mass schedule - St Mary Church
mass schedule - St Mary Church MASS TIMES Monday through Friday 6:30 a.m. & 12:05 p.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m. Saturday Vigil Mass 4:30 p.m. Sundays 6:30 a.m. * 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. * 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Spanish 6:00 p.m. Sacrament of Penance Saturdays 3:30 to 4:15 p.m. DEVOTIONS Eucharistic Adoration Thursdays 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Fridays 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. (First Fridays all night) Saturdays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fatima Devotion First Saturday 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Saturdays 9:00 a.m. (at the end of 8:30 Mass) PARISH OFFICE 2051 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Walnut Creek, CA 94596 OFFICE HOURS 8:30 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday This weekend’s Second Collection is for Parish Maintenance. Thank you for your support! Join us for coffee, donuts and fellowship this Sunday, August 7, after the 9:30 Mass. Dear Friends, We all claim to be people of Faith, at least I hope so, but have you ever really thought about what faith is? The author of the Letter to the Hebrews tries to grapple with that in today’s Second Reading. It says, “Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen.” In our lives we hope for many things: peace, prosperity, health, companionship, love, joy. We also believe in many things that are not seen: God, truth, the promise of eternal life, heaven. Today we are challenged to bring these unseen and hoped-for things into our lives in a stronger, more powerful way, to guide us through the difficult times and to lead us into the joy of the promised Kingdom of God. May the example of our daily lives help us and others to see clearly the presence of God around us, the beauty of life and creation, the joy and goodness that is within the people we meet – and in ourselves – which we share with each other through God’s grace. Have a blessed week! Father Fred August is the month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Through the Sacred Heart devotion, we remember Jesus’ love for us. In the Immaculate Heart, we unite our hearts with Mary in loving God. May she guide and guard us while bringing us closer to the Heart of her Son. August: Month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Daily Offering Through the Immaculate Heart of Mary O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world. I offer them for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart: the salvation of souls, reparation for sins, the reunion of all Christians; I offer them for the intentions of our Bishops and of all Apostles of Prayer, and in particular for those recommended by our Holy Father this month. ORGANIZATIONS CYO, Jerry Florence [email protected] Charismatic Prayer Group, Jim Crowley Catholic Divorced, Widowed & Separated, Char Buckman Eucharistic Adoration, Mary Johnstone Finance Council, Brian Mulligan Gabriel Project-Hotline Homebound Ministry, Helene Vizcarra Hospital Ministry, Angeles Ron Immaculata Guild, Arlene Verdugo Knights of Columbus, Robert Drouillard Pastoral Council, Chris Watson Respect Life Ministry, Jim Crowley Rosary Makers, Ana Lau St. Vincent de Paul, Brian Kavanagh 510-504-5954 944-0359 932-5054 954-7205 210-1031 800-910-0191 891-8936 640-8146 933-6215 324-6645 314-1355 944-0359 256-4428 937-2817 MASS SCHEDULE Staff and Administration Parish Office Fr. Fred Riccio, Pastor Fr. Ben Wonganant, Parochial Vicar Fr. John Blaker, In residence Ana Lau, Office Manager Aileen Baker, Bookkeeper 891-8900 Fax 934-1358 [email protected] 891-8900 [email protected] 891-8900 891-8900 DATE TIME MASS INTENTION 08/06 4:30 pm The People of St. Mary Parish 08/07 6:30 am Allan Acker & Family 8:00 am Josh Lewis (L) 9:30 am Albert Harms 11:00 am Pearl Sengco [email protected] 891-8908 [email protected] 891-8911 Faith Formation Austin Pisciotto, Administrative Assistant Tim Mannix, RCIA & Liturgy Coordinator Doug Talmadge, Director of Youth Ministries Maureen Tiffany, Director of Faith Formation Heather Abraham, Director of Middle School Phil Battaglia, Youth Music Coordinator [email protected] 891-8939 [email protected] 891-8921 [email protected] 891-8939 [email protected] 962-5808 [email protected] 891-8934 Website: Alumni: Tracey Schmidt, Principal Advisory Council Karen Redwood, President Parents Club Jennifer Millette, Co-President Lynne Kenny, Co-President Kids Club Vicki Schwartz Yolanda Rangel Susie Hutchins Marilyn Brennan James Brennan Sandy Petersen Joe Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Tek Lim Vincent Quadrato Dustin Tony Sparvoli Pat Roland Deacon James Pearce Cheryl Smith Richard Olmsted Michael Lund Christopher & Daniel MoradiMayah Pisciotto 08/08 08/09 08/10 08/11 932-5504 08/12 School Office 1:00 pm 935-5054 [email protected] [email protected] 935-5054 408-332-6879 296-0117 954-7865 938-5114 Josephine Velasco Emilia Sohn Bernice Hunter Harry Prudhomme Mike Sterrett Gail Case Dorothy Langguth Jacob & Katherine Pollnow Albert Howard Dominador Hontucan Ashley Ng Carter Ankey Mary Jean Alexander Elizabeth Michenfelder Jodie Russi Colin Worster 08/13 Dr. Luis Barrea 6:00 pm Jennie Dellagatta & Annn Carlino 6:30 am Anne Lea 12:05 pm Dana Alexander (L) B’D’ 6:30 am Protection of life from conception to natural death 12:05 pm John & Ella Milcovich 6:30 am John Portoni 12:05 pm Bill & Ana Lau (wed. ann.) 6:30 am Jack Springer 12:05 pm Joe Fernandez 6:30 am Henry Segalas, Jr. & Gerald Segalas, Jr. 12:05 pm Stella (L) 8:30 am Joshy Pathiparampil (L) OUR FATHER IN FAITH The Letter to the Hebrews today sings a hymn of praise to Abraham and to his faith, upon which are founded the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Abraham is called “father” in faith by more people on earth than anybody else, numerous as the sands of the seashore or the stars of the heavens. Hebrews tells us it was this foundational faith that led Abraham to obey God’s call when he heard it, though he was called to journey to a land he did not know and told he would father a mighty race through a marriage he thought was barren. But Abraham’s faith, the author of Hebrews tells us, was his realization of what he hoped for, and the evidence of what he could not see. How often are we, in simple daily events of our own Christian vocation, called to an unfamiliar place or told we are to do something we do not believe we can? How fortunate we are to have Father Abraham as our guide and example! Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. THIS WEEK’S CALENDAR August 8-14 MONDAY, AUGUST 8 TUESDAY, AUGUST 9 7:00 AM Men of St. Joseph/OS 6:30 PM Hispanic Prayer Group/SE 7:30 PM Choir Practice/Church WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10 9:00 AM Scripture Study/FF 7:00 PM Lay Apostolate/OS 7:30 PM Charismatic Prayer/FF-SM THURSDAY, AUGUST 11 7:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration/FF-SP 7:00 PM Hispanic Prayer Group/Church 7:00 PM Young Adults/OS FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 7:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration/FF-SP 7:00 PM Hispanic Young Adults/OS 7:00 PM Hisp. Choir Practice/Church SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 8:00 AM Men’s Prayer Group/OS 9:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration/FF-SP SUNDAY, AUGUST 14 10:30 AM RCIA/FF-SJ 4:00 PM Band Practice/Church FF = Faith Formation Center SE = St. Elizabeth Hall (Conf. Rm.) SJ = St. Joseph Room SM= St. Michael Room SP = St. Peter Room OS = Our Space Jubilee Year of Mercy Last Sunday’s “Parable of the rich fool” delivered a compelling reason to do the right thing—now: “You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you” (Luke 12:20). Today, Jesus warns us: “You also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come” (12:40). Though we do not know when our Master will come, we do know what our Master expects to find. Jesus expects us to be vigilant (12:37) and diligent (12:42) in our work for the kingdom, but also filled with reverent mercy toward our fellow servants and ourselves. Hopefully, Jesus’ warning not to get drunk and beat each other up (12:45) does not apply to us literally! But what changes do I need to make, right now, so that the many people outside “the Master’s house” will want to come inside to experience the healing comfort of Jesus’ own mercy in the compassion of Jesus’ modernday disciples? —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) (1891-1942) Aug. 9 “Come,” Edith gently whispered, taking her sister Rosa’s hand, “let us go for our people!” These were Edith Stein’s last words as the Nazis, enraged at the Dutch bishops’ condemnation of their genocide, took into custody all Catholic converts from Judaism. Born Jewish, but non-practicing from her teens, Edith’s search for truth led to a doctorate in philosophy, a brilliant career as professor and author and, finally, to the Autobiography of Saint Teresa of Ávila, which she read in one sitting, then declared, “That is the Truth!” Baptized on January 1, 1922, observed then as the feast of Jesus’ initiation into the covenant of Abraham, confirmed on February 2, the feast of Jesus’ Presentation in the Temple, Edith entered the cloistered Carmelites in Cologne, transferring to a convent in Holland when she realized that, because of the Nazi persecution of the Jews, her presence could imperil the safety of the other nuns. She died in the gas chambers of Auschwitz as a daughter of Israel and of the Church. —Peter Scagnelli, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. The Ever-Present God with Fr. Mitch Pacwa: Catholic Leaders Webinar Series Presented by Fr. Mitch Pacwa. Join us as Fr. Mitch Pacwa, internationally acclaimed TV personality and author, presents a free, one-hour webinar, in partnership with Our Sunday Visitor. Fr. Pacwa's series, entitled "The EverPresent God", will include highlights of his book on the Holy Spirit, as well as topics such as mercy, Mary, the Eucharist, faith, and others. And you will have an opportunity to ask Fr. Pacwa questions in the Q&A session! Aug 17, 2016: 8 a.m. - 9 a.m. PT To register: Go to and then click on “August 17” HELP SAVE A LIFE! My name is Meggie Velarde. I’ve been a member of St. Mary’s since 2012 and am seeking the congregation’s help. I’m a preschool teacher and one of my former students was recently diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). Ashley Ng is almost 4 years old and was diagnosed with this disease in May, 2016. Less than three weeks after her initial diagnosis, a DNA test showed that she has a very rare form of leukemia called hypodiploid ALL. While the general “cure” rate for pediatric ALL is 90%+, Ashley has a 30% chance of living for more than 3 years. Unfortunately, with this rare form of cancer, chemotherapy alone is usually not effective and so a bone marrow transplant is recommended to increase chances of survival. To help Ashley, we are running a campaign for a bone marrow donor to help locate a match for her. She still has a long journey ahead in life and it would be great if everyone who is willing can register to see if they are a match to Ashley. By registering you are not only helping Ashley but could also be found as a match for someone else who is need of a bone marrow donor. Keep in mind that you could be saving someone’s life by taking part in a very simple and painless matching and donation process. Please keep in mind: We are looking for someone between 18-44 years old. It takes 6-8 weeks to get into the registry, so please consider getting your kit done ASAP. Ashley has the best chance of matching with an Asian donor – particularly Korean, Chinese or mixed race. So if you fall under this category, PLEASE get in the registry. If you cannot donate, please keep Ashley in your prayers. For more information, please visit Ashley’s Facebook pages: Ashley’s Journey to Beat Leukemia Ashley Beats ALL-#ashleybeatsALL To register and for information on donation procedure, go to Disciples in Training Faith Formation Youth Ministry LITTLE SAINTS Kinder - 3rd Grade Sunday 9:15am - 10:45am THE VINEYARD St. Mary Church YOUTH MINISTRY (K-12) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL ROCK 4th - 5th Grade Thursday 4:00pm - 5:30pm During VBS the campers and teen leaders worked really hard on a service project, the Covenant House, with a goal to raise $500.00 to sponsor a dinner for homeless teens in the California Bay Area. At the conclusion of our trip In Egypt with Joseph from Prison to Palace, our campers and teen leaders reached their goal. In fact, with your support and generosity, they exceeded their goal and were able to present a check for $1302.50 to sponsor TWO dinners. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!! BLAST 6th Grade Tuesday 7:00pm - 8:30pm EDGE 7th - 8th Grade Tuesday 7:00pm - 8:30pm CONFIRMATION Call for Info † YOUTH GROUP 9th - 12th Grade Sunday 7:00pm - 9:00pm Faith Formation & Youth Ministry Office 925-891-8939 Lifeteen.stmarywc@ Sunday– Thursday 8:30—5:30pm Dear St. Mary Families: Faith Formation/Youth Ministry staff, welcomes YOU to a new exciting year of Faith Formation! It is that time of year again when registration begins for classes. We thank you for allowing us to collaborate with you in the formation of your children and teens. It is truly an honor. We support you as the primary catechists and thank you for remembering the promise that you made at your child's baptism -- the promise to raise your children in the Catholic faith. Go to our website to register Confirmation - Getting ready to register your teen? Check out our prerequisites first: The Sacrament of Confirmation is offered to incoming juniors and seniors who have completed all prerequisites, which include two semesters of LIFE Nights (Youth Group), one of our 3 high school retreats, and 40 + hours of service. We strongly encourage incoming freshmen to register and participate as soon as possible as this will help make their experience more enjoyable. Once prerequisites are completed and your teen nears the end of their sophomore or junior year, you may register your teen for the corresponding summer Confirmation sessions. LOOK FOR OUR PARENT ORIENTATION NIGHT COMING NEAR THE END OF AUGUST! DATE TBD SOON Please contact our Faith formation Office for more details. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN. Visit our website and go to the Sacraments tab and select Confirmation (High School) Go to our website for more details and dates. WWW.STMARY-WC.ORG Año Jubilar de la Misericordia En la parábola del domingo pasado del “Rico Insensato” escuchamos una razón de peso para hacer lo que es correcto aquí y ahora “‘¡Insensato!’ Esta misma noche vas a morir” (Lucas 12:20). Hoy Jesús nos advierte “estén preparados, porque a la hora en que menos lo piensen vendrá el Hijo del hombre” (12:40). Aunque no sabemos cuando nuestro Maestro vendrá, lo que sí sabemos es lo que nuestro Maestro espera encontrar. Jesús espera que estemos vigilantes (12:37) y diligentes (12:42) en nuestro trabajo por el Reino, pero también llenos con misericordia reverente hacia nuestros prójimos y hacia nosotros mismos. Con confianza, la advertencia de Jesús de no beber y maltratar a los demás (12:45) no parece que se siga fielmente. Pero justo ahora qué cambios necesito hacer para que las personas fuera de “la casa del amo” quieran venir adentro para sentir el consuelo de la sanación de la misericordia de Jesús en la compasión de los discípulos de Jesús hoy en día. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Nuestro Padre en la Fe La Carta a los Hebreos hoy canta un himno de alabanza a Abraham y a su fe, sobre la cual se fundan la religión judía, la cristiana y la mahometana. Abraham es llamado “padre” de la fe por más personas en el mundo que cualquier otro; numerosas como la arena de la playa o las estrellas del cielo. La Carta a los Hebreos nos dice que esta fe firme lo impulsó a obedecer el llamado de Dios cuando lo envió a buscar una tierra desconocida y le dijo que sería padre de una raza poderosa, aunque consideraba su matrimonio infecundo. Pero la fe de Abraham, nos dice el autor de la Carta a los Hebreos, le permitía poseer lo que esperaba y conocer lo que no podía ver. ¿Cuántas veces nos vemos en simples sucesos cotidianos de nuestra vocación cristiana llamados a un sitio desconocido o enviados a hacer algo que no creemos poder hacer? ¡Qué afortunados somos por tener a nuestro padre Abraham como nuestro guía y ejemplo! Ofrecimiento del Día por medio del Corazón Inmaculado de María O Jesús mío, Por medio del Corazón Inmaculado de María, te ofrezco mis oraciones, trabajos, alegrías y sufrimientos de este día en union con el Santo Sacrificio de la Misa que se celebra en el mundo. El mes de agosto está dedicado al Corazón de vuestro Sagrado Corazón: Inmaculado de María. En la devoción al Sagrado La salvación de las almas, la Corazón, recordamos el reparación de los pecados, la amor de Jesús por nounion de todos los cristianos. sotros. En el Corazón Los ofrezco por nuestros sacer- Inmaculado, unimos nuesdotes y obispos y por el apostros corazones a María para amar a Dios. Que tolado de la oración, especialElla nos guíe, nos guarde mente por las intenciones y nos acerque más al recomendadas para este mes Corazón de su Hijo. Los ofrezco por las intenciones por nuestro Santo Padre. Voluntarios para Servir en la Misa ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué se necesita para servir en la Misa? Sólo se necesita querer darle de tu tiempo al Señor. Este Ministerio te necesita para servir como Lector, Ministro Extraordinario de La Eucaristía y Ujier. Nos reunimos una vez al mes, una semana antes del domingo que nos toque servir. ¡Te estamos esperando! Para más informes, comunicarse con María al 925-435-9459. La Segunda Colecta de hoy es para el mantenimiento de las instalaciones parroquiales. Les agradecemos su generosidad. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Catequesis 2016-2017 Inscripciones abiertas para el programa de Primera Comunión y Perseverancia Para inscribir a sus niños, visite nuestra página de internet: O también puede hacerlo directamente en el Edificio de Educación Religiosa. En el vestíbulo de la Iglesia podrá encontrar planillas de inscripción para el año 2016-2017. Ambos programas se ofrecen en: Domingo de 11:15am a 12:45pm Para más informes, favor comunicarse con Janet (925) 357-3048, [email protected] LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c; Sal 148:1-2, 11-14; Mt 17:22-27 Martes: Ez 2:8 — 3:4; Sal 119 (118):14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Miércoles: 2 Cor 9:6-10; Sal 112 (111):1-2, 5-9; Jn 12:24-26 Jueves: Ez 12:1-12; Sal 78 (77):56-59, 61-62: Mt 18:21 — 19:1 Viernes: Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 o 16:59-63; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Mt 19:3-12 Sábado: Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32; Sal 51 (50):12-15, 18-19; Mt 19:13-15 Domingo: Jer 38:4-6, 8-10; Sal 40 (39):2-4, 18; Heb 12:1-4; Lc 12:49-53