(B) In ancient times, those who wishe


(B) In ancient times, those who wishe
by Fr. Jeremy Myers
John 2:13-25
As we continue on our way through Lent, the gospel today
offers us another meditation with particular overtones to this
season of cleansing and renewal. The gospel presents to
us the cleansing of the Temple, a pivotal event in the life of
the Lord Jesus. He enters the temple area and finds a
commercial enterprise underway—oxen and sheep being
sold and moneychangers hard at work. Enraged, the Lord
Jesus overturns the tables and chases out of the temple
these people who were making a profit off of the temple.
“Take these out of here,” he tells them, “and stop making
my Father’s house a marketplace.” It is not difficult for us to
see why the Church offers us this gospel during Lent. Our
bodies are temples of the Spirit. Often, we clutter up our
bodies and our lives with superfluous or toxic things that
interfere with our relationship with God. We lose sight of the
spiritual because of all the other things we have allowed to
take control of our lives. A contemporary writer found a way
to regain control of her life by a simple procedure. Her
resolution—make your bed the first thing every morning.
She says that this three minute task of making one’s bed
every morning is a habit not to be undervalued. It can
become a catalyst for creative and positive changes. She
writes, “So far I’ve made my bed for ten days in a row. And
here’s what I’ve noticed: making my bed inspires me to get
my kids to make their beds. Which inspires me to clean
their rooms. Which inspires me to do the laundry and the
dishes and to pick up abandoned stuffed animals, dropped
clothes and newspapers-turned-light-sabers as I corral my
two toddlers out the door to school. I look at my watch to
see that it is 8 a.m. and the house is an unusual shade of
clean before coffee.” She continues, “When I look at my
freshly made bed, I have to admit it—I smile a little. I feel
just a little more motivated. Productive, even. I leave the
room saying, ‘Goodbye beautiful little den of tranquility that I
have created with my bare hands!’ And I’m ready to tackle
the day—crush it, even.” She explains, “Making your bed
can be the first step in dealing with the clutter in all your
life—the stuff and the anxieties about stuff—that slow us
down and sabotage our dreams.” She offers this additional
thought, “And making your bed makes your bedroom—
where you spend one-third of your life—a clean, cool,
comfortable place where you can get a good night’s sleep.
And keep the bedroom a bedroom—remove the TV, unplug
the computer, get rid of the work desk, and keep the food
and munchies in the kitchen. Sleep experts urge us to make
our bedrooms a ‘sanctuary for sleep.’” Her advice on the
bedroom surely applies to broader areas of our lives as
well. We all need to remove the clutter from our lives and
seek to restore some balance and sanity into our days.
Jesus’ cleansing of the Temple reminds us that we all have
a bad habit of accumulating too many things that distract us
from the important and meaningful things in life. It is not
without purpose that Lent falls squarely during the same
time as “spring cleaning.” Both events remind us that there
comes a time when we have to remove the clutter from our
lives so that we can find the presence of God once more in
our midst.
MARCH 8, 2015
(B) In ancient times, those
who wished to become
Catholics had to pass a
series of seven tests
The first
Scrutiny was announced
today. If the catechumen
passed the test, he was
given a copy of the Ten
restored but they are no
longer tests; they are
prayers for those who will
be received into the
Church through baptism in
the Easter Vigil. The
background of today’s
Scriptures. Are we faithful to the Commandments of
God? Can we pass the test of real Christianity? Do we
follow Christ in his cross as well as in his
antiguos, las personas quienes deseaban convertirse
en católicos tuvieron que pasar una serie de siete
"Escrutinios" Hoy se anunció el primer escrutinio. Si
el catecúmeno pasaba la prueba, se le daba una copia
de los diez mandamientos. Los escrutinios se han
restaurado, pero ya no son pruebas; son oraciones
para quienes será recibido en la iglesia a través del
bautismo en la vigilia de Pascua. Los escrutinios son
los antecedentes de las lecturas de hoy. ¿Somos fieles
a los mandamientos de Dios? ¿Podemos pasar la
prueba del verdadero cristianismo? ¿Podemos seguir
a Cristo en su cruz, así como en su resurrección?
Please join us for coffee and fellowship after Mass
today in the Parish Hall.
Por favor únase a nosotros para el café y compañerismo
después de Misa hoy en el Salón Parroquial.
Thank you for sharing.
“Giving is more than a responsibility—it is a privilege; more
than an act of obedience—it is evidence of our faith.”
William Arthur Ward
Please remember in your prayers all the sick and suffering,
especially Ronnie Prescher, nephew of David Prescher, who
was injured in a car accident recently, and Claudia Taylor,
sister of Sally Ferguson, who has cancer. May they be
comforted and know God’s love and care.
MARCH 15, 2015
We want to wish a happy birthday to all in our parish family †Dawn Sandmann McFarland by Larry & Sharon Sandmann
celebrating a birthday this week, especially Katy Smith,
today, March 8th and T. J. Webster on March 13th.
Rebekah Urban Servers Kelli Cunningham
We want to wish a happy anniversary to all couples
Kyle Cunningham
celebrating a wedding anniversary this week, especially Jim Eucharistic Ministers
Jacob Castillo
Sharon Sandmann
& Tina Hubbell.
Bobby Jolls
Suzanne Cunningham Ushers
Due to Spring Break, CCD classes will not be held today,
Sunday, March 8th or next Sunday, March 15th.
Minister to the Homebound
Debido a las vacaciones de primavera, las clases de Gift Bearers
Connie Lloyd Family
Jean Podborny
CCD no se celebrarán hoy, el domingo, 8 de marzo o el
próximo domingo, 15 de marzo.
There will be a second collection next Sunday for Catholic
The Church will be open this Relief Services. The Catholic Relief Services Collection
Wednesday from 6 - 7 p.m. for quiet supports Catholic Church organizations that carry out
prayer time to help us prepare for international relief and solidarity efforts. Programs include
relief and resettlement for victims of persecution, war, and
the Easter season.
La Iglesia estará abierta todos los natural disasters; development projects to improve living
miércoles de Cuaresma desde 6 - 7 conditions for the poor; legal and support services for poor
para el tiempo de oración silenciosa immigrants; peace and reconciliation work for people
para ayudar a prepararnos para la suffering from violence; and advocacy on behalf of the powerless.
Habrá una segunda colecta el próximo domingo para
temporada de Pascua.
Servicios Católicos de Socorro. La colecta de servicio
St. Francis of Assisi Women’s Guild
católico de socorro apoya a las organizaciones de la iglesia
will meet this Wednesday, March 11th
católica que realizan esfuerzos de solidaridad y socorro
at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall for a
internacional. Los programas incluyen el alivio y el
potluck dinner followed by a brief
restablecimiento de las víctimas de persecución, guerra y
meeting. All women of the parish are encouraged to attend.
desastres naturales; los proyectos de desarrollo para
de Mujeres (Gremio de Mujeres) de San mejorar las condiciones de vida de los pobres; servicios
Francisco de Asís se reunirá este miércoles, 11 marzo a las jurídicos y de apoyo para los inmigrantes pobres; la paz y la
6:30 p.m. en el salón parroquial para una cena, después de reconciliación de las personas que sufren de violencia; y la
la cena Habrá una breve reunión. Todas las mujeres de la defensa de los intereses de el impotente.
parroquia son invitados a asistir.
The Lenten Penance Service will be
St. Mary’s Youth Groups in Sherman will be having their bi- on Wednesday, March 18th, at 6:30
annual garage sale this Friday, March 13th and Saturday, p.m. at St. Anne’s Church in Sherman.
March 14th from 8 a.m. to noon and Sunday, March 15th from Several priests will be assisting Fr. Jeremy and Fr.
10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the McCullough Center at St. Mary’s Antonio with hearing confessions. Let us turn away from
Parish in Sherman. Come browse through the items and see sin and be faithful to the gospel.
what treasures you can find.
El Servicio de la Penitencia Cuaresmal será el miércoles,
Grupos de jóvenes de Santa María en Sherman tendrá su 18 de marzo, a las 6:30 p.m. en la iglesia de Santa Ana
venta de garaje este viernes 13 de marzo y el sábado, 14 de en Sherman. Varios sacerdotes asistirán al Padre
marzo de 8:00 al mediodía y el domingo, 15 de marzo de Jeremy y Padre Antonio con oír confesiones. ¡Aléjate de
10:00 a.m. a 2 p.m. en el centro de McCullough en la pecado y ser fieles al Evangelio!
parroquia de Santa María en Sherman. Venga y hojee a
Need prayer for a special intention, sick friend or family
través los artículos y ver qué tesoros que pueda encontrar.
member, Catholic or non-Catholic? Contact Sharon
The Stations of the Cross will be Kirkpatrick at [email protected] or 940-665-6825
celebrated every Friday of Lent at 6 and she will notify members of St. Francis of Assisi Prayer
p.m. Please join us in this traditional Group of your need.
Lenten practice and prayer.
¿Necesitas oración por una Necesitas oración por una
Las Estaciones de la Cruz se celebra intención especial, amigo enfermo o miembro de la familia,
todos los viernes de Cuaresma a las 6 católico o no católico? Póngase en contacto con Anita
p.m. Por favor, únase a nosotros en Morales al [email protected] o 903-816-1519 y
esta práctica tradicional
de la ella notificará a los miembros de San Francisco de Asís
Cuaresma y la oración.
Grupo de Oración de su necesidad.