Dra. Tzayhri Gallardo Velázquez


Dra. Tzayhri Gallardo Velázquez
Dra. Tzayhri Gallardo Velázquez
Vigencia: 1° enero 2013-31 diciembre 2016
Ubicación: Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, IPN, Campus Santo Tomás, Departamento de
Biofísica, Laboratorio de Investigación I, planta baja.
Teléfono: 57296300, ext. 62305; Correo: [email protected]; [email protected]
University of Salford, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom.
Ultimas Publicaciones
1. Piña-Barrera, A., Meza-Márquez, O.G., Osorio-Revilla, G., Gallardo-Velázquez, T.*,
(2013).Identification and quantification of corncob as adulterant in corn dough and tortilla
by MIR–FTIR spectroscopy and multivariate analysis, CyTA - Journal of Food,
2. Cárdenas-Bailón, F., Osorio-Revilla, G., Gallardo-Velázquez,T., (2013). Microencapsulation
techniques to develop formulations of insulin for oral delivery: a review. Journal of
Microencapsulation, DOI: 10.319/02652048.2012.742159.
3. Hernández-Martínez, M., Gallardo-Velázquez, T.*, Osorio-Revilla, G., Almaraz-Abarca, N.,
Ponce-Mendoza, A., Vásquez-Murrieta, M. S. (2013). Prediction of total fat, fatty acid
composition and nutritional parameters in fish fillets using MID-FTIR spectroscopy and
chemometrics. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 52(1), 12-20.
4. Quiñones-Islas, N., Meza-Márquez, O. G., Osorio-Revilla, G., Gallardo-Velázquez, T*.
(2013). Detection of adulterants in avocado oil by mid-FTIR spectroscopy and multivariate
analysis. Food Research International, 51(1), 148-154.
5. Meza-Márquez, O. G., Gallardo-Velázquez, T.*, Osorio-Revilla, G., Dorantes-Álvarez, L.
(2012). Detection of clenbuterol in beef meat, liver and kidney by mid-infrared
spectroscopy (FT-mid IR) and multivariate analysis. International Journal of Food Science
and Technology, 47(11), 2342-2351.
6. Anda, F. G. -.Gallardo-Velázquez, T.*, Osorio-Revilla, G., Dorantes- Álvarez, L., CalderónDomínguez, G., Nogueda-Torres, B., De-la-Rosa-Arana, J. -. (2012). Feasibility study for the
detection of Trichinella spiralis in a murine model using mid-Fourier transform infrared
spectroscopy (MID-FTIR) with attenuated total reflectance (ATR) and soft independent
modeling of class analogies (SIMCA). Veterinary Parasitology, 190(3-4), 496-503.
7. Gómez-De-Anda, F., Dorantes-Álvarez, L., Gallardo-Velázquez, T., Osorio-Revilla, G.,
Calderón-Domínguez, G., Martínez Labat, P., De-la-Rosa-Arana, J. -. (2012). Determination
of Trichinella spiralis in pig muscles using mid-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
(MID-FTIR) with attenuated total reflectance (ATR) and soft independent modeling of class
analogy (SIMCA). Meat Science, 91(3), 240-246
8. Arellano-Cárdenas, S., Gallardo-Velázquez, T., Poumian-Gamboa, G. V., Osorio-Revilla, G.,
López-Cortez, S., Rivera-Espinoza, Y. (2012). Sorption of naringin from aqueous solution by
modified clay. Clays and Clay Minerals, 60(2), 153-161.
9. Osorio-Revilla, G., Gallardo-Velázquez, T., Ramírez-Torres, A., Rivera-Espinoza, Y. (2012).
Residence time distribution in spouted bed drying of maltodextrin solutions on a bed of
inert particles. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 90(1), 153-162.
10. S. López-Cortez, G. Osorio-Revilla, T. Gallardo-Velázquez, S. Arellano-Cárdenas (2012). Use
of an organic clay as packing material for a toluene- contaminated air filter. [Uso de una
arcilla orgánica como material de empaque de un filtro para depurar aire contaminado
con Tolueno]. Interciencia, 37, 614-620.
Libros y capítulos de libros.
1. Gallardo-Velázquez, T*., Osorio-Revilla, G. (2011). Capsicum. In: Edible Plants in
Traditional Medicine. Rosa Martha Pérez Gutiérrez (editor). Research Signpost (editorial),
Kerala, India.
Proyectos vigentes
1. Cuantificación de capsaicina, ácido ascórbico, compuestos fenólicos y capacidad
antioxidante en Capsicum annuum "Serrano" fresco por métodos quimiométricos.