fiche valence - Beaux
fiche valence - Beaux
FICHE VALENCE Nom de l’institution parteaire Site Internet Vice Dean of International Relations Universidad Politecnica de VALENCIA Facultad de Bellas Artes de San Carlos Intégration dans Bologne à compter de 2010/2011 Nouvel immeuble/déménagement prévu Isabel TRISTAN Faculty of Fine Arts Universidad Politécnica Valencia Camino de Vera s/n 46022 - Valencia Spain [email protected] Tel. +34-96-387 72 25 Fax. +34-96-387 79 41 International Relations Manager Alba Marina Ara MARTIN Faculty of Fine Arts Universidad Politécnica Valencia Camino de Vera s/n 46022 - Valencia Spain [email protected] Tel. +34-96-387 7226 Fax. +34-96-387 7941 Administrative staff Fanny Ramon TOLEDO - International Relations Manager Olga Marti Prades – International relations officer assistant Universidad Politécnica Valencia Camino de Vera s/n 46022 - Valencia Spain [email protected] Tel. +34-96-387 7226 Fax. +34-96-387 7941 Erasmus Code N° de charte Erasmus E VALENCI02 29526 – IC – 1 – 2007 – 1 – ES – ERASMUS – EUCX - 1 Départements - Sculpture Conservation and Restoration Painting Drawing Audiovisual Communication Patricia LEMOS VALCARCEL, étudiante à l’ESBANM en 2009/2010 - Département peinture très conséquent Département peinture et paysage Département peinture et photo Meilleure fac en Espagne pour les ateliers techniques (gravure, offset, lithographie, linogravure, etc…) 1 prof pour chaque matière et 2 techniciens 31/03/2011: Dear Partner, Course Information Greetings from the Fine Arts Faculty at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia! Attached find the Application procedure for exchange students coming next academic year 2011/2012. The application period for European students will start next April 1st and will finish next May 31st for annual and 1st semester students, and next October 15th for second semester exchange students. For Non-European students the application period will finish next May 15th for annual and 1st semester students. Students will have to submit an online application form (available from the 1st April at and send It attached to a portfolio, transcript of records and motivation letter. In order to improve the quality of exchange experiences, we will ask the students for a A1 level Spanish certificate. Of course, our outgoing exchange students are selected under the same requirements. We strongly recommend students who need visa to submit their applications as soon as is possible. We look forward to continue our institutional cooperation by receiving your exchange students and teaching staff. In case of any doubts or questions, please feel free to contact us, Best regards, Alba M. Ara Martín |International Relations Manager | Vicedecanato de Relaciones Internacionales | Facultad de Bellas Artes | Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Camino de vera s/n 46022 Valencia SPAIN | Tel. +34 96 387 7226 |Fax. +34 96 387 7941 |[email protected] Camille SIMONY – 6 octobre 2007. Compte rendu des étudiants En fait, en tant qu'ERASMUS dans cette école nous pouvons choisir les matières que nous voulons quelques soit le domaine (à partir du moment où on garde la matière pour laquelle on est parti. Plus personnellement, je suis très contente des cours que j'ai choisis, ils sont vraiment très intéressants Fiche Curie ESPAGNE VIE PRATIQUE Logement Patricia LEMOS valcarcel (2009/2010) Beaucoup d’annonces de logement proposées par les étudiants dans la rue en septembre Tutorat Patricia LEMOS valcarcel (2009/2010) Demander 1 tuteur au bureau ijnternational avant le départ. Les étudiants de Valence obtiennent des crédits pour l’accueil des étudiants Erasmus Divers Patricia LEMOS valcarcel (2009/2010) Impressions CD, papier, etc…, pas cher – Linea Z, plaza Tetuan The equivalences of the UPV credit are: 1 UPV credit = 10 hours of classroom setting UPV CREDITS 1 UPV credit = 0,8 ECTS credits 1 ECTS credit = 1,25 UPV credits Important! Most part of subjects at FBBAA are annual. Then, if you come for 1 semester and chose an annual course, please take into account that you will be evaluated for 1 semester and you will get the half of the credits. ACADEMIC PROGRAM Universidad Politénica de Valencia Ruling of June 8,1993 Resolución (Published in the Official State Bulletin of September 29, 1993) Modified by the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia with the Ruling of January 14 1998 (Published in the Official State Bulletin dated February 4, 1998) CORE AND MANDATORY SUBJECTS FIRST YEAR YEAR CODE SUBJECT DESCRIPTIVE TITLE OF THE COURSE 1179 Systems of Analysis of Form and Representation Analysis of Form 0568 Color Color I 0569 Drawing Basic Drawing CREDITS 0570 Volume Sculpture I 0571 Art History and Theory Fundaments of Art History and Theory 1184 Systems of Analysis of Form and Representation Systems of Analysis of Form and Respresentation Sculpture II Fundaments of Form Fundaments of Painting Color II Introduction to Art Theory Volume TYPE 9P Core 18 P Core 18 P 1176 Volume 1178 Drawing 1177 Color 1183 Color II 0572 Introduction to Art Theory 1182 Volume THIRD YEAR : ELECTIVE SUBJECTS SECOND YEAR FIRST CYCLE CYCLE Core 18 P Core 9T 3P Man. 9P 18 P 9P 9P 9T 9P Core Core Core Man. Man. Man. FOURTHYEAR FIFTH YEAR SECOND CYCLE 5911 Idea, Concept and Process in Projects I - Drawing Creating Art 15 P 5912 5913 5914 Projects I - Painting Projects I - Sculpture Projects I - Conservation and Res. 1185 Arte in the Contemporary World Arte in the Contemporary World 5915 Methodology, Language and Technique Present in the Creation of an Artwork and 5916 its Conservation 5917 5918 Projects II - Drawing Man. 9T 36 P Core Projects II - Painting Projects II - Sculpture Projects II - Conservation and Res. INTENSIVE STUDY BLOCK PATHS (LI) REGISTRATION BLOCK REGISTRATION 1st. CYCLE (BM1C) 1 – DRAWING 2 – DESIGN 3 – SCULPTURE 4 – GRAPHICS 5 – IMAGE 6 – PAINTING 7 – RESTORATION 8 – HISTORY AND THEORY OF ART Core. 11 – DRAWING(C1) 12 – DESIGN (C1) 13 – SCULPTURE(C1) 14 – PRINTING(C1) 15 – IMAGE (C1) 16 – PAINTING ( C1) 17 – RESTORATION( C1) 18- HISTORY AND THEORY ART(C1) 2º. CICLO (BM2C) 21 – DRAWING( C2) 22 – DESIGN(C2) 23 – SCULPTURE(C2) 24 - PRINTING (C2) 25 – IMAGE (C2) 26 – PAINTING(C2) 27 – RESTORATION (C2) OF 28–HISTORY AND THEORY OF ART (C2) FIRST CYCLE ELECTIVE SUBJECTS CODE SUBJECT TITLE CREDITS DEPT. LI BM1C 1258 Artistic Anatomy 1259 Morphologic Anatomy 2137 Composition 18 P DRAWING 1-6 9T DRAWING 1 11 18 P PAINTING 2119 Graphic Configuration 1238 Drawing and Expression 2133 Edition Design 18 P DRAWING 1-26 1-4 11-1216 11-14 18 P DRAWING 1 11 18 P PAINTING 2124 2089 2093 1212 2122 1264 1228 18 P DRAWING 4-56 2-4 14-1516 12-14 18 P SCULPTURE 3-5 13-15 9T ESCULTURA Graphic Design by Computer Sculpture and Audiovisual Media I Philosophy and Sculpture in the 20th. Century Photography Fundaments of Animation Fundaments of Printmaking and Printing Systems Contemporary Art History I 11-16 13 18 P DCADHA* 4-5 14-15 18 P DRAWING 5 15 18 P DRAWING 4 14 9T DCADHA* 4-8 14-18 GROUPS CODE 2103 2146 1283 1297 1296 1298 2084 1250 1214 1288 2144 2145 2148 1294 1198 1199 2088 1194 1200 1243 2129 1284 1285 2250 1263 2126 1203 1229 CREDITS SUBJECT TITLE Filmmaking History I Illusion and Simulation in Painting Infographics Introduction to Conservation and Restoration of Sculpture and Ethnographic Material Introduction to Conservation and Restoration of Graphic Work and Documents Introduction to Conservation and Restoration of Paintings Sculpture: Appropriation of Interdisciplinary Techniques Perspective: Methods and Systems Figurative Narration I Landscape Painting Painting and Photography Painting and Nature Painting and Interdisciplinary Techniques Principles of Conservation and Restoration Sculpture Procedures I Sculpture Procedures II Sculpture Representation of the Human Body I Sculpture Portrait Carving I Objective Drawing Workshop Graphic Design Workshop Painting I Workshop Painting II Workshop Painting III Workshop Graphic Procedures Workshop Representation Techniques and Materials Theory of Contemporary Sculpture I Latest Artistic Trends I DEPT. LI 8 BM1C 9T DCADHA* 18 P PAINTING 6 16 18 P PAINTING 5-6 15-16 18 P C. Y REST. 7 17 18 P C. Y REST. 7 17 18 P C. Y REST. 7 17 18 P SCULPTURE 3 13 18 P DRAWING 2 12 18 P DCADHA* 5 15 18 P PAINTING 6 16 18 P PAINTING 5-6 15-16 18 P PAINTING 6 16 18P PAINTING 9T C. Y REST. 18P SCULPTURE 18 P SCULPTURE 3 13 18 P SCULPTURE 3 13 18P SCULPTURE 18 P SCULPTURE 18 P 18 P GROUPS 18 16 7 17 13 13 3 13 DRAWING 1-6 11-16 DRAWING 2 12 18 P PAINTING 6 16 18 P PAINTING 6 16 18P PAINTING 18 P DRAWING 1-6 11-16 9T DRAWING 1 11 9T SCULPTURE 3 13 9T DCADHA* 8 18 16 FREE CHOICE SUBJECTS 5376 Technical Valencian 5812 Introduction to Cooperation and Development 6353 Introduction to Photography 4,5 T - 1,5 P Language Dpt. 5 P Engineering Project 9P DCADHA VT1 CD1 FT1 SECOND CYCLE ELECTIVE SUBJECTS CODE 2194 2161 2177 2234 SUBJECT Animation Ceramics II Current Filmmaking and Criticism Conservation and Restoration of Graphic Documents and Paper I 1435 Conservation and Restoration of Gilded and Polychrome Works CREDITS DEPT. 18 P DRAWING LI BM2C 1-5 21-25 18 P SCULPTURE 3 23 9 T DCADHA* 8 28 18 P C. Y REST. 7 27 12 P C. Y REST. 7 27 GROUP CODE SUBJECT 1445 Conserrvation and Restoration of Ceramic and Glass Materials 1444 Conservation and Restoration of Petrous Materials 1431 Conservation and Restoration of Paintings I 2232 Conservation and Restoration of Paintings II 1433 Conservation and Restoration of Painted Murals I 2237 Conservation and Restoration of Textiles 1379 Mechanical Drawing and Norms 2193 Drawing. Expressive Methodologies 2198 Computer Assisted Design (Digital Sculpture) 2202 Graphic Design I 2165 Scenography 2154 Sculpture and Urbano Surroundings II 2159 Sculpture and Audiovisual Media II 2189 Aesthetics III 2178 Photography (Psychology and Art: Practical Experience III) 1398 Printmaking II 2155 Sculpture as Behavior II: Performance 2156 Installations II (New Artistic Experiences) 1400 Lithography II 2204 Design Methodology (Web Architecture) 1371 Movement 2187 Museum Studies (Art Criticism Workshop II) 1346 Figurative Narration II 2157 New Artistic Experiences 1420 Painting and Surroundings 2225 Painting and Writing 2224 Painting and Mass-media 1419 Painting and Multimedia (Infographics) 2223 Painting and Visual Rhetorics 2222 Painting and Video Art 1450 Visual Arts Applied to Restoration of Cultural Patrimony 1455 Physicochemical Principles Applied to Non-pictorial Materials 1454 Physicochemcial Principles of Pictorial Materials 1319 Sculpture Procedures III 1321 Sculpture Procedures IV 1416 Procedures and Pictorial Techniques in Experimentation and Creation of Visual Art 2173 Production and Realization of Audiovisuals II 2207 Design Projects I 2158 Sculpture Representation of the Human Body II 1410 Portrait Painting 1314 Sculpture Portraits II 1399 Silk-Screen Printing II 1323 Carving II 2176 Cinema Criticism Workshop (Photography Direction) 1395 Creative Processes Workshop 1412 Pictorial Production I Workshop 2162 Theory of Contemporary Sculpture II 1364 Art Theory III (Art from the Latin American Periphery) 1401 Xilography II CREDITS DEPT. LI BM2C 12 P C. Y REST. 7 27 12 P C. Y REST. 7 27 18 P C. Y REST. 7 27 18 P C. Y REST. 7 27 9 P C. Y REST. 7 27 12 P C. Y REST. 7 27 9 T DRAWING 1-2 21-22 18P DRAQING 21 18 P SCULPTURE 3-5 23-25 18 P DRAWING 2-4 22-24 18 P SCULPTURE 3-5 23-25 3-5 23-25 18P SCULPTURE 18 P SCULPTURE 23 9 T DCADHA* 8 28 18 P DCADHA* 5 25 18 P DRAWING 4 24 18P SCULPTURE 23 18 P SCULPTURE 3 23 18 P DRAWING 4 24 9T DRAWING 21 18 P DRAWING 1 21 18 P DCADHA* 8 28 6 T-12 P DCADHA* 5 25 18P SCULPTURE 3 23 18 P PAINTING 6 26 18 P PAINTING 5-6 25-26 18 P PAINTING 5-6 25-26 18P PAINTING 18 P PINTURA 26 6 26 18 P PAINTING 5-6 25-26 12 P C. Y REST. 7 27 12 P C. Y REST. 7 27 12 P C. Y REST. 7 27 18 P SCULPTURE 3 23 18 P SCULPTURE 3 23 18 P PAINTING 6 26 6 T-12 P DCADHA* 5 25 18 P DRAWING 2 22 18 P SCULPTURE 3 23 1-6 21-26 18 P SCULPTURE 3 23 18 P DRAWING 4 24 18 P SCULPTURE 3 23 18 P DCADHA* 5 25 18 P DRAWING 1 21 18 P PAINTING 6 26 9 T SCULPTURE 3 23 9 P DCADHA* 8 28 18 P DRAWING 4 24 18 P PAINTING GROUP *Department of Audiovisual Communication, Documentation and Art History ALOJAMIENTO EN VALENCIA [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] RESIDENCIAS DE ESTUDIANTES Residencias en el centro de la ciudad : I - Colegio Mayor Rector Peset Horno de San Nicolas 4 46001 VALENCIA Teléfono : 96.316.60.00 Fax : 96.316.60.50 [email protected] OBSERVACIONES: • Mixto. • Plazas 170. • Pertenece a la Universidad de Valencia. HABITACIÓN DE ESTUDIANTE DOBLE (precio por persona 2003 - 2004) Estancia de curso completo 490’31 € MES Estancia menor a un curso completo 599’62 € MES • • Estos precios incluyen la pensión completa de lunes a domingo. El estudiante temdrá que aportar las sábanas y las toallas de uso personal. II - Colegio Mayor Galileo Galilei-Valencia Avda. Los Naranjos s/n 46022 Valencia (España) Tel: 96.335.20.00 – fax : 96 355 12 13 [email protected] [email protected] SIN LENCERÍA (2003 – 2004) Individual Doble Alojamiento y desayuno Media Pensión 609 € 705 € 454,50 € 552 € Pensión Completa 774 € 621 € CON LENCERÍA (2003 – 2004) Individual Doble Alojamiento y desayuno Media Pensión 627 € 724,50 € 471 € 570 € Pensión Completa 790,50 € 636 € III - LOS CENTELLES (mixed residence). Poeta Artola, 14 46021 -Valencia Tel(+34) 96 369 75 41 (+34) 96 360 96 00 (+34) 96 369 96 88 [email protected] Prices: 361E /month in a double room - 391-469 E /month in a single room This last residence is not a building itself, but it consists of 12 different flats surrounding Serpis Street. Each fiat is divided into bedrooms (single or double), all of which have a kitchen and a washing machine. The price includes all meals from Monday to Saturday (the dining room is closed from July 1 st to October 1 st and Sundays). Deadline for application: June IV- AUSIAS MARCH 5 (mixed residence). Av. Cataluña, 30 46021 Valencia Tel/ fax : (+34)963695408 colegiomayor@, Prices- 553 E /month for a single room (full board) - 500 E /month for a double room The residence consists of a building divided into apartments with four bedrooms (single or double)on each floor and a common bathroom for all of them, they have also telephone and heating system. Facilities : library, computer room and plotter, workshop for Fine Arts, meals service, coffee shop, gymn, lecture hall, assembly hall, laundry self-service and clothes drying, TV rooms. Deadline for application: There is no deadline for application V - LLUIS VIVES (mixed residence). Av. Blasco lbáñez, 23. 4601 0 Valencia Tel : (+34) 96 386 41 90 Price: 471 E /month (full board). In this residence you cannot stay in a single room so you will have to share the room with another student. Bathroom is outside the room (there is a shared bathroom for all the rooms on each floor). Facilities : computer room, library, TV rooms, internet connection in the rooms, gym, meals service and coffee shop. Deadline for application: from 15th June to 15th July. VI - REUNIVER (RESIDENCIA UNIVERSITARIA VALENCIA) (mixed residence). Address- C/ Jose María de Haro 59. 46022 Valencia Tel/Fax : (+34) 96 356 22 63 [email protected] www.resí Prices: Double room : 536 E./month (full-board). Single room : 565 E./month (full-board). Single /double room: 35 /32 E./day(full-board). Single /double room : 31 /28 E./day (half-board). Single /double room : 26 /23 E./day (only bed and breakfast). Residence located between the University and the beach and well communicated with the city centre by bus, RENFE trains and tram. Facilities : Sitting rooms with TV and video, dining room, studying rooms with computers, internet connection and drawing tables; laundry; microwave, refrigerator and home cooking. Exterior rooms that can be used as single or double rooms, all of them have a bathroom, air conditioner, TV, telephone and connection to internet. During the summer holidays it is considered a two star hotel. HOTELS Near the beach : All these hotels are very well situated: in a peaceful area (except in summer) just on the beach and not very far from the University (1 Km. approximately). Moreover they are well connected with the University by tram. During summer this area is full of people and tourists who go to the beach during the day and enjoy the nightlife during the evenings. Because of the amount of visitors, prices are higher during these dates. 1-HOTEL LA BARRACA Address: Paseo de Neptuno 36, 46011 Valencia. Tel: (+34) 96 371 62 00 Price: Single room: 47.62 E /day Double room: 38.20 E./day Welcoming and warm hotel, not as expensive as the previous one, with very kind owners. Bedrooms with bathroom, TV and air conditioner. Good price-quality relation. 2-HOTEL LA PEPICA Address: Paseo de Neptuno, 2. 46011 Valencia Tel: (+34) 96 371 42 00 Fax: (+34) 96 371 42 00 Prices : Double room: 32 E./day Single room: 23 E./day it is cheaper than the others but it is also an old building with a worse appearance. All bedrooms have bathroom, TV, telephone and heating system. In the city centre-. 3- HOTEL EUROPA Address- C/ Ribera, 4. 46002 Valencia Tel : (+34) 96 352 00 00 Fax : (+34) 96 352 03 51 Prices : Double room: 45 E./day Single room : 28.50 E./day lts appearance and its quality are not as good as the previous ones but the price is also lower, All bedrooms have a private bathroom, TV and telephone. Breakfast is not included in the price. HOSTELS AND GUEST HOUSES In the city centre The following places are not as good as the previous hotels. Although at first glance they can give a grotty appearance they can be OK if you don't have a lot of money. Most of them consist of a floor with different bedrooms so instead of feeling as if you are in a hotel, you may think you are living in a house with a very big family. 1 - HOSTAL DEL PILAR Address : Plaza del Mercado, 19. 46001 Valencia. Tel : (+34) 96 391 66 00 1 (+34) 96 391 66 09 Prices Double with bathroom : 30 E /day Double room with shower : 24 E./day. Double room without shower : 20 E./day. Single room with shower : 15 E /day. Single room without shower : 11 E /day. The hostel consists of an old house (not renovated) but with a good location: opposite the Central Market and next to the Lonja. it is also very near the Carmen district, which has a good nightlife. No rooms have a complete bathroom, only some of them have a shower inside the room. Breakfast is not included. 2 - HOSTAL EL CID Address : C/ Cerrajeros, 13. 46001 Valencia Tel : (+34) 96 392 23 23 Prices Double room with bathroom : 33 E /day Double room with shower : 28E /day Double room without shower : 20E /day Advice note : there aren't single room and all the rooms have TV. 3 - HOSTAL ALICANTE Address : C/ Ribera, 8. 46002 Valencia Tel /Fax : (+34) 96 351 22 96 Prices Room for three or more people with bathroom : 48 E./day. Double room with bathroom : 43 E./day Double room with shower : 36 E./day Double room without shower : 27 E /day Single room with bathroom : 35 E/day Single room with shower : 28 E/day Single room with shower : 19 E/day Guest house in a pedestrian street full of coffee shops and other trades very near the City Hall. it has TV and some bedrooms with complete bathroom. ¡t also offers the possibility of taking breakfast and paying with credit card. lf you decide to stay in the hotel for a long time you can get a 10% discount. 4 - ALBERGUE JUVENIL CIUTAT DE VALENCIA • • • • Adress : C/ Balmes, 17 46001 Valencia. Tel : (+34) 96 392 51 00 [email protected] Prices Bed and breakfastLow season (October to May): for people < 25 years old- 11E /day for people > 26 years old- 14 E /day High season (May to September + Christmas and Easter holidays): for people < 25 years old- 12 E /day for people > 26 years old- 15,50 E /day PROCEDIMIENTO DE SOLICITUD PARA ALUMNOS DE INTERCAMBIO 2011/2012 Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales APPLICATION PROCEDURE FOR EXCHANGE STUDENTS 2011/2012 International Relations Office v.05 v.4. Facultad de Bellas Artes San Carlos Universidad Politécnica de Valencia APPLICATION FOR EXCHANGE STUDENTS Deadlines : First Semester –1st April to 31st May 2011 Second Semester–1st April to 31st October 2011 Full Academic Year – 1st April to 31st May 2011 Non European students will have to apply before May, 15th for 1st semester and annual exchanges 1 - Online Application Form .- Fill in the online application form (application details and contact details). Once completed, CONFIRM AND PRINT IT. It has to be signed by the student and the appropriate representative of the home University. 1. 2. 3. 4. HOME DATA. UPV DATA.- “The address in Spain” does not need to be completed until definitive accommodation in Spain has been arranged. ACADEMIC DATA.- Fill in this form, chose the subjects you would like to take. You can request a maximum of 75 UPV credits of subjects from Fine Arts Faculty, and up to 12 UPV credits from other schools in UPV, (in this case, the others schools will be able to accept you or not for those subjects). Please note that we only require that students select the courses for informative purposes, and definitive request of subjects will be made upon the student’s arrival. MENTOR - To request the support of a mentor student (advice from other students at UPV about courses, accommodation, etc.) 2-Send Us By Post Mail The Following Documents: 1º- The “Online Application Form” signed and stamped by the home institution joint 1 passport picture. (It can be advanced by fax: +34 96 387 7941) 2º- Official transcript of records 3º- A covering letter 4º- A portfolio CD 5º - Certificate of Spanish level 3-Acceptance Students will be able to check the status of their acceptance on their online application form approximately two weeks after deadline for each semester. Important – spanish language requirements - Please note that we no longer offer A1 spanish courses, so all the exchange students must send their spanish level/courses certificate before their arrival to UPV. The international officce reserves the right to reject the exchange applications of students that don’t guarantee sufficient language ability upon their arrival to UPV. VICEDECANATO DE RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES FACULTAD DE BELLAS ARTES DE SAN CARLOS, UPV Camino de Vera, s/n - 46022 Valencia Tel: +34 96-387 7226 - Fax: +34 96 387 7941 E-mail: [email protected] SOLICITUD DE INTERCAMBIO ACADÉMICO Periodo de solicitudes: Primer Semestre –1 de Abril al 31 de Mayo de 2011 Segundo Semestre–1 de Abril al 31 de Octubre de 2011 Curso académico completo– 1 de Abril al 31 de Mayo de 2011 Los estudiantes no europeos deberán remitir las solicitudes antes del 15 de Mayo para estancias de intercambio en el primer semestre o anuales. 1-Solicitud Online.- Cumplimenta la solicitud y tus datos personales. Una vez cumplimentado, CONFIRMALA e IMPRIMELA, tiene que ir firmada por ti y por la autoridad correspondiente en tu Universidad. 1. DATOS ORIGEN. 2. DATOS EN UPV. La dirección en España no es necesaria hasta que el alumno tenga alojamiento definitivo en Valencia 3. DATOS ACADEMICOS. Cumplimenta la solicitud de asignaturas. Elige las asignaturas que solicitas cursar. Puedes solicitar un máximo de 75 créditos UPV y un máximo de 12 créditos de otras escuelas (en este caso serán las otras escuelas las que deciden si has sido aceptado o no en esas asignaturas). Ten en cuenta que esta selección es a título informativo, pues la solicitud de asignaturas definitiva se realizará tras tu incorporación como estudiantes a la UPV. Dependiendo de la disponibilidad de plazas. 4. MENTOR - Para solicitar el apoyo de un estudiante de la UPV debes de indicarlo en tu solicitud. 2-Envíanos por correo postal los siguientes documentos: 1º- La solicitud de intercambio online, impresa, firmada y sellada por tu institución de origen junto con 1 fotografía tamaño pasaporte(Puede avanzarse por fax: +34 96 387 7941) 2º- Expediente académico oficial 3º- Carta de motivación 4º- Dossier - portfolio CD 5º-Certificado de nivel de español - mínimo nivel A1 o 60 horas de clase (solo para alumnos procedentes de países no hispanohablantes) 3-Evaluación y aceptación de solicitudes Los estudiantes podrán comprobar en su solicitud online el estado de aceptación de la solicitud de intercambio. VICEDECANATO DE RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES FACULTAD DE BELLAS ARTES DE SAN CARLOS, UPV Camino de Vera, s/n - 46022 Valencia Tel: +34 96-387 7226 - Fax: +34 96 387 7941 E-mail: [email protected] IMPORTANT INFO SUBJECTS 1.-The Online subjects request form is only for informative purposes, the definitive request of subjects, and its register will be finalized only once the student has been accepted and enrolled at the Fine Arts Faculty at UPV. 2.- Subjects at Fine Arts at UPV have a limited number of vacancies (specially photo and design courses), so it may be possible that a student cannot enrol in all the subjects requested. The vacancies will be assigned by strict order of registration upon the arrival of the student at the UPV. 3.- The majority of the Fine Arts subjects last the whole year, in this case, for students coming only for 1 semester, the definitive number of credits given to the student at the end of their period at UPV will be divided to be in accordance with the length of the classes attended. STUDENT VISA If the student needs a Visa, we recommend that they submit the application documents as soon as is possible, and to find out at the relevant Spanish consulate about procedure and conditions to obtain a STUDENT VISA. HEALTHCARE INSURANCE All the incoming exchange student must bring their healthcare insurance with coverage during the whole period of studies at UPV. European students can bring the European Sanitary Card or other insurance policy proving enough coverage abroad. Noneuropean students will be required to purchase the UPV healthcare insurance for exchange students. Students will be informed about the conditions upon their acceptance. Students will not be registered in UPV without an appropiate healthcare insurance coverage. PERIOD OF STUDIES All the exchange students will have to adjust their stay at UPV accordingly to the semester dates at the Faculty of Fine Arts – UPV VICEDECANATO DE RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES FACULTAD DE BELLAS ARTES DE SAN CARLOS, UPV Camino de Vera, s/n - 46022 Valencia Tel: +34 96-387 7226 - Fax: +34 96 387 7941 E-mail: [email protected] INFORMACIÓN IMPORTANTE ASIGNATURAS 1.-La solicitud de asignaturas online se realiza a titulo informativo, la solicitud definitiva de asignaturas, así como su matrícula serán oficiales solo una vez que el estudiante ha sido aceptado e incorporado a la FBBAA UPV. 2.- Las asignaturas en la FBBAA UPV tienen un número limitado de plazas, por lo que es posible que el alumno no pueda matricularse en alguna de las asignaturas que solicitó. Las plazas serán asignadas en riguroso orden de llegada a la UPV. Especialmente las asignaturas de Fotografía y Diseño Gráfico cuentan con un número muy limitado de plazas, por lo que no se garantiza en ningún caso disponibilidad de plazas. 3.- La mayoría de las asignaturas de la FBBAA UPV son de duración anual; en el caso de alumnos cuyo periodo de estancia sea semestral, y estén matriculados de asignaturas anuales, el número definitivo de créditos que se certificarán al alumno una vez finalizada su estancia en la UPV se dividirá de acuerdo a la duración de su estancia. VISADO DE ESTUDIANTE Si el estudiante necesita un visado, recomendamos entregar la solicitud de intercambio lo antes posible, así como informarse sobre los procedimientos y requisitos para obtener un VISADO DE ESTUDIANTE a tiempo para la incorporación a la UPV de acuerdo al calendario académico establecido. SEGURO MEDICO Todos los estudiantes de intercambio de la UPV deben contar con cobertura médica a su llegada a la UPV. Los estudiantes europeos podrán traer la tarjeta Sanitaria Europea u otro tipo de póliza de seguro que acredite cobertura suficiente en el extranjero. Los estudiantes no europeos deberán suscribirse obligatoriamente a la póliza de seguros de la UPV. El procedimiento de alta en el seguro se comunicará a los estudiantes una vez que hayan sido aceptados. Los estudiantes que no acrediten correctamente la cobertura sanitaria no serán matriculados en la UPV. PERIODO DE ESTUDIOS EN LA UPV Todos los estudiantes de intercambio deberán ajustar su estancia en la UPV de acuerdo al calendario académico de la Facultad de Bellas Artes – UPV VICEDECANATO DE RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES FACULTAD DE BELLAS ARTES DE SAN CARLOS, UPV Camino de Vera, s/n - 46022 Valencia Tel: +34 96-387 7226 - Fax: +34 96 387 7941 E-mail: [email protected] ACADEMIC CALENDAR Deffinitive academic calendar for the academic year 2011/12 will be available from the beginning of June 2011 Our academic year starts September 5th 2011, and is divided into two semesters: A (Winter) and B (Summer). Semester A: Lectures and exams: From 5th of September 2011 – 15th of January 2012 aprox. Semester B: Lectures and exams: From 15th of January 2012 to 30th of May 2012 aprox. Holidays: (1) Christmas: From December 24rd to January 7th. (2) Fallas: From March 17th to March 19th. (3) Easter: From 5th to 20 th April (approximate dates) Deffinitive academic calendar for the academic year 2011/12 will be available on the online application of each student, and on the Faculty website as well: CALENDARIO ACADÉMICO El calendario académico definitivo para el curso 2011/12 estará disponible a principios de Junio de 2011 Nuestro curso académico comienza a mediados de Septiembre de 2011 y se divide en dos semestres A (invierno) y B (verano). Semestre A: Clases: y exámenes: Desde el 5 de Septiembre 2011 –mediados Enero 2012 Semestre B: Clases y exámenes: Desde mediados de Enero 2012 a finales de Mayo de 2012 Vacaciones: (1) Navidades: Del 24 de Diciembre al 7 de Enero. (2) Fallas: Del 17 al 19 de Marzo. (3) Semana Santa. Del 5 al 20 de Abril (fechas aproximadas) El calendario académico definitivo para el curso 2011/12 estará disponible en: VICEDECANATO DE RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES FACULTAD DE BELLAS ARTES DE SAN CARLOS, UPV Camino de Vera, s/n - 46022 Valencia Tel: +34 96-387 7226 - Fax: +34 96 387 7941 E-mail: [email protected] SUBJECTS AND CLASS SCHEDULE The complete study program at Fine Arts Faculty is available at the online application and at: > secretaria > información general > plan de estudios The complete profile of each subject is available at: > syllabus Some classes are available in English. For more information see: Lectures are scheduled in the weekly timetable according to their timetable group. The information will be available on the online application and on thefollowing internet site: > secretaria > información general > horarios Exchange students can also register for courses from other schools or Faculties at UPV up to 12 UPV credits. The class schedule for the next academic year will be available at the beginning of July 2011. ASIGNATURAS Y HORARIOS **IMPORTANTE** debido a los cambios en los estudios universitarios españoles en el marco del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, la titulación de Licenciatura en Bellas Artes ofrecerá únicamente estudios de tercer curso en adelante. Las asignaturas de 1er y 2º curso se ofrecen en la nueva titulación “Grado en Bellas Artes”. Los alumnos de intercambio podrán excepcionalmente, matricularse en asignaturas de 1º y 2º de grado. El plan de estudios de la Licenciatura en Bellas Artes se encuentran en: > secretaria > informacion general > plan de estudios La descripción detallada de cada asignatura se encuentra en: > plan de estudios Las clases están distribuidas en el horarios semanal de acuerdo a su grupo. La información sobre los horarios se encuentra en: > secretaria > información general > horarios Los estudiantes de intercambio también pueden seleccionar asignaturas de otras escuelas o facultades de la UPV hasta un máximo de 12 créditos UPV. Los horarios para el próximo curso 2011/12 estarán disponibles a partir de Julio de 2011 VICEDECANATO DE RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES FACULTAD DE BELLAS ARTES DE SAN CARLOS, UPV Camino de Vera, s/n - 46022 Valencia Tel: +34 96-387 7226 - Fax: +34 96 387 7941 E-mail: [email protected] UPV CREDITS The equivalences of the UPV credit are: 1 UPV credit = 10 hours of classroom contact 1 UPV credit = 0,8 ECTS credits 1 ECTS credit = 1,25 UPV credits Important! The majority of subjects at the Fine Arts Faculty are annual. Students that come for one semester and choose an annual course, please take into account that you will be evaluated for 1 semester and you will get the half of the credits. CRÉDITOS UPV Las equivalencias de los créditos UPV son: 1 crédito UPV = 10 horas de docencia presencial 1 crédito UPV = 0,8 ECTS 1 crédito ECTS = 1,25 créditos UPV Importante!: .- La mayoría de las asignaturas de la FBBAA UPV son de duración anual; en el caso de alumnos cuyo periodo de estancia sea semestral, y estén matriculados de asignaturas anuales, el número definitivo de créditos que se certificarán al alumno una vez finalizada su estancia en la UPV se dividirá de acuerdo a la duración de su estancia. VICEDECANATO DE RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES FACULTAD DE BELLAS ARTES DE SAN CARLOS, UPV Camino de Vera, s/n - 46022 Valencia Tel: +34 96-387 7226 - Fax: +34 96 387 7941 E-mail: [email protected] CONTACT DATA Address Internacional Relations Office Faculty of Fine Arts Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Camino de Vera s/n 46022 - Valencia (Spain) Telf. +34 963 87 7226 Fax. +34 963 87 7941 [email protected] Staff Members Isabel Tristán Tristán - Vice-Dean of International Relations Alba Marina Ara Martín - International Relations Manager Fanny Ramón Toledo - International Relations Administrative Officer Fayna Sanchez Santana - International Relations Officer Assistant LLP-Erasmus data Erasmus Code: EVALENCI02 Erasmus University Charter : 29526-IC-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-EUCX-1 VICEDECANATO DE RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES FACULTAD DE BELLAS ARTES DE SAN CARLOS, UPV Camino de Vera, s/n - 46022 Valencia Tel: +34 96-387 7226 - Fax: +34 96 387 7941 E-mail: [email protected] DATOS DE CONTACTO Dirección Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales Facultad de Bellas Artes Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Camino de Vera s/n 46022 - Valencia (España) Telf. +34 963 87 7226 Fax. +34 963 87 7941 [email protected] Personal Isabel Tristán Tristán - Vice-Decana de Relaciones Internacionales Alba Marina Ara Martín - Técnico de Relaciones Internacionales Fanny Ramón Toledo - Administrativa Fayna Sanchez Santana – Becaria LLP-Erasmus data Erasmus Code: EVALENCI02 Erasmus University Charter : 29526-IC-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-EUCX-1 VICEDECANATO DE RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES FACULTAD DE BELLAS ARTES DE SAN CARLOS, UPV Camino de Vera, s/n - 46022 Valencia Tel: +34 96-387 7226 - Fax: +34 96 387 7941 E-mail: [email protected]