Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
CURRICULUM VITAE O. ZARROUK PERSONAL DATA Full Name: Birth Date: Birth Place: Nationality: Institutional Address: Phone: E-mail: Olfa Zarrouk June 9, 1977 Tunis, Tunisia Portuguese / Tunisian Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica (ITQB) - Plant Molecular Ecophysiology Lab. Av. República, Estação Agronómica Nacional. 2780-901 Oeiras-Portugal +351 214469642 [email protected] EDUCATION - 2006 Doctor in Agricultural system, Forest and Nutrition systems- The Lleida University, Spain. Thesis entitled: "Scion-Stock compatibility in Prunus. Early methods to detect graft incompatibility" - 2001 Degree in Agronomic Engineering – Plant Production (Fruticulture)- Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie (INAT), Tunisia. PREVIOUS AND CURRENT SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES - Since July 2007 Post-doc researcher at Plant Molecular Ecophysiology Lab., ITQB - Portugal - October 2002 - November 2006 PhD student, full-time research Experimental de Aula Dei- CSIC- Dpt. Pomology- Zaragoza- Spain - October 2001- July 2002 Post-Graduate Student Tunisian National Agronomical Institute. Fruticulture Laboratory- Tunisia - February 2001 - June 2001 Research activities Tunisian National Agronomical Institute- Plant Science Department- Fruticulture Laboratory- Tunisia fellowship Estación RESEARCH INTERESTS At the present my specific research interests involve the study of grape berry biochemical and molecular mechanisms that coordinate relevant quality traits of grape berry, namely flavonoid pathway. I am currently studying the effect of water deficit on the accumulation and the biosynthesis of different classes of flavonoids (anthocyanin, proanthocyanidin, flavonols and stilbenes) as well on hormones namely ABA. In parallel, I am interested in the biosynthesis and the accumulation of berry cuticle during fruit development and the impact of water stress on this process. PUBLICATIONS BOOK CHAPTER Zarrouk O, Costa M, Francisco R, Lopes C, Chaves MM. Drought and water management in Mediterranean vineyards In: Serge Delrot, Manuela Chaves, Hernâni Gerós and Hipolito Medrano (eds) Grapevine under environmental stress: from ecophysiology to molecular mechanisms. Wiley Blackwel (accepted) Chaves MM, Zarrouk O. Crop Responses to Available Soil Water. In: Meyers R. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology: SpringerReference ( Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 10.1007/SpringerReference_226365 2013‐02‐27 17:59:54 UTC 2012. DOI: PAPERS IN INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC PERIODICALS WITH REFEREES 1. Zarrouk O, Garcia-Tejero I, Pinto C, Chabir F, Prista C, Soares David T, Loureiro Dias MC, Chaves MM. Differential responses of aquaporin isoforms in cv. Touriga Nacional grapevine under water stress and recovery treatments and their role in leaves and roots hydraulic dynamic. (in preparation) 2. Zarrouk O, Francisco R, Pintó-Marijuan M, Brossa R, Genebra T, Santos RR, López-Carbonell M, Alegre L, Chaves MM. Deficit irrigation induces changes on abscisic acid and flavonoids biosynthesis/accumulation in grape skin and seeds during fruit ripening. (submitted) 3. Genebra T, Santos RR, Francisco R, Pinto-Marijuan M, Brossa R, Serra AT, Duarte CMM, Chaves MM, Zarrouk O. 2014. Proanthocyanidin accumulation and biosynthesis are modulated by the irrigation regime in Tempranillo seeds. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (accepted) (IF2013: 2.339) 4. Noronha H, Agasse A, Martins AP, Berny MC, Gomes D, Zarrouk O, Thiebaud P, Delrot S, Soveral G, Chaumont F, Gerós H. 2014. The grape aquaporin VvSIP1 transports water 1 across the ER membrane. J. Exp. Bot. oi: 10.1093/jxb/ert448 (IF2012: 5.242) 5. Pintó-Marijuan M, Bernardes da Silva A, Flexas J, Dias T, Zarrouk O, Martins-Loução MA, Chaves MM, Cruz C. 2013. Atmospheric NH3 generated in multifunctional agrosystems clues for the impact on Quercus suber photosynthesis. Tree Physiology. 33 (12): 1328-1337 doi:10.1093/treephys/tpt077 (IF2012: 2.853) 6. Francisco RM, Regalado A, Ageorges A, Burla BJ, Bassin B, Eisenach C, Zarrouk O, Vialet S, Marlin T, Chaves MM, Martinoia E, Nagy R. 2013. ABCC1, an ATP Binding Cassette Protein from Grape Berry, Transports Anthocyanidin 3-OGlucosides. Plant Cell (IF2012: 9.251) 7. Zarrouk O, Francisco R, Pintó-Marijuan M, Brossa R, Santos RR, Pinheiro C, Costa JM, Lopes C, Chaves MM. 2012. Impact of irrigation regime on berry development and flavonoids composition in Aragonez (Syn. Tempranillo) grapevine. Agricultural Water Management 114: 18– 29. (IF2012: 2.203) 8. Francisco R, Zarrouk O, Passarinho JA, Santos RR, Costa JM, Ortuño MF, Moes S, Jenöe P, Pinto Ricardo C, Chaves MM. Water deficit intensity modulates grape berry ripening- a proteomic and metabolomic analysis. (Submitted) 9. Chaves MM, Zarrouk O, Francisco R, Costa JM, Santos T, Regalado AP, Rodrigues ML, Lopes CM. 2010. Grapevine and berry development under deficit irrigation – hints from physiological and molecular data. Annals of botany 105(5): 661-676 (invited review). (IF2012: 3.449) 10. Zarrouk O, Testillano PS, Risueño MC, Moreno MA, Gogorcena Y. 2010. Changes in cell/tissue organization and peroxidase isozyme pattern and activity as markers for early detection of graft incompatibility in peach /plum combinations. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science 135(1):9-17. (IF2012: 1.122) 11. Zarrouk O, Pinochet J, Gogorcena Y, Moreno MA. 2006. Graft compatibility between peach cultivars and Prunus rootstocks. HortScience 61(4):1389-1394. (IF2012: 0.938) 12. Zarrouk O, Gogorcena Y, Gómez-Aparisi J, Betrán JA, Moreno MA. 2005. Influence of almond x peach hybrids rootstocks on flower and leaf mineral concentration, yield and vigour of two peach cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae 106: 502-514 (IF2012: 1.396) PAPERS IN NATIONAL PERIODICALS WITH REFEREES Zarrouk O. 2007. Compatibilidad patrón‐variedad en Prunus. Métodos precoces de detección de la incompatibilidad de injerto. SECH boletin informativo 20(1): 21 Zarrouk O, Gogorcena Y, Felipe A, Betrán JA, Moreno MA. 2004. Comportamiento de diferentes patrones con variedades de melocotonero: influencia en la concentración mineral de flores y hojas. Georgica 49: 49-61 PUBLICATIONS IN NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ACTA Lopes CM, Monteiro R, Egipto R, Genebra T, Zarrouk O, Chaves MM. 2014. Can early defoliation replace cluster thinning as a crop regulating technique? A case study with cv. Aragonez in a Terroir of the Lisbon winegrowing region. Xth International Terroir Congress (Tokaj and Eger): Zarrouk O, Pintó-Marijuán M, Francisco R, Brossa R, López-Carbonell M, Alegre L, Chaves M.M. 2012. Impact of deficit irrigation on ABA metabolism and genes in grape skin and seeds. XI Simposium Hispano- Portugués de Relaciones Hídricas en las Plantas (Sevilla): 270275. Costa JM, Cerqueira RC, Gomes T, Leandro AR, Zarrouk O, Pintó-Marijuan M, Fernández V, Amâncio S, Chaves MM. 2010. Leaf ultrastructural and physiological responses during progressive drought and recovery of Vitis genotypes. X Simposium Hispano- Portugués de Relaciones Hídricas en las Plantas (Cartagena): 263-265 Zarrouk O, Pinochet J, Gogorcena Y, Moreno MA. 2006. Graft compatibility for new peach rootstocks. Acta Horticulturae 713:327-329 Zarrouk, O, Murillo S, Pinochet J, Moreno MA. 2003. Compatibilidad patrón-variedad con especial referencia a ciruelo. Actas de Horticultura 39: 352-354 Zarrouk O, Ben Mimoun M, Hellali R. 2001. Projet de mise au point d’une technique d’analyse florale pour identifier les insuffisances minérales chez les variétés de pêchers précoces. 8èmes journées nationales sur les résultats de la recherche agronomique vétérinaires et halieutique. IRESA-Tunisia COMMUNICATIONS IN NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS Zarrouk O, Garcia-Tejero I, Pinto C, Chabir F, Prista C, Soares David T, Loureiro Dias MC, Chaves MM. Differential responses of aquaporin isoforms in cv. Touriga Nacional grapevine under water stress and recovery treatments and their role in leaves and roots hydraulic dynamic. XII Spanish-Portuguese Symposium on Plant Water Relations (Evora, Portugal). 30 September -3 October, 2014 (Oral communication). Genebra T, Pinheiro C, Chaves MM, Zarrouk O. 2014. How grape berry dehydrins mRNA and protein expression profiles relate with deficit irrigation? XII Spanish-Portuguese Symposium on Plant Water Relations (Evora, Portugal). 30 September -3 October, 2014 (Poster). Zarrouk O, Francisco R, Pintó-Marijuan M, Brossa R, Genebra T, Santos RR, Pinheiro C, LópezCarbonell M, Alegre L, Chaves MM. Deficit irrigation induces changes on abscisic acid biosynthesis/accumulation in grape skin and seeds during fruit ripening. Cost Action FA1106 3º annual meeting. Chania. Crete (Greece). 22-24 October, 2014 (Oral communication) Lopes CM, Monteiro R, Egipto R, Genebra T, Zarrouk O, Chaves MM. 2014. Can early defoliation replace cluster thinning as a crop regulating technique? A case study with cv. Aragonez in a Terroir of the Lisbon winegrowing region. Xth International Terroir Congress Tokaj and Eger, Hungary. 7-10 July, 2014 (Oral communication) Zarrouk O, Genebra T, Pinheiro C, Chaves MM. 2013. Dehydrins in grape berry: protein accumulation pattern and gene expression along berry development and in response to different irrigation systems. XIII Congresso Luso-Espanhol de Fisiologia Vegetal, Lisboa, Portugal. 24-28 July, 2013 (Poster). Zarrouk O, Francisco R, Pintó-Marijuán M, Brossa R, Santos RR, Lopez-Carbonell M, Alegre L, Chaves MM. 2012. Impact of deficit irrigation on grape berry anthocyanin compounds accumulation, ABA and its conjugate concentration and the expression of their relative pathway genes. Cost Action FA1106 annual meeting. Chania. Crete (Greece). 1-3 October, 2012 (Oral communication) Zarrouk O, Francisco R, Pintó-Marijuán M, Brossa R, Santos RR, Pinheiro C, Costa JM, Lopes C, Chaves MM. 2012. Impact of irrigation regime on berry development and flavonoids composition in Aragonez (Syn. Tempranillo) grapevine. Spanish-Portuguese Symposium on Plant Water Relations (Sevilla, Spain). 17-20 September, 2012 (Oral communication) Zarrouk O, Pintó-Marijuán M, Francisco R, Brossa R, López-Carbonell M, Alegre L, Chaves M.M. 2012. Impact of deficit irrigation on ABA metabolism and genes in grape skin and seeds. Spanish-Portuguese Symposium on Plant Water Relations (Sevilla, Spain). 17-20 September, 2012 (Poster) Pintó-Marijuan M, Dias T, dos Santos Silva B, Rosa A, Branquinho C, Pinho P, Martins-Loução MA, Zarrouk O, Chaves MM, Cruz C. 2012. The effect of atmospheric NH3 deposition on the surrounding community of Quercus suber. FESPB. Freiburg, Germany. 29 July- 3 August 2012 (Oral Communication) Zarrouk O, Francisco R, Pintó-Marijuan M, Santos RR, Costa JM, Fernandez V, Chaves MM. Grape berry cuticle under water deficits. Morphological, metabolomic and proteomic analysis. 10th International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics (ISHS) Geneva (NY) USA. 1-5 August, 2010 (Poster) Costa JM, Zarrouk O, Leandro AR, Fernandez V, Amancio S, Chaves MM. Leaf Ultrastructural and physiological Responses during progressive drought and recovery of Vitis genotypes. 28th International Horticultural Congress (ISHS). Lisbon, Portugal. 22-27 August 2010 (Poster) Costa JM, Cerqueira RC, Gomes T, Leandro AR, Zarrouk O, Fernandez, V. Chaves MM. Leaf ultrastructural and physiological responses during progressive drought and recovery of Vitis genotypes. X Simposium Hispano-Portugués de Relaciones Hídricas en las Plantas Cartagena, Spain. 6-8 October 2010 (Poster) Costa JM, Leandro AR, Zarrouk O, Chaves MM. How different are Vitis vinifera genotypes in physiological responses during progressive drought and recovery? Cost Action 858 Workshop. Bordeaux. France. 25-27 October, 2009 (Poster) Francisco R, Lijavetzky D, Zarrouk O, Regalado A, Santos RR, Costa M, Passarinho JA, Ricardo CP, Martinez- Zapater JM, Chaves MM. Regulated-deficit irrigation results in carbohydrate metabolism-associated alterations in grape berry. Cost Action 858 Workshop. Bordeaux. France. 25-27 October, 2009 (Poster) Francisco R, Santos RR, Costa M, Ortuño M, Zarrouk O, Regalado A, Jenöe P, Ricardo CP, Chaves MM. Regulation of grape berry (cv Aragonez) skin proteome under different irrigation strategies. XVIII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Fisiología Vegetal (SEFV)-XI Congreso Hispano-Luso de Fisiología Vegetal. Zaragoza, Spain. September 8-11, 2009 (Oral Comunication) Zarrouk O, Santos RR, Francisco R, Costa M, Regalado A, Serra T, Duarte C, Chaves MM. Polyphenols content and antioxidant proprieties of Aragonez grape berry tissues as influenced by irrigation regimes. XVIII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Fisiología Vegetal (SEFV)-XI Congreso Hispano-Luso de Fisiología Vegetal. Zaragoza, Spain. September 8-11, 2009 (Poster) Santos RR, Zarrouk O, Francisco R, Regalado A, Chaves MM. Tannin composition and gene expression of leucoanthocyanidin reductase and anthocyanidin reductase in seeds of Vitis vinifera L. as influenced by berry development and water supply. XVIII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Fisiología Vegetal (SEFV)-XI Congreso Hispano-Luso de Fisiología Vegetal. Zaragoza, Spain. September 8-11, 2009 (Poster) Zarrouk O, Regalado AP, Francisco R, Santos RR, Chaves MM. Grapevine berry development under water deficits. Undergoing lines of research. Cost Action 858 Workshop "Ecophysiological and agronomical tool to improve grape wine quality". Porto. Portugal. 2527 May, 2008 (Poster) Francisco R, Zarrouk O, Santos RR, Ortuño MF, Costa M, Santos T, Rodrigues AP, Jenöe P, Ricardo CP, Chaves MM. Proteome alterations during grapevine berry development and under water stress conditions. Workshop 'Will plant proteomics research help in facing food, health and environmental concerns?' Córdoba. Spain. 6-8 February, 2008 (Poster) Francisco R, Zarrouk O, Regalado AP, Santos RR, Jenöe P, Ricardo CP, Chaves MM. Changes in the pattern of grape berry skin proteins during ripening and under water deficit conditions. XVI Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica, Açores, Portugal. 22 -25 November, 2008 (Oral Communication) Francisco R, Zarrouk O, Santos RR, Passarinho JA, Ortuño MF, Costa M, Santos T, Rodrigues AP, Lopes C, Jenoe P, Ricardo CP, Chaves MM. Proteomics as a tool to study grape berry alterations imposed by water stress conditions. Cost Action 858 Workshop. Lodz. Poland. October 18-20, 2007 (Oral Communication) Zarrouk O, Aparicio J, Pinochet J, Gogorcena Y, Moreno MA. 2005. Graft compatibility for new peach rootstocks. Sixth International Peach Symposium ISHS. Santiago-Chile (Poster) Ghrab M, Zribi F, Ben Mimoun M, Zarrouk O, Hellali R. 2005. Survey and characterization of apricot germplasm in El Guettar: an oasis in south Tunisia. XIII International Symposium on Apricot Breeding and Culture. ISHS. Murcia-Spain (Poster) Dakhlaoui H, Zarrouk O, Sahli A, Ben Mimoun M, Hellali R. 2005. Sensitivity of yield and fruit quality of Apricot to irrigation level in stage III. XIII International Symposium on Apricot Breeding and Culture. ISHS. Murcia-Spain (Poster) Zarrouk O, Murillo S, Pinochet J, Moreno MA. 2003. Compatibilidad patrón-variedad con especial referencia a ciruelo. IX Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Hortícolas. SECH. PontevedraSpain (Poster) Zarrouk O, Ben Mimoun M, Hellali R. 2001. Projet de mise au point d’une technique d’analyse florale pour identifier les insuffisances minérales chez les variétés de pêchers précoces. 8èmes journées nationales sur les résultats de la recherche agronomique vétérinaires et halieutique. Nabeul-Tunisia (Oral Communication) SUPERVISING EXPERIENCE - Supervision of a Master student. Title ‘Characterization of grape berry cuticle for its role in water deficit stress response’: July 2014 to present. - Student supervision within the framework of funded projects: June 2013 to present ‐ Supervision of the work "Effect of water and heat stress on grape berry development and ripening" performed under an European project. December 2012 to May 2013 ‐ Supervision of the work "Phenolics and water on grape berry development and ripening" performed under national project. - Supervision of host PhD students. Title " Effect of water stress on grapevine leaf and roots aquaporin expression" (September‐October 2013) - Supervision of Master student (April‐June 2013) from the University of Bordeaux (France) - Co‐supervised host PhD students. Title1 “Effect of water stress on the antioxidative system of Barley” (April‐May 2011) Title2 “Effect of drought on the antioxidative system of Nitraria retusa” (May‐July 2011). - Co‐supervised a Master student. Title ‘Impact of Water Deficit on grape seeds proanthocyanidin and anthocyanins biosynthesis: biochemical and molecular regulation’. Presented on December 18, 2009 at Instituto superior de Agronomia (ISA‐UTL). Qualification 19 / 20. - Supervision of a post‐graduate student “Irrigation treatments effect on Stilbene Synthase gene expression in grape berry skin and seed at maturation stage”. ITQB‐UNL, Oeiras (3 months project). 2008 PARTICIPATION IN JURY 2009 Jury for attribution of Master of Science degree with title ‘Impact of Water Deficit on grape seeds proanthocyanidin and anthocyanins biosynthesis: biochemical and molecular regulation’ at Instituto superior de Agronomia (ISA-UTL) 2011 Jury for attribution of Master degree with title ‘Mecanismos antioxidants de resposta ao stresse induzido por metais tóxicos em nabiças’ at Instituto superior de Agronomia (ISA-UTL) PROJECT PARTICIPATION 2013-2017 Innovine: Combining innovation in vineyard management and genetic diversity for sustainable European Viticulture. FP7-KBBE-2012-6 311775 INNOVINE. Principal investigador (Portugal): MM. Chaves 2010-2012 A comparative study of biochemical and molecular mechanisms involved in the response of some barley cultivars and varieties under water deficit conditions. (fonte 311, Prog. 6818, Medida 008). FCT Luso-tunisian cooperation. Principal investigator: MM. Chaves 2006-2007 Compatibilidad de patrones Prunus con especies frutales de hueso / Compatibilité des portes greffes Prunus avec les especes fruitieres a noyau. Tunisian-Spanish Inter-University Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI). Estación Experimental de Aula Dei (CSIC), Dpto. de Pomología and laboratoire de fruticulture, Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie. Principal investigators: M. Ben Mimoun (Tunisia) and M.A. Moreno (Spain). 2006-2007 Incompatibilidad de Injerto con especial referencia a rutales de hueso. PETRI-. Estación Experimental de Aula Dei (CSIC), Dpto. de Pomología. Principal investigator: M. Moreno 2005-2007 Mejora, Selección y caracterización de especies leñosas con interés agroalimentario en Aragón. Diputación General de Aragón. Estación Experimental de Aula Dei (CSIC), Dpto. de Pomología. Principal investigator: Y. Gogorcena. 2005-2006 Técnicas bioquímicas para la detección temprana de la incompatibilidad de injerto el los frutales de hueso. Complementary Action Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI). Estación Experimental de Aula Dei (CSIC), Dpto. de Pomología and Laboratoire de Fruticulture, Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie. Principal investigators: M. Ben Mimoun (Tunisia) and Y. Gogorcena (Spain). 2002-2005 Mejora genética y selección de patrones y variedades de melocotonero (Proyecto AGL2002-04219-C02-01). CICYT- Programa Nacional. Estación Experimental de Aula Dei (CSIC), Dpto. de Pomología. Principal investigator: M.A. Moreno. 2003-2004 Mejora y caracterización de especies leñosas con interés agroalimentario en Aragón (A-28). Diputación General de Aragón. Estación Experimental de Aula Dei (CSIC), Dpto Pomología, Laboratorio Agroambiental de la DGA. Principal investigator: M.A. Moreno. OTHER SKILS/ACTIVITIES - “Peer reviewer” for different journals: Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2012; Phytochemistry 2012; Molecules 2012; Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 2010‐2011‐2013‐2014; Functional Plant Biology 2010‐2011‐2013; HortScience 2007‐2014 - Project Evaluator of ANR (French National Research Agency) section Plant Genomics. Calls of 2009, 2010 and 2014. - Lectures on scion-stock relationship, Tunis, Tunisia. Supported by Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI), May, 2006. - Lecturer in doctoral courses of Zaragoza University (Spain), 2006. - Member of the International society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). (Member nº 48682) LANGUAGES SKILLS Excellent skills in Arabic, French, English, Spanish and Portuguese Good skills in Italian