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On the agenda Aug 13 – F. Christian Saenz, SJ; History of Church/State relations (continuation fro m Jul 23 presentation) Aug 20, 27 – Emilio Falero; The background and teachings of Pope Francis Last Wednesday Bishop Luis del Castillo, SJ celebrated mass. He gave a beautiful homily on the Transfiguration. He then stayed and participated in the social hour afterwards. Many people came to the mass and stayed late for the monthly social. Peter Lagonowicz provided food and drink. Social Wednesday Preparations We thank Peter for his contributions to making Social Wednesday a success and we would like to invite others to collaborate in this very important event by assisting with the refreshments. If you’d like to help out please contact Alberto Delgado at: [email protected] Rescate! Rescate is a lay ministry sponsored by the Archdiocese of Miami dedicated to bring Christ to detainees. Rescate #75 was conducted on August 1&2 at the South Florida Reception Center South Unit. Several members of the Miami ACU are involved in this lifechanging ministry. In this Rescate some of the participants were: Carlos Cueto and his son Gabriel., Hugo Fernandez, and Efrain Zabala and his son Gabriel. Those who participate in this movement describe their experiences as meaningful, fruitful and transformational. If you wish to join this wonderful and challenging ministry please contact: Efrain Zabala at [email protected] JMR News We’d like to welcome 2 new residents to La Guardia: Shane is from Ireland and he has been in the states for 4 months. He has a PhD and he's helping immigrants apply for immigration status as well as helping them write business plans . Alejandro Gomez was also welcomed to La Guardia. Alejandro is a University of Miami student earning a web marketing and business degree. He is doing an Internet startup and is from Columbia. He is 19 years old and has lived in the states for five years. He has lived in the residence for a few weeks. In addition to Shane and Alejandro, last week 6 JMR residents participated in La Guardia. The team that is running JMR is doing an outstanding job. Great Work! Retreats Next ACU Retreat: SPANISH Proximo Retiro: Labor Day Espanol (8/29/14 - 9/1/14) Los Ejercicios Ignacianos de Labor Day en la casa Juan Pablo II seran dirijidos por el padre Eduardo Najarro Reyes, SJ. El padre Najarro nacio en La Habana, Cuba y se ordeno en la misma ciudad en 1990. El posee un doctorado en teologia y ha sido rector del seminario San Carlos y San Ambrosio en dicha ciudad. El telefono de JPII es: 305-576-2748 Vida de Patio In order to create community and camaraderie a group of Agrupados is planning to volunteer to open the ACU from 4:00PM to 7:00PM. Initially they would start with one day a week and eventually expand to Monday through Fridays. This would be a great step to make the ACU more available for all those interested. If you would like to participate in this project please contact Dr. Jose Calleja at: [email protected]. Se esta planificando abrir la ACU los Miercoles de 4:00PM hasta las 7:00PM con el proposito de crear “Vida de Patio”. Si le gustaria participar en este projecto for favor pongase de acuerdo con el Dr. Jose Calleja: [email protected]. Gonzaga Renovation Architect Found! We have found an architect willing to help us out with the Gonzaga renovation. David Prada has graciously offered his services to help us transform Gonzaga. Thank you David!