August 21, 2016 - St. Cecilia Church
August 21, 2016 - St. Cecilia Church
St. Cecilia Church ~ Iglesia Santa Cecilia 5105 SW Franklin Ave. Beaverton, Or 97005 Phone:(503) 644-2619 Fax: (503) 626-7204 Web Site: August 21, 2016 PARISH STAFF Rev. Cary Reniva, Pastor Rev. Anthony Ahamefule, Parochial Vicar: Adult Faith Programs Baptisms Deacon Bill Richardson, Hispanic Ministry Cheryl Motal, Office Coordinator, ext. 160 Erika Ascencio, Hispanic Assistant, ext. 161 Jim Cassinelli, Business Manager, ext. 164 Shelly Schultheis, Accountant, ext. 162 Michelle Hallett, ext. 178: Development Parish Events Coordinator Armatus—Called to Protect Jess Rios, Administrative Assistant, ext. 174 Nursery & Preschool Coordinator Amy Maris-Volf, Elem. Faith Formation, ext. 172 Betsy Willing, ext. 163: Middle & High School Youth Ministry Confirmation Letty Rodriguez, ext. 173: Spanish Religious Education Joye Boone, ext. 170: Welcome Ministry Communion Visitors Trevorr Price, Maintenance Supervisor Daniel Garcia, Maintenance Assistant SCHOOL Sue Harris, Principal Tami McIntyre, Registrar, ext. 110 MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY: 5:00pm (Vigil) ~ 7:00pm (Vigil – Spanish) SUNDAY: 7:30am ~ 9:00am ~ 10:45am ~ 12:30pm ~ 2:30pm (Spanish) WEEKDAYS : Monday through Saturday 8:00am CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES: Saturday/Sabado 8:40am - 10:00am ~ 3:30pm - 4:40pm 1 that it takes away freedom and personal choice, but if we really think about it, freedom and personal choice can only be truly real, authentic and liberating if we see them from the perspective of God who is the source of these things that we enjoy. There is no real freedom and choice if it is devoid of the very fundamental reality that we are all created in God’s image and likeness. If we truly believe in this fundamental truth of faith, then all our actions, choices and lifestyle will have to be measured vis a vis this sublime truth. If I am truly convinced that I am created in God’s image and likeness, then I have to do everything possible, everything possible without exaggeration, to live up to that dignity that I do share with God. I would have to get rid of those things that taint that dignity that God gives me, and all of my choices and the exercise of this freedom that I value have to honor this identity that I got from my Creator. Anything that contradicts this truth is to deny the reality of whom I am. And to deny who I am is to live a big lie; therefore, I cannot truly be happy. For indeed, how can I be truly happy if I am not being true to whom I am? In the Gospel, Jesus also clarifies a very important point in our journey to salvation. He talks about those people who were knocking and pleading if they could enter the door, but the Master refused to let them in because the Master doesn’t really know them, to which the people replied, “We ate and drank in your company and you taught in our streets.” To which the Master also replied, “I do not know where you are from. Depart from me, all you evildoers!’” This tells us that “eating and drinking” with the company of Christ in the Eucharist does not guarantee us salvation. To be part of his company in virtue of being baptized in the faith does not immediately guarantee us a place in heaven. Salvation requires our collaboration with the grace of God being offered to us; it requires living out wholeheartedly the commitment that we have received in virtue of our own baptism, through our own unique vocation. To live out wholeheartedly our Christian life does not mean just picking and choosing what is applicable and convenient to us, but rather a total embrace of God’s will for us. I clarified this before already, but it is still worth mentioning again. There is a huge difference between redemption and salvation. Redemption is what Christ did on the cross once and for all; when he died for us, he redeemed us. But salvation is our personal and ecclesial response to that redemptive work of Christ. That’s why the Catechism of the Catholic Church defines salvation as already, but not yet, a paradox. Already because half of the work is done through the redemptive work of Christ; the other half is our own work, our collaboration and witnessing to the redemptive work of Christ. What kind of door are you pursuing right now? Many doors are open, widely open— some of you don’t even have to exert any effort to enter; some even have limousines to take us to the doors; and some are adorned with red carpet to welcome us— but let us take a moment and ask ourselves, is this really the door that God is calling me to enter? Be careful: some of these doors have no doorknobs from inside—once you’re in, it’s pretty hard to come out. Let us listen again to the Book of Hebrews: “strengthen your drooping hands and your weak knees. Make straight paths for your feet, that what is lame may not be disjointed but healed. “ – Fr. Cary PASTOR’S CORNER THE NARROW GATE OF ETERNAL LIFE In a world or society where convenience and efficiency are two of the most revered values, the exhortation of Jesus in the Gospel this weekend, to “enter into the narrow gate”, poses a real challenge. Why choose the narrow gate when there are other gates widely open that do not demand as much work as our faith? Why practice the values and virtues of Catholic morality when it is hugely unpopular in the secular world? Why inconvenience myself with going to Church on Sundays and holy days when the popular trend outside is that as long as I do good works and deeds and pray at night I am fine? Why subject myself to so many rules and commandments of faith, when I can live my life freely without anyone telling me how to live my life, whom should I marry, and how should I take care of own body? The summarizing question is: why choose the narrow gate and not the other gates that are widely open? Jesus himself gave us the answer to that question. I truly find great comfort that it is Jesus himself who made very clear for us that in order to realize our ultimate flourishing and in order for us to experience eternal life, one has to work hard for it, and one has to re-orient his/her values to the teachings of Christ and not just pick and choose what is convenient and easy for us to follow. The reason why the door or the gate to heaven is “narrow” is because it is not the easiest road to travel, the least popular, and just like what we heard several weeks ago in the Gospel, it can divide families – father against his son, daughter against her mother, etc. We know the narrowness of this gate probably from our own very experience. It is easier to go shopping for the whole day than to spend an hour in Church to listen to a boring homily; it is easier to click something on the internet that damages our call to purity and chastity than to see our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit; it is easier to watch reality TV shows, like Bachelorette or fascinating evening series like CSI Miami or Criminal Minds, than spending quality conversations with God and prayer; and, of course, how convenient and easier it is to talk to a friend or family member on Facebook than actually visiting and spending time with them in person. We see now why Jesus said in the Gospel that the gate towards our own salvation is narrow. The second reading today from the Book of Hebrews counsels us what it takes to enter into the narrow door. We hear these words, “My son, do not disdain the discipline of the Lord or lose heart when reproved by him; for whom the Lord loves, he disciplines; he scourges every son he acknowledges. Endure your trials as ‘discipline’.” Then it continues “all discipline seems a cause not for joy but for pain, yet later it brings the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who are trained by it. So strengthen your drooping hands and your weak knees. Make straight paths for your feet, that what is lame may not be disjointed but healed.” Those are very beautiful and timely advice from the Book of Hebrews, written thousands of years ago, but still very relevant to our time. Discipline seems to be a negative term nowadays. It seems 2 Place your items for St. Vincent de Paul in the barrels at the main entrance to the church and the West annex door: MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, August 20th 5:00pm †Robin Dalebroux--Family 7:00pm †Juan Antonio Bermudez Gutierrez-Papa y Hermanos Fam. Bermudez Needed this week: BAR SOAP & SHAMPOO Sunday, August 21st 7:30am †Edward Pierson—Joe & Frances Regalia 9:00am †Fred “Sean” Deghuee—Judith Stumpf 10:45am †Joan Marie Draper—Judy Kunz 12:30pm †Helen F. Mode—Allison Finney 2:30pm People of St. Cecilia In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us to “strive to enter through the narrow gate.” Our call to be disciples and to follow Jesus demands that we learn to live for the sake of others. With love for your neighbors who have nothing, look around your house to see what furniture, household items, and clothing you no longer use…and give it to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Monday, August 22nd 8:00am Int. Jack Frank Fazio—Vince & Mary Tuesday, August 23rd 8:00am †Dick Stahl—Ken & Barbara St. Vincent de Paul is in dire need for drivers on Monday mornings to deliver food. If you can help, please visit the St. Vincent de Paul pantry at the St. Cecilia Parish Center. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Wednesday, August 24th 8:00am †Dick Stahl—St. Gerard Guild Thursday, August 25th 8:00am Int. Diane Davala—Vince & Mary Rigert VOCATIONS Contact: Tom Eyer, (503) 804-0398 Friday, August 26th 8:00am †Ian Andres—Larry & Barbara Saturday, August 27th 8:00am †Mary H. Pham—Nguyen Family VOCATIONS COMMITTEE We ask each parishioner to pray the following Petition to God: “MERCIFUL LIKE THE FATHER” Jubilee Year of Mercy (12/8/15—11/20/16) “That all those striving to enter heaven through the narrow gate of celibacy for the sake of Christ’s kingdom will find strength and peace in their freely chosen discipline,” DIVINE MERCY FOR AMERICA HAVE MERCY ON U.S. AND ON THE WHOLE WORLD! We pray to the Lord. It’s nearly time to start our third set of novenas for our country. The novenas start August 27th and end September 4th, the day before Labor Day. There are four novenas that St. Faustina was told to make for her country. Do any or all of them. Do them the best you can with the intention for the sanctification of our country and the whole world. GOD BLESS FR. CARY & FR. ANTHONY 34th Annual St. Cecilia Parish 9-Hole Golf Tournament and BBQ Sponsored by the St. Cecilia Men’s Club Sunday, August 21, 2016—12:30PM At McKay Creek Golf Course BBQ will be held in the St. Cecilia Parish Center. This is a scramble format. All levels of golfers are welcome: put together your team of four or join individually to be added to a team. Cost: $30 per person for golf and BBQ; $5 per guest for BBQ only. Please contact Mike Meadows, 503-642-4421 1. An hour of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. If homebound, an hour of prayer. 2. The reception of Holy Communion. If homebound, an Act of Spiritual Communion. 3. The Litany of the Saints. 4. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy prayed in community. Divine Mercy for America: Mother of Mercy Messengers, a Lay Evangelization Apostolate of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M., Center Point, Tx. We pray The Chaplet of Divine Mercy every Monday at 7pm in the Adoration Chapel. 3 Elementary Faith Formation If you wish to have your child baptized, please send an inquiry to [email protected] Believers grades 1-2; Disciples grades 3-5 Meet Sunday Mornings 10:15-11:30am Amy Maris-Volf, ext. 172 [email protected] Nursery & Pre-K on Sunday’s @ 9am Kindergarten on Sunday’s 10:15-11:30am What a great Vacation Bible School we had!!! Thank you to all who came and participated. Betsy Willing, ext. 163 [email protected] Fall info: “Online” registration is open!!! Save the Date: Elementar y Family Day kick off is Sept. 25 NEEDED: CATECHIST AND CLASSROOM AIDES, contact Amy if you are feeling the Holy Spirit prompting you to volunteer ☺ Bring your kids to Little Blessings! Little Blessings Early Childhood Faith Formation explores the Sunday readings with crafts and activities for your little ones. First Eucharist Preparation SEEKERS Grades 2-5, English Sunday Mornings, 10:15-11:30am Amy Maris-Volf, ext. 172 [email protected] Children’s Liturgy of the Word Children, K-5th grades, are invited to attend during the 9am Sunday Mass. Children process to the Parish Center with adults during the Liturgy of the Word and then return to celebrate the rest of Mass. Adult/Youth Volunteers interested in helping, please call Vicki Giampietro at 503-639-8745. CHILDREN ARE A BLESSING FROM GOD! All the information for this First Communion prep program is on our website ☺ under Sacraments tab. Please check out the prerequisites and expectations for this program. “Online” registration is open!!! When Calendars are finalized, you will find them on our website as well ☺ Coordinator: Mary Kiefer [email protected] ~ 503-644-2619 x 171 The New Ev a ng eliza tion - The Life Teen Co re Tea m – Rig ht Here! Man y p ar ishio ner s —yo u ng, o ld and in b et ween —are need ed to d o so methi ng to me nto r yo u n ger generatio n o f Cat ho lics @ St. Cecilia. Co uld y o u sa y y es to a ny o f t hese? T ech Gur u ~ Catechist ~ P ing P o ng Cha mp ~ Sto ry T eller ~ Mento r ~ Host/Ho stess ~ Driver ~ Co o k ~ Musician ~ Lo ve b eing Catho lic ~ Creati ve ~ B ib le T eacher ~ T ea mmate ~ Set Up ~ B aker ~ Vo lunteer Co o rd inato r ~ Flier Designer. *** Life Teen Core Team *** needs volunteers in many capacities to walk alo n gsid e t he mid d le and hig h scho o l yo ut h o f o ur p ar ish in r elatio nal mini str y. P rayerfull y co nsid er ho w yo u can s hare yo ur gift s and talents o n a r eg ular b asis o r no w a nd again. Co ntact: Mar y x 1 7 1 mkiefer @stceciliach ur ch.o rg REFLECTIONS on Steubenville NW Conference. My experience at Steubenville NW was so great! I learned so much about God , and everybody there was so friendly. Holy Family Parish from Portland was so welcoming with letting us join their group. Father Leo was a great speaker and had so much humor to make his speeches effective. It was such a great feeling to know that everybody there shared the same faith as everybody else , and we could all share it together. Singing at the conference would have to be my favorite part of all because I felt like I connected with God even more, and it felt so great. ~ Alyssa Hernandez, Sophomore The Steubenville NW Conference were some of the best days of my life. The people at the conference were super friendly, and they were easy to have a conversation with. The priest and speakers were really funny, and they got the message through clearly. ~ Ernesto Alvarez, Freshman 4 SCHEDULE Sundays 1:30pm to 4:00pm Parish Center SEP 11 Parent & Student Info. Meeting 1:30-2:30 pm FEB 5 Session 5: The Church/Confirmation OCT 2 Session 1: Life is Choices/What’s Holding you back? MAR 5 Session 6: Made for Mission/Holiness is Possible NOV 5 Session 2: The Jesus Question /The Prayer Process* Day Retreat @ Mt. Angel APR 2 Session 7: Open MAY 7 Confirmation Rehearsal/Sponsor Session NOV 19-20 Archdiocese Youth Conference, Seaside OR* MAY 13 Spring Service Retreat* DEC 4 Session 3: The Bible/ Relationships Confirmation Mass (Date TBD) JAN 8 Session 4: The Eucharist/The Holy Spirit *view program details and register online: *12:30 PM Mass is the official Teen Mass *retreat schedules vary 5 August 21, 2016 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading Psalm Second Reading Gospel Isaiah 66:18-21 Psalm 117:1,2 Hebrews 12:5-7, 11-13 Luke 13:22-30 September 19th, 7:00 pm: "The Trinity", a talk by Dr. Richard Hesla Contemplative Prayer Group Meets on August 13th and 27th in the Parish Center— NE Conference Room from 3:15 to 4:45pm. Includes periods of silent centering prayer and Lectio Divina. October 18th, 7:00 pm: Movie “The Face of Mercy" (open to the public) November 15th 7:00 pm: "Beauty and the Feast, a talk on Women, Faith and Food" featuring Miriam Marston For additional information, contact Marylyn Klesh at 503-866-2478 or [email protected] December 2nd, 7:00 pm (Friday): Advent Recollection with Heather Renshaw Starting on Monday, August 15th, the Feast of the Assumption, there will begin a 54 Day Rosary Novena for our Nation which will end on October 7th, the Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. We are living in extraordinary times where there are constant attacks against the sanctity of life, marriage and our religious freedom. Now is the time to persevere in prayer to Jesus through the powerful intercession of Mary, Queen of the most Holy Rosary, to pray for the conversion and healing of our country. Go to / faith formation / adult bible studies & classes / to access the “Novena for our Nation.” The Lighthouse kiosk in the vestibule of our church has valuable materials available to purchase for learning about and strengthening your faith: $5.00 Books ~ $4.00 CD’s ~ $3.00 Booklets ~ $ .50 Pamphlets 6 Go to — Enter Our Parish Code 664558 THE BEST CATHOLIC CONTENT ALL IN ONE PLACE (Programs, Movies, Audios, Books) Communion Visitors and Welcome Ministry Joye Boone, ext. 170 If you have a loved one who is no longer able to come to Mass, has moved to a “care” facility, changed residences or is hospitalized, please notify Joye at the Parish Office. We want to be a friendly voice from St. Cecilia Parish to keep in contact and provide Sacraments. ST. CECILIA WOULD LIKE TO HONOR & PRAY FOR YOU! We will be listing anniversaries monthly in our parish bulletin. But we need your help! Please call or email Joye Boone with your names (John & Mary Smith), anniversary date (January 31) and how many years (12) you’ve been married! HAPPY AUGUST ANNIVERSARIES! John & Mary Lauer, August 3, 59 years Bill & Margaret Walker, August 4, 43 years Angelito & Zenaida Buganan, August 6, 27 years John & Josephine Moore, August 9, 64 years Patrick & Kathleen O’Claire, August 9, 30 years Bill & Judy Kunz, August 10, 53 years Bernie & Diane Tomasko, August 10, 53 years Kasey & Tina Griffin, August 10, 25 years Joe & Carrie McCarthy, August 10, 20 years Ken & Barbara Balmforth, August 12, 49 years Rocky & Heather Hernandez, August 12, 10 years Maynard & Alex Hobarts, August 17, 53 years Allen & Georgann Reel, August 19, 50 years Angel & Maria Garcia, August 19, 27 years Joe & Bernadette Lisac, August 22, 35 years David & Lori Thom, August 22, 24 years Tom & Nancy Eyer, August 24, 48 years Bill & Ann Stein, August 25, 60 years Edgar & Sandra Rodriguez, August 31, 31 years Rick & Michelle Hallett, August 31, 25 years Respect Life Mary Rigert, 503-888-8179 This weekend, our Respect Life Committee will hold its 12th Annual Baby Bottle drive. Proceeds from this drive support two much-needed ministries: Birthright and Project Rachel, along with Respect Life Committee activities. Birthright in Hillsboro provides support and services to women facing unexpected pregnancies. Project Rachel offers help to women and men suffering from an abortion experience. Call for upcoming retreat weekends. You can contribute coins, bills or checks made payable to St. Cecilia Church. Return your bottle at any Mass or you can return it to the Parish Office, filled or empty so we can reuse it next time. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!! 7 8 9 MINISTERIO HISPANO - PARROQUIA SANTA CECILIA, BEAVERTON Coordinador: Diácono Bill Richar dson Sacerdotes: P. Cary Reniva y P. Anthony Ahamefule Secretaria: Er ika Ascencio Teléfono oficina: 503-644-2619, Ext. 161 o Ext. 176 Horas de oficina en español: de Lunes a J ueves de 2:00 a 5:00 PM VIGÉCIMO PRIMER DOMINGO DE TIEMPO ORDINARIO ~ AGOSTO 21, 2016 JESÚS: La PUERTA ES ANGOSTA Dios responde a nuestras oraciones, no siempre lo que queremos escuchar, pero lo que NECESITAMOS ESCUCHAR. Eso pasa en el Evangelio de hoy. Alguien le pregunta sobre el número de los que se van a salvar, y Jesús responde con la imagen de una puerta angosta en la que hay que esforzarse por entrar. En lugar de hablar en teoría con números o categorías de personas, Jesús señala las dificultades y los obstáculos que debemos vencer para poder entrar. Apunta al hecho de que no basta asistir a Misa, sino que debemos estar siempre buscando la manera de cómo hacer mejor la voluntad de Dios. Finalmente, apunta al hecho de que habrá muchas sorpresas en el cielo acerca de los presentes y los ausentes, (los que ahora son primeros o últimos). CONSAGRACIÓN: UN PASO GRANDE (y Hermoso) En la Misa del domingo pasado, se nombraron CINCUENTA PERSONAS que, después de un retiro de 33 días en preparación, consagraron sus vidas a la Virgen María cuyo fin es alcanzar el camino más rápido y seguro al corazón de Jesús y a la santidad. La consagración es una entrega total a ella como dice la oración, un dejarse más y más guiar por ella para llegar a amar con el amor mismo de Jesús. Oremos por estos hermanos nuestros para que el Espíritu Santo les ayuda a perseverar en este hermoso compromiso. Si otros están interesados en hacer algo semejante, comenzará otro grupo 33 días antes de la fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción (celebrada diciembre 8). INSCRIPCIONES PARA EL CATECISMO Esta semana comenzamos con las inscripciones para las clases de educación religiosa en nuestros programas parroquiales. Para PRIMERA COMUNIÓN el programa del LUNES es bilingüe (español para los padres), mientras que el del MIERCOLES es todo en español. La inscripción es por internet. Hable en la oficina con Erika o Jessica para detalles, o si necesita ayuda en la computadora. Las CLASES DE CONFIRMACIÓN para jóvenes en Santa Cecilia son en inglés los domingos. ¿DESEA APRENDER INGLÉS? CLASES ESOL PARA ADULTOS 2016-2017 $20 anuales cubre clases y materiales. Para mayores detalles, asesoramiento, y registración, Contacte a Sr. Catherine Hertel, 4480 SW 148 Ave. Beaverton, 97078 [email protected] SACRAMENTOS PARA ADULTOS Tenemos un excelente programa para la preparación de ADULTOS en nuestra comunidad. Es para todas las personas mayores de 18 años que desean prepararse para recibir los sacramentos de BAUSTISMO, o CONFIRMACIÓN, o PRIMERA COMUNIÓN y CONFESIÓN. Comenzando ahora en septiembre, vamos a iniciar un nuevo método de formación que dura un año. Las clases coinciden con el año escolar (desde septiembre hasta Junio). Si se completa ese año, y se cumplen los otros requisitos, celebraremos los sacramentos en la primavera. Para mas información y registraciones pase a la oficina parroquial. Las sesiones de preparación son los domingos de 12 a 1:30 PM. PLÁTICAS PARA BAUTISMOS DE NIÑOS La siguiente plática para los Padres y Padrinos de niños que se desean bautizar será el sábado, 3 de SEPTIEMBRE. (normalmente no tenemos pláticas en el mes de agosto). Antes de la plática, se pide a los padres que traigan a la oficina parroquial el acta de nacimiento del niño para poderlo inscribir con anticipación. El mismo día de la plática, (de 10 a 1 PM) habrá una lista de fechas para los bautismos de los próximos meses para que puedan apuntarse en la fecha que deseen. Generalmente, los bautismos se celebran los sábados en la mañana. MENSAJE MARIANO “!Queridos hijos! Hoy estoy unida a ustedes en la oración de un modo especial, orando por el don de la presencia de mi Hijo amado en su país. Oren, hijitos, por la salud de mi hijo más querido, que sufre y a quien yo he escogido para estos tiempos. Yo oro e intercedo ante mi Hijo Jesús, para que se realice el sueño que tuvieron sus padres. Oren, hijitos, de manera especial, porque Satanás es fuerte y desea destruir la esperanza en sus corazones. ¡Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado!” 25 de agosto, 1994. UN MINUTO CON EL CATECISMO LAS BIENAVENTURANZAS son el centro de la predicación de Jesús; recogen y perfeccionan las promesas de Dios hechas a partir de Abraham. Dibujan el mismo rostro de Jesús, y trazan la auténtica vida cristiana, desvelando al hombre el fin “ultimo de sus actos: la bienaventuranza eterna. (#1716-17. 1725-26). OFERTORIO Estas cantidades abajo son las que aportamos en nuestras Misas de español. No olvidemos de ofrecer LA PRIMERA HORA de nuestro trabajo de la semana al Señor. 8/7/16 $1,746 7/31/16 $1,445 7/24/16 $2,201 7/17/16 $1,609 GRACIAS por su continua generosidad y participación en el trabajo del Señor. 10 IN THE NEW CATHOLIC SENTINEL, READ ABOUT: Update: 2016 Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal (ACA) Through August 12, 2016, St. Cecilia Parish is at 73% of our $90,010 goal. Thank you to the 341 donors who have already contributed to this ACA appeal! The Archdiocese of Portland’s singular chancellor, who stepped down this month—Mary Jo Tully was the first lay woman chancellor of a U. S. diocese A murder that happened in a church parking lot A reflection on a fire near St. Mary Cathedral What priests say about their cats and dogs 11