Design Factory Biada, 11 08012 Barcelona t. +34 93 238 58 89 fax +34 93 238 59 09 [email protected] Palacio de Altamira Flor Alta, 8 28004 Madrid t. +34 914 480 444 fax +34 914 480 122 [email protected] I am applying for: IED FASHION BARCELONA MADRID Official Undergraduate Degree in Fashion Design (4 years) Fashion Design Spanish Bilingual Haute Couture and Men’s Clothing Bilingual APPLICATION FORM 2012/2013 Textile and Knitting Bilingual Creative Management Bilingual (PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY IN BLOCK CAPITALS) Fashion Accessories Design Spanish Styling and Fashion Communication Spanish BA (Hons) Fashion Design (3 years) Validated by the University of Westminster English BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing and Communication (3 years) Validated by the University of Westminster English IED Diploma in Fashion Marketing and Communication (3 years) Spanish Accessories Surname (s) First name (s) Male FemaleNationality Date of birth Place of birth IED Diploma in Communication, Fashion Design and Image (3 years) IED MANAGEMENT FOR CREATIVE INDUSTRIES Address Town/City IED Diploma in Business Design (3 years) IED Diploma in Communication and Event Design (3 years) State/Province Country Bilingual Postcode IED DESIGN Spanish BARCELONA MADRID Bilingual Bilingual BARCELONA MADRID Official Undergraduate Degree in Interior Design (4 years) Telephone Mobile phone E-mail Qualifications: Interior Design Spanish Interior Design English Spanish Official Undergraduate Degree in Product Design (4 years) High School or equivalent University Product Design Spanish Product Design English Transportation Design Bilingual Name of college/university: Home Design Knowledge of tuition language Product for Mobility Language Language Spanish Urban Design IED VISUAL COMMUNICATION Beginner Beginner Advanced Advanced Intermediate Intermediate Mother tongue Mother tongue Spanish Spanish English BARCELONA MADRID Official Undergraduate Degree in Graphic Design (4 years) Graphic Design Spanish Graphic Design English IED Spain offers Advertising Spanish Advertising Official Undergraduate Degrees in Design (4 years), IED Diplomas (3 years) taught in Spanish, English or bilingual (Spanish and English) and Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Dual Degree with the University of Westminster taught only in English (3 years). English Illustration and Animation Spanish Motion Graphics and Video English Media Design Spanish I am applying for: Graphics Spanish New Media Spanish IED Diploma in Video Direction (3 years) Spanish IED Diploma in Videogame Design Specialising in Graphics (3 years) Spanish IED Diploma in Videogame Design Specialising in Development (3 years) Spanish Official Undergraduate Degree in Design First year Admission to the second year IED Diploma Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Admission to the third year The Admission test fee for the Official Undergraduate Degrees in Design (50€) will be deducted from the course fee provided the student enrols within fifteen days of being accepted on the course. Please send this form and the following documents to the chosen centre Spanish/English Language Courses (Spanish/English in Madrid and Barcelona) I would like to enrol for the language course starting in September because my level is not yet high enough to take the design course. • IED application form • Copy of the receipt for the transfer of the enrolment fee • Copy of the certificate of your high school qualifications obtained • Photocopy of passport Method of Payment BANK TRANSFER IMPORTANT: please give the name of the student and the chosen course when you make the transfer. MADRID BARCELONA Banco Popular Español c/ Génova, 20 28004 Madrid · SPAIN Istituto Europeo di Design IBAN: ES650075-0322-81-0600446618 SWIFT: POPUESMM Banco Popular Español Av. Príncipe de Asturias, 8 Sabadell Atlántico Paseo de la Castellana, 44 28046 Madrid · SPAIN Istituto Europeo di Design IBAN: ES82 0081 5760 31 0001406645 SWIFT: BSABESBBXXX Catalunya Caixa c/ Verdi, 84 La Caixa Paseo Alberto Palacios, 32 28021 Madrid · SPAIN Istituto Europeo di Design IBAN: ES40 2100 1654 46 0200168590 SWIFT: CAIXESBBXXX La Caixa Torrent de l’Olla, 193-197 MADRID BARCELONA Fax +34 914 480 122 [email protected] Fax +34 932 385 909 [email protected] How did you find out about us?: (Mandatory field. Please give details.) 08012 Barcelona · SPAIN Istituto Europeo di Design IBAN: ES31-0075-0829-81-0604412945 SWIFT: POPUESMM 08012 Barcelona · SPAIN Istituto Europeo di Design IBAN: ES63 2013 0439 9402 0091 5042 SWFT: CESCESBBXXX 08012 Barcelona · SPAIN Istituto Europeo di Design IBAN: ES37-2100-0644-5202-0016-5597 SWIFT: CAIXESBBXXX Applicants are hereby informed that in accordance with Act 15/1999 on Personal Data Protection and Royal Decree 1720/2007 enabling implementation of said Act, their data will be stored on a file named “Customers” at the General Data Protection Register belonging to the Istituto Europeo di Design S.L. This file will be used to send applicants commercial information of interest to them based on their professional activity. Applicants may withhold their consent by making this known within a period of thirty days; consent will otherwise be taken as given. We also hereby request your express consent for your data to be passed on to organisations within the group to which the Istituto Europeo di Design, S.L. belongs and to organisations that may be of interest to you once a commercial relationship has been established with the sole purpose of informing you of our offers and services. You may find details of the assignees at the headquarters of the Istituto Europeo di Design, S.L. Please tick one of the following options: I hereby authorise my data to be passed on and for me to be sent commercial information, as indicated above. I do not authorise my data to be passed on or for me to be sent commercial information. PAYMENT BY CASH In addition, you may exercise your right to access, rectify, cancel or oppose your personal data by going to either Calle Larra 14, 28004 Madrid or Calle Biada 11, 08012 Barcelona, or sending an email with the subject “Data protection” to either [email protected] or [email protected] together with legally valid proof, such as a photocopy of your ID card or passport. PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARD MADRID Visa Mastercard BARCELONA Please charge this card for the following amount in euros Name of student Credit card number Cardholder American Express Expiry date Signature Visa Mastercard IED ACADEMIC FEES 2012/2013 | ACADEMIC YEAR In the case of diplomas, subjects will be assessed in terms of equivalent IED credits, which cannot be converted into ECTS (European Credits Transfer Systems) credits. The enrolment fee for the academic year represents a contract for the provision of services between the student and the Istituto Europeo di Design, S.L. (hereinafter “IED”). Just as IED will guarantee a place for the entire academic year for all students who enrol, once they have passed the entrance exam (or, where applicable, have received confirmation from IED that they will be admitted without taking an entrance exam), students agree to pay the fees corresponding to the course in question in full, even if they decide at any time to make no further use of the services contracted with IED. The fees for the 2012/2013 academic year are broken down into the enrolment fee (hereinafter “place reservation”) and the course fee. The place reservation should be paid when the student enrols and is the only valid way to reserve a place on any of the courses offered by IED. IED reserves the right to admit no more students when no more places remain for the academic year in question. The place reservation should be paid in full; it cannot be paid in instalments. In the case of Direct Admission from other institutions by means of validating credits for the years studied, students may have to take additional credits, whose cost is given in the table below. For economic purposes, these will be considered to be “missing credits”. Students will be told of any need to take missing credits once the competent education authorities have made this known. Official Undergraduate Degree English Official Undergraduate Degree Bilingual Official Undergraduate Degree EU EXTRA EU €108 €114 €134 €140 €119 €127 Price per IED credit (60 credits per year) EU EXTRA EU Spanish Diploma €108 €114 Bilingual Diploma €119 €127 Price per Westminster credit (120 credits per year) BA (Hons) English The deadline for paying the course fee is thirty calendar days before classes start. Should this deadline not be met, IED may, with no prior warning, demand the immediate payment of the course fee in full, plus the corresponding legal late interest, which is set at 5% of the outstanding amount. Students must be up to date with their payments if they are to take academic exams, be awarded grades, certificates or records, carry out exchanges with other universities, do work experience in companies, receive official qualifications and access online services. Students who do not attend classes, with or without justification, will not be exempted from paying fees. Account may be taken of students’ special circumstances if students who have paid their place reservation wish to defer taking the course for a year. They may only do so for the same course they initially enrolled for. They should apply in writing and IED will inform them of its decision in writing, following exclusively IED management’s criteria. Price (60 credits per year) Spanish Students may pay the course fee in instalments through financial institutions that work with IED. They should inform the Administration Department that they wish to do so a month before the start of the course. This form of finance will only be accepted with the approval of the financial institution in question. IED will act exclusively as an intermediary between the financial institution and the student and shall not bear any responsibility whatsoever should the financial institution decide to cancel or refuse finance. EU EXTRA EU €76 €79 Students may withdraw from courses by writing to IED as follows: students enrolled for the first year should inform IED of their withdrawal one month before classes start, and two months beforehand for the following years. Students who withdraw will only be reimbursed for the money paid as course fees. Students will not be reimbursed for the place reservation under any circumstances, unless they fail to pass the entrance exam, are denied a visa (for reasons beyond the student) or suffer a serious illness. Official documentation and/or certificates must be provided as justification in these last two cases. HONORARIOS ACADÉMICOS IED | CURSO 2012/2013 En el caso de títulos propios las asignaturas se valorarán por créditos IED equivalentes pero no convertibles en créditos ECTS (European Credits Transfer Systems). La matricula para el año académico supone un contrato de prestación de servicios entre el estudiante y el Istituto Europeo di Design, S.L. (en adelante IED). De la misma manera que IED debe garantizar la plaza escolar durante todo el curso al alumno que se matricula, una vez superada la prueba de acceso (o en su caso haber recibido confirmación por parte de IED de admisión sin prueba de acceso, en los casos que procedan) éste se compromete a abonar la totalidad del importe de los honorarios correspondientes al curso, aunque decida en algún momento del mismo no seguir haciendo uso de los servicios contratados con IED. El importe correspondiente al año académico 2012/2013, se desglosa en tasa de matrícula (en adelante “reserva de plaza”) y tasa de curso. La reserva de plaza será abonada en el momento de la formalización de la matrícula del alumno, y será la única forma válida de reservar plaza en cualquiera de los cursos ofrecidos por IED. IED se reserva el derecho de no admitir más alumnos, cuando se ha realizado la ocupación de las plazas disponibles del vigente año académico. La reserva de plaza ha de abonarse en su totalidad, y no podrá ser fraccionada en ningún caso. En los casos de Admisión Directa de otras instituciones convalidando créditos de los años cursados, puede ocurrir la situación de necesidad de cursar créditos adicionales, cuyo coste será según la tabla adjunta, que a efectos económicos serán considerados “créditos en falta”. La necesidad de cursar “créditos en falta”, será comunicada al alumno, una vez que lo comuniquen las autoridades educativas competentes. Existe la posibilidad de fraccionar el pago de la tasa de curso, a través de entidades financieras colaboradoras con IED. El alumno debe de comunicar al departamento de Administración su deseo de financiar el curso, un mes antes del inicio del curso. La aceptación de la financiación está supeditada al visto bueno por parte de la entidad financiera. IED actuará, exclusivamente, como intermediario entre la entidad financiera y el alumno, no asumiendo responsabilidad alguna en los casos de cancelación y denegación de financiaciones tramitadas por dichas entidades financieras. La fecha límite de pago de la tasa de curso se establece como máximo en 30 días naturales anteriores al comienzo de las clases. La falta de cumplimiento de los términos de pago establecidos en el presente reglamento, facultará al IED, sin necesidad de previo aviso, a reclamar inmediatamente la totalidad del importe del curso, además de los intereses de demora legales correspondientes, que se establecen en un 5% sobre el importe pendiente por abonar. El alumno deberá estar al corriente de pago para la realización de pruebas académicas, obtención de notas, certificados, traslado de expediente, intercambios a otras universidades, prácticas en empresas, título oficial y accesos a servicios web. La falta de asistencia a clase esté o no justificada, no exime al alumno del abono de honorarios. Precio (60 créditos por año) UE EXTRA UE Grado Oficial Español 108 € 114 € Grado Oficial Inglés 134 € 140 € Grado Oficial Bilingüe 119 € 127 € Atendiendo a las circunstancias especiales de los estudiantes y bajo exclusivo criterio de la dirección de IED, los alumnos que hayan realizado la reserva de plaza, podrán solicitar por escrito la prórroga de la misma por un año, siempre para la realización del mismo curso al que inicialmente se hubiese matriculado. El IED notificará por escrito la resolución de dicha solicitud. Se concede al alumno la facultad de renunciar a la asistencia a los cursos previa comunicación escrita y con la siguiente modalidad: los alumnos matriculados al 1º año deberán informar al IED de la renuncia un mes antes del comienzo de las clases y dos meses antes para los años sucesivos. UE EXTRA UE Título Propio Español 108 € 114 € Tal renuncia comprenderá solamente el derecho al reembolso de las cantidades abonadas en concepto de tasa de curso. La reserva de plaza no será reembolsada al alumno, en ningún caso, a excepción de no superar la prueba de acceso, denegación de visado (por causas ajenas al alumno) o enfermedad grave por parte del estudiante. En estos dos últimos casos será requisito imprescindible la presentación de la documentación y/o certificado oficial justificativo. Título Propio Bilingüe 119 € 127 € In witness whereof, Precio por Crédito IED (60 créditos por año) Precio por Crédito Westminster (120 créditos por año) BA (Hons) English UE EXTRA UE 76 € 79 € Student’s signature ID number Date