The Event for All Time Monday, March 11, 2013, at 6:00 PM


The Event for All Time Monday, March 11, 2013, at 6:00 PM
March 17
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
12:15 PM
5:30 PM
Is 65:17-21/Jn 4:43-54
Ez 47:1-9, 12/Jn 5:1-16
+ Alexander Paul Kolosta
8:00 AM
Anneth Vaquera, Brisa Balderas, Sarai Rivas
9:30 AM
Luis & Juan Guido, Joaquin Garcia, Michael DePugh
11:30 AM
Mariel Chávez, Carolina Hernández, Valerie Rodríguez
1:30 PM
Alondra & Mireya Turrubiates,
Elizabeth & Sandra Cervantes
Is 49:8-15/Jn 5:17-30
+ Alexander Paul Kolosta
Ex 32:7-14/Jn 5:31-47
March 16 & 17
+ Alexander Paul Kolosta
Wis 2:1a, 12-22/Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30
+ Joseph P. McNally
Jer 11:18-20/Jn 7:40-53
+ Novotny & Matous Families
Jos 5:9a, 10-12/2Cor 5:17-21/Lk 15:1-3, 11-32
8:00 AM
9:30 AM
11:30 AM
+ Janice Palmeri
+ Kay Gnoza
Pro Populo
1:30 PM
+ Antonio Garcia
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
Mel Novotny, Jason Anderson & Judy Tierney
Graciela Goulet & Tommie Pierson
9:30 AM
Richard & Angie Sanchez, James & Martha Phillips
11:30 AM
Beatriz Alaniz & Celestino Moctezuma
1:30 PM
Rodrigo & Julieta Camacho
March 16 & 17
The sick of our parish, especially:
Phyllis Lynch, Nick & Elvia Salas, Mark E.
Gonzales, Angie Salazar, Michael Soileau, Maria Gonzales, Sarah Black,
John Kormos, Arthur Scheller, Michael McNally, Marty Alvarez, Mary
Louise Healy, Maxine Ledesma, David Novotny, Darrell Johnson, John
Kennedy, Billy Cole, Jr., Maria Hernandez, John & Jean Banchetti, Janet
Gonzalez, Fr. Ken Graehler, and Maria & Luis Guido.
During the season of Lent, we turn back to God. We acknowledge
that we have sinned and ask for God’s mercy. The principal place
that we receive the mercy that flows from the heart of the Crucified
Christ is at the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Jesus said to his apostles, “Whose sins you forgive, they are
forgiven and whose sins you shall retain are retained” (John 20:23).
The priest acts in the person of Christ Jesus during the Sacrament of
Reconciliation (also called Penance and Confession).
The sacrament has several main components. First, we need to tell
our sins to the priest (confession) admitting that we have sinned. All
mortal sins, even the most secret and embarrassing offenses, must be
confessed. The priest doesn’t need all the details, but he needs to
know what is being confessed. Any person, aware of being in the
state of mortal sin, must not receive the Sacrament of Eucharist
before going to confession.
True sorrow for our failures (contrition) and a change of heart
(conversion) are absolutely necessary as well; faith in God’s loving
mercy, words of advice, absolution by the priest and the healing of
relationships form equally vital portions of the process. After
confessing our sins to the priest, we receive absolution. Only God
forgives sins, but the priest sits in persona Christi and offers the
forgiveness of God together with human forgiveness with respect to
the harm done on both the personal and communal level.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation exists to restore us to God’s
grace and to reconnect us to Him as his adopted children in Christ.
Seen in this light, the sacrament becomes not something to be feared,
but rather an opportunity to be healed of those things that separate us
from God and from our neighbors. Be not afraid! Take this Lent as
your opportunity to be reconciled to God.
In Corde Iesu,
Fr. Jason
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5:30 PM
8:00 AM
Dave Campbell & Maurice Legrand
Bernardina Perez & Frances Herrera
9:30 AM
Charlotte VanBuskirk & Rudy Garcia
11:30 AM
Eloisa Rodriguez & Leonarda Robles
Juana Cervantes & Oralia Castaneda
1:30 PM
Durante la cuaresma, regresamos a Dios. Reconocemos que
hemos pecado por eso, pedimos la misericordia de Dios. La manera
principal cuando recibimos la misericordia de Cristo crucificado es
en el sacramento de la Reconciliación.
Jesús dijo a sus discípulos, “A quienes descarguen de sus
pecados, serán liberados, y a quienes se los retengan, les serán
retenidos.” (Juan 20:23). El sacerdote actúa en la persona de Cristo
Jesús durante el Sacramento de la Reconciliación (también llamado
Penitencia y Confesión).
El sacramento tiene varios componentes. Primero, necesitamos
decirle todos nuestros pecados al sacerdote (confesión) admitiendo
que hemos pecado. Todos los pecados mortales aun los más
vergonzosos deben ser confesados. El sacerdote no necesita todos los
detalles, pero necesita saber lo que se esta confesando. Cualquier
persona viviendo en pecado mortal no debe tomar el sacramento de la
Eucaristía sin antes ir a confesarse.
El arrepentimiento verdadero (contrición) y cambio personal
(conversión) son indispensables. La fe en el amor y bondad de Dios,
palabras de aliento, absolución, y la sanación en las relaciones son
una parte vital en el proceso. Después de confesar los pecados al
sacerdote recibimos la absolución. Solamente Dios perdona los
pecados, pero el sacerdote que actúa in persona Cristi puede ofrecer
el perdón de Dios junto con el perdón humano y respetando el dolor
causado por el pecado tanto en lo personal como en lo comunal.
El sacramento de la Reconciliación existe para regresar a Dios
como hijos adoptivos que somos por medio de Cristo. Viéndolo así,
el sacramento no es motivo de miedo, al contrario es una oportunidad
para sanar de las cosas que nos separan de Dios y de nuestros
semejantes. No tengan miedo. Aprovecha en esta cuaresma para
reconciliarte con Dios
In Corde Iesu,
Padre Jason
SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 2013
Sunday, March 10
10:45 AM –Hospitality - Holy Family Center
11:00 AM – Religious Ed Classes - School
Monday, March 11
6:00 PM – “The Passion” with Doug Barry – Church
Reconciliation Service Immediately after
7:00 PM – Men’s CRHP Meeting – School Library
Tuesday, March 12
6:00 PM – RCIA en Español – Biblioteca
7:00 PM – RCIA in English – Library
Wednesday, March 13
9:00 AM – Legion of Mary – Holy Family Center
6:30 PM – ICY – Holy Family Center
7:00 PM – Bible Study – Conference Room
Thursday, March 14
7:00 PM –Women’s CRHP Meeting – Holy Family Center
7:00 PM – Spanish Choir Practice – Church
Friday, March 15
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Church
5:30 PM – Presentation of Vatican II Council Documents
6:00 PM – Dinner served by Altar Society - Cafeteria
6:15 PM – Stations of the Cross
6:45 PM – Presentación de los Documentos de Vaticano II
7:30 PM – Via Crucis
Sunday, March 17
10:45 AM – Hospitality – Holy Family Center
11:00 AM – NO Religious Ed Classes
Reconciliation Services/Servicio de Reconciliación
Monday, March 11, at 7:30 PM
Wednesday, March 20, at 7:00 PM
Wednesday, March 27, at 6:00 PM
Lunes 11 de marzo a las 7:30 PM
Miércoles 20 de marzo a las 7:00 PM
Miércoles 27 de marzo a las 6:00 PM
Save the date - March 22nd – 28th: Book Fair
Experience the WOW!!!
Apple, Bavarian Crème, Cinnamon, Cream Cheese &
Strawberry Cream Cheese. $12 each (Frozen Pastry Dough).
Sale ends April 17.
JLCCS BASKETBALL: Varsity Boys beat St. Cecilia in an
exciting game with a storybook ending! The Bears, with
seconds left in the game, win by one and moved on to the 3rd
round of the playoffs! The boys lost against St. Luke this past
Saturday in the third round of the playoffs, but the game on
Friday made it all worthwhile! Congratulations to the team!
Looking forward to next season!
March 27th – Grandparents Day - Mass with Fr. Jason,
followed by refreshments in cafeteria and Book Fair!
Dates to Remember
March 11-15: Spring Break
March 27-28: Parent Conferences
March 29-April 8: Easter Break
April 2–4: National Catholic Education Association Conference.
JLCCS Staff will attend the NCEA Conference in Houston. The
Conference is a time to acquire new knowledge by attending
professional development sessions, see the latest educational
technology, products and services.
Spring is in the air at the Early Childhood
Academy. The children have been learning
about all the joys that Spring brings. We have
been growing plants and learning about caring
for living things.
The children & staff are excited about the family time
they will get during Spring Break next week. We hope
everyone is enjoying the wonderful gifts that Spring brings.
We hope everyone has a blessed week.
Sunday, March 3
School Support
Amount needed to meet weekly expenses $8,900
Thank you for your generosity!
You come alive each time you dare to die- let go,
move on, bid things goodbye.
Wellsprings: A Book of Spiritual Exercises
Anthony De Mello SJ
is lavish yet grows still richer; another is too sparing, yet is the
poorer. He who confers benefits will be amply enriched, and he who
refreshes others will himself be refreshed. Proverbs 11:24-25
View this bulletin online at
Wednesday, March 13, is Father Jason Cargo’s
Birthday. Best wishes for many happy years, Father.
THANK YOU to all of the students from JLCCS who provided
the delightful program for Our Lady’s Altar Society on Monday
night. We appreciate very much all of you taking the time to
come entertain us.
All Fridays during Lent
2:30 PM: Stations of the Cross with the children.
5:30 PM: Presentation of the II Vatican Council Documents
by Fr. Jason.
6:15 PM: Stations of the Cross in English.
6:45 PM: “Presentation on the Documents of the Second
Vatican Council” in Spanish with Karina Rojas
7:30 PM: Stations of the Cross in Spanish.
For more information of scheduled events during Lent, please
see our website at
DINNERS: Our Lady’s Altar Society will serve soup, salad &
breads on Friday, March 15. The Knights of Columbus will be
serving their delicious fried catfish on Friday, March 22. All dinners
will be in the cafeteria and will begin at 6:00 PM.
All Saturdays during Lent: Confessions will be heard on most
Saturdays of Lent at 9:30 AM and at 3:30 PM in the church.
Immaculate Conception Youth meet on
Wednesdays at 6:30 PM in the Holy Family Center. All
young people in grades 8th thru 12th are invited to attend
and learn more about their faith, attend events around the
Diocese, play games, enjoy snacks, etc.
Sign up now for the Steubenville South Retreat to be
held in Alexandria, Louisiana, June 21-23. The cost is $125
per person and is for students in grades 9 through 12. For
more information, contact Lou Ann, Rudy or Mary Frances.
Our second RECONCILIATION SERVICE of Lent is on
Monday, March 11. There will be the presentation of the
Passion by Doug Barry at 6:00 PM. Come and see this
wonderful one man presentation.
Immediately after the
presentation we will begin our reconciliation service. Priests
from around the Diocese will be available to hear confessions
in both English and Spanish.
Take advantage of this
opportunity to prepare yourself spiritually to receive the risen
PLEASE NOTE: if you have an emergency and in need of
a priest after office hours, please call (903) 654-9692.
First Communion will be on:
Saturday, May 11 at 10:00 AM in English
Saturday, May 18 in Spanish
For more information call Gerardo at 903-874-4473
NOTE: J.L. Catholic School’s First Communion will be
on Saturday, May 11 at 2:00 PM
View this bulletin online at
El miércoles 13 de marzo es el cumpleaños del
Padre Jason. Vamos a desearle feliz Cumpleaños
y que Dios lo llene de bendiciones.
Viernes de Cuaresma.
2:30 PM: Viacrucis con los niños de la escuela.
5:30 PM: Presentación de los Documentos del 2do Concilio
del Vaticano por el Padre Jason en ingles
6:15 PM: Viacrucis en ingles.
6:45 PM: “Presentación de los Documentos del 2do Concilio
del Vaticano” en español con Karina Rojas
7:30 PM: Viacrucis en español.
Para mas información sobre estos y otros eventos visite
nuestra página de internet al
CENAS CUARESMALES – La Sociedad de Damas del
Altar estará vendiendo sopa y ensalada el día 15 de marzo. Y
los Caballeros de Colon estarán sirviendo su famoso pescado
frito el día 22 de marzo
El Padre estará oyendo confesiones los sábados de cuaresma a
las 9:30 AM. Y por la tarde las confesiones comenzaran a las
3:30 PM
EL GRUPO DE JOVENES: invita a todos los jóvenes que
están en los grados 8 al 12 para que nos acompañen cada
miércoles en el salón de la Sagrada Familia. La junta es de
6:30 PM a 8 de la noche. Habrá juegos botanas y lo más
importante creceremos juntos en la fe.
Ven, no te
arrepentirás. Para mas información llamen a Louann Star al
TENEMOS UN grupo oración que se reúne los jueves a las 6
de la tarde en la capilla. Los invitamos para que nos
acompañen a orar. Para mas información hablen con Aidé
Gutiérrez o José Contreras.
el próximo servicio de reconciliación será el lunes 11 de
marzo. Antes del servicio tendremos una presentación de la
Pasión de Cristo. Esta presentación comenzara a las 6 de la
tarde. Inmediatamente después tendremos las confesiones.
Aproveche la presencia de varios sacerdotes de la diócesis
que vendrán a escuchar confesiones.
POR FAVOR TOME NOTA: Si tiene una emergencia y
necesita un sacerdote, especialmente después de horas de
oficina, por favor llame al (903) 654-9692.
LA CLASE DE BAUTIZO para el próximo mes será el viernes
22 de marzo a las 7 de la noche debido a la Semana Santa.
Las Primeras Comuniones de catecismo serán
Sábado 11 de mayo a las 10:00 AM en Ingles
Sábado, 18 de mayo en Español
Para más información llamen a Gerardo al 903-874-4473
NOTA: la Misa para la Primea Comunión de la escuela
católica será el sábado 11 de mayo a las 2:00 PM
SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 2013
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
Presents - Presenta
The Event for All Time
Monday, March 11, 2013, at 6:00 PM
Doug Barry
Music by
Eric Genuis
Donations for this presentation are welcome
El gran evento de todos los tiempos
Lunes 11 de marzo a las 6 de la tarde en la Iglesia.
Los invitamos a presenciar esta maravillosa historia contada por una persona. Esta presentación será en ingles.
Se aceptan donaciones.
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