November 8th, 2015 - St Stephen Protomartyr
November 8th, 2015 - St Stephen Protomartyr
St. Stephen Protomartyr Church Des Plaines, IL Rev. Noel Reyes ~ Pastor Tel. 847-824-2026 Rev. Ronald Paulino, RCJ ~ Associate Pastor Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ November 8, 2015 Parish Faith Formation Monday, November 9th 6pm Dinner 7pm Session on Jesus Christ Please meet in the gym. All are welcome! Día Parroquial de Formación de Fe Lunes, 9 de noviembre 6pm Cena 7pm Charla sobre Jesucristo Por favor reunirse en el gimnasio. Todos están invitados! Trigésimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario ~ 8 de Noviembre del 2015 The Holy Year Door On December 8, 2015, Pope Francis will open the great Holy Year Door in St. Peter's Basilica. The Holy Door is a special place for the faithful to enter the four major Basilicas in Rome during the Jubilee Year of Mercy: St. Peter, St. John Lateran, St Mary Major and St. Paul Outside the Walls. All four Basilicas have multiple doors in their porches, but the Holy Door at each Basilica is kept closed and sealed. Only during the Jubilee Year can pilgrims walk through these doors. Pope Martin V introduced the ceremony of opening Holy Doors by creating the first Holy Door at the Basilica of St. John Lateran for the Special Jubilee Year of 1423. Doorways are points of entrance, a place where we begin. For people of faith, these doors can be powerful images of our pilgrimage to the Father through Jesus Christ. The Scriptures flow with references to and images of Christ as a doorway: He is the way, the truth and the life (Jn 14:6); he is the narrow gate that leads to life (Mt 7:14). He, himself, reminds us that no one comes to the Father but through him (Jn 3:5), and that for whoever knocks, the door will be opened (Lk 11:9). With the Gospel writer Matthew, then, we call out, "Lord, Lord, open the door for us". (Mt 25:11) Doors speak to us of welcome, hospitality, openness. Closed doors speak of isolation, discrimination and exclusion from community and love. All over the world, dioceses and parishes alike are sealing (and then opening) their own Holy Year door for the Great Jubilee Year of Mercy. The north door of Holy Name Cathedral, on State Street, will be designated as the Holy door. It will be a reminder for us, the Church of Chicago - and indeed all the faithful who pass by it - of our spiritual journey to renew faith and strengthen Christian witness. On December 13, 2015, Archbishop Blase Cupich will open our Holy Year Door as a sign of welcoming and entering into the Jubilee Year of Mercy. These doors will not simply allow us to enter a Church, but they will allow us to enter into a new way of living in the mercy of God - a special time of grace. El Año de la Puerta Santa El 8 de diciembre de 2015, el Papa Francisco abrirá la gran Puerta Santa en la Basílica de San Pedro. La Puerta Santa es un lugar especial para que los fieles entren en las cuatro basílicas mayores de Roma durante el Año del Jubileo de la Misericordia: San Pedro, San Juan de Letrán, Santa María la Mayor y St. Paul Extramuros. Las cuatro basílicas tienen múltiples puertas en sus porches, pero la Puerta Santa en cada Basílica se mantienen cerradas y selladas. Sólo durante el año de jubileo los peregrinos podrán caminar a través de estas puertas. Papa Martín V introdujo la ceremonia de apertura de puertas santas mediante la creación de la primera Puerta Santa en la Basílica de San Juan de Letrán para el Año especial de Jubileo en 1423. Las puertas son puntos de entrada o el lugar donde comenzamos. Para las personas de fe, estas puertas pueden ser imágenes ponderosas de nuestra peregrinación hacia el Padre por medio de Jesucristo. Las Escrituras tienen referencias e imágenes de Cristo como una puerta: Él es el camino, la verdad y la vida (Jn 14: 6); él es la puerta estrecha que conduce a la vida (Mt 07:14). Él mismo nos recuerda que nadie viene al Padre sino por él (Jn 3, 5), y que para el que llama, se le abrirá (Lc 11: 9). Con el evangelista Mateo, lo llamamos: "Señor, Señor, abre la puerta para nosotros". (Mt 25:11) Las Puertas nos hablan de la bienvenida, la hospitalidad y la apertura. Las Puertas cerradas hablan del aislamiento, la discriminación y la exclusión de la comunidad y el amor. Las diócesis y las parroquias en todo el mundo sellarán (y luego abrirán) su propia Puerta Santa para el Gran Jubileo del Año de la Misericordia. La puerta norte de la Catedral del Santo Nombre, en la calle State, se designará como la Puerta Santa. Será un recordatorio para nosotros, la Iglesia de Chicago - y de hecho para todos los fieles que pasan por ella - de nuestro viaje espiritual para renovar la fe y fortalecer el testimonio cristiano. El 13 de diciembre de 2015, el arzobispo Blase Cupich abrirá nuestra Puerta Santa en señal de bienvenida y celebración del Jubileo del Año de la Misericordia. Estas puertas no sólo nos permitirá entrar a Todd Williamson una iglesia, sino que nos permitirá entrar a una nueva Office of Divine Worship manera de vivir en la misericordia de Dios - un tiempo Archdiocese of Chicago especial de gracia. Todd Williamson Oficina Para El Divino Culto Arquidiócesis de Chicago Masses, Intentions & Liturgies Pray for the Sick and the Homebound MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9 ~ Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 8:00am Zbigniew Prajwowski Friend TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 ~St. Leo the Great, Pope & Dr. of the Church 8:00am Zbigniew Prajwowski Friend WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 ~St. Martin of Tours, Bishop 8:00am Zbigniew Prajwowski Friend THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12 ~ St. Josaphat, Bishop & Martyr 8:00am Zbigniew Prajwowski Friend FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13 ~St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin 8:00am Anjitha Thomas, birthday Carmel Thomas Zbigniew Prajwowski Friend SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 8:00am The Parishioners of St. Stephen 5:00pm Veronica Heraty Leo & Betty Heraty Zbigniew Prajwowski Friend Marion Tenczar Ministers of Care SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 8:30am Pat Steinbach Family & Friends Roberta Malenius Friend 10:00am Rebecca Rodriguez Evelyn Lythcke Marion Vana Dick Vana Barbara Koziol Family Debby Logisz The Logisz Family Joseph Palermo Carmine & Cenzina Cesario Helen & Ted Brzozowski Family Zbigniew Prajwowski Friend 12:00pm For Faith Community Intentions Lorraine Forbes Helen Lasak Claro Dulay Laverne Reilly Marty Vece Mark Gelinas Carmela & Roy Anderson Alex Rodriguez Marie Wienert Michael Kramer Tom Niemczyk Michael Fudala Jose Camarillo Rafael Franco Tom Galla John Bahamon Kay Kleczewski Elaine Crosby Please pray for our loved ones who serve in the military, PFC Kevin Reilly, Army Cmdr Debbie Vavrus, Navy 1st Lt. Kevin Niemczyk, Army SPC Matthew Appelhans, Army SGT Brian Shaw, Army SHSR Joshua Storck, Navy 2nd Lt. Jeff Erkel, Army PFC Ross Eugene Raupp, Marines PFC Emmanuel Garibay, Army Por favor oren por nuestra familia y amigos que son veteranos y por quienes sirven actualmente en el ejército. Liturgical Ministries Schedule PRESIDER LECTOR LEADER OF SONG COMMUNION MINISTERS S Fortier B Stauder Cantor N Johnson R Rzaca P Scherer C Wojnar November 15 8:30 AM Rev. Ronald Paulino, RCJ C Cooper R Leone Traditional Choir G Raupp Z Sandicho D Stance M Ungaro November 15 10:00 AM Rev. John Era R Thomas A Zagorski Folk Choir M Bilodeau J Gallichio L Gallichio P Rotondo November 15 12:00 PM Rev. Noel Reyes M Campo G Alvarado Spanish Choir L Bahamon M Pérez R Bahamon E Alvarado J Marquez R Velazco H Marquez Sunday Collection $7,500 $6,679 Other Income $5,800 $8,250 All Saints $2,192 For Week $13,300 $17,099 Surplus (Deficit) for Week $3,799 Surplus (Deficit) for Year ($18,569) Spanish RE $119 Homeschool RE $1 $7112 $4,666 $1,065 $12,843 $173 $13 ALTAR SERVERS B Veslino S Ponte C Escobar November 14 5:00 PM Rev. Ronald Paulino, RCJ STEWARDSHIP for Fiscal Year July 2015—June 2016 11/1/15 Budgeted Actual Last Year MINISTERS OF CARE M Scully R Serrano C Serrano P Suerth Lee Manor D Stance Sr N Thelen M Ungaro R Velazco G Gaglio R Morales R Morales M Janzen C Janzen A Janzen Y Alfaro J Hernandez L Hernandez MINISTRY OF CARE Any parishioner who is ill and unable to come to Mass, may request Holy Communion. Please contact the Parish Center to schedule a visit from a Minister of Care 847-824-2026 Weekly Parish Events/Eventos Parroquiales Semanales DATE/EVENT Monday, November 9, 2015 6:00pm Parish Faith Formation 6:30pm Grupo de Oracion Tuesday, November 10, 2015 6:30pm Charismatic Choir Practice Finance Council Meeting 7:00pm Folk Choir Rehearsal LOCATION Gym Chapel Church Parish Center Music Room Wednesday, November 11, 2015 Church 6:30pm Grupo de Oracion Mezydlo Room 7:00pm Spanish Class Fil-American &Traditional Choir Music Room Thursday, November 12, 2015 1:00pm HandMades 6:30pm Formacion Comunal 7:00pm Sol Azteca Friday, November 13, 2015 7:00pm Hispanic Choir Saturday, November 14, 2015 9:00am Polish School 6:00pm Youth Group Dance Sunday, November 15, 2015 10:00am Religious Education 12:00pm Simbang Gabi Meeting The Culinaires Holiday Bake Sale is just around the corner. It will be held the first weekend of Dec, the 5th & 6th. Please mark your calendar to stop by for Holiday goodies. Please help, by donating home baked goods. All proceeds go to our Parish. Thank you, Kay and Barbara Santa Maria Room Gym Mezydlo Room Music Room Mezydlo Room Gym School Guadalupe Room 25 Thanksgiving Dinners Thanksgiving Food Drive As you know, the Peace and Justice Committee is preparing 25 Thanksgiving meals for needy families in the area. If you have not yet had a chance to donate some of the “fixings”, we will be collecting them until next weekend. Once again, we need: boxed stuffing mix; canned vegetables (corn, green beans or cranberries); canned or packaged turkey gravy mix; cake mix and frosting; and 5-pound bags of white potatoes or sweet potatoes. Monetary donations are also welcome. THANK YOU for your generosity. If you are a family in need of help, remember to register as soon as possible at Catholic Charities 1717 Rand Road in Des Plaines, IL 60016 (847) 376-2100 Please, tell them that you’re from St. Stephen’s Parish. 25 Cenas de Acción de Gracias Si su familia necesita ayuda, recuerde registrarse lo antes posible a: Caridades Católicas 1717 Rand Road ~ Des Plaines, IL 60016 (847) 376-2100 Por favor informarles que ustedes son de la Parroquia de San Esteban. Church News & Events // Eventos y Noticias Iglesia ANNOUNCEMENTS ** Baptismal Preparation Class will be on Monday, November 9th at 7pm in the Parish Center. Please call the office to sign up. ** Marriage information Night is scheduled for Tuesday, November 10th at 7pm in the Parish Center. Please call the office to sign up. ** Finance Council Meeting will be on Tuesday, November 10th at 6:30pm. ** Minister’s Day of Prayer will be on Saturday, November 21st at 10am at St. Stephen’s parish. ** Door of Mercy will be opened on the weekend of Dec. 13th. ** Mandation renewal of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion & Ministers of Care, plus the Blessing of Lectors & music ministers will be on the weekend of Nov. 22nd. ** Second Collection for next weekend is for Extraordinary Expenses. AVISOS PARROQUIALES ** Clase de Preparación Bautismal está programada para el Lunes, 8 de junio a las 7 pm en el Centro Parroquial. Por favor llame a la oficina para inscribirse. PADS When did we see you naked or hungry…….? As we begin our season of Thanksgiving and giving, please remember those less fortunate. At the parking lot entrance to church, there are bins for PADS and the food pantry. The people of PADS need warm clothing, and travel size personal care items; remember they are not as lucky as you, they don’t have a place to call home. The clients, of the food pantry, need help to feed their families and look to our Christian community for assistance. Please keep all God’s children in your prayers. Cuando te vimos desnudos o con hambre .......? Al comenzar la temporada de Acción de Gracias y de donaciones, no olvidemos por favor a los menos afortunados. A la entrada de la iglesia por el estacionamiento, hay contenedores para PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) y la Despensa de Alimentos. Las personas de PADS necesitan ropa abrigada, y artículos pequeños de cuidado personal; recuerden que ellos no son tan afortunados como usted y no tienen un lugar al cual llamar hogar. Los usuarios de la despensa de alimentos necesitan ayuda para alimentar a sus familias y están pidiendo la ayuda de nuestra Comunidad cristiana. Por favor mantengan a todos los hijos de Dios en sus oraciones. ** Noche de Información para matrimonio será el Martes, 10 de noviembre a las 7pm en el Centro Parroquial. Por favor llame a la oficina si usted piensa asistir. The Ministry of Consolation is seeking individuals who feel they would like to serve in this ministry. Minister’s responsibilities include: ** La Puerta de la Misericordia se abrirá durante la semana Meet with families of deceased to assist them with wake and del 13 de diciembe. funeral arrangements. **Durante el fin de semana de noviembre 22 se hará la Preside over wake/prayer services if Renovación de Compromiso para los Ministros Extraordinaa Deacon is not available. (Training provided) rios de la Sagrada Comunión & Ministros de Cuidado a los Attend funeral Mass to assist family members enfermos. También se bendecirán a los Lectores & Ministros of the deceased as needed. de Música. Mail remembrance cards to families at 1 month, 6 month and 1 year anniversaries. **La segunda colecta para el próximo fin de semana será Attend monthly ministry meetings. para Gastos Extraordinarios. La Formación para padres de familia estará abierta al público. Invitado, Padre Alejandro Garrido. Los Jueves a las 6:30 pm en el Gimnasio. Todavía faltan 3 sesiones. Donación: $10 por persona y $ 15 por pareja Family Owned and Operated Since 1883 by the Matz Family MT. PROSPECT 410 E. Rand Road • 847/394-2336 CHICAGO 3440 N. Central Ave. • 773/545-5420 If you feel a calling to this Ministry of Consolation and would like more information, please join us at our meeting on Friday, December 4th at 6:30 PM in the Mezydlo Room. Or call Delores Stance at 847-299-1307 or Libby McGuire-Giovanni at 847-298-7340. HELP WANTED COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE • Snowplow H OUSE C LEANING • 24 hour Tow Service Steady work - 3 to 5 days 8 am - 5 pm Mon. - Sat. Paid training, holidays & vac. Work as part of a team, never alone McMaid SERVING CHICAGO & SUBURBS SINCE 1977 B. R. C. Heating & Cooling Feel Good Indoors™ CASTRO AUTOMOTIVE, INC. $15.00 OFF ON A SERVICE CALL 847-297-0610 (Not good with any other offer or discount) 1634 East Oakton St. Des Plaines JERRY BERGER - PARISHIONER 847-827-6991 ASK FOR PARISH DISCOUNT! WE ALSO INSTALL WHOLE HOUSE GENERATORS 847-647-1213 Family Owned & Operated 1815 E. Oakton Street Des Plaines, IL 60018 7501 N. Milwaukee Ave., Niles Since 1997 512123 St Stephen Protomartyr Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 DR. JOHN S. ZANONI Home Helpers Orthodontics for Children & Adults “For that Winning Smile!” 1475 E. Oakton St. • Des Plaines 847-824-2601 In-Home Companion Service When your Loved Ones Need Care... Home Helpers Cares • Light Housekeeping • Companionship • Short Term Care • Live-In Care Best Work • Best Rate Making Life Easier® Parishioner Guaranteed As We Do Joseph P. Barry, DDS All Our Own Work Lic# 055-026066 Therese Murphy-Swanson, DDS $$ Parishioner Discount $$ Paul R. Morrison, DDS 847-492-1444 Family and Sedation Dentistry G. L. Hills Funeral Home, Ltd. 745 Graceland Ave. Des Plaines, IL Serving active older adults since 1976, by providing 847.685.0593 socialization, programs and [email protected] activities, congregate dining, day/extended trips, exercise classes, and a resale store. ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER Satisfaction Frisbie Senior Center (847) 768-5944 685 Graceland Ave., Des Plaines, IL Se Habla Español 847-824-3536 “Only the most personalized service.” DOCTORA JAZMIN PUENTES DEVITT 847-635-1100 Excelente Dentista Colombiana 20% Descuento Primer Exámen y Radiografías Aceptamos aseguranzas PPO Emergencias y Planes de Pago 1300 Jefferson St. Suite 302 Des Plaines Galina Dance Studio 847-699-9003 Ballet Toe Tap Jazz Tumbling Character Graham Hills 1610 Linden St., Des Plaines 296-3120 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal RICHARD L. STILES, DDS An ideal companion for personal prayer. CHARLES W. GIROUX, DDS (RETIRED) General, Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE Most PPO’s Accepted PUSH 1645 S. RIVER RD., STE. 21 DES PLAINES, IL 60018 847-299-4811 TALK ........... Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH 800-566-6150 • ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made Anthony’s TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 For further information, please call the Parish Office. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 *First Three Months HEATING & COOLING INC. Fall Special $59.95 Furnace or Boiler 16 pt. Clean & Tune NEW FURNACE Starting at $1,795! Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 Senior/Veteran Discounts 24 Hour Service MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 847-640-9200 512123 St Stephen Protomartyr Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 2015 CHRISTMAS RAFFLE We are once again having a raffle during the month of December. We are hoping for an outstanding year. The money raised will go towards the sound system. Our goal is to sell 3000 tickets. Tickets will be $10 each. We are asking that parishioners sell 10 tickets. You will then get a “Bonus Ticket” to be put into the raffle. Sell them to your co-workers, family and friends. Each day from December 1st – 23rd there will be a $100 winner. On November 26th (Thanksgiving) we will have an “Early Bird” winner for $125. On December 8th we will also have a $125 winner in honor of the Immaculate Conception. December 24th we will have a $250 winner and on Christmas we will have the BIG WINNER for $1000. You have multiply chances of winning as the ticket will be placed back in the drum each time you win. Tickets will be available by the confessionals or at the Parish Center. Please call the Parish Center if you have any questions. 847-824-2026 RIFA NAVIDEÑA 2015 Tendremos nuevamente una rifa durante el mes de diciembre. Esperamos tener un año excepcional. El dinero recaudado se destinará al sistema de sonido. Nuestro objetivo es vender 3.000 boletos. El costo de cada boleto es de $10. Estamos pidiendo a los feligreses que vendan 10 boletos cada uno y así recibirán un "Boleto Gratis" que se pondrá en la rifa. Puede vender los boletos a sus familiares, amigos y compañeros de trabajo. Del 1ro al 23 de diciembre habrá un ganador diario de $100. El 26 de noviembre (Día de Acción de Gracias) tendremos un ganador "Early Bird" de $125. El 8 de diciembre también tendremos un ganador de $125 en honor a la Inmaculada Concepción. El 24 de diciembre vamos a tener un ganador de $250 y el Día de Navidad tendremos un GRAN GANADOR de $1.000. Se tendrá la posibilidad de ganar varias veces porque los boletos ganadores se van a poner de nuevo en la tómbola. Los boletos estarán disponibles junto a los confesionarios o en el Centro Parroquial. Si tiene alguna pregunta por favor llamar al Centro Parroquial. 847-824-2026