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C HM2 and HM2 TUVO: Next generation of High-Mass MALDI Retrofit Systems X OVAL Introduction CovalX introduces its next generation of High-Mass MALDI detection systems based on unique conversion dynode technology. HM2 and HM2 TUVO High-Mass systems allow unmatched detection of macromolecular ions up to 1.2 MDa with nM sensitivity. The HM2 system is the new reference for the detection of high molecular weight macromolecules. HM2 TUVO offers the same features of HM2 with the additional capability to analyse ions in both positive and negative mode. Choose the HM2 system that best suit your needs! HM2 TUVO system retrofit on an ABI SCIEX MALDI ToF/ToF 5800 CovalX iPod Touch Controller for HM2 and HM2 TUVO. CovalX's HM2 and HM2 TUVO can be controlled wirelessly using the CovalX's iPod TOUCH application. To switch between High-Mass detection and standard detection or between positive and negative ion detection modes*, simply press a button on the touch screen of your CovalX's iPod controller. *option available for HM2 TUVO only IgM2+ 486.63 kDa 2,000 MALDI ToF MS Analysis Covalx HM2 detector 300 nM 1,500 Intensity IgM+ 973.26 kDa 1,000 500 0 400 HM2 and HM2 TUVO: High-Mass retrofit system for every standard MALDI ToF mass spectrometer Applied Biosystems/MDS Sciex MALDI ToF/ToF 5800 MALDI ToF/ToF 4800 MALDI ToF/ToF 4700 Voyager series Bruker Biflex and Reflex series Autoflex series Ultraflex series IgM3+ 324.42 kDa 200 Addition of a second detector in the linear mode. CovalX HM2 and HM2 TUVO retrofit systems do not change any of the previous features of your MALDI ToF instrument. After retrofit, the standard detector in the linear mode is not removed. Using CovalX's iPod controller the operator can switch between detectors within seconds. 600 800 m/z (kDa) 1,000 1,200 1,400 Figure 1. High-Mass MALDI ToF mass spectra of the immunoglobulin IgM (1.4 µM). The mono-charged pseudo-molecular ions of IgM are detected with m=973.26 kDa. Shimadzu Axima CFR / CFR plus Axima Assurance Axima Confidence Axima Performance C o va l X AG - Te c h n o p a r k s t r a s s e 1 - C H - 8 0 0 5 Z ü r i c h - S wi t z e r l a n d P h o n e : + 4 1 / ( 0 ) 4 4 6 3 3 7 8 9 7 - E - m a i l : i n f o @ c o v a l x . c o m - w w w. c o v a l x . c o m COVALX Oustanding sensitivity for high molecular weight macromolecules OFF Standard detector CovalX High Mass System ON The HM2 and HM2 TUVO High-Mass detector retrofit systems allow one to reach outstanding sensitivity for high-molecular weight macromolecules. Complex mixtures of proteins can be detected with low saturation. By switching between the standard detector and the HM2, the operator can easily observe the performance of the High-Mass detector for high-molecular weight macromolecules. Flight tube MALDI source 20000 A 20000 66.5 kDa High Mass System Standard detector 15000 BSA 10 µM 133.5 kDa 2BSA Intensity Intensity 10000 40 insulins High Mass System Standard detector 15000 Insulin 50 µM 10000 B BSA 198.3 kDa 5000 5000 264.6 kDa 229.3 kDa 4BSA 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 m/z (kDa) 300 350 400 100 400 500 600 D High Mass System Standard detector IgG IgM 1.2 µM 965.4 kDa 2 IgG 1,000 IgM3+ Intensity 3 IgG 10000 High Mass System Standard detector IgM2+ 1,500 IgG 10 µM 301.2 kDa 20000 300 m/z (kDa) C 40000 30000 200 2,000 150.9 kDa Intensity 3BSA IgM+ 500 452.4 kDa 0 0 100 200 300 400 m/z (kDa) 500 600 700 Figure 2. Comparison between standard detection (red) and HM2 high-mass detection (blue) for 4 proteins (A: Insulin, B: BSA, C: IgG and D: IgM). Each sample is analyzed from the same spot under identical instrument settings by only rapidly switching between each detector using the HM2 controller. The sensitivity of HM2 for high-molecular weight macromolecules allows the detection of a large number of insulin, BSA and IgG clusters formed during the MALDI ionization process. This demonstrates not only the sensitivity of the HM2 detector but the lack of saturation under abundant ion signals. 200 400 600 800 m/z (kDa) 1,000 1,200 1,400 HM2 High-Mass Detector Retrofit System Active area Acceleration voltage Gain voltage Mass range Response time Resolution Limit of detection 19 mm Typically 20 kV Up to 4.5 kV Up to 1.2 MDa 350 ns 180 at 200 kDa 300 nM / IgM (978 kDa) C o va l X AG - Te c h n o p a r k s t r a s s e 1 - C H - 8 0 0 5 Z ü r i c h - S wi t z e r l a n d P h o n e : + 4 1 / ( 0 ) 4 4 6 3 3 7 8 9 7 - E - m a i l : i n f o @ c o v a l x . c o m - w w w. c o v a l x . c o m