English Spanish Objective 1 Millions Millones Tens
English Spanish Objective 1 Millions Millones Tens
Fourth Grade Math Assurance Words These are the KEY math vocabulary words that Fourth Grade Students need to have mastered by the end of their fourth year. Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Objective 4 Objective 5 English Millions Tens Millions Hundred Millions Factor Proper Fraction Mixed Numbers Multiples Related Sets Table Chart Compatible Acute Angle Obtuse Angle Parallel Lines Right Angle Perpendicular Lines Intersecting Lines Elapsed Time Celcius Fahrenheit Ounces Combinations Probability Diagram Lists Certain Likely Less likely Probable Possible outcomes Spanish Millones Decenas de million Centenas de million Factor Fraccion propia Numeros mixtos Multiplos Conjuntos relacionados Tabla Grafica Compatible Angulo agudo Angulo obtuso Rectas paralelas Angulo recto Rectas perpendiculares Rectas secantes Tiempo transcurrido Celsius Fahrenheit Onzas Combinaciones Probabilidad Diagrams Listas Sequor Favorable Menos favorable / menos probable Probable Resultados posibles