AWEPA Spain 2014 Report
AWEPA Spain 2014 Report
Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 3 AWEPA Spain members .......................................................................................................... 4 Activities Tribute to Nelson Mandela, February 17th, Barcelona ........................................................ 7 Cooperation agreement between Centro Euro Africa and AWEPA Spain ......................... 8 Tribute to Nelson Mandela, February 18th, Madrid ............................................................. 9 Meeting with AWEPA’s President, Ms Miet Smet ............................................................. 10 Celebration of Africa Day .................................................................................................. 11 Meeting with the persons responsible of Afrokairós ......................................................... 12 Desmond Tutu receives the Catalonia International Prize 2014....................................... 13 A day in the life of Women for Africa ................................................................................. 14 Head of AWEPA Spain assists to the delivery of an ambulance to Gambia .................... 15 AWEPA in the Olympic and Sports Museum Juan Antonio Samaranch, Barcelona ........ 16 Communications ..................................................................................................................... 17 News....................................................................................................................................... 18 AWEPA Spain section in the media ....................................................................................... 19 Introduction Dear AWEPA friends, I am pleased to deliver you this report of AWEPA Spain section which I am honored to chair. AWEPA Spain coordination unit has prepared this report to let you know the reality of our section, the evolution of this year and some of our future projects. We are really pleased with how AWEPA Spain is working and proud of its growth and evolution. We are grateful for the confidence that we receive from the President of AWEPA, Ms. Miet Smet and her team. The members of the executive board as much as the members of AWEPA Spain (111), we are excited to continue to publicize AWEPA and, above all, to collaborate on the task that AWEPA takes place in Africa. I am pleased to see our growth since 2010, but also this year growth with the addition of parliamentarians and ex-parliamentarians representing the entire political spectrum of the Spanish state. I hope this report shows you how we work with enthusiasm in AWEPA Spain. I also take this opportunity, on behalf of my executive board colleagues in AWEPA Spain to give you the message that we will continue working with the same enthusiasm which we have done so far and with the will that AWEPA is a good instrument to help African parliamentarians and governments in their struggle to consolidate democracy, human rights and international cooperation. Sincerely, Josep Maldonado i Gili Head of AWEPA Spain 3 AWEPA Spain members AWEPA Spain target for 2014 was to reach 100 members. Right now, we are 111 members. We are proud of it. We have reached thanks to 21 new additions. The charts below help to understand our section and distribution. Distribution of members by year of admission 21 40 4 11 8 27 Historic Year 2010 Year 2011 Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014 4 Kind of members 98 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 13 10 0 Members Executive secretariat Distribution by genre 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 73 30 20 38 10 0 Men Women 5 Members’ origin 1 2 24 Senate 84 Congress Europe Provincial Current political status 59 60 58 56 54 52 52 50 48 Members of Parliament Former Members of Parliament 6 Tribute to Nelson Mandela, Barcelona On February 17th, in Barcelona, Centro Euro Africa organizes an event to honor Nelson Mandela “Madiba” to share with the attendees its experiences both social and professional and to think about the future of South Africa and Africa in general. Senator Maldonado, head of AWEPA Spain, gives attendees the welcome and does the introduction of the event. 7 Cooperation agreement between Centro Euro Africa and AWEPA Spain On February 17th, in Barcelona, before the event to honor Nelson Mandela, the President of Centro Euro Africa, Divaika Kiemba Dina, and the head of AWEPA Spain, Josep Maldonado i Gili, sign a cooperation agreement, where both institutions agree to inform each other about their activities and collaborate on those they consider proper. 8 Tribute to Nelson Mandela, Madrid On February 18th, in Madrid, Centro Euro Africa organizes an event to honor Nelson Mandela “Madiba” to share with the attendees its experiences both social and professional and to think about the future of South Africa and Africa in general. Mr. Jesús López-Medel, member of AWEPA Spain’s executive board, assists and participates in the event. He talks about AWEPA and makes some reflections about current issues in Africa. 9 Meeting with AWEPA’s President, Ms. Miet Smet On April 9th, Ms. Miet Smet, President of AWEPA, visits Madrid in a private trip. Although it is a private trip, she holds a meeting with Mr. Josep Maldonado, head of AWEPA Spain section. During the lunch Mr. Maldonado gives to Ms. Smet a report about AWEPA Spain section activities during 2013 and early 2014. Ms. Miet Smet greatly appreciates the work that is carried out in AWEPA Spain section. 10 Celebration of Africa day On May 30th, in Barcelona, AWEPA Spain section with the collaboration of Centro Euro Africa organizes an event to celebrate Africa Day. 11 Meeting with the persons responsible of Afrokairós Mr. Josep Maldonado, head of AWEPA Spain section, meets with the persons responsible of Afrokairós to converge collaborations between AWEPA Spain section and Afrokairós. 12 Desmond Tutu receives the Catalonia International Prize 2014 On June 3rd, in Barcelona, Mr. Josep Maldonado, head of AWEPA Spain section, assists in the event of delivering of the Catalonia International Prize 2014 to Desmond Tutu, Archbishop in South Africa and Nobel Peace Prize. 13 A day in the life of Women for Africa AWEPA Spain participates, through Mr. Jesus López-Medel, member of the executive board, in the event A day in the life of Women for Africa held in Madrid and organized by the Association chaired by Ms. Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega and with the presence of Queen Sofia, which is her last act in the cooperation area with which she has always been very committed. 14 Head of AWEPA Spain assists to the delivery of an ambulance to Gambia On July 4th, the head of AWEPA Spain section, Mr. Maldonado, assists to the delivery of an ambulance to Gambia. In his speech he talks about AWEPA and its projects. 15 AWEPA in the Olympic and Sports Museum Juan Antonio Samaranch, Barcelona AWEPA Spain has reached an agreement with the City Council of Barcelona and the Olympic and Sports Museum Juan Antonio Samaranch to create a space in the Olympic Museum dedicated to AWEPA based on the fact that in 1992 Nelson Mandela was at the Barcelona Olympic Games and that he used rugby as an instrument of racial coexistence. 16 Communications AWEPA Spain coordination unit has created a google group where, besides the usual communications, urgent communications and everything related to both AWEPA and Africa are sent. Here are two recent examples: one sent when Caddy Adzuba received the Prince of Asturias Award for Concord 2014 and another one when Nadine Gordimer died. Caddy Adzuba, premio Príncipe de Asturias de la Concordia 2014 Reconocida activista por la libertad de prensa, la reconstrucción de la paz y los derechos humanos, especialmente los de la infancia y las mujeres en zonas de conflicto, Caddy Adzuba denuncia, a través del periodismo, las torturas y violaciones de las que son víctimas las mujeres y las niñas congoleñas y promueve su reinserción en una sociedad en la que son, por este hecho, repudiadas. Caddy Adzuba nació en Bukavu, República Democrática del Congo, en 1981. Es licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad Oficial de Bukay y ha trabajado para la organización no gubernamental Search for Common Ground (EE.UU.). Actualmente, es periodista de Radio Okapi, emisora de la Misión de Estabilización de las Naciones Unidas en la República Democrática del Congo (MONUSCO), que, desde 2002, emite en todo el país. Está amenazada de muerte desde que denunció la violencia sexual que sufren las mujeres de su país, en guerra desde 1996. Ha estado a punto de morir asesinada en dos ocasiones y tiene protección de Naciones Unidas. Muere Nadine Gordimer, escritora antiapartheid y premio Nobel de Literatura en 1991 La escritora sudafricana Nadine Gordimer ha fallecido este fin de semana a los 90 años de edad en Johannesburgo. Nadine Gordimer fue una gran escritora, pero además una firme defensora de la absolución del apartheid. Fue miembro del Congreso Nacional Africano y defendió a su amigo Nelson Mandela, también fue una activista del movimiento contra la sida y del control de esta enfermedad entre los más desfavorecidos, especialmente en Sudáfrica i el resto del continente africano. "Algunas personas dicen que me dieron el premio no por lo que he escrito, sino por mi política. Pero yo soy una escritora. Esa es mi razón para seguir con vida", manifestó Nadine Gordimer tras recibir el premio Nobel. 17 News 18 AWEPA Spain section in the media Through events, interviews... AWEPA Spain section tries to be present in the media. Here there is an example: an interview to Mr. Josep Maldonado, where as head of AWEPA Spain section and lover of Africa talks about AWEPA projects and the current situation in Africa. 19 20