curso forestal TRIPTICO
curso forestal TRIPTICO
information s2EGISTRATIONFEES30€ s!CCOMMODATIONBEDSANDMEALS120€ s!CCOMMODATIONBEDSANDMEALS80€ FELLOWSHIPS7AIVINGTHEREGISTRATIONSFEES FULL FELLOWSHIPS 7AIVING THE REGISTRATION FEESANDACCOMMODATION 3UBMIT A MOTIVATION LETTER AND YOUR #6 TO [email protected] ! BUS WILL TRANSPORT THE PARTICIPANTS FROM 6ALENCIA CITY TO THE %L 4EULARET RESEARCH 3TATION ON -ONDAY AND FROM %L 4EULARET TO 6ALENCIA#ITYON4HURSDAYMORNING Course on Forest Fires’ Effects on the Soil System. The State-of-the-Art and techniques to learn more 27th /30th July · 2015 #OORDINATION!RTEMI#ERDË 3OIL%ROSIONAND$EGRADATION2ESEARCH'ROUP $EPARTAMENTDE'EOGRAFIA 5NIVERSITATDE6ALÒNCIA ARTEMIOCERDA UVES Course on Forest Fires’ Effects on the Soil System. Monday, July 27th 'ENERALOVERVIEWOFTHE-EDITERRANEAN,ANDSCAPES Artemi Cerdà. Contact [email protected] Departure (Estació del Nord Railway station, Valencia). The long history of sedimentation at the Valencia Lagoon Visit to the Lagoon Lunch in the Beach of El Saler The view of the coastal land and the mountains... is there a connection? The Xúquer river alluvial plain The mountains as a source of sediments. The Massís del Caroig Dinner at El Teularet Cultural activities Tuesday, July 28th &ORESTFIRESAREAKEYFACTORTHATSHAPES THE%ARTH%COSYSTEMSANDISOFSPECIALIMPORTANCEFORTHE-EDITERRANEAN4YPE%COSYSTEM 3OILSAREAKEYFEATUREOFTHE0LANETTHATCAN BEDISTURBEDBYTHEFIRE4HISCOURSEWILLREVIEW THE 3TATEOFTHE!RT OF THE IMPACT OF FIRE ON THE-EDITERRANEAN%COSYSTEMSANDWILLTEACH THETECHNIQUESTORESEARCHHOWFIRECANTRANSFORMANDMODIFYTHELANDSCAPES4HECOURSEIS BASEDINSHORTLECTURESOFACTIVESCIENTISTSAND THEVISITTORECENTLYFIREAFFECTEDLANDSCAPESTO UNDERSTAND THE ROLE FIRE PLAYS IN SOIL SYSTEM ANDECOSYSTEMSEVOLUTION 7HATWEKNOWANDHOWTOLEARNMORE Breakfast Jorge Mataix-Solera. Fire in the Mediterranean. Some key questions to open the course and the mind Antonio Jordán. Effects of fire on soil physical properties Jorge García Moreno. Fire effect on the soil physical properties Ángel Gordillo Rivero. What happen when the water does not infiltrate in the soil? Patricia Jiménez Pinilla. Relative humidity and heating temperatures effects on water repellency development of soils affected by wildfires Elena Lozano. Glomalin as an indicator of soil health/ recovery after a wildfire Coffee Break Daniel Moya. Ecological response and resilience of Mediterranean vegetation to fire Gema Barcenas. Fire effects on soil microorganism: what we should focus on? Elisabeth Jiménez Compan. Factors controlling short-term soil microbial response after laboratory heating. Preliminary results Manuel Esteban Lucas Borja. Post-Fire forest hydrologic restoration at watershed level Óscar González. Fire and soil erosion in Portugal and Eastern Spain. Lunch Xavier Úbeda. Forest fires: prevention and mitigation effects. Marcos Francos. Fire and storms: Mediterranean typical sequence. Meritxell Alcañiz: Prescribed fires as a management tool Coffee Break Victoria Arcenegui. The Montgó research study site Juan Francisco Martínez Murillo. What happens when the resilience is lost? Paloma Hueso. Alternatives to soil recovery in Mediterranean environments José Reyes Ruiz Gallardo. Remote sensing as a tool to research in forest fire affected land . Dinner Cultural activities Wednesday, July 29th 4HEREALWORLD!FIREAFFECTEDLAND Breakfast Field work Dinner Field work Dinner Closure of the course Thursday, July 30th Breakfast Transport to Valencia (contact [email protected])