Octubre - mes del Santo Rosario 17-18 de octubre
Octubre - mes del Santo Rosario 17-18 de octubre
Octubre - mes del Santo Rosario 17-18 de octubre - 29º domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Este domingo es el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones El mensaje del Evangelio de este fin de semana: De manera muy semejante al hombre rico del Evangelio de la semana pasada, los discípulos todavía no han comprendido que solo encontramos el poder y seguridad verdaderos cuando confiamos en Dios. Ni la riqueza ni el poder pueden impedir o vencer la muerte. Espiritualidad 911¿Sabía Ud. que tenemos un grupo solo para las mujeres de nuestra parroquia? Nosotras nos reunimos el tercer lunes de cada mes en el salón de la casa parroquial. Nuestra próxima reunión será el lunes, 19 de octubre a las 7 de la noche. Puesto que octubre es el mes del Santo Rosario, empezaremos la reunión rezando los Misterios Gozosos. En las reuniones de los próximos meses planeamos discutir la Encíclica del Papa Francisco sobre El cuidado de la casa común, o sea, nuestro planeta, sus pueblos y todas sus criaturas. Uno de los beneficios de nuestros encuentros es el apoyo y camaradería que compartimos unas con otras. Si Ud. necesita un descanso de su rutina y pasar un rato rezando y compartiendo con otras mujeres sobre su fe y su relación con Jesús, asista a nuestras reuniones del lunes, las cuales suelen durar una hora y media. Dear St. Patrick’s, I thank you so much in the name of the 7, 8 and 9 grades students for the money to purchase textbooks. I went to Fonkoze last Friday and the money was available. I started to buy the textbooks and plastic to protect them. Pictures of that will get to you soon. School doing well, parishioners and I are excited to see the group in March. We started the school with cafeteria because we received rice, beans, oil from Caritas and the money from St Patrick’s to purchase firewood and spices. Thank you and God bless you all. Fr. Roderick 40 Days for Life: With the Holy Father's example fresh in our minds, we have the opportunity to show mercy in an important way by our prayer and witness in support of the weakest and most vulnerable among us. 40 Days for Life began on September 23 and will continue until November 1, the Feast of All Saints! If there is anyone in the parish who wishes to witness to the sanctity of life, you are invited to participate in the prayer vigils that will take place at the Planned Parenthood facility in Roanoke. For more information, or to volunteer, please go to the website www.40daysforlife.com, or call Maggie Davies at 540-819-6426. If you haven't gone to one of the 307 campaigns currently under way, then find the one nearest you and take part! Wilde for Life: On October 27 at 7:30 p.m. St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church and St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church proudly present Fr. Denis G. Wilde, O.S.A., Associate Director of “Priests for Life” to the Shenandoah Valley for a stirring presentation in music and message, from piano to podium: With Liberty and Justice – Not Just for Some But for All. Come hear Fr. Denis blend classical pianistic skills with the reasonable tradition of God-given law, at once threatened by and yet shaping our present day outlook in today’s America. Reception at 6:00 p.m., presentation at 7:30 p.m. at St. John the Evangelist, 300 Maple Avenue, Waynesboro. 2015 Red Mass: The Most Reverend Francis X. DiLorenzo, Bishop of Richmond, and The Saint Thomas More Society invite everyone in the Richmond Diocese to join in worship and fellowship at the 32nd Annual Red Mass and Dinner on Wednesday, November 4. Rev. Msgr. R. Francis Muench, J.C.L., Judicial Vicar for the Diocese of Richmond, will celebrate the Red Mass. Mass is at 5:30 p.m. at Saint Benedict Catholic Church, 300 North Sheppard Street, Richmond. The dinner will follow in the Halsey Lecture Hall at the Virginia Historical Society, across the street from Saint Benedict Catholic Church. Dinner tickets are $50 each. The Saint Thomas More Society is an educational, fraternal, and service organization of Catholic lawyers. Further information can be obtained from Society President, James Schliessmann, [email protected] or 804-873-1035. Church Annulments: Making the Case. Are you a divorced Catholic seeking to marry again? Are you a divorced person planning to marry a Catholic? Pope Francis has mentioned possible changes in the Church’s ministry to folks like you, but come and see what can be done now and with an eye to the Holy Father’s recent changes. CENTRAL VIRGINIA: Diocesan Pastoral Center, 7800 Carousel Lane, Henrico VA: 6:30 P.M. – 8:30 P.M. on Thursday, November 5, 2015. ROANOKE VALLEY: Our Lady of Nazareth Church, 2505 Electric Road, Roanoke, VA; 6:30 P.M. – 8:30 P.M. on Wednesday, November 18, 2015. For further information, call 804-355-9155. Sponsored by the Diocesan Tribunal. To register for one of the three workshops go to www.richmonddiocese.org/office/diocesan-tribunal. The registration deadline is Monday, November 2. 10/18/2015 We Seek Your Help Our current parish hymnal, JourneySongs, 2nd Edition, is in various states of disrepair. Ten years old now, it does not contain the revised Order of Mass and is missing many of the supplements. It is time to order new hymnals for St. Patrick Church! JourneySongs, 3rd Edition, is the updated version we seek to purchase. It is complete with all the new information and has a green cover. The suggested donation is $25.00 per hymnal. As previously, a name plate will be added inside the front cover of the new hymnal in memory of your deceased loved one or in honor of a family member or friend. You can also choose to donate toward the purchase of multiple books. Our used hymnals will be donated to two parishes in Appalachia. One of those parishes is in West Virginia, where Father Joe served when he was first ordained. So your previous book offering will continue to "serve others in your name." Envelopes are provided for your tax-deductible donation and can be dropped in the collection basket or brought to the parish office. Thank you in advance for your donation! We hope to complete this Hymnbook Campaign by the beginning of November 2015. The St. Patrick’s community will be celebrating Thanksgiving with a Thanksgiving Dinner that will take place immediately following the 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, November 15. Everyone is invited to attend. Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and drinks will be provided. You are asked to bring a side dish according to the following: Family last name beginning with the letters: A through G — a salad H through N — bread or dessert O through Z — a vegetable dish Please sign-up in the narthex so that we can plan accordingly.