Oregon Association for Bilingual Education
Oregon Association for Bilingual Education
Parents/padres Oregon Association for Bilingual Education 2014 Summer Conference Program Bilingual Education: Equity, Access, and Excellence June 27 & 28, 2014 Happy Valley Middle School, Happy Valley, Oregon Sponsors: Los Altos Publications San Mateo, CA (650) 571-7641 Keynote Presentations: Aída Walqui Aída Walqui joined WestEd in 1999 to initiate the Teacher Professional Development Program. As Director of Teacher Professional Development at WestEd, she is responsible for collaborating with ongoing WestEd teacher professional development efforts and leading the evolution of an organizational commitment to supporting teachers throughout their careers from recruitment and preservice through induction and life-long learning. Previously, Walqui taught in the Division of Education at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and the School of Education at Stanford University, where she coordinated the Cross-Cultural, Linguistic, and Academic Development emphasis in the STEP program. She has also taught in other universities in Peru, Mexico, England, and the United States. She has authored two books for the study of Spanish for Spanish speakers in American schools; a book for teachers of Spanish as a second language in Andean countries; a book on the teaching of indigenous languages in intercultural, bilingual programs; an ethnographic study of immigrant students in secondary schools in the United States; and a number of articles in journals and edited volumes. A member of several national and international teacher professional development advisory boards, Walqui is frequently invited to speak on teacher growth in school contexts characterized by cultural and linguistic diversity. A native of Peru, Walqui received her Licenciatura in Literature from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru. She holds an MA in sociolinguistics from Georgetown University; and a PhD in language, literacy, and culture from Stanford University. Claude Goldenberg Claude Goldenberg, a native of Argentina, is Professor of Education at Stanford University. Prior to his Stanford appointment, Goldenberg was at California State University, Long Beach, where he was in the Department of Teacher Education, Associate Dean of the College of Education, and (since 2005) Executive Director of the Center for Language Minority Education and Research (CLMER). Goldenberg received his A.B. in history from Princeton University and Ph.D. in 1984 from Graduate School of Education, UCLA. He has taught junior high school in San Antonio, TX, and first grade in a bilingual elementary school in the Los Angeles area. Goldenberg was a National Academy of Education Spencer Fellow in 1986-88. He won the 1993 Albert J. Harris Award from the International Reading Association for an article (co-authored with Ronald Gallimore), describing how beginning Spanish reading achievement improved at an elementary school where he taught first grade and conducted research on home and school influences on early literacy development. In 2004 he received the Distinguished Faculty Scholarly and Creative Activities Award from California State University, Long Beach. In 1997, he produced Settings for Change, a video describing a 5-year school improvement project that succeeded in raising literacy achievement in a largely Latino, bilingual elementary school in the Los Angeles area. A book based on this project, Successful School Change: Creating Settings to Improve Teaching and Learning, was published in 2004 by Teachers College Press. Goldenberg's other publications have appeared in numerous academic and professional journals, and he has been on the editorial boards of Language Arts; The Elementary School Journal; Reading Research Quarterly; American Educational Research Journal; and Literacy, Teaching and Learning. His current projects focus on improving language and literacy achievement among English learners in elementary and middle school (funded by the Institute of Education Sciences, US Dept of Education) and language and literacy development among Mexican children in Mexico (funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Development, US Department of Health and Human Services). Goldenberg was on the National Research Council's Committee for the Prevention of Early Reading Difficulties in Young Children and on the National Literacy Panel, which synthesized research on literacy development among language-minority children and youth. Conference at a Glance Horario de la conferencia Saturday, June 28/Sábado, el 28 de junio 7:30—10:00 Registration/Registración 8:00—9:30 Welcome & Keynote Address by David Bautista, Assistant Superintendent, Oregon Department of Education Bienvenida y Sesión general presentado por David Bautista Asistente al superintendente, Departamento estatal de educación 9:45—12:30 Workshop Sessions/Rotación de sesiones 12:30—1:30 Lunch/Almuerzo 1:45—3:00 Workshop Sessions/Rotación de sesiones Message from the OABE President On behalf of the executive council, it is my privilege to welcome you to the OABE’s Summer Conference. We are grateful to the North Clackamas School District Superintendent, Matt Utterback and staff members who have graciously agreed to host and sponsor this event. The conference themes this year are equity, access, and excellence. The OABE executive board has worked diligently to provide you with sessions during the conference that reinforce these three themes. As you attend sessions during the conference, I encourage you to focus on these and take the great expertise and knowledge gained back to your districts to put into practice. Oregon’s Association for Bilingual Education (OABE) has been an affiliate of the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) for many years. Some of us remember outstanding summer institutes of the past that brought together a growing population of teachers, paraprofessionals, parents, and administrators. We are proud that this is the third summer institute in a row since OABE’s hiatus and our focus remains the same: IMPROVING OUR PRACTICE & STRENGTHENING OUR ADVOCACY FOR BILINGUAL STUDENTS. In addition to professional development and networking, OABE takes an active role in working with NABE on priority issues of advocacy. We are all encouraged to remain informed and to provide feedback around how we address the Common Core State Standards, reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), and the Federal Consolidated Application that Oregon submits to the US Department of Education. OABE intends to keep members informed as well as prepared for any legislation, ballot measures, or bills that potentially harm bilingual students and their families. OABE membership includes discounts to many professional development events, newsletters, list serve, and other opportunities to network. Members are also eligible for service on national committees, and receive a discounted rate for NABE annual membership dues. It is our hope that membership serves to better connect us with one another in sharing resources, as well as organizing efforts in more strategic and effective ways that better serve our students and families. It’s been a busy and productive year for OABE. We started a year ago with the summer institute at Linfield College, OABE Executive retreat in the fall, membership meeting at OACE in January, spring institute in Bend, and a round table discussion in May with a diverse group of educators focusing on bilingual programs of various languages. In addition to our mission to provide professional learning to educators, OABE is an association that prioritizes advocacy. OABE has a threefold focus on the following areas during the year and we also have sessions at the conference that highlight each of these: 1) Bilingual Teacher Preparation, Recruitment, Certification, and Retention, 2) Seal of Biliteracy at a Statewide Level, and 3) Advocacy for Special Service Needs of Bilingual Students. Thank you for joining OABE. Your participation in the Summer Conference, and within the association, will be of benefit to Oregon students! Best Regards, Jonathan Fost OABE President Workshop Sessions/Rotación de sesiones Workshop Session 1/Rotación de sesiones #1 9:45am—11:00am Parents as Teachers: Reading Together We Advance Library/Biblioteca Presenters: Annalivia Palazzo-Angulo & Yadira Juárez, Salem-Keizer Coalition for Equality Padres como maestros: leyendo juntos avanzamos Presentadores: Annalivia Palazzo-Angulo & Yadira Juárez, Coalición por la equidad de Salem-Keizer *Interpreter available English-Spanish/traducción disponible inglés-español Apoyando a los estudiantes para accesar los estudios universitarios Salón M228 Presentador: Felix Velázquez, Hispanic Chamber *Spanish only/en español solamente Programas para el desarrollo lingüístico – Un taller para padres de estudiantes aprendices de inglés como segundo idioma Salón 231 Presentador: Timothy Blackburn, Departamento Estatal de Educación *Spanish only/en español solamente Workshop Session 2/Rotación de sesiones #2 La realidad de nuestros jóvenes latinos en nuestra comunidad Presentador: Javier Quiroz, Coalición por la equidad de Salem-Keizer *Spanish only/en español solamente Towards Our Common Goal—Common Core Standards for Parents Presenter: Timothy Blackburn, Oregon Department of Education Hacía Nuestra Meta Común - Estándares Comunes para padres Presentador: Timothy Blackburn, Departamento Estatal de Educación *Interpreter available English-Spanish/traducción disponible inglés-español Workshop Session 3/Rotación de sesiones #3 Padres y madres: cómo apoyar a sus hijos a aprender a leer Presentadora: Pamela Spurgeon, Distrito escolar de Canby *Spanish only/en español solamente Dare to Dream Big Dreams about College with the Five Steps Presenter: Jonathan Fost, Newberg School District Atrévete a soñar grandes sueños para la universidad con los cinco pasos Presentador: Jonathan Fost, Distrito escolar de Newberg *Interpreter available English-Spanish/traducción disponible inglés-español 11:15am—12:30pm Biblioteca Room 231/Salón 231 1:45pm—3:00pm Biblioteca Room 231/Salón 231 Notes/Apuntes Mensaje del presidente de OABE En nombre del consejo ejecutivo, tengo el privilegio de darle la bienvenida a la Conferencia de Verano de la Asociación de Oregon para la Educación Bilingüe (OABE). Damos las gracias al Superintendente del Distrito Escolar de North Clackamas, Matt Utterback y miembros del personal que están patrocinando este evento. Los temas de la conferencia de este año son la equidad, el acceso y la excelencia. El consejo ejecutivo de OABE ha trabajado diligentemente para ofrecerle talleres durante la conferencia que respaldan estos tres temas. Cuando asiste a los talleres durante la conferencia, le animo enfocarse en estos temas, aprender de los expertos y poner a la práctica los conocimientos adquiridos con sus hijos. OABE ha sido una filial de la Asociación Nacional para la Educación Bilingüe (NABE) durante muchos años. Algunos de nosotros recordamos las conferencias de verano del pasado que reunieron a una población cada vez mayor de maestros, asistentes educacionales, padres y administradores. Estamos orgullosos de que este es el tercer instituto de verano consecutivo desde el hiato de OABE y nuestro objetivo sigue siendo el mismo: MEJORAR NUESTRA PRÁCTICA Y SEGUIR APOYANDO A LOS ALUMNOS BILINGÜES. Además del desarrollo profesional y conectar a los que apoyan la educación bilingüe, OABE toma un papel activo en trabajar con NABE en temas prioritarios de abogar por los derechos de los bilingües. Todos nos sentimos alentados a permanecer informados para proporcionar información y retroalimentación a los Estándares Comunes, la reautorización de la Ley Primaria y Secundaria (ESEA), y la Solicitud Federal Consolidado que Oregon presenta al Departamento de Educación de EE.UU. OABE tiene la intención de mantener a los miembros informados y preparados para cualquier legislación, iniciativa de ley o proyecto de ley que potencialmente perjudica a los estudiantes bilingües y sus familias. La membrecía OABE incluye descuentos a muchos eventos de desarrollo profesional, boletines de noticias, lista de información por correo electrónico, y otras oportunidades para trabajar con afiliados de bilingüismo. Los miembros también son elegibles para el servicio en comités nacionales, y recibir un descuento para la cuota anual de membrecía de NABE. Esperamos que la afiliación a OABE sirva para conectar a los aliados de bilingüismo e intercambiar recursos, así como los esfuerzos de organización en formas más estratégicas y eficaces que sirvan mejor a nuestros estudiantes y familias. Ha sido un año muy ocupado y productivo para OABE. Empezamos hace un año con el instituto de verano en Linfield College, retiro del consejo ejecutiva de OABE en el otoño, reunión de miembros en OACE en enero, el instituto de la primavera en Bend, y un foro informativo en mayo compuesto de un grupo diverso de educadores que se centran en programas bilingües de varios idiomas. Además de nuestra misión de proporcionar aprendizaje profesional para los educadores, OABE es una asociación que da prioridad de abogar por la causa. Asimismo, OABE tiene un enfoque triple en las siguientes áreas durante el año y también tenemos talleres en la conferencia que resaltan cada uno de éstos: 1) Preparación del maestro bilingüe, reclutamiento, certificación, y retención, 2) Sello de Alfabetización Bilingüe a nivel estatal y 3) La defensa de las necesidades de servicios especiales de los estudiantes bilingües. Gracias por unirse a OABE. Su participación en la Conferencia de verano y la asociación, será de beneficio para los estudiantes de Oregon. Saludos cordiales, Jonathan Fost Presidente de OABE Thank You! 2014 OABE Institutional Members Beaverton School District Bend LaPine Schools Buena Vista Elementary School Canby School District Hillsboro School District Newberg School District Oregon Association of Latino Administrators Oregon City School District Phoenix Talent School District Portland Public Schools Dual Language Program Portland State University Reynolds School District Southern Oregon Education Service District West Linn-Wilsonville School District OABE 2015—Save the Date! June 26 & 27, 2015