Programa_NEG33 -28-10-13 - inglés


Programa_NEG33 -28-10-13 - inglés
Saturday, November 16
08:00 / 12:00
Sport Tournaments and Activities
12:00 / 18:00
Registration, Opening of Stands, Business Rooms and Tables
Sunday, November 17
19:00 / 20:30
Opening Ceremony
Guest of Honor: Juan Manuel Santos, President of The
Republic of Colombia
Welcome by APLA President: Juan Enrique González Sierra
Welcome by Ecopetrol President: Javier Gutiérrez and
Opening Conference
Speaker: César Gaviria Trujillo, Economist and Politician,
Former President of the Republic of Colombia - Former
Secretary General of OAS
20:30 / 23:00
Welcome Cocktail
Hilton Hotel Gardens
Monday, November 18
09:00 / 11:15
General Session I: Conventional and non-conventional raw
materials. Shale gas and shale oil. Its potential in Latin
America. How Latin America will be affected by the new
petrochemical projects in the USA. Opportunities and risks
• “Non Conventional Hydrocarbon Potential in Colombia as a
source for Petrochemical Projects”
Speaker: Edward Tovar Artunduaga, Non Conventional
Hydrocarbon Manager, Vicepresident of Exploration,
Ecopetrol S.A.
• Innovation to Integration: How shale gas supplies are
revitalizing the plastics industry
Speaker: Dwight Tozer, Vice President, Adhesions,
ExxonMobil Chemical Company
• Shale Gas: impact on the US economy and opportunities for
Latin America”
Speaker: Brian Ames –DOW Hydrocarbon Business
• “Outlook of the shale gas in Argentina. Opportunities for the
petrochemical industry
Speaker: Marcos Sabelli –Manager Chemical Division- YPF S.A.
• “Latin America shifts from opportunistic trading to strategic
demand growth location, and primary destination for global
petrochemical exports”
Speaker: Gary Adams - I H S (USA)
15:00 / 16:30
Presentation given by main representatives of Latin American
Chambers & Association
Welcome to participate in the industrial potential of Colombia
Speaker: Carlos Garay Salamanca – Execitive Presidente of
Energy reform in Mexico
Speaker: Miguel Benedetto Alexanderson – General Director of
ANIQ – México
Negotation: Mercosur-EU
Speaker: José M. Fumagalli – Executive Director of CIQYP Argentina
16:30 / 18:30
Workshop organized by APLA and IPA.
"Petrochemical outlook for 2014" - 7 Edition.
With the participation of the main industry consultants of the
Tuesday, November 19
09:00 / 11:15
General Session II: Development of the Latin American
Petrochemical and Chemical industry. Different models.
• Pacific-Trans Pacific Alliance
Speaker: Miguel Benedetto Alexanderson – General Director of
ANIQ – México
• Future of the petrochemical industry in Brazil. Perspectives in
Latin America.
Speaker: Caio Carvalhal - Vice President and Senior Latin
American Energy Analyst of J.P. Morgan - Brazil
• How to overcome Latin America´s lack of competitiveness in tax
burden, labor costs, restrictive legislation, RM costs, vs other
Speaker: Decio Oddone – Executive VP Investments – Braskem
12:00 / 12:30
Closing Ceremony
12:30 / 12:45
Group Uy que nota! presentation
13:00 / 14:30
Closing Luncheon
Hilton Hotel Gardens
Wednesday, November 20
08:00 / 13:00
Visit to Propilco Plant and Vopak Terminal
Carlos Pellegrini 1069, 7º A (C1009ABU) / Buenos Aires - Argentina
Tel./Phone: (54-11) 4325-1422 / Fax: (54-11) 4325-1422 (Ext. 116) / (54-11) 4325-0086 (Directo)
[email protected] /