Dia de los Muertos and Halloween Comparison


Dia de los Muertos and Halloween Comparison
El Dia de los Muertos and Halloween Comparison
Mathematics (1st and 2nd grades)
By Diana Spratt
The students will use U.S. Customary measure to make Pan de Muertos (Bread for All Soul's
Day). When done, the students will problem-solve ways to cut the bread so everyone in the class
can have a slice. We will discuss the use of food on altars during El Dia de los Muertos.
1. Upon successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to measure capacity
using ½ and 1 cup measure as well as teaspoon and tablespoon measures.
5M-F2 Explain the concepts related to units of measure and demonstrate
the process of measurement with nonstandard, U.S. customary and metric
PO1 Select the appropriate unit of measure for a given characteristic of an
object-capacity/volume-cups, gallons, liters.
PO4 Measure a given characteristic of an object using standard units of
PO8 Compare units of measure to determine equivalent relationships-time:
minutes to hours. (Bake time, yeast growth time and rise time)
PO9 Read a thermometer in Celsius and Fahrenheit to the nearest degree.
(Oven temperature)
3M-F3 Represent and describe how changing the variable results in a
change in another.
PO1 Describe in a given situation how a change in one variable results in a
change in another. (i.e, if you have to share a batch of cookies with
friends, the more friends you have, the fewer cookies you'll each get).
Goal 1, Standard 2: To use English to communicate in social settings:
Students will interact in, through, and with spoken and written English for
personal expression and enjoyment.
Social Studies:
1SS-F2. Describe everyday life in the past and recognize that some aspects
change and others stay the same, with emphasis on:
PO3 How past cultural exchanges influence present-day life, including
food, art, shelter and language.
Resources And Materials
The recipe for Pan de Muertos in English and Spanish from the web address:
http://star.ucc.nau.edu/fli/ddlm/receta1.html The recipe is also included below.
½ cup measures
1 cup measures
Anise seed
Confectioner's sugar
Dry yeast
Mixing bowls and utensils
Access to school ovens
T-shirts to act as aprons
Cutting Board
Previous knowledge: Using modeling and the "Flip-flopping" method, the teacher will
ask the students to discuss what they know about “El Dia de los Muertos.” The teacher
will lead them to discuss the food they put on the altars and then specifically about the
Bread Specifics: The teacher will ask questions about the shapes of the bread and then
about the aroma of the bread. The teacher will then explain that the class will make “Pan
de Muertos.”
Measurement: The teacher will show and name each U.S. customary unit of measure they
will use to make the bread. The students will examine the measuring cups and spoons and
then practice filling them with water to see the difference in capacity.
Preparation: The teacher will introduce the names of the ingredients to make the bread.
There will be a discussion of the colors, textures and smells of each ingredient.
Mixing the ingredients: The teacher will draw names to measure and mix the ingredients.
When all the ingredients are mixed, students will follow the recipe and set a timer to wait
for the dough to rise. After the first rise, students will touch the dough to feel the texture
and smell the distinct scent of the yeast. After punching down and shaping the dough,
they will set the timer again for the second rise.
Baking: After the second rise the teacher will take the students to the cafeteria to bake the
bread. The timer will be set and when the bread is done baking, students will discuss the
Division of bread slices: When the bread has cooled, students will feel the texture of the
bread crust. After the teacher slices the bread, the students will feel the texture of the
bread slice and then compare it to the crust. The teacher will slice the bread into ½ the
number of students in the class. For example, if there are 22 students in the class, slice 11
pieces. After giving eleven students the bread, ask the class how everyone can each have
an equal sized piece of bread. When they have come up with the answer, slice the bread
accordingly and eat it.
Description and justification of method: I chose the "Flip-Flop" method because I am not
bilingual but I am able to choose words to use to keep the students involved in the lesson.
1. The assessment will be the student's participation in the bread making project as well as
the following rubric.
The teacher will walk from group to group and ask them to show her/him:
1 cup measure
A teaspoon measure
½ cup measure
A tablespoon measure
Extensions / Modifications
This lesson plan can be expanded to include measurement of fruits and vegetables that
are used on altars. If the fruits and vegetables are small enough, they can be weighed on a
2-armed scale as well as measuring length and height in inches and nonstandard units of
measurement. Some forms of nonstandard units of measurement are:
• Using Links to measure width and height
• Using Unifix cubes to measure length
• Using Unifix cubes to measure weight on a 2-armed scale
• Have the student's work on different numbers and ways to slice the bread for equal
Receta del Pan de Muerto
Bread for All Souls Day Recipe
Una taza y media de harina
1 ½ cups of flour
Media taza de azúcar
½ cup of sugar
Una cucharadita de sal
1 teaspoon of salt
Una cucharada de semillas de anís
1 tablespoon of anise seed
Dos paquetitos de levadura
2 packets of dry yeast
Media taza de leche
½ cup of milk
Media taza de agua
½ cup of water
Media taza de mantequilla
½ cup of butter
Cuatro huevos
4 eggs
Entre tres y cuatro y media tazas de harina
from 3 - 4 ½ cups of flour
Mezcle todos los ingredientes secos me nos las 3-4 Mix all dry ingredients together except 3-4
½ tazas de harina.
½ cups of flour
En una olla caliente la leche, el agua y la
In a small pan, heat the milk, the water, and
mantequilla. Añada la mezcla liquida a la mezcla de the butter. Add the liquid mixture to the dry
ingredientes secos.
Bátalo bien.
Beat well.
Agregue los huevos y una taza y media de harina. Mix in the eggs and 1 ½ cups of flour. Beat
Bátalo bien.
Agregue el resto de la harina poco a poco.
Put in the rest of the flour, little by little.
Sobre una tabla enharinada, amase por unos 9-10 Knead the mixture on a floured board for 9minutos la mezcla.
10 minutes.
Ponga la masa en un recipiente engrasado, y deje
que levante hasta que haya doblado su tamaño
(aproximadamente hora y media al nivel del mar)
Para que la masa se encoja, dele golpecitos con el
puño y fórmela de nuevo con unos "huesos" de
masa encima para decorarla.
Deje que levante una hora mas.
Hornee a 350 degrees F por unos 40 minutos.
Después de hornearlo, espolvoréele azúcar glas y
azúcar coloreado.
Put the dough in a greased bowl and allow it
to rise until it has doubled in size (about an
hour and a half at sea level).
Punch the dough down and reshape it with
some "bone" shapes on top to decorate it.
Let it rise another hour.
Bake at 350 degrees F for about 40 minutes.
After baking, sprinkle it with confectioner's
sugar and colored sugar.