty, (USA), CPL Michael F. Kieloch (USMC),
CAPT Kyle Timothy Sullivan (USA); and for the repose of the souls of the deceased members of our parish, our families and our benefactors.
Stations of the Cross during Lent will be on
Thursday and Friday mornings after the 9:00 Mass.
Lenten Regulations – ABSTINENCE: Catholics
over 14 years of age are bound to the obligations of
abstinence. Abstinence is to be observed on Ash
Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent. On days of abstinence, meat may not be used at all.
FAST: Catholics over 18 and up to the beginning of their sixtieth year are bound to the obligation of fasting. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday
are the days of fasting. On these days, only one full
meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to
each one's needs, but together they should not equal
another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids, including milk and fruit juices
are allowed.
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A message from Fr. Fitz relative to a few items of
Third Wednesday Eucharistic Adoration: Wednesday, Mar ch 16, 2016,
7:30-8:30 PM, upper church. Open to
all! Confession will also be available.
Eucharistic Adoration occurs once per
month on each month’s third Wednesday. Each month’s Adoration includes prayers and intentions that correspond to a particular theme, many
of which are related to Catholic Social Teaching.
March’s theme is the Church’s “option for the poor
and vulnerable.”
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Holy Week Schedule
Palm Sunday— Regular Mass Schedule
Monday through Wednesday—
Mass 7:00 & 9:00 am
Holy Thursday— No morning Masses
7:30 pm—Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Good Friday— No Masses
12:00 Noon—Stations of the Cross (English)
3:00 pm Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion
in English (Holy Communion will be distributed)
6:00 pm Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion
in Spanish (Holy Communion will be distributed)
Living Stations of the Cross (Spanish)
Holy Saturday— No morning Masses
7:30 pm Easter Vigil Mass
The Light Is On For You… You may r emember
from years past, that on Wednesday evenings during
Lent, parishes throughout the Archdiocese were open
each Wednesday evening for confession. This Lent
we will again be providing the opportunity for the
sacrament of reconciliation on Wednesday, March
23 from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm in the lower church.
All are urged to avail themselves of this wonderful
opportunity to receive the Lord’s grace and forgiveness in the sacrament.
Easter Sunday— Masses at 7:30, 9:30 and 11:15am
12:45 pm (Spanish)
There will be no 5:00 pm Mass
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Please Remember the St. Vincent de Paul Boxes at the doors
of the church as you leave Mass
today. The next meeting will be
Tuesday, March 22 at 7:00 pm in
the rectory. New members are
always welcome.
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March 13, 2016
Forgive us as we forgive.
St. Columbkille Parish
Brighton, MA
Young Adult Lent Rosary Series, 3/17 Ar e you tired
of just giving something up for Lent? Looking for
something to add as we fast and give alms in preparation for Easter? Join the YAC for our last gathering in
its series on the rosary. Pope Saint John Paul II gave
the Church a beautiful gift in the Luminous mysteries
of the rosary. We will discuss one of the Luminous
mysteries and conclude our meeting by praying the rosary together. The meeting will be held Thursday,
March 17, at 7:30 p.m., in the Lower Church. Please
bring a Bible and a rosary (we will have extras if needed). For further information, please contact Daniel or
Paul at [email protected].
No RSVP is required.
Young Adult Stations of the Cross/Soup Supper On
Friday, March 18, come join St. Columbkille's young
adults for the Stations of the Cross. Afterwards, come
fill your stomach while fulfilling your obligation to abstain from meat by enjoying a Lent-friendly soup and
salad meal with fellow young adults at St.
Columbkille’s rectory. The Stations begin in the upper
Church at 7 PM. Because Lent is about prayer, fasting,
and almsgiving, the St. Col’s YAC hopes that this
event will be an opportunity for us to do all 3 activities
together by praying the Stations, enjoying thereafter a
meatless meal, and contributing to a local food pantry.
To facilitate the latter, please bring a canned food item
that will be added to the donation that the St. Col’s
YAC will be making to a local food pantry. No RSVP
is necessary for the Stations. However, if you wish to
attend the soup supper afterwards, then please RSVP
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Project Rachel Retreats: Dur ing the Year of Mer cy,
Project Rachel extends a special invitation to women
suffering from the pain of abortion to experience God’s
Mercy at a one-day retreat for hope and healing. Retreats will be held at confidential locations on Saturday
March 19 and June 4. Referrals for sacramental reconciliation to specially trained priests are also available
throughout the year. For more information, contact
[email protected].
Forty Days for Life: fr om Ash Wednesday through March 20, Palm Sunday you
are invited to join other Christians in 40
days of prayer and fasting for an end to
abortion . There will also be a peaceful
prayer vigil at 7:00 on the Friday nights
of Lent outside the Planned Parenthood at 1055 Commonwealth Avenue. If you would like more information please contact 781-762-4391.
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Brighton Allston Historical Society pr esents
From Fort Ticonderoga
to Dorchester Heights:
The Expedition That
Forced the March 17, 1776 British Evacuation of Boston. Long-time Brighton resident Mike O’Hara will
present an overview of the courageous and seemingly
impossible expedition of Cononel Henry Knox that
transported cannons to Dorchester Heights in the winter of 1775-76 which forced the British army to evacuate Boston on March 17, 1776. The presentation will
be at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, March 15 at the Brighton
Allston Congregational Church, 404 Washington
Street, Brighton. Free admission and refreshments.
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Aging in Grace Retreat The Women’s Table of the
Sisters of St. Joseph is sponsoring a day-long retreat
designed for women 35-85+ years. Aging in
Grace will consider aging as a gift. We will deepen
our knowledge and acceptance of self and God or a
Higher Power in a reflective and freeing way. If you
are in transition, mid-life, facing retirement or just desirous
you! Date: Saturday, April 16th, 2016, from 9:30 a.m.
to 3:30 p.m., with the option to stay overnight on Friday, April 15th. Location: Mount Carmel Villa, Nahant, MA Cost: $25.00 for the day; $40.00 overnight.
To register, please call Mary Rita Weschler at: 617746-2056 or email: [email protected].
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Bring someone back to the Church today. Put a
“Try God 1060AM” bumper sticker or magnet on your
car. Bumper stickers and magnets can be found in the
racks at the back of the Church.
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The Rosary is recited every weekday morning at
8:40 in the lower church. All are welcome to join in.
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Parish Giving
Parish Offertory (Mar. 5/6): $6,294.00
Catholic Appeal (Mar. 5/6): $8,711.00
St. Vincent de Paul (Mar. 5/6): $383.00
Thank You for Your Generosity
St. Columbkille Parish
Brighton, MA
5º Domingo de Cuaresma
Acontecimientos importantes en nuestras vidas requieren
una buena planificación por lo que obtener el máximo
rendimiento de nuestra inversión de tiempo, esfuerzo y
dinero. Pensamos en lo que hace a la perfección vacaciones, o una boda espectacular, o un semestre en la escuela con éxito. La planificación es parte de la experiencia que nos imaginamos cada detalle y seleccionar
nuestras opciones. A menudo, la preparación puede ser
tan divertido como el propio evento. St. Paul nos da un
gran ejemplo de visión de futuro cuando le dice a los Filipenses que él no se detiene en el pasado, pero mantiene
su ojo en la línea de meta, seguir adelante para alcanzar
su objetivo. Él trabaja para cumplir su misión y lo hace
con un sentido de urgencia, no la nostalgia o arrepentimiento.
Aquí estamos un par de semanas de Pascua y una semana
de Semana Santa. Se nos presenta muchas oportunidades
para crecer en nuestro conocimiento y apreciación de lo
que Jesús hizo y lo que significa para nosotros. Los servicios y las oraciones únicas para este tiempo ofrecen una
rica experiencia litúrgica que explica y celebra el misterio
pascual. No se pierda. Planificar su horario para que usted
es testigo el valor del servicio ordenado, recibe el Cuerpo
y la Sangre de Cristo, camina el Camino de la Cruz, y se
regocijan en su resurrección. Renovado dentro de la carrera se ejecuta hacia el premio de la vida eterna.
~ James Gaffney, © 2010 Karides Lic. a St. George Publishing
[email protected]
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El comite de la parroquia invita a doda la
comunidad que participe en el via crucis
de los Viernes durante la cuaresma a las
6:00 pm. Y luego la misa a las 7:00 pm.
Hay confesiones de 6:00 pm. A 7:00 pm.
En la iglesia de abajo.
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Por favor, recuerde los San Vicente de
Paul cajas en las puertas de la iglesia al
salir de la misa de hoy. La próxima reunión será el martes 22 de marzo a las 7:00
pm en la rectoría. Los nuevos miembros
son siempre bienvenidos.
La parroquia pide a la comunidad que por favor de
comuniquen con la oficina para solicitar una misa para
sus seres queridos que han fallecido o cualquier otra
intencion y traer su donativo a la oficina de la Iglesia.
Si hay parejas que quieran casarse por la iglesia por
favor planear antes de los 6 meses hablar con el padre y
solicitar una copia del volante con los requisitos que
contiene la informacion basica, con el padre Succes o
El grupo de jovenes se reune todos los Domingos a las
11:00 am en la iglesia de abajo tdos los jovenes de la
comunidad estan invitados hablar con Any, Andres, Jose.
El Grupo de Oracion de la Renovacion Carismatica se
reune todos los Sabados a las 5:30 pm en la iglesia de
abajo para mas informacion hablar con Edvin Juarez.
La Fundacion Unidos al Amor de Cristo de Lynn tendra un concierto de adoracion en Sabado 28 de Mayo
7:00 PM. en el salon de la Iglesia Santa Ana ubicada en
el: 399 Medford St. Somerville, invitada especial desde
Argentina ATHENAS el costo del ticket es de $20.00
no ninos menores de 5 los tickets estan a la venta con
cualquier miembro del comite.
Tambien se esta planeando un viaje en familia por la
bahia de Boston Harbor el 29 de Mayo abordando a
las 5:30 pm. Tambien estara cantando en el barco
ATHENAS, Se servira cena como a las 7:00 pm. La
bebida se compra en el barco (sodas y agua), el costo
del ticket es de $50.00 por adultos de 7 a 15 pagan
$25.00 y de 0-7 no pagan, para mas informacion hablar
on Edio Galvez 781-400-4815.
Nuestro retiro de cuaresma sera el Sabado 19 de Marzo de 12:00 a 3:00 PM. La primera charla sera dada por
Javier nuestro Diacono transitorio y la segunda charla y
la misa por el padre Gabino, el padre Succes estara confesando durante el retiro.
Las proximas charlas de bautizo seran dadas el primer
domingo de Abril para mas informacion acerca de los
requisitos para bautizar pedir un bolante con la informacion al padre Succes o Edio el padre bautiza el segundo Domingo de cada mes.
La Arquidiocesis de Boston y el Apostolado Hispano
tendremos nuestro IV Congreso Hispano de Catequesis
y Evangelizacion el Sabado 9 de Abril 2016 de 8:30 am.
A 4:00 pm. En la High School de Pope John XXIII en el
888 Broadway Everett MA. Informacion 617-746-5862.
Tenemos café despues de la misa en la cafeteria de la
escuela estan cordialmente invitados
March 13, 2016
St. Columbkille Parish
Brighton, MA
Fifth Sunday of Lent

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