8 10 10 12 12 IZAC NASH
8 10 10 12 12 IZAC NASH
IZAC cod. colour tavolo/table 01.84 M310 antracite/anthracite C196 cristallo antracite lucido/gloss anthracite glass NASH cod. colour sedia/chair 40.02 M306 laccato bianco/white lacquered Q429 bianco/white IZAC tavolo allungabile con struttura in acciaio, piano in melaminico, cristallo, cristallo antigraffio o Unicolor antigraffio / extending table with metal frame, top in melamine, glass, anti-scratch glass and scratchresistant Unicolor laminate / table avec allonges et structure en acier, plateau en mélamine, cristal, cristal anti-rayures ou Unicolor anti-rayures / Ausziehbar Tisch Stahlgestell, Platte aus Melamin, Glas, kratzfestig Glas oder kratzfestig Unicolor / mesa extensible con estructura en acero, sobre en melaminado, cristal o cristal anti-arañ azos o Unicolor anti-arañazos / Стол раск ладной со стальной струк турой, столешница из меламина, стек ла, стек ла, устойчивог о к царапинам или Unicolor, устойчивог о к царапинам dimensioni/dimensions/dimensions/abmessung/dimensiones/Размеры 01.81 cm L 122/172 x P 80 x H 75 inch L 48/67.7 x P 31.5 x H 29.5 posti/seats 01.82 cm L 142/182/222 x P 90 x H 75 inch L 55.9/71.7/87.4 x P 35.4 x H 29.5 posti/seats 01.83 cm L 162/212/262 x P 90 x H 75 inch L 63.8/83.5/103.1 x P 35.4 x H 29.5 posti/seats 8 10 01.84 cm L 192/242/292 x P 90 x H 75 inch L 75.6/95.3/115 x P 35.4 x H 29.5 posti/seats 01.85 cm L 192/242/292 x P 102 x H 75 inch L 75.6/95.3/115 x P 40.2 x H 29.5 posti/seats 12 12 10 finiture/finishes/finissions/Ausführungen/acabados/отделк а STRUTTURA/FRAME/STRUCTURE/GESTELL/ESTRUCTURA/СТРУКТУРА G093 M089 M306 M312 M307 M310 cromo chrome laccato alluminio alluminium lacquered laccato bianco white lacquered laccato sabbia sand lacquered laccato testa di moro dark brown lacquered laccato antracite anthracite lacquered PIANO E ALLUNGHE/TOP AND EXTENSIONS/PLATEAU ET ALLONGES/PLATTE UND VERLÄ NGERUNGEN/SOBRE Y PROLONGACIONES/СТОЛЕШНИЦА И УД ЛИНИТЕЛИ melaminico / melamine/ mélaminé / melamin / melamina / меламина L043 L044 L045 bianco white sabbia sand antracite anthracite unicolor antigraffio / scratch-resistant unicolor / unicolor anti-rayures / kratzfestig Unicolor / unicolor anti-arañazos / Unicolor, устойчивый к царапинам D007 D004 D008 D005 D006 D003 bianco white pietra nanto nanto’s stone botticino botticino porfido porphyry pietra lavica lava stone brown stone brown stone PIANO/TOP/PLATEAU/PLATTE/SOBRE/СТОЛЕШНИЦА cristallo / glass / cristal / glas / cristal / Стек ло cristallo antigraffio / anti-scratch glass / cristal anti-rayures / kratzfestig Glas / cristal anti-arañazos / стек ло, устойчивое к царапинам C106* C150* C193 C192 C196 C180S* C181S C182S C183S serigrafato bianco lucido gloss white lacquered extrawhite lucido gloss extrawhite laccato tortora lucido gloss dove grey lacquered laccato testa di moro lucido gloss dark brown lacquered laccato antracite lucido gloss anthracite lacquered laccato velvet bianco white velvet lacquered laccato velvet tortora dove grey velvet lacquered laccato velvet testa di moro dark brown velvet lacquered laccato velvet antracite anthracite velvet lacquered ALLUNGHE PER PIANI IN CRISTALLO/EXTENSIONS FOR GLASS TOP/ALLONGES POUR PLATEAU EN CRISTAL/EINLEGEPLATTE FÜ R GLAS PLATTEN/ PROLONGACIONES POR SOBRES EN CRISTAL/УД ЛИНИТЕЛИ Д ЛЯ СТОЛЕШНИЦ ИЗ СТЕКЛА legno / wood / bois / Holz / madera / дерева L043* L071 bianco white moka moka
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